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489 [Survival Army]

"Go and prepare for a grand ceremony. This is a great victory!"

Coquilla, the governor of the Philippines appointed by the Spanish royal family, smiled and gave orders to the provincial governor, bishops, judges, and military officers.

Governor Sanders was a little scared: "Your Majesty, the Emperor of China, will you send troops to retaliate?"

Coquilla appeased everyone and said: "No, the Chinese emperor only rules the local people, they will not care about the life and death of overseas people. Fifty years ago, we killed the Chinese in the Philippines, and the Chinese emperor did not send troops for forty years.

Before, we killed Chinese people in the Philippines, and the Chinese emperor also did not send troops to fight. Of course, the Chinese emperor is very face-conscious, and we should send a mission to apologize. Just give him a gift, kneel down to apologize, and claim that the Chinese in the Philippines are rioting.

The Emperor of China will definitely not pursue it."

"This is best. Please send your envoy as soon as possible, Your Excellency the Governor," Sanders said.

Coquilla said: "Mr. Governor, you are responsible for selling off the Chinese properties, and every gentleman present has a share."

"Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity, Your Majesty the Governor." Everyone immediately cheered and praised.

In addition to eliminating the threat of too many Han people, Coqueira also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make money by massacring the Chinese.

Just this year, Spain was defeated in both Europe and America.

Spain's coastal colonial strongholds in Chile were all pulled out by the Netherlands, directly cutting off the Pacific route. In other words, Spain's American fleet could not transport goods to the Philippines and could only return to Europe via the Atlantic Ocean.

Spain was defeated by France in the Battle of Rocroix and the Naval Battle of Cartagena, losing its hegemony in Europe and the Mediterranean.

The Spanish royal family's finances were getting worse and worse, and the governor of the Philippines was even more worried.

The American fleet could not pass, and the spice route was blocked by the Netherlands. Every shipment of spices had to pay taxes to the Netherlands.

Moreover, in order to save money, Coquilla reduced its garrison in Keelung two years ago. Zhao Han took the opportunity to establish Keelung County, which was equivalent to regaining Keelung without any bloodshed. Spain only had one trading point left in Taiwan, and this trading point must also obey the governance of Chinese officials.

News has come from the Spanish mainland that Coquilla will be punished - historically, this bastard was imprisoned for four years because he lost Taiwan and returned to Spain.

Extremely short of money and facing the prospect of being arrested and punished, Coquilla came up with a vicious plan.

Killing all the Chinese in the Philippines and sharing the money, he can reverse the financial deficit in an instant and bribe a number of officials. He can also leave a sum and take it back to Spain to bribe the royal family, thus exempting himself from the consequences.


As for killing all the Chinese people and causing the Philippine colony to become inoperable, what the hell does Coquilla have to do with that kind of negative consequences?

His term as governor is coming soon, leaving the next governor to have a headache!

In the Chinese settlement in Jiannei outside Manila, only some of the outer buildings were burned. Those extremely vicious guys were reluctant to burn them all, because the Chinese area was very rich and many goods could be snatched away.

Spanish officers led their troops and rushed into the Chinese area to rob them everywhere. The few Chinese who did not escape were killed even if they handed over their belongings.

The Spanish civilians and indigenous civilians went in groups to further afield. Because there were Chinese villages nearby, there were probably some Chinese who didn't have time to run away, so they could take the opportunity to kill people and grab things.

More than a dozen Chinese business leaders were collectively escorted outside the city.

They begged in pain because the Philippine Governor had promised to protect their lives and property no matter what happened.

However, it was no use and they were dragged to the river and killed.

It was the same situation forty years ago. Many Chinese merchants betrayed their compatriots, and even a leader of the rebel army rebelled. Just because the provincial governor Acuna promised to take them into the city and protect their lives and property.

As a result, he died when he entered the city. It was a sting operation.

All the Chinese in the Philippines knew about this matter, but there were still businessmen who made the same mistake again, with a sad trace of luck in their hearts. However, more Chinese businessmen learned their lesson, ran away without hesitation, and even resisted when they were intercepted by the pursuing soldiers.

Swamp area.

