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486 [Emperor Si Zonggang]

If it weren't for the development plans of Sichuan and Guangxi, Zhao Han would definitely not have known that opium had become popular among Nanjing's upper class circles.

There were not just a few hundred people at all, but more than 1,300 people!

A quarter of the officials of Hanlin Academy and Qintian Academy have been reduced. I can’t tell who started the trend. Anyway, they all regard opium as a good thing. When they are tired and sleepy, they take a few sips to relieve fatigue and refresh themselves.

Even Xiao Shizhong, the dean of Qintianyuan, the leading mathematician in the new Datong Dynasty, and the former crush of his younger sister Zhao Zhenfang, has become a loyal supporter of opium.

"Why did you touch that thing?" Zhao Han was heartbroken.

Xiao Shizhong found it difficult to understand: "Your Majesty, what's wrong with taking Fu Shou Ointment? The two formulas I deduced this year were all inspired by taking Fu Shou Ointment."

Zhao Han could only explain in a threatening manner: "This is poison. If you take it for a long time, your internal organs will rot, your mind will be dizzy, and all your teeth will fall out. And the longer you take it, the harder it will be to quit. In the end, you will take it even though you know it is poison."

Xiao Shizhong was dubious about this, always feeling that the emperor was being alarmist.

Zhao Han asked: "How did you smoke it?"

Xiao Shizhong replied: "I was very tired from studying mathematics this spring. One of my subordinates sent me Fushou ointment, saying that this product can relieve difficulties and relieve fatigue. After I took it, many people in Qintianyuan imitated it, and they all thought it was a good medicine. thing."

Zhao Han cannot be blamed, and those who do not know are not guilty.

Until World War I, drugs were still considered good medicine in Europe and the United States. During World War II, synthetic drugs were classified as military supplies. The same goes for radioactive elements. Because they are scientific and fashionable, even baby products are advertised as containing radioactive elements.

Fortunately, opium is very expensive and has not spread among civilians for the time being, making it very convenient for the government to investigate and arrest.

Basically, if you catch one, you can lead a circle.

You can't deny it even if you conceal it. If you are thrown into jail for two days, a drug addict will definitely scream like crazy.

Zhao Han said to Xiao Shizhong: "You are temporarily suspended from your post, and you can stop taking the Fushou drug. If you can't quit, not only will you not be able to continue to serve as the dean of Qintian, but you will also not be allowed to study mathematics from tonight on."

Xiao Shizhong was surprised and said: "Your Majesty, it's okay not to be an official. Why can't you study mathematics anymore?"

Zhao Han couldn't help but smile and said: "Don't think about keeping you in prison for a long time, without giving you paper and pen, to see how you do research! Of course, this time is an exception. You can quit in prison and take Fushou drugs at the same time. Study while doing it.”

There were so many people begging for mercy that Li Kefa, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, came to plead for his son in person.

He did not dare to disobey Zhao Han's will, but only asked to take his son home and let his family take care of him and slowly give up.

Zhao Han said directly: "You can take your son home and let's talk about it after you resign. By the way, you can go to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment and see why I ban the use of Fushou Ointment."


Li Kefa was so frightened that he immediately shut up and was taken to the prison of the Criminal Department by the guards.

In just a few days, there were more than a thousand people here. The cells were all packed, there were no single rooms, let alone double rooms, twenty or thirty people were crammed into one cell.

"Please, Master Chai, give me a bite!"

"Let me out, let me out!"

"I'm going to die. Untie me quickly. I'm going to kill myself by hitting the wall!"


When Li Kefa came to the area where drug addicts were detained, he was immediately frightened.

Hundreds of people were addicted to drugs, crying and roaring. Their hands and feet were tied, and they rolled around on the ground in discomfort. Some even became incontinent.

"Li Shilang, your master is inside." The jailer pointed to a cell and said.

Li Kefa took a long time to recognize who was his son.

Li Zhun was locked up with his good friend Fei Ruyi. Both of them were in a state of drug addiction. Fei Ruyi's voice was hoarse from shouting, his face was full of tears and snot, and he was still twisting and twisting. Li Zhun huddled in the corner,

He kept banging his head against the wall, but with his hands and feet tied and lying on the ground, the force of hitting the wall could at most knock him out.

