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572 [cheap bones]

Mao Bijiang and Wu Weiye couldn't bear to be officials, so they hung out at Susong Chang Lake for a long time, and they were quite comfortable spending all day sightseeing in the mountains and rivers.

Along with the interest of mountains and rivers, a number of excellent poems came out, which helped them gain greater fame...

Wu Weiye's "Meicun style" was formed in advance. It was developed from Bai Juyi's "Changqing style" and incorporated Li Shangyin's style. It pays attention to rhythm, likes to use allusions, has an ups and downs structure, colorful rhetoric, and focuses on narrative.

Often react and criticize real problems.

At the beginning of this year, Wu Weiye wrote a song "Jiangzuo Song", which aroused enthusiastic response in the Jiangnan area.

The cause was the third clan split triggered by the Quzhou case. A large number of Jiangnan clans were forcibly split up. The imperial court took back the lands of these clans without any compensation, forcing their children to move to Henan and register in Shandong to divide their lands.

The court had orders, but local officials did not dare to neglect them. The specific implementation would inevitably appear rough, which also led to many conflicts and tragedies.

Wu Weiye's "Jiang Zuo Ge" describes a love story. A man and a woman from the wrong family fall in love with each other. After going through hardships, they finally make a marriage contract and win the approval of both parents. The government suddenly wants to divide the clans and move, and the local officials take the opportunity to invade.

The man’s family property. The man got into trouble with the government, was thrown into jail, and was exiled to Taiwan for disobeying the emperor’s order.

The woman escaped from her home and went to Yangzhou, the provincial capital, to complain. The Yangzhou Judicial Office refused to accept the complaint and asked the woman to go back to Suzhou to file a lawsuit. The woman returned to Suzhou, but her complaint was fruitless. In order to attract attention, she wanted to run into her head outside the court. Fortunately, she died outside the court.

The rescue was timely and she did not die, but her family was embarrassed because she had not yet passed the door.

This story was not made up by Albert Wu, but a real case that actually happened.

The integrity inspector began to pay attention to the case when the woman committed suicide by hitting the wall. It was not until Wu Weiye's "Jiang Zuo Ge" came out that the investigation of the case was just completed.

Officials were dismissed.

It was obvious that the anti-corruption inspector was doing his duty and eliminating harm for the people, but the timing was so coincidental that the people attributed this to "Jiang Zuo Ge".

Wu Weiye's popularity among the people in Jiangnan reached its peak, and the Datong government became a complete villain.

In fact, except for the guy who took advantage of the opportunity to seize property, the other officials who were dealt with felt that they had been wronged. They did not want to come out to take care of things because they were afraid of delaying the emperor's clan relocation policy and would be "banned" if they were traced.

Wu Weiye couldn't survive in Suzhou, and all the local officials hated him, so they invited Mao Bijiang to go to Nanjing to work as a "Beijing drifter".

When the two arrived in Nanjing, they were warmly welcomed by celebrities and gentry, who invited them to attend cultural gatherings every now and then.

Booksellers also like to ask Wu Weiye to write prefaces, and the retouching fees often cost 10 or 20 taels. You can live a worry-free life just by relying on this business.

Emperor Zhao had heard something about this and said something that the female officer couldn't understand: "Wumei Village, Wumei Village, "Yuanyuanqu" is definitely gone. The six armies of the mourning army are all in silence, and the anger is the beauty of the crown.

, it’s best if this poem doesn’t appear.”

"Great victory, great victory, great victory on the front line!"

Wu Weiye and Mao Pijiang had been in Nanjing for two months. They were having a banquet in a restaurant when they suddenly heard the sound of people on the street.

Mao Bijiang opened the window on the second floor and saw a cavalry galloping past, waving the victory report in his hand and shouting: "General Wang Tingchen, led the Datong cavalry out of the fortress, annihilated 20,000 elite Tatars (a slight exaggeration), and killed the Tatars in formation."