The pursuers stood on the outside and hesitated, unwilling to pursue them in case they fell into a swamp.

There were a total of six Spanish officers on horseback, 106 Spanish musketeers, more than 300 Japanese mercenaries, and the remaining 2,000 were all Pampangas (indigenous Filipinos).

Commander Blanco was silent, he was very jealous of the Chinese wealth.

There were more than 10,000 Chinese living in the stream. Those who managed to escape into the swamp were at least 3,000, and they must have brought a lot of gold and silver with them.

The Pampanga people who raided the woods behind came back and captured more than a dozen lone Chinese.

Blanco immediately asked people to search, not the Chinese prisoners, but the Pampanga people who captured the prisoners.

After the search was completed and the belongings were handed over, Blanco said: "The Japanese soldiers carried out executions."

The Japanese mercenaries stepped forward with a ferocious smile, but several Pampanga officers came out and knelt down to beg, saying something in broken Spanish.

Blanco nodded and said: "Go."

The Pampanga officers were overjoyed and rushed to take off their clothes. The Han prisoners were stripped of their clothes, even their worn-out shoes, and they put on new shoes on the spot.

The stripped Han prisoners were all dragged to the edge of the swamp, where they were brutally murdered by Japanese mercenaries wielding butcher knives.

Even children are not spared!

"Da da da da!"

A fast horse galloped up and delivered an order: "Your Excellency the Governor has an order. The Chinese who fled into the swamp do not need to be chased. They will starve to death and drown in it. All soldiers immediately go to the port and attack the Chinese towns in the north by boat!"

This swamp disappeared after hundreds of years, which was the result of man-made development.

The same is true in western Liaoning. During the Three Kingdoms era, the land was full of swamps. Cao Cao's expedition to Liaodong almost failed, but in the Ming Dynasty, it was reclaimed into fertile land.

After walking for two full days and confirming that there were no pursuers, Wan Zhaoan was extremely cautious, but two people still fell into the swamp and died.

On the third day, when they came to a relatively open and solid grassland, Wan Zhaoan decided to organize the escape team.

Wan Zhaoan shouted with all his strength: "My name is Wan Zhaoan, and I served as a soldier for His Majesty the Emperor of Datong. I fought with the Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers, fought with the Eight Thieves Zhang Xianzhong, and also fought with the Manchu and Qing Tatars."

.I have been fighting for several years, and I have never lost. I command a hundred people, which can be regarded as a real hundred-man general! He was disabled and retired. His Majesty, the Emperor of Datong, was kind and righteous, and rewarded land and money. He also wanted to change his job and be a policeman. Do

What's the point of being a police officer? I came to Nanyang. If this foreign army in Luzon encounters His Majesty's Datong Army, they won't even be able to carry shoes!"

The refugees were demoralized, but they all listened carefully. They now lacked a backbone.

Wan Zhaoan said: "It doesn't matter whether you're a man or a woman, if you can write or do math, raise your right hand! Those who can't hear you from behind, please help pass on the message."

More than 200 hands were raised at once, many of them were maritime merchants.

Wan Zhaoan added: "The boss, the shopkeeper, and those who have achieved fame in the previous dynasty all came to my side to listen to my orders."

This time more than ten people came out and started to gather one after another.

Wan Zhaoan asked them about their names, place of origin and occupation, and then asked these people to count the number of refugees.

After a long day of busy work and confusion, we finally counted the number of people. There were 3,294 people in total, including 2,501 boys over 12 years old and 748 girls. Only 45 children were taken out by their parents.

Not only were there few children, but there were also few elderly people. They fled too slowly and could not keep up with their physical strength, so they were all killed by the pursuers.

These were not the only ones who fled into the swamp, there were also some who panicked and lost contact with the larger army, and would probably be trapped and die in the swamp.

Then the supplies were counted. Gold, silver, and money were not included. You could throw them away yourself or keep them secretly. Anyway, you would definitely not be able to buy anything, even if you walked out of the swamp. The entire Philippines was engaged in the massacre of Chinese people.

Wan Zhaoan only ordered to collect grain, and the situation was very bad.