Li Kefa turned around and looked at other cells. This situation was everywhere, and his whole body suddenly became cold: "This is a ghost, and the aphrodisiac fruit is harmful to people!"

Not long after, officials from the Cabinet, the Ten Cao, and the Ten Ministries were brought in in batches by the jailers for observation.

They could not understand Zhao Han's policy, so they were thrown together by the emperor.

Li Banghua stood by silently and left silently. Not only did he understand, but he also went home that night, called all his wives, concubines, descendants, and grandchildren, and said sternly: "Whoever dares to take aphrodisiac or longevity ointment from now on will be kicked out of the door immediately without asking the reason, or

You are not allowed to enter the family tree, and you cannot enter the ancestral hall after death. I will write a letter back to Jiangxi immediately. The descendants of the Li family will all abide by this rule. This rule must also be added to the family laws and clan rules!"

The great scholar Zhang Pu was a special case. He was imprisoned in a single room in the Ministry of Punishment, and his servants were allowed to deliver medicine every day.

Zhang Pu had been ill for many years and accidentally smoked opium. He felt that it could relieve his pain, so he gradually became addicted.

When he was first imprisoned, Zhang Pu was very angry and thought it was an insult to him.

But when he saw the situation in the prison, Zhang Pu instantly understood the emperor's intention. He asked to be tied up, sat cross-legged in the corner, and silently recited various saints' articles. After the attack, he gritted his teeth and endured it, rolling and roaring as dissatisfied as possible.

Zhang Pu even began to use the cultivation method of Guiji School of Yangming Xinxue to seriously think about the laws of heaven, morality and conscience before and after the onset of drug addiction.

The physical and mental pain, the screams around me, all become fuel for practice.

In just two months, Zhang Pu was released from prison. This gentleman was really perseverant. Moreover, his knowledge changed from specializing in Neo-Confucianism to a combination of psychology and Neo-Confucianism. When he got old, he also underwent a big change in his thinking.


More than a thousand drug addicts have successfully detoxified one after another.

Those who failed are either still locked up or dead!

Seven people died suddenly in the Penal Department Prison due to drug addiction. Their families could only organize funerals, and no one dared to come and make trouble with Zhao Han.

With the mentality of watching a joke, Qian Qianyi specially held a cultural gathering to welcome Zhang Pu after he was released from prison.

Zhang Pu happily went to the appointment. When everyone arrived, he actually asked with a smile: "Why didn't you prepare the longevity ointment for such an elegant cultural gathering?"

Everyone was horrified.

A Hanlin Academy scholar said: "Don't dare to have such a harmful person. If the government knows about it, not only will your career be cut off, but your children and grandchildren will also not be able to be officials."

"Hahahaha!" Zhang Pu laughed heartily.

Qian Qianyi teased: "Xi Ming has been the boss for two months, but unexpectedly his spirits have improved and even his previous stubborn illnesses have been cured."

Zhang Pu waved his hand: "The stubborn disease is still there, and it will definitely relapse after winter."

Qian Qianyi felt that it was very boring. Zhang Pu was calm and composed, so he couldn't use this matter to make fun of him.

Zhang Pu said: "Afurong is extremely poisonous. The poison enters the organs and the mind without knowing it. The poison attacks are like dying. You must never try that kind of poison again. However, after many times of life and death, the old man realized that 'silence'

’, if there is something gained in the emptiness and silence.”

"Ji" comes from "Yi Zhuan": Yi has no thoughts and no actions. It is silent and motionless, and the feeling can lead to the world.

From the development of Qin and Han Dynasties to the Yangming School of Mind, the "Guiji School" emerged. Their core idea is "Liangzhi is inherently quiet".

Although the study of the mind was discontinued in the Qing Dynasty, the cultivation method of the Guiji school of the study of mind was incorporated into the body-cultivation system of Neo-Confucianism in the Qing Dynasty. There were not many people who understood self-cultivation, and only a large number of Taoists were cultivated, with Zeng Guofan and his like being the representative figures.

Next, Zhang Pu began to talk about his insights in prison and began to talk about his synaesthesia of emptiness.

