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730 [Swatting flies]

Yegor's face changed drastically and he shouted in panic: "Run away!"

Throughout Siberia, there are definitely more than a few hundred Cossacks. Seventy years ago, the first batch of Cossacks to enter Siberia numbered more than 840 people.

Those who could not survive in Tsarist Russia, Poland, and Lithuania came to explore the East one after another. Over the past few decades, even if the number of people was less than ten thousand, there were at least several thousand, but many of them froze to death, starved to death, and were beaten to death.

But this is the Heilongjiang River Basin, and there are only two to three hundred Cossacks (including the servant army).

Moreover, they used boats as means of transportation. Even if they made a fortune in the past two years, they could only get more than thirty Mongolian horses, so the cavalry outside the village must be the enemy.

Without Yegor's reminder at all, the rest of the Cossack bandits had already rushed diagonally out of the village.

Cossacks are not warriors, they are robbers.

Since they are bandits, they must focus on protecting their lives. Let alone large groups of cavalry, even if they encounter hundreds of elite natives, these guys will run as fast as they can.


Luo Yanggui, who came with troops, divided his troops before entering the village.

The three hundred Datong cavalry were quickly divided into three groups. One group circled to the east of the village, one group circled to the west of the village, and one group was led by Luo Yanggui and rushed straight into the village.

In the blink of an eye, the Datong cavalry rushed past the young man.

In the eyes of the native youth, these cavalrymen were like divine soldiers descended from heaven. Their horses were so tall and mighty. Their leather armor was so exquisite and strong. Even these heavenly soldiers all wore leather boots on their feet.

"There are enemies coming around on the left!" a Cossack shouted in panic.

"There's one on the right too!" shouted another Cossack.

Yegor was so frightened that he almost pissed himself. He gritted his teeth and roared: "Charge over at full speed, don't be surrounded!"

They can't run away.

There may be some dragoons under each division riding inferior horses. But as the first cavalry division, the horses are all carefully selected, either hybrids of Indian horses or good horses among Mongolian horses.

The war horses of the Cossack bandits were obtained from the Buryat Mongols. They were either obtained from robbery or purchased through trade. Whether they were good or bad all depended on luck.

When both sides are running at full speed, it is obvious that the horses of the Datong Cavalry are faster.

"Breakout to the right!"


Yegor took out a horn, pulled the reins and started to turn. He did not dare to rush forward because the Datong cavalry had already outflanked him, so he could only run towards the forest to the east in a panic.

More than a dozen Cossack bandits reined in their horses and changed directions.

There was a Cossack who turned too hastily and his horse couldn't hold back its hooves and lost its balance. He and the horse fell to the ground. The guy struggled to get up, but before he could get on the horse's back, Luo Yanggui had already caught up with him.

The gun sent it flying two or three meters away.

When Yegor saw the Datong cavalry coming from the right, he subconsciously raised his matchlock gun. Suddenly he remembered that he had already fired before he had time to reload.

Yegor waved his riding whip fiercely, and the horse speeded up again.

His Mongolian horse was stolen from the Cossack leader when he joined Khabarov. Although it is not a BMW, it is still a good horse and has reached the average level of the cavalry division.

If you look down from above, you can see that Yegor was leading the way...and was escaping. His men were quickly thrown out by more than ten positions. On the left, Datong cavalry came back, and there were Datong cavalry chasing behind them.

Luo Yanggui rode his horse galloping and bent his bow to draw an arrow.


An arrow hit the Cossack robber in the back, and the arrow pierced the leather armor. However, the power of the horse bow was not strong, and the enemy was injured but was not killed. The arrow staggered on his back, and he still continued to run away.


Bang bang bang!

Bows, arrows and bullets flew towards the Cossack bandits like raindrops.

There are three types of cavalry in the Datong Cavalry Division.

One type is the valiant cavalry, which can fire arrows from a distance, fight in close combat, and even carries a hand crossbow and a small buckler.

One is the Yi Cavalry, which can organize wall-type charges and shoot arrows from a distance, but its traditional melee fighting ability is weak.

One is the dragoon, which mainly uses fire guns to fight.

Of the 300 people Luo Yanggui brought, fifty were dragoons, and the rest were all knights. This was an expedition, and the knights took off their iron armor and came here wearing only leather armor.

When Yegor heard the gunfire, he subconsciously lay on his horse and turned back to check the situation. He was suddenly frightened out of his mind.

After being baptized by arrows and bullets, more than a dozen of his men were almost wiped out, with only two lucky guys left alive. One of them still had an arrow stuck in his shoulder, and he kept shaking as his horse rose and fell.


"Run, run!"

Yegor accelerated his horse like crazy and finally rushed into the forest. At the same time, the horse's speed also automatically slowed down.

On the outskirts of this primeval forest, there are often indigenous activities, and many paths have been trampled. Yegor rode along the path, looking back from time to time.

I saw an enemy getting closer and closer.

Luo Yanggui's position is the commander of the cavalry regiment. This time he only brought 300 cavalry, purely for the purpose of the expedition.

What he was riding on was a second-generation hybrid of a Wari horse and a Mongolian horse. It was already barely touching the edge of the BMW. At this moment, it was galloping on all fours, as if it was flying in the forest. It would take at least half a stick of incense to finish it.

catch up.

