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570 [After all, I can't run away]


The rainy season has not yet ended, the Datong Army did not attack Liaoyang, but only instigated peasant uprisings in the countryside...

At the military meeting, Li Zheng said with a smile: "We can't forget our hometown. There are many Han farmers in Liaoyang, Shenyang, Fushun, Tieling, and Kaiyuan. Since the Tatars can't defend the city, they can mobilize Peasants, kill the landlords and bannermen, and occupy all the land under the city. As long as the Tatars dare to leave the city, we will look for opportunities to annihilate them. If the Tatars do not leave the city, they will starve to death in the city. They are not allowed to go to the city anyway. sell things!"

"This is indeed a wonderful move." Lu Xiangsheng nodded.

"Haha," Xiao Zongxian laughed immediately, "General Lu doesn't know that when His Majesty raised troops in Jiangxi, he used this method to deal with the Ming government. At that time, the city belonged to the government, and the countryside belonged to our Datong Army."

Lu Xiangsheng said: "Then leave 20,000 people to hold down the peasant uprising. The rest of the troops will go to occupy western Liaoning. Open up the road from Haizhou to Shanhaiguan. If the Haug army is not destroyed, they may be able to block it. But then Send a group of cavalry to the northwest grasslands of Liaoning to intimidate those Mongolian tribes and trigger rebellion."

"This is a very good plan." Li Zheng nodded in agreement.

"I will take people to the grassland!" Wang Tingchen immediately asked for a fight.

Taking advantage of the rare sunny weather, the Datong Army began to divide its troops.

Ten thousand people stayed in Anshan and ten thousand people stayed in Weining Camp to watch over Liaoyang from the east and west and support the peasants in occupying the villages and towns in Liaoyang.

There may be good landowners elsewhere.

But in Liaodong, which is ruled by the Tatars, there will be no injustice if all the landlords are killed. They just let the peasants loose their hands and let them get angry.

Xiao Zongxian and Hu Dinggui led their troops to Liaoxi, Xining Fort, Xiping Fort, Zhenning Fort, Pingyangqiao Fort...all the way to Yizhou. These cities and fortresses were all empty. The Tatars abandoned the Han people and serfs and took their property with them. The Great Wall all moved towards Shenyang.

Hu Dinggui arrived at Xiaolinghe and Xiaolinghe. The two castles were also deserted, leaving only a group of Han people who had been robbed of all their property.

The two met outside Jinzhou City. Xiao Zongxian said: "All the Tatars have fled within the Great Wall. I asked the Han people along the way that the Tatars who crossed the Great Wall should be heading from the northern grasslands to Shenyang."

"It's the same here, I can't see any Tatars at all," Hu Dinggui said.

The Western Liaoning Corridor was abandoned by the Tatars!

The loss of Haizhou meant that western Liaoning was cut off. The Tatars could not occupy it for a long time, so they chose to withdraw as soon as possible. They only took away their coats and did not even bother to plunder the Han people, because the food could not feed so many serfs.

Jinzhou City, which has been fought over for decades, now has its city gates open towards the Datong Army Cave.

Hu Dinggui entered on horseback, as if he had arrived in a ghost town. The streets were in a mess, and no one could be seen at all. There were only a few Han people hiding in the house to observe secretly. They had been robbed by the Tatars, and they were afraid of being robbed again by the Datong army.

Xiao Zongxian led his troops to attack Ningyuan. The situation was the same. All the Tatars in the city ran away.

Just when the two of them were depressed, Wang Tingchen, who led the cavalry to the grassland, felt as if he had won the first prize in the lottery.

The Tatars in the Liaoxi Corridor crossed the Great Wall and headed for Shenyang along the edge of the grassland. Wang Tingchen's cavalry division also patrolled the edge of the grassland, and groups of Tatars could be seen almost every day.

"General, there are Tatars ahead!"

"Kill it!"

The cavalry division was divided into two and wandered on the edge of the grassland. At this moment, more than 4,000 people were rushed out.