The false king Hauge captured livestock, people, war horses, and countless treasures... Xiao Zongxian and Hu Dinggui, two generals, led their troops to conquer western Liaoning, fought consecutive battles, and recovered Jinzhou, Ningyuan, Yizhou, and Shanhaiguan..."

Wu Weiye was stunned for a moment, then slapped his chopsticks on the table, picked up the wine glass and laughed: "Ning Jin and Shanhaiguan have finally taken it back. Gentlemen, please take a swig from this cup and wish Master Wang the recovery of the entire Liaodong!"

Mao Bijiang was also very happy. He turned around, picked up the wine glass and said, "Congratulations to the soldiers who fought bloody battles!"

A group of literati toasted and drank, and the laughter and laughter could not be heard.

They were all former Ming Dynasty scholars who had not held official positions. They were usually full of complaints and disliked the Datong court. The imperial examination had not been fully restored, and the clans had been relocated three times. All these made them drunk and scold the emperor for being fatuous.

But on the other hand, they admired the emperor's generosity.

Someone drunkenly cursed the emperor in a restaurant. The scolding alerted the street patrol, and he was taken to jail and detained pending trial. The judge didn't know what sentence to make. After reporting the reports, Emperor Zhao smiled smartly: "There is no need to make a fuss about a few drunken words.

Let them all go."

This great victory in Hebei, Shaanxi, Liaodong and western Liaoning made the poor literati even more proud. They kept saying that our army in Datong is getting stronger day by day, and the Tatars are nothing but clowns. Sooner or later they will be able to restore the Han and Tang Dynasties!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

In the city of Nanjing, the sound of crackling firecrackers was heard.

Especially trading companies involved in northern business have already prepared firecrackers. The more territory the Datong Army regains, the easier their business will be. And as immigrants fill the north, it contains unlimited business opportunities. In recent years, many merchants have

So get rich.

"Meicun is famous all over the world. Why don't we let Meicun take the lead? Let's jointly petition His Majesty to resume the imperial examination." Shi Kecheng put down his wine glass and said.

Shi Kecheng was Shi Kefa's cousin. He surrendered to Li Zicheng in his hometown in Kaifeng, and then surrendered to the Qing Dynasty in Kaifeng. When the Datong army besieged Shangqiu, this guy fled to Shangqiu again and wanted to defect to Emperor Zhao, but there were too many rebels and he failed.

On the way, he managed to survive by hiding in the mountains.


As for Shangshu's request to resume the imperial examination, he came every year, and Zhao Han was too lazy to pay attention to it.

Wu Weiye shook his head and said: "Your Majesty has your own arrangements for the resumption of the imperial examination. No matter what we say, it will be useless."

"Meicun's words are wrong," Mao Bijiang said. "The Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty also abolished the imperial examination, but if there is no need for the imperial examination to select officials, there will be many ills. Taizu of the Ming Dynasty also noticed this situation, and then ordered the restoration of the imperial examination. Nowadays, there is corruption everywhere

The malpractice has been exposed, and if things go on like this, the current emperor will also think about resuming the imperial examination. We, the scholars, insist on taking the examination every year, which will also give His Majesty a step towards resuming the imperial examination."

"Well said, we should persevere!" Tian Younian praised.

This field has the same name as the cabinet minister Tian Younian who took office this year. But this field is not that field.

The Tian Younian in front of me is a native of Anhui. In history, he was the fifth Jinshi in the 13th year of Chongzhen's reign. He and his younger brother Tian Fengnian specialize in Mao's poetry and are considered one of the founders of the textual criticism school in the Qing Dynasty.

Wu Weiye shook his head and said: "Ming Taizu abolished the imperial examination and wanted to recruit talents in the Imperial College. How can the small Imperial College recruit talents from all over the world? Today, His Majesty has established primary schools, middle schools and universities. He has also established a system for selecting officials at all levels.

