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695 [Three Kills]

Da Yuer took the little emperor and fled in the direction of Tonghua.

However, Dayu'er escaped along the river valley without having to cross the mountains. When Mandahai reached the mountainous area in the north of Tonghua, he turned around and plundered north, and then went around to Ninggu Pagoda.

Da Yu'er left in a hurry. Not to mention soldiers, there were not even many eunuchs and maids around him.

Moreover, she ran away at night and dispersed as fast as she could. At dawn, besides the little emperor, there were only two Han eunuchs following her.

Before the Manchus entered the customs, there were eunuchs in reality, but not in the name of eunuchs.

To put it bluntly, it is to select a loyal and obedient coat, castrate it and keep it around. Not only the emperor uses eunuchs, but Manchu princes also use eunuchs. This is what Nurhaci taught the princes to prevent their wives and concubines from giving birth to children that are not their own.

Da Yuer's confidant eunuch, named Yang Chengshun, is over fifty years old and has been with Da Yuer for more than ten years.

The other eunuch was a young man named Wu Liangfu. He was the playmate of Emperor Shunzhi and was only two or three years older than the young emperor.

"The Queen Mother, please have something to eat."

The old eunuch Yang Chengshun knelt on the ground, took out the pancake from his arms, held it in his hand and offered it, saying: "This is what I brought with me when I left the palace. Now that the palace people are separated, I can only feel sorry for the queen mother to eat such coarse food."

Da Yuer nodded in approval: "You are thoughtful."

Dayu'er divided the cake into two halves and handed one half to the little emperor: "Eat it."

Shunzhi took a bite of the cake and immediately spat it out: "Bah, it tastes too bad."

Yang Chengshun hurriedly kowtowed: "Your Majesty, please calm down. There has been a shortage of food in the past few years, and the palace people have been eating coarse food. Please forgive me for a while."

As Da Yu'er's confidant, Yang Chengshun certainly doesn't need to eat rough food, but when he runs away in the middle of the night, he can catch whatever he can.

Da Yuer scolded sharply: "What time has it been? If you don't eat anymore, you will starve to death. Swallow it!"

Shunzhi was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head to eat the cake and swallowed it while suppressing the discomfort.

The four of them hid in the woods on the roadside. Da Yu'er said, "Just wait here. Someone from the tribe will definitely come. There were more than one or two who escaped from the city last night."

The young eunuch Wu Liangfu was also hungry. He looked at the mouthful of cake that Shunzhi vomited on the ground and asked, "Your Majesty, can I eat it?"

"Eat." Shunzhi and Wu Liangfu grew up together, and their relationship is very close.

Wu Liangfu squatted down quickly, picked up the pancake and stuffed it into his mouth.

Waiting left and right, until noon, someone finally came on the road. And there was more than one, there were more than ten people in total, two of them were wearing silk robes wrapped around leather armor, and the rest were Tatar civilians inside and outside the city.

"Go quickly and let them escort you!" Da Yuer commanded.

The old eunuch said to the young eunuch: "You go."

Wu Liangfu could only run out of the grove and quickly returned: "Queen Mother, something is wrong with those people outside."

"What's wrong?" Da Yu'er asked.

Wu Liangfu analyzed: "The Eight Banners sergeant with weapons is wearing a silk robe, but a large piece of leather armor is exposed on his chest. Those who wear leather armor are all Eight Banners soldiers who live outside the city. How can they afford fine silk?

Among the remaining people, two are palace maids, you can tell by looking at their clothes. Some of the other men and women are obviously nobles, but they seem to be ordered around by the two soldiers."

Da Yuer immediately realized: "You mean, two soldiers who live outside the city snatched the silk robe of a Manchu nobleman on the way?"

Wu Liangfu said: "Not only did they rob the robe, I'm afraid they also killed people. There was a big bloody hole on the chest. It was because the silk robe was cut open that a large piece of leather armor was exposed. They killed the noble men and robbed the nobles' belongings.