But the Tatars in front came from Yizhou. There were only fifty regular Eight Banners soldiers, plus thousands of banner troops, and the rest were all Tatar civilians.

"Run quickly, the barbarians are coming!"

The Tatars panicked and did not run to the north, because the north was all grassland and it was impossible to outrun the cavalry. They abandoned their belongings and fled south into the mountains, where they might still have a way out.

"Spare your life, spare your life!"

The Han people did not escape, but knelt down one by one to beg for mercy.

The Datong cavalry galloped with swords drawn, reaping lives along the way until no Tatars escaped.

"Commander, there are more than 1,800 prisoners, several hundred of whom are prisoners." The law enforcement officer rushed over and said.

Wang Tingchen said: "Pick a hundred Tatar prisoners, let Bao Yidu stab them twice, and then let Bao Yi take the captured baggage and escort them across the Great Wall to Yizhou City."

Wang Tingchen's cavalry division came to the grassland for a stroll. It originally had no logistical supplies, but the Tatars who moved from western Liaoning became his supply team.

There are many such supply teams along the way, waiting for Wang Tingchen to receive them.

After crossing the Great Wall, Haoge and Mandahai confiscated leather armor and weapons from small tribes along the way, and even directly killed people and robbed food and livestock.

When news of the Manchu defeat came, these small tribes would rebel sooner or later, so the Tatars might as well strike first.

In the ravines of the remaining mountains of the Yan Mountains, the main force of the Tatars plundered all the way, and soon reached the Mongolian territory on the left side of the Karaqin Mountains.

They also wanted to plunder this place, but unexpectedly they failed. Grusqib, who killed his uncle, had already evacuated his uncle's tribe and moved them all to the pastures further north, and raided several small tribes along the way.

Also, while the Horqin Mongolian leader was conquering Badali's tribe, Gulusqibu led his troops to invade the Horqin grassland and captured a large number of people and livestock.

The Horqin leaders were furious and returned to fight Gulusqibu, but they were ambushed in Yuanbao Mountain.

After heavy losses, Horqin Mongolia and Karaqin Mongolia began to become evenly matched. In the next few years, they would definitely conquer each other, and it would be nothing more than one party defeating the other.

What’s even more funny is that these two Mongolian tribes sent envoys to pay homage to Emperor Zhao in Nanjing.

The Karaqin Mongols, originally a branch of the Yongxie Bu tribe, moved eastward and occupied the territory of Duoyan Sanwei.

As for the Yongxie Bu tribe, it had been at war with Chahar in the late Ming Dynasty. Lin Dan Khan of Chahar formed an alliance with the Ming Dynasty and destroyed the Yong Xie Bu tribe. As a branch of the Yong Xie Bu tribe, Kalaqin quickly fell to the

Houjin became Nurhaci's help in attacking Chahar.

Gruschibu's ambition was to rebuild the Yongxiebu tribe, hand over the Chahar tribe first, annex the Horqin grassland, and then unify the left-wing Mongolia to become the Great Khan.

Hauge, who failed to capture the Karaqin Mongolia, continued eastward and arrived at Xingzhong (Chaoyang City) to reorganize his troops.

There were only a few dozen troops stationed here, but there were many bannermen and Han civilians. They were led by Hauge to continue eastward, and not a single person was allowed to be left for the Datong Army. They even deliberately set off their horses and trampled on the soldiers who were killed one month after the rainy season.

Harvestable crops!

The next route for the Tatars is to walk along the periphery of the Liaodong Great Wall, hoping to return directly to Shenyang from the edge of the Horqin Grassland.

Coincidentally, Wang Tingchen's cavalry division was there.

They didn't even enter the grassland, but just in the hilly area, the two sides collided head-on.

West of Ulanmutu Mountain.

A group of Datong cavalry, who were scouting for traces of the Tatars, rode up the hillside, intending to climb up and take a closer look.

A group of Manchu and Qing cavalry exploring the road also ran up the hillside.