Yegor was frightened and angry. Knowing that he could not escape, he slowed down and stopped.

This former Lithuanian serf raised his spear and charged towards Luo Yanggui on horseback.

Luo Yanggui also raised his spear and chose to confront the enemy.

Two war horses passed by each other, and Yegor suddenly flew up and fell to the ground to pieces. A large amount of blood poured out from the hole in the leather armor on his chest.

The moment he stabbed the enemy, Luo Yanggui abandoned his spear. Then he reined in his horse, drew his sword and charged towards him. Yegor, who was on the ground, was struck in the knee by a knife before he could recover.

Luo Yanggui dismounted, picked up his spear, and without saying any nonsense, plunged it into the enemy's throat.

This group of Cossack bandits was wiped out without any effort.

For the first time in history, the Qing army fought against the Cossacks, and they fought so humiliatingly.

At that time, Khabarov robbed the village and stationed himself in a village with earth walls. He had 20 musketeers, 70 Cossack refugees, 117 indigenous servants, and he also carried three artillery pieces.

General Ningguta Haise has 600 Eight Banners troops, 500 Daur natives, 420 Feyaka natives, and 105 Hulha natives under his command. He carries six artillery pieces, 30 muskets, and 12 munitions against ten thousand enemies.

The strength of the Qing army was six times that of the Cossacks.

Moreover, the Qing Dynasty at that time was at the peak of its military power. The surrounding natives were all informing the Qing army, and the Cossacks were not even aware that they were surrounded.

In this battle, the Qing army was defeated miserably...

The Cossacks had obviously been surrounded, but the Cossacks didn't know it yet, so the Qing army just launched a night attack and that was it.

But General Ning Guta, Hai Se, insisted on arrogantly arraying himself in formation, and then bombarded the earthen wall with artillery.

Blow down a few more gaps in the earthen wall, attack several sides at the same time, and take advantage of the strength of the troops to get it done. Hai Seqian wanted to order to capture the prisoners alive, and since only one gap was broken, he ordered the entire army to charge to capture the prisoners.

The Cossacks aimed all three artillery pieces at the gaps in the earthen wall.

The Qing army swarmed forward, crowding the gap and becoming a live target for artillery.

The Qing army was quickly stunned by artillery fire, and the Cossacks took the opportunity to organize a counterattack. In the chaos, the entire Qing army, including the Eight Banners Army, suddenly collapsed, killing 676 people. The Cossack bandits captured 830 Qing army horses

, 17 muskets, 2 artillery pieces, and a large amount of food.

In this battle alone, Khabarov's strength increased dramatically, and it was more than enough for him to ride two horses.

This is the real Eight Banners Army. Don't think they are so awesome, it's just that the Ming Army is worse than them.

"Captain, there are still people alive."

"bring it here!"

A Cossack bandit who was shot by an arrow but survived was escorted to Luo Yanggui.

I originally planned to interrogate the news, but it turned out that the two parties couldn't understand each other's language.

Luo Yanggui felt that the other party was pretending to be stupid and he ordered the torture. But the Cossack was tortured to death and still just screamed.

Bao Bai, a young aboriginal boy and clan leader, came with his tribe members and kowtowed to Luo Yanggui when they met.

"Get up," Luo Yanggui asked, "Are there any Rakshasa ghosts nearby?"

Bao Bai said: "There is one more thing, but it is not a Rakshasa ghost, but a dog raised by a Rakshasa ghost. The Rakshasa ghost defeated two Daur tribes, and some timid Daur people became dogs for their enemies. They

Just in the forest, there were plundered grains, women, and some beast skins."

"Lead the way immediately!" Luo Yanggui said.

These natives didn't know where the enemy was, so they asked the hostages who were released to report the news to lead the way, but there wasn't even a ghost there.

The indigenous teenagers organized hunters and searched for traces in the forest. After spending most of the day, they finally found the traces of the enemy.

More than a dozen Daur natives remained stupidly in place, guarding the stolen livestock, grain, women and furs for the Cossack bandits. When they saw that the Datong cavalry was outnumbered and all of them were on horseback, they did not choose to run away and immediately knelt down.

Asking for surrender.

As if under questioning, Luo Yanggui obtained more military information.

It turns out that not everyone in Khabarov's main force carries a matchlock. There are only two Cossack musketeers, and there are only a few Cossacks who use cold weapons.

There are more than 100 people, and the rest are all indigenous Siberian hunters.

These indigenous hunters come from different tribes, including indigenous people from the north of Lake Baikal and Mongolian herdsmen who were captured by the Cossacks. These people are all equipped with hunting bows, some with knives, and some without knives. When facing the Datong cavalry,

The combat effectiveness is negligible.

Luo Yanggui muttered: "They are really a group of bandits. There are only two or three hundred such weak bandits, and they can actually run rampant on both sides of the Heilongjiang River. Do the local indigenous people have no eggs?"

It’s not that there are no eggs, it’s that those with eggs were either killed by the Tatars, or captured and killed as soldiers by the Tatars.

Moreover, the Cossacks owned large ships, and they came and went like the wind in Heilongjiang. If several indigenous tribes united and appeared with thousands of troops, the Cossacks would immediately escape by boat and go to another place to rob.

This chapter has been completed!
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