, if you pass the registration exam, you can become a reserve official. A reserve official can watch the administration for half a year without receiving a salary, and after he is familiar with the document work, he can become a formal official. The rules for passing the exams at each level are also set, and promotions are based on the department, so that all local officials

Being able to govern can eliminate the mediocrity of officials in the late Ming Dynasty."

"Otherwise," Mao Bijiang said, "if this method is used for a long time, and officials are selected regardless of their origins, there will inevitably be many drawbacks. Among the officials in a county, who can pass the exam and who can't, there have been many frauds and new selections.

There are a large number of mediocre people in the civil service. This year, the anti-corruption inspector discovered a major case in Rugao. There was a former Ming scholar who was the chief of the civil affairs section of Rugao County. In those two years, 30% of the Rugao civil servants were admitted.

They are his relatives and friends. Some people even cannot read a few Chinese characters, and they only passed the exam because he secretly changed their answer sheets. Even the civil servants in a county are like this, so what if you look at the whole world?"

"Indeed, the shortcomings have been revealed, and it is imperative to resume the imperial examination!" Shi Kecheng clapped his hands.

"Snap, snap, snap!"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and the knock was very rapid.

The door opened and Xu Lianggong rushed in: "Everyone, something big has happened!"

Xu Lianggong was Xu Xiake's nephew. According to history, he died this year. The slaves rebelled and killed him. This guy had been relocated by his clan long ago, and his new home address was in Shandong. He felt that Shandong was too shabby after the war, so he took him with him

My wife and children have been working as "Beijing drifters" in Nanjing for a long time.

"Why are you so panicked?" Wu Weiye asked.

Xu Lianggong spread out a piece of paper, and the ink was not yet dry: "I copied a copy of the notice posted today. The imperial court re-determined the levels of officials. Officials continued from the previous Ming Dynasty, and were still at the ninth and eighteenth grades, while the civil servants were changed to

It is the sixth grade and the twelfth grade. Among the officials in the town, the lowest is the sixth grade. At the county government, the chiefs of each department are the third grade officials."

This is nothing, the civil servants of the Ming Dynasty also had levels.

Everyone gathered around the notice to look at it, and they gradually looked shocked, because it vaguely revealed information about the imperial examination.

Perhaps because of serious cheating in the selection of officials in various places, the Datong court issued stricter regulations.

To take the preliminary civil servant examination, you must hold a primary school diploma. In other words, those who do not have a primary school diploma will not even be qualified to be a preliminary civil servant in the future. At the same time, those who are junior civil servants can work in the county. Full third-class civil servants

and above, that is, those above the county government section chief must abide by the principle of transfer to other places.

It is also stipulated that those who hold a high school diploma and take the preliminary civil servant examination can be directly designated as a third-class civil servant when they become a regular official, or they can directly serve as a junior official at the bottom of the ninth grade.

"Alas," Wu Weiye sighed, "Your Majesty's thoughts are clearly revealed in this notice. Even if the imperial examination is reinstated in the future, I'm afraid you will have to hold a university diploma, and our previous achievements will definitely not count."

"Your Majesty is confused!" Mao Bijiang couldn't help blurting out.

No one can stop him. It doesn't matter if he scolds the emperor in private. The government won't care if they find out.

Shi Kecheng stood up suddenly: "Please take your leave, I will return to Henan tomorrow."

"I wish you all the best in your official career!" everyone said with cupped hands.

The notice stated that in Henan, Shandong, Sichuan and other places, due to the imperfect construction of primary schools, the previous method of selecting officials will be used for the time being.

Shi Kecheng used to disdain being an official, but now he wants to go home quickly. Before he is stuck, he will become an official first. If he hesitates again, he will not even be able to be an official in the future!

There are more than one people who have this idea. Even the descendants of wealthy families in the south have taken the initiative to apply to immigrate to the north, just because they want to work as officials in the north.

A bunch of cheap people, if you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with alcohol!

This chapter has been completed!
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