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491 [China and the Netherlands join forces to fight Spain?]

Before Zheng Zhilong arrived in Nanjing, the Spanish envoy arrived first.

They brought two hundred kilograms of spices and some native American products, and made a special trip from Manila to China to apologize to the emperor.

There are eight people in the envoy, and the leader is called Anio.

These bastards were extremely humble. When they met, they knelt down and kowtowed to Zhao Han with their buttocks sticking out: "Spanish envoy, pay homage to His Majesty the great and invincible Emperor of China!"

Zhao Han asked expressionlessly: "I heard that you massacred Chinese people in Luzon for no reason?"

Año replied: "His Majesty, the great emperor, is a group of bandits among the Chinese who got together and wanted to capture Manila. When the Governor learned the news, he sent troops to hunt down the rioters. Who knows, damn Japanese mercenaries and Pampanga

The local soldiers did not obey the order of the Governor and actually rushed to the Chinese inhabited area and massacred them. The Governor was very angry and had already dealt with these Japanese and Pampanga people. For the unfortunate experience of the Chinese, the Governor felt sad and regretful.

And let us come with gifts to apologize."

Zhao Han has difficulty understanding the thinking of Europeans. The current massacre of Chinese people in the Philippines is just like the Dutch going to Taipei to build a castle last year. It is a completely insane act.

There was no need for Zhao Han to react at all. Since all the Chinese were massacred, Manila had become a "dead city."

What is a dead city?

There was no barber, no shoe repairman, no one repaired the docked boats, and no one even cleaned up the poop and urine.

The city's operations came to a standstill. Spanish civilians who participated in murders and robberies were unable to purchase the most basic living necessities after grabbing blood-stained property.

If you can't understand it, then you don't have to understand it.

Zhao Han didn't even bother to ask any more questions. He waved his hand and said, "Except for the leader, cut off all the limbs and cut off their tongues. Treat them well and don't let them die. For the leader, cut off the thumbs of both hands and feet and let them die."

He brought one sentence back to Luzon: blood debt must be paid with blood!"

After the translation was completed, the Spanish mission was horrified.

Aniao shouted in panic: "Your Majesty, we are envoys, you can't do this!"

"Take it down." Zhao Han turned a deaf ear.

The eight Spanish envoys were dragged to the execution ground. Not only did the executioners come, but several skilled trauma doctors were also invited, waiting to stop the bleeding and treat their injuries.


Screams came one after another. Some people fainted from pain, while others were fainted from fright.

Cutting off the arms is easy, but cutting off the legs is troublesome. Often the cuts are repeated and two more cuts are required.

Hemostasis was also very rough. A red-hot iron was used to burn the cross-section of the limbs to burn the flesh and blood into coke. Then some gold sore medicine was applied to bandage the wound.

Before it was Anio's turn, the guy fainted from fright.

After being splashed with cold water and having his thumb cut off, Anio could only cry in despair. He only lost his labor force, while the others were cut into human sticks. It must be said that he was very lucky.

These guys were thrown onto merchant ships and immediately returned to the Philippines.

As for how many people will die on the way, Zhao Han doesn't care, it doesn't matter if they all die.

Immediately, Zheng Zhilong and the Dutch envoy arrived in Nanjing almost at the same time.

Just like it encouraged Japan to expel Spain and Portugal, the Netherlands also wanted to seize the opportunity this time and instigated Zhao Han to send troops to attack Manila.

The deputy envoy and translator of the Dutch mission is actually a Chinese.

Zhao Han summoned this man alone and asked, "In what year did you travel to Southeast Asia?"

Huang Zan replied: "Three years ago."

Zhao Han was quite surprised: "In three years, he became the deputy envoy of the Dutch Mission?"

Huang Zan was a little embarrassed: "Your Majesty, the first wife of the grassroots is the widow of a member of the Batavia Senate."

Well, marry a rich and well-connected widow.

Zhao Han asked: "Are there many wealthy widows in Nanyang?"

Huang Zan lowered his head and replied: "Very many."

Rich widows in Nanyang have become a group.

When the European colonists came to Southeast Asia, they could not kill all the natives. They had to recruit a group and then fight another group. Most of these colonists were men, and there were almost no European women, so they intermarried with local women.

Most of those who were able to intermarry with the upper-class colonists were from indigenous aristocratic families.

Through their natal family's local influence and their husband's status as a colonial official, they personally go into business and make a lot of money. Moreover, the money does not belong to the husband, but what they earn belongs to them, unless the husband chooses to go to war with the woman's family.

Most European colonial officials died relatively early, and a wealthy widow was born every few years.

Therefore, the newly arrived European colonists focused on these rich widows. Especially the ordinary employees of the East India Company, there were many ruffians, hooligans, and villains... They were scum in Europe. They used various means to marry widows, and then

He used Dutch law to seize his wife's property. After obtaining the property, he immediately chose to divorce and returned to the Netherlands with the money to marry his wife again.

Up to now, the wealthy widows in Batavia include not only Malay indigenous women, but also some Chinese women, or women of mixed Chinese and Portuguese descent.

As Sino-Dutch trade became increasingly prosperous, Dutch colonial officials increasingly chose Chinese women to marry. Batavia's wealthy widows also increasingly chose to marry Chinese men.

Two words: profit!

The Huang Zan in front of me is a concubine son of a wealthy family in Guangzhou. He was asked by his family to marry a widow, which can be understood as a political marriage, and a resource integration between the two parties.