They also summoned the palace maids and the noble family members. Those slaves of the noble family should have been subdued by them."

Da Yuer praised and said: "You are very smart."

The two top soldiers on the road were obviously separated from their families. With their wives and children separated, they had little hope. When they met a Manchu nobleman on the way, they simply chose to kill and steal their wives and slaves.

This kind of behavior is a capital crime. If Da Yuer dares to show up, they will even dare to kill the Queen Mother.

Wu Liangfu became more and more hungry, and he knew that the old eunuch still had pancakes in his arms. Sure enough, after a while, the old eunuch secretly hid and ate the pancakes on the pretext of going to defecate.

Wu Liangfu said: "The Queen Mother accuses her of sin, and I also want to facilitate it."

Da Yuer looked disgusted: "Go."

Wu Liangfu went on tiptoe and saw the old eunuch squatting in the bushes, quietly eating pancakes and enjoying himself.

He wanted to ask for it, but he felt that the old eunuch would not give it.

The two big soldiers who passed by before gave Wu Liangfu another idea. Soldiers can kill people and get goods, and they can also take the women of Manchu nobles. Why can't I kill the emperor and make meritorious service?

The Qing Dynasty is definitely gone. Even if he escapes with the emperor, he doesn't know what to do in the future. He might as well run away and make meritorious service and defect to the Datong court.

Wu Liangfu picked up a stone, hid it behind his back and slowly approached it.

The old eunuch Yang Chengshun suddenly said: "Are you here to beg for bread? I only brought four pieces of bread from the palace, so I have to eat sparingly. There is still a long way to go."

Wu Liangfu smiled and said: "I'll take a dump."

"Stop trying to get close to me, get out of here." Yang Chengshun scolded.

Wu Liangfu approached while talking: "I heard that Mr. Yang is from Shenyang?"

Yang Chengshun was chewing pancakes, and his words were a little unclear: "You are from Shenyang, and you are a military household. You followed Emperor Taizong (Huang Taiji) when you were more than ten years old. Where are you from?"

Wu Liangfu said: "My hometown is in Jinzhou."

Yang Chengshun said disdainfully: "Jinzhou? That's a newly attached person. He has only joined the Qing Dynasty for a few years. Don't think that just because you are His Majesty's companion, you can be on an equal footing with me. I am from Shenyang, and you are from Jinzhou. In terms of seniority, you are ahead of me.

Street." Gu Kuo

"I don't dare, I'm just trying to curry favor with Mr. Yang."

With a flattering smile on his face, Wu Liangfu finally walked closer, then picked up a stone and threw it at the old eunuch.


Unfortunately, Wu Liangfu was not strong enough and did not know which part to hit. A stone hit the opponent's head. Although his head was bleeding, the old eunuch not only did not die, he did not even faint. He covered his forehead and screamed.

"There's a snake!"

Wu Liangfu yelled and smashed it down again.

This time the old eunuch was completely stunned, but he still didn't faint and kept screaming.

"What a big snake, Mr. Yang, get out of the way!" Wu Liangfu continued to shout, wildly swinging stones in his hands.

Finally, the old eunuch stopped screaming and fell in the bushes with blood on his head.

Da Yuer brought Shunzhi over and asked from a distance: "What kind of snake is it? Has anyone been bitten?"

Wu Liangfu replied: "When I returned to the Queen Mother, it was a venomous snake that had been beaten to death. But husband Yang was so frightened that he sat on his butt in the feces and picked leaves to wipe his buttocks."

Da Yuer was so disgusted that she pulled her son and turned around to leave.

Wu Liangfu wiped the blood from his hands, took out the old eunuch's waistband, and slowly walked towards Dayu'er and Shunzhi.

Dayu'er sat with her back to him and asked, "Isn't it done yet?"