Before the two parties even met, they heard the sound of each other's horses' hooves and immediately accelerated towards the top of the slope.

After a fight, each other suffered casualties, and each went back to report the enemy's situation.

"What? There are South Barbarians ahead!" Haug was shocked. He already had a psychological shadow.

Man Dahai said: "This is outside the Great Wall. The Southern Barbarians are busy conquering western Liaoning. There must not be many people who have climbed over the Great Wall. They are probably chasing the Manchu people."


Hauge also encountered many Tatar civilians who had moved from western Liaoning.

In addition to the Mongolian and Han armors taken along the way, Haug's team once again reached 24,000 people. About half of them had war horses and weapons, but only more than a thousand were actually wearing armor.

"Then eat it!" Hauge also felt that there were not many Datong troops chasing out of the Great Wall.

The horseless Tatars walked slowly behind, while Haug led more than 10,000 people on horseback to pursue them.

There are indeed not many Datong troops around here.

The main reason was that Wang Tingchen was successful in killing them. He divided the 10,000-man cavalry division into five teams and dispersed them to look for the migrating Tatars.

After the five cavalry groups dispersed, they continued to divide their troops.

Facing Haug's pursuit, the Datong cavalry could only choose to escape, while blowing horns to warn them along the way.

After chasing for more than ten miles, the Datong cavalry gathered more and more, already numbering three to four thousand. Halfway through, Hauge also rescued a group of Tatar civilians, totaling more than 800 people.

"They are indeed here to arrest us Manchus," Mandahai called a captured Eight Banners soldier and asked, "How many Southern Barbarians are there?"

The Eight Banners soldier said: "At least two to three thousand."

Hauge asked: "Do you still want to pursue me?"

Man Dahai said: "If we don't eat these Nanmanzi, they will definitely harass us on the way back to Shengjing."

"Then chase!"

Haug made a decision and led the cavalry to continue chasing east.

Finally, the main cavalry forces of both sides met. Hauge had more than 11,000 cavalry, while Wang Tingchen had already gathered more than 8,000 troops.

"So many Nanbarbarians?" Mandahai was surprised.

Hauge said: "It won't work if we don't fight. If they block the front, we can't even think about returning to Shengjing."

Man Dahai said: "Our entire army has no armor and we are not afraid of their cavalry fire guns. Once the war starts, we will charge regardless of the whole army. As long as we get close, we are not afraid of the South Barbarians' fire guns."

Hauge picked up the telescope and asked doubtfully: "Why are these southern barbarian cavalry so different?"

Man Dahai also raised his telescope, observed for a while and said: "These are the Nanmanzi's heroic cavalry, not the dragoons. Some wear cotton armor, and some only have iron armor on their chests. It's very strange. Let's send three thousand cavalry first. Let’s go test it out and figure out the enemy’s tactics before we talk.”

The cavalry on both sides gradually spread out, and this was a hilly area.

There are many mountains, but they are not high. Many hillsides can be ridden on horseback. Each cavalry is divided into teams of two to three thousand people and spreads out the cavalry formation as much as possible.

Three thousand Tatar cavalry came forward, and the rest spread out to occupy the nearby hillside, intending to charge down and kill at any time.

The Datong cavalry went to engage in the battle, but there were only 3,000 of them. They were all wearing breastplates and clothed in cloth from the waist down, and their horses were not very strong.

The Tatar cavalry also wanted to try out archery and formed a loose formation of traditional cavalry.

However, the Datong cavalry gathered closer and closer, the cavalry was next to the cavalry, and the horses were next to the horses.

Mandahai smiled and said: "These Southern Barbarians, apart from riding horses and shooting guns, I'm afraid they don't even know how to fight on horseback. The formation is so tight, once someone falls off the horse, they will immediately fall into chaos."

The cavalry sent by both sides to engage in battle were gradually approaching, and the scene made Hauge feel very strange.

The spear is raised, the horse accelerates, the cavalry of Datong, wall charge!

This chapter has been completed!
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