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603【Currency Diplomacy】

While the prince was fighting, Russia built the city of Verkhovna Angarask on the shores of Lake Baikal.

That is the territory of the Buryat Mongols. It is not that they cannot defeat the Cossacks, but the farther north they go, the more desolate and cold it becomes... The Buryat Mongols gathered their forces and went to attack the Cossacks in a mighty manner. The Cossacks ran away when they saw that the situation was not going well.

Now, head to the northernmost tip of Lake Baikal to rebuild the city.

These Cossacks did not have many cavalry, but they had many ships, and their shipbuilding skills defeated the Mongols.

The Cossacks' ships can be used for fishing and settlement, and they can plunder the natives of Western Silia everywhere along the river. They can even go ashore and drag them in the snow. Building a city next to Lake Baikal this time is tantamount to complete

To gain a foothold, the west and north shores of Lake Baikal are all controlled by Cossack thugs.

Further east, the Sauron tribes, Beishan Savages, Kamunikan, Daqiur... As the Manchus lost control, these tribes fell into a big melee.

The so-called melee means that today you send dozens of people to raid and plunder my territory. Tomorrow I will send hundreds of people to rob your property and capture some of your tribes as prisoners. The tribes of Sauron are originally the strongest.

, but they themselves fell into a civil war because they were not of the same race and were forcibly brought together by the Manchus.

The tribe that presented Dongzhu to Zhao Hanjin received a certain amount of food support and is now living a relatively comfortable life.

As the New Year was approaching, the North Korean minister Jin Yu, who had set out for the summer, fell seriously ill on the way and finally came to Nanjing to meet the Chinese emperor.

Jin Yu can be regarded as the Zhang Juzheng of North Korea.

Historically, he implemented the "Datong Law" reforms in North Korea, whose main contents were: standardizing the currency system, apportioning people into acres, unifying taxes, and combating corruption.

It was also under Kim Yu's reforms that the Joseon Dynasty, which was on the verge of collapse, actually hit the brakes and regained its health. The king still had money and food to overhaul the palace. Even with sufficient treasury, the king became extremely confident and planned to form a ten-year-old dynasty within ten years.

Ten Thousand Fire Guns, sent troops to the Northern Expedition to help the Ming Dynasty restore its rivers and mountains.

In this time and space, the situation in North Korea is worse than in history. A major uprising broke out last year, and although it was successfully suppressed, King Li Hao finally woke up and started the "Datong Law" reform several years in advance.

When he fell ill on the way, Jin Yu had already finished reading "Datong Collection" and regarded the Chinese emperor as a confidant, but at the same time he felt that the Chinese emperor was too radical.

In Jin Yu's view, it is enough to divide the land into acres, and there is really no need to fight the landlords to divide the land.

As for the "Sanyuan Chapter", Jin Yu agreed very much. But he did not dare to spread it actively because it would offend the king and cause his subsequent reforms to be abandoned.

Walking out of the bookstore and witnessing the prosperity of China all the way strengthened Jin Yu's determination to reform.

There are many demons in the temple, there are many bastards in the lake, and the party struggle in North Korea is more severe than that in the Ming Dynasty.

A hundred years ago, the descendants of the founding heroes of Korea and early civil servants formed the outdated and corrupt "Xunjia Faction". Officials and scholars who came from small and medium-sized landowners were eager to break the monopoly of the clan, so they formed the "Shilin Faction".

The rise of the "Shilin faction" led to the struggle between royal power and prime minister power, which turned into a battle between royal power and remonstrance power.

The king first used the Shilin faction to attack the Xunjiu faction that threatened him, and then used the remaining Xunjiu faction to stab the Shilin faction with a backhand. Finally, the forces of the three parties were balanced, and the king was firmly seated on Diaoyutai.

The Shilin faction, which suffered a blow, also had internal problems, so it split into the Eastern People's Party and the Western People's Party using the region as a link.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Westerners Party controlled the government, and then party strife resumed. The Westerners Party split into four major factions: the Luo Party, the Yuan Party, the Shan Party, and the Han Party.

After Li Hao killed his father and usurped power, he first killed a group of Luo Party members because the Luo Party Party was the strongest.

Then the Shan Dang was appointed, because the Shan Dang were all hermits in the field and had no foundation or backing in the court, which was very convenient for the king to control.

Unexpectedly, the Shan Party represented the interests of the local gentry and quickly grew into a behemoth. So the Korean King Li Hao appointed the Han Party to balance it, and Jin Yu was the leader of the Han Party!

"Give me a seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Han smiled and said, "I heard that you are a great scholar from Korea?"

"I don't dare to be a great scholar," Jin Yu said humbly, "I just have a superficial understanding of Xingxue Neo-Confucianism."

Jin Yu had just been promoted and his official position was not very high, but the reform strategy had been finalized.

After a conversation, Jin Yu explained the purpose of his visit: "Your Majesty, I have come to Nanjing to see you this time because my country admires your country's political strategy and is bold enough to imitate it. When it comes to reform, currency must take precedence. Please follow.

The country’s silver and copper are exchanged for the silver coins and copper coins of the country above.”

"Exchange money?" Zhao Han was a little surprised. He didn't expect such a good thing to come to his door.

North Korea plans to carry out reforms, and the first step seems to be to standardize the currency system, so it wants to take the initiative to introduce Chinese silver dollars and copper coins.

Historically, Jin Yu came to Emperor Shunzhi in exchange for money. He exchanged 150,000 copper coins for the first time, and then exchanged more than 1.3 million copper coins.