Wu Liangfu said: "When I returned to the Queen Mother, my husband Yang had so much feces that he might have to wash his pants to get it clean."

"Don't say that." Da Yu'er said in disgust.

Shunzhi didn't care, and turned around and said: "Liangsuke, we...why are you covered in blood?"

Wu Liangfu replied: "Snake blood, I want to peel off the snake skin and roast it to eat."

Da Yu'er feels something is wrong. Killing a snake can still splatter blood?

Da Yu'er turned around and saw Wu Liangfu taking out his belt from behind, and then strangled her neck violently.

Not only was it strangled, but it was also wrapped around.

Da Yuer subconsciously wanted to pull away, but the tightening got tighter and tighter. She choked and said in horror: "Quickly... let go quickly, don't... kill me... I..."

"what are you doing?"

Shunzhi was so frightened that he didn't react immediately. He was stunned for more than ten seconds before shouting: "Let the queen go!"

Wu Liangfu was unmoved and used all his strength to strangle Da Yu'er to death as soon as possible.

Shunzhi finally stood up and wanted to save his mother's life. But he was only twelve years old and his body was weak. Wu Liangfu was already fifteen years old and was no match for Wu Liangfu.

After tearing for a long time, Da Yuer finally breathed his last.

Shunzhi was still trying to drag him away, but Wu Liangfu kicked him over.

"Your Majesty, don't blame me," Wu Liangfu took his belt and walked closer and said, "I know that Your Majesty is kind-hearted. In the past few years, Your Majesty has been the best to your servants. Today, please treat your Majesty once again and use your Majesty's In exchange for my life, my slave will make meritorious service in the Nanjing court."

Shunzhi was furious, stood up and rushed towards Wu Liangfu: "You evil slave, please give my mother your life!"


Wu Liangfu slapped Shunzhi in the face, making stars appear in Shunzhi's eyes. He sneered and said: "Sure enough, no matter how kind your Majesty is to me, he only treats me as a slave. Your Majesty, who is born to be a slave? I am also the queen of the generals, without you. Dad sent out troops, but now I can still be a master."

Shunzhi received a slap in the face, and his whole body was shaking with fear. Finally, he lost his dignity and humbly begged for mercy: "Because of our long-term friendship, please let me go. We have agreed that we are friends."

Wu Liangfu laughed loudly: "Friends without balls."

Historically, Wu Liangfu was a famous person and the reformer of the Manchu eunuch system.

He had been dormant until Shunzhi came to power, and suddenly appeared to interfere in the court. With Shunzhi's protection, Dayu'er could not do anything to him. It was not until Shunzhi's death that Dayu'er ordered Wu Liangfu to be prosecuted and executed.

If Shunzhi had not died so early, there might have been eunuchs taking over power in the early Qing Dynasty.

Facing the little emperor's begging for mercy, Wu Liangfu became more and more excited. He finally realized the joy of being a human being, instead of being a dog that was ordered around.


The belt of his trousers was wrapped around Shunzhi's neck, and the veins on Wu Liangfu's forehead were exposed. While exerting force, he savored Shunzhi's terrified expression before his death.

After killing three people one after another, the eunuch lost all his strength and lay on the ground to relax for a long time.

He took the cakes from the arms of the old eunuch and sat next to the corpses to devour them. Since he did not bring a knife and could not cut off the heads, he hid the three corpses in the bushes and took off the jade pendant from Shunzhi's waist as a token.

Wu Liangfu was so excited that his hands trembled and he ran quickly towards Hetuala.

Halfway through, he saw an army from a distance, but it was the troops of Suohun and Erke Daiqing. More than 3,000 people were fleeing towards Changbai Mountain.

Wu Liangfu was so frightened that he hid in the forest.

Next, he walked day and night, and finally came to Hetuala hungry. He stood at the foot of the city and shouted: "I killed the Tatar Emperor and the Queen Mother, come with me to carry the bodies quickly!"

This chapter has been completed!
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