Zhao Han asked again: "When the Governor of Batavia in the Netherlands sent you to be the deputy envoy, wasn't he afraid that you would reveal secrets?"

Huang Zan said: "Don't be afraid, the governor is just afraid that others can't explain it clearly."

"Then make it clear." Zhao Han wanted to make things clear.

Huang Zan said in detail: "The Spaniards in Luzon, their merchant ships are called Manila galleons, also called Chinese galleons. This kind of merchant ship was built by Chinese craftsmen in Manila. Every year, Chinese goods are purchased and shipped from Luzon to Mexico for sale.

They also transported silver and special products from the Americas to Luzon and sold them to Chinese merchants, or the Spanish themselves transported them to Fujian for sale. This is the most profitable business for the Spaniards in Luzon."

"How can they still do this business after massacring Han people?" Zhao Han asked doubtfully.

"If we don't kill the Han people, we can't do business," Huang Zan explained. "Nine months ago, Spain was defeated by the Netherlands in America. A Spanish overseas territory called Chile and all its coastal ports were exterminated by the Netherlands. Spanish merchant ships could not

When I come to Luzon from the Americas, I will no longer be able to do the profitable business I did before."

Zhao Han sneered and said: "That's it. Business couldn't be done before, and the Spaniards in Luzon couldn't make money. So they gave up Keelung to save money. Now they might as well just massacre the Chinese. They can't do business anyway, so why not

Kill the Chinese and steal their money."

Huang Zan said: "Your Majesty, what the Dutch Governor means is that China and the Netherlands will jointly send troops to drive the Spaniards away from Luzon. The northern part of Luzon Island will be given to China, and the southern part of Luzon Island will be given to the Netherlands. The Netherlands will restart the route from America to Luzon.

Trade. In this way, His Majesty can show his majesty and avenge the tragic death of the Chinese in Luzon, and Chinese businessmen can continue to do business."

"It's indeed a good idea. This Dutch governor is very skillful!" Zhao Han couldn't help but sigh.

If the plan of the Dutch Governor is followed, once it succeeds, the Netherlands will control the entire Pacific waterway, even though China owns the northern part of Luzon Island!

Zhao Han suddenly asked: "How old is the Dutch governor?"

"I don't know," Huang Zan shook his head, and then added, "It seems that he must be in his fifties or sixties. I heard that he came to Batavia more than 20 years ago."

"That's good." Zhao Han felt pleased.

Being in his fifties or sixties means that he may see God at any time. For a governor who has a big-picture view, it would be better to die as early as possible.

Zhao Han continued to ask: "Does the Netherlands have enemies in Java?"

"Yes, Banten," Huang Zan said, "The Kingdom of Banten was originally the lower port of the Tammu Kingdom. Eighty years ago, the sultan of the Tammu Kingdom passed away and civil strife broke out in the country. Banten took the opportunity to establish the country. The Banten Kingdom passed a marriage alliance.

, acquired the territory rich in pepper, then conquered Payacharan, and divided Java with the Matalan Kingdom. Before the Dutch came, Banten was the most prosperous port there, with people from Europe, Persia, Ottoman, India and

Chinese merchants, Portuguese and English merchants also came."

Zhao Han asked: "What now?"

Huang Zan replied: "Today's Banten Port is roughly on an equal footing with Batavia. Mainly Batavia Port, only Dutch merchants are allowed to purchase Eastern goods, while merchants from England, Persia and other countries must purchase goods in Banten for shipment to the West.


Zhao Han asked again: "What commodities do the Netherlands mainly ship from the West?"

Huang Zan replied: "Liquor, handicrafts, and aphrodisiac."

"Afurong?" Zhao Han was very surprised. Was there opium trade in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties?

Huang Zan nodded: "Afurong is a good medicine and is very popular in Java."

When the Netherlands entered the Eastern trade, it began to import opium to Asia. According to statistics from later scholars, from 1619 to 1799, the Netherlands sold an average of 56,000 kilograms of raw opium to Java every year.

Not only are they sold in the Netherlands, but also in Portugal and the United Kingdom.

Today, opium has overflowed in Java and Sumatra, and has begun to spread from the upper class to the lower classes. A large number of Chinese merchants, as well as Chinese workers, have become addicted to opium.

Historically, no one stopped this behavior. By the 19th century, 16% of Javanese people were smoking opium. They even provided opium to their guests, thinking it was a sign of hospitality. Opium became a must-have at banquets for Javanese nobles.

In the entire Java Island, the Chinese consume the largest amount of opium, and even the common people at the bottom are buying and smoking it!

Compared to the opium trade in the Netherlands, two Chinese selling opium in Vietnam pales into insignificance.

Zhao Han asked: "Is there a hibiscus business in Ji Mo (Cambodia) and Annan?"

"There are Ji Mei, but very few. It seems that they haven't been passed on to Annan yet." Huang Zan replied.

Opium has become rampant in Java, so it will inevitably spread to the entire Southeast Asia.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, opium was rampant in China, and the root cause came from European traders in the late Ming Dynasty. The Netherlands alone sold more than 50,000 kilograms of opium every year, plus the United Kingdom, Spain, and Portugal, how many Asians would have been killed!

After asking for more information, Huang Zan couldn't help but ask: "Your Majesty, the matter of jointly sending troops with the Netherlands..."

Zhao Han waved Huang Zan away, but did not give a positive answer. He wanted to ask Zheng Zhilong again.

This chapter has been completed!
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