The more Qian Qianyi listened, the more boring he became. He only regarded Zhang Pu as a magician, and immediately changed the subject and said: "We are all Hanlin officials, and we have compiled the "Datong Zhengyin" and "Datong Dictionary". We also assisted the Ministry of Rites in compiling the "Datong Zhengyin" and "Datong Dictionary".

"Chinese Textbook of Datong Primary School" and "Chinese Textbook of Datong Middle School". Now that I have nothing to do but compile history by myself, why not jointly request His Majesty to compile the "History of the Ming Dynasty"."

Zhang Pu said angrily: "Beijing is in the hands of the intruder Li Zicheng. The records of all the emperors of the Ming Dynasty are all in the Forbidden City in Beijing. There are no records and historical manuscripts, so are we making it up out of thin air?"

Qian Qianyi said: "I request your Majesty to send troops to regain Beijing next year. Even if your Majesty refuses and settles for the next best thing, you can first determine the temple name and posthumous title for the former Ming Chongzhen Emperor."

"That's okay," Zhang Pu nodded and said, "Beijing has not yet been restored, and the temple and posthumous titles of Emperor Chongzhen are still pending. It would be inappropriate to drag on like this."

Hou Xun was also sent to the Hanlin Academy to be a bachelor. He suggested: "We can first come up with some temple names and posthumous titles and let His Majesty decide."

After a discussion, everyone came up with more than ten temple names and posthumous names, and Qian Qianyi and Zhang Pu took them to the emperor for instructions.

Of course, one must first request the compilation of the "History of the Ming Dynasty", but this was abandoned due to incomplete historical data, and then ask the emperor for permission to name the previous monarch.

Zhao Han flipped through the pile of stuff and asked: "The Pseudo-Qing and the Pseudo-Shun also had titles for Chongzhen. What did they designate?"

Qian Qianyi replied: "The one who pretended to be Qing was Emperor Huaizongduan, the one who was pretending to be Shun was Emperor Sizongshen, and the one who pretended to be Yunnan was Emperor Wei Zonglie."

Huaizong and Sizong are both the temple names of the king who subjugated his country.

Emperor Duan and Emperor Shen both have the meaning of knowing propriety and restraining oneself.

Neither praise nor criticize, they are normal, Dorgon and Li Zicheng, there is no need to be disgusting about this matter.

Zhao Han looked through the things they presented, searched carefully and thought: "Sizong Gang is the emperor."

To make up for the past is called Gang, to strive for self-improvement is called Gang, to make clear decisions about politics and punishment is called Gang, to be strong and decisive is called Gang... Although it is just a posthumous title, Zhao Han has already beautified Chongzhen.

Zhao Han has now decided on a temple name and a posthumous title for Chongzhen. The Ming Dynasty will truly turn over in the south. This is called the final conclusion.

Qian Qianyi and Zhang Pu bowed and exited, their faces a little happy.

They used to hate Chongzhen, but now they miss him a little. Being able to find a good posthumous title for Chongzhen would be a settlement, and they would gain the gratitude of the scholars of the previous dynasty.

"Your Majesty is still kind." Zhang Pu said with emotion.

Qian Qianyi was also quite sad: "Yes, he is extremely kind."

The two left to go to North Korea and Zhang Dai, who was crowned king, returned to Nanjing to return his orders to the emperor.

After reporting on the mission, Zhang Dai raised his hand and said, "Your Majesty, the Lord of Korea would like to send his young sister to Nanjing to be a palace maid."

It doesn't matter if she is a palace maid. When she reaches the marriageable age, she can be released from the palace and find a good man to marry. Zhao Han nodded and said: "Agreed."

The younger sister of the North Korean leader, the only daughter of Li Zhu, the Xiaoming princess in history, is only six years old this year...

This is a consistent practice in North Korea. Young girls of high-ranking officials are selected and sent to the Ming Dynasty to be maids. There is a certain chance that they will be canonized as concubines.

In the middle and early Ming Dynasty, they also liked to select foreign boys and girls and bring them into the palace to be eunuchs and maids. Because they had no relatives in the Ming Dynasty, they were not afraid that their relatives would interfere with politics.

Vietnamese eunuchs and Korean court ladies are a major feature of the Ming Dynasty.

It's just that now the North Korean king came to power through a coup and was so humble to China that he actually sent his sister to be a palace maid.

This chapter has been completed!
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