The second time there was too much money exchanged, and in the capital area, it all flowed into the market. As a result, the capital area was caused by inflation, but local people did not see the money and could not use it to pay taxes. North Korean people complained, and the king

They had no choice but to ban the circulation of Chinese copper coins.

At that time, they planned to use Chinese copper coins as tax currency after the reform. After that, they had to make rice the only tax item in North Korea.

Jin Yu said: "China's silver coins and copper coins are already circulating in our country's coastal cities. The money from the upper country is exquisite, and the people from the lower country all love it, so please exchange for more Chinese coins. In this way, the people will have Chinese money, and they will be able to use it in the future.

Pay taxes in Chinese money.”

Zhao Han subconsciously felt something was wrong and asked: "You exchanged Chinese money for it, how did you let the Chinese money flow into the private sector, and how did the rural people get this money?"

Jin Yu said: "Exchange the money to Gyeonggi merchants, and the merchants will circulate it."

What nonsense.

Zhao Han, who doesn't understand the principles of economics at all, knows that this approach will definitely lead to explosion.

The basis of Zhang Juzheng's tax reform was money and grain shops widely distributed in villages and towns. People in nearby villages and towns could exchange grain for money. Although they were often cheated by landlords, they could eventually exchange it for money to pay taxes.

As for North Korea, its money-making technology is poor, and it loses money no matter how much it casts, so it turns to China in exchange for money. North Korea has been levying in-kind taxes, and rural areas are generally in the barter stage. If private money and grain shops are not opened, no matter how much money is exchanged with China,

No money flows into the hands of farmers.

This money will only circulate around the capital. Once there is too much short-term inflow, inflation will explode in minutes.

The reason why Zhao Han knows so clearly about the situation in North Korea is because a minister reported it. In recent years, North Korea has been forced to sell grain, and many times the money cannot be used, so goods such as cloth must be transported in exchange.

Chinese maritime merchants also often bartered in North Korea.

It was not until after the defeat of the Qing Dynasty that more and more North Koreans were doing business from Jiangnan to Liaodong. Chinese silver coins and copper coins were gradually accepted by the North Koreans, and they could only be used in Seoul.

"You can't do this," Zhao Han said to the maid, "call Fei Chun and come and go by carriage."

Fei Chun quickly entered the palace in an imperial chariot, and Zhao Han introduced the situation.

As a result, Fei Chun began to explain patiently and designed a currency circulation framework for North Korea. It still followed the Ming Dynasty. After the North Korean government exchanged money, it loaned money to merchants and gentry in various places. Those merchants and gentry also loaned money to the lower-level gentry. The lower-level gentry

Landlords opened money and grain shops in villages and towns for farmers to exchange grain for money when paying taxes.

After listening to this, Jin Yu carefully thought about the pros and cons. He could completely imagine that farmers who were eager to exchange grain for money in order to pay taxes would definitely be severely slaughtered by the landlords.

But we can only use this method. Farmers in the Ming Dynasty exchanged money to pay taxes. This has always been the case. They can transport the grain directly to the county government without being ripped off by the money and grain shops, and then be charged extra for fuel consumption by the official.

A bright light flashed through his head, and Jin Yu was suddenly delighted because he thought of the benefits of doing so.

He is responsible for coming to China to exchange money, and he will definitely be the one to decide whether to lend Chinese money to local gentry in the future. Who to lend Chinese money to is a kind of power. In this way, he can win over the divided gentry and merchants, which can effectively reduce the resistance to reform. It can also make his own

The power grew stronger and completely overwhelmed the Mountain Party in party disputes.

"Thank you for your advice!" Jin Yu stood up and saluted Fei Chun.

As for how to exchange copper and silver for money, this kind of detail does not need to be handled by Zhao Han, just leave it to Datong Bank.

In any case, the Chinese government will definitely not lose money, and the North Korean official will also gain. This is the profit brought by the cost of minting coins for both parties.

After sending the North Korean Zhang Juzheng away, Fei Chun asked doubtfully: "Your Majesty, why do you want to help North Korea stabilize its currency system?"

Zhao Han sighed: "North Korea is in too much decline and must be restored to life as soon as possible. In the short term, China cannot expand in North Korea and can only maintain stable development on its borders. In this case, it is better to use commerce and

Currency gradually controls the ruling and opposition parties in North Korea. We cannot let the North Korean monarchs and ministers mess around. Once it is damaged, Chinese coins will not be accepted by the North Korean people, and the Chinese merchants will also suffer losses."

"That's it, Your Majesty!" Fei Chun quickly handed over his hand.

Zhao Han smiled and said: "You kid, stop flattering me."

Fei Chun also chuckled: "This is not flattery, it's what I say from the bottom of my heart."

Zhao Han said with emotion: "This year's major disasters in several provinces are finally over, thanks to your moving around."

Fei Chun said helplessly: "I just hope that the weather will be smooth next year, and it is best not to have to fight a big war."

"Don't expect good weather, as long as you avoid major disasters." Zhao Han does not have high expectations for God.

Today is a happy event. If China's silver and copper coins can become North Korea's tax currency, they will be able to earn a lot of money every year from minting money.

The North Korean monarchs and ministers did not realize the benefits at all, but felt that they had taken advantage.

After all, it is cheaper to transport copper and silver to China in exchange for money than to mint coins directly in North Korea.

This chapter has been completed!
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