Lin Lang, the shopkeeper of Fulongsheng Company, sighed to Wan Zhaoan and said: "If you flee in panic, even if you have to take something with you, you must take money with you. Who would think of bringing food? But poor people don't have money to take away, so they can easily take it with them."

After carrying several kilograms of rice, a lot of it was lost along the way. Some people were hungry for two days and two nights and had no strength to even walk."

In a word, we have long run out of food!

Wan Zhao'an felt a little desperate and said to the more than two hundred literate people: "The red-haired ghost came to kill us Han people forty years ago. I heard from the old man that it was completely wiped out at that time.

If you want to survive, you have to stick together. You have to obey orders. There will be no good end if you are alone. Our Datong Army fights in an organized manner, obeying the orders of the first level. Now, I have organized these more than 3,000 people into

"The Army of Survival, I proclaim myself the Grand Marshal of the Survival Army. You elect three leaders."

The leader must convince the public, and Wan Zhaoan cannot choose blindly.

More than two hundred literate people quickly elected three leaders, namely Fulongsheng's shopkeeper Lin Lang, Anjian and shopkeeper Chen Yigui, and the former Ming scholar Lei Lisheng.

Lin Lang was in charge of food supplies, Chen Yigui was in charge of comforting and managing the refugees, and Lei Lisheng assisted in training the army.

The urgent matter now is to get food in the swamp.

Regardless of gender, as long as they are over twelve years old, they are all classified as soldiers. The military system is exactly the same as that of the Datong Army.

There are three articles of military law: all supplies belong to the public, no oppression of compatriots is allowed, and those who disobey orders will die!

Work in groups of ten and search for food on the spot.

What could be in the swamp?

It's nothing more than grass roots, insects and ants, and if you're lucky you can get a fish. Even these can only be eaten raw, because you can't get dry wood to make a fire, and you can't find an iron pot or an earthenware pot to cook rice.

Fortunately, someone had a compass and could figure out the direction!

After walking for another four days in search of food, these refugees were finally taken out of the swamp. Of the 3,294 people who were reorganized, they died of illness, starvation, and drowning, and only 2,616 of them were left, and only 45 children died.


The only good news is that everyone is obedient and there is no internal strife or power grab.

Because they were all weak from hunger and more or less sick, they just wanted to get something to eat quickly to survive.

"There is a red-haired ghost's manor in the northwest. The third shopkeeper and I went there to collect the mountain goods." A clerk volunteered to provide information.

Wan Zhaoan asked: "Are there any fire guns?"

The boy nodded: "Yes! The red-haired ghosts have fire guns in their hands. I have seen them go into the mountains to hunt."

Wan Zhaoan continued to advance with his troops, and within half a year two more died, whether from illness or starvation.

Finally, in the afternoon, they approached a sugar cane plantation.

The surrounding area is densely covered with sugar cane. I heard the guy said that in the center of the sugar cane field is the house of the red-haired ghost.

Wan Zhaoan warned these people: "There will be a war soon. You have all become familiar with your superiors in the past few days. Remember, soldiers must follow the corps commander, the corps commander must obey the orders of the commander, and the commander must listen to the captain."

Order... quietly pass through the sugar cane field. The sugar cane forest is very big. If you keep giving orders, you will easily get separated. If you get separated, you will not be able to get out. The first group followed me to the east, and the second group followed Lei Xiucai to the west. Immediately


This order, uttered from Wan Zhaoan's mouth, was forgotten by everyone in the blink of an eye.

More than two thousand refugees, half-starved to death, rushed into the sugar cane fields, broke the canes and ate them, seeming to have forgotten all about the war.

Wan Zhaoan suppressed his anger and said: "Get up quickly, there are plenty of big fish and meat in the red-haired ghost's house!"

A young man working as a shoemaker said: "Commander, let everyone take a few bites first. If you don't eat sugar cane, you won't have the strength to walk."

It was really chewing, not only chewing the sugar cane water, but because everyone was so hungry, they swallowed all the sugar cane bagasse.

Perhaps there were more than 2,000 people breaking sugar cane, and they made too much noise. Soon several natives came running over, yelling something.


Wan Zhaoan rushed forward with his sword drawn, and everyone also rushed forward carrying sugar cane sticks.

This chapter has been completed!
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