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737 [Envoy to the West]

It is impossible for a person like Khabarov to come back, let alone become an officer.

After the formation of the Northeastern Navy, the Yangtze River Navy will serve as the backbone. If we want to expand the army in the future, we will definitely not recruit troops in the south. Instead, we will move northeast, with mainly indigenous people and criminals - immigrants can be recruited in the Heilongjiang River Basin, but only indigenous people can be recruited further north.

Soldiering with criminals.

If this Cossack bandit who had taken refuge here had achieved military exploits, let alone the emperor not being able to see them, the news would probably not even reach the ears of the Heilongjiang capital.

Saihe, the Tatar general who had voluntarily surrendered, had been killed by the military and civilian officials because of his notorious reputation in the Northeast.

This guy stayed in Liaoning to become a big landowner. First he was forced to divide his land, and he didn't dare to resist. Then he was reported to have his servant beaten to death. The government was keeping a close eye on him.

An investigation was immediately carried out, past crimes were liquidated, all the men in the family were executed, and the women in the family were ordered to remarry immigrants.

Almost all Tatar generals who surrendered suffered this fate. Only a few of them did not do many evil deeds and were lucky enough to escape the aftermath.

Many of the civil servants in the Northeast were scholars from the previous dynasty. They blamed the Tatars for the demise of the Ming Dynasty. The military generals in the Northeast also had many comrades die at the hands of the Tatars. So the civil and military officials tacitly

Cooperate, keep an eye on those Tatar generals all day long, and clean up the sins committed before surrendering if they commit any minor crimes.

As for Khabarov, probably after capturing Lake Baikal, he will be of little use to the Northeast Navy, and he may die in some unknown battle.

You know, once the natives are recruited to supplement the navy, these natives will have a deep hatred for Khabarov!

Zhao Han uses this guy because he is familiar with the Cossack stronghold and has a reputation among the Cossacks. At a critical moment, he can even create a Cossack faction. This is related to the future of the entire Siberia. Anyone can use it, even if he has committed many crimes in the past.

Just when Khabarov was rejoicing, China's fleet envoy to the West had already set sail in Shanghai.

The official envoy was Zhang Ruifeng, the right young minister of Honglu Temple, who brought with him twelve officials from Honglu Temple, two Hanlin Academy scholars, and two Qintian Academy scholars.

The commander-in-chief of the fleet was Fan Chao, who was a Poyang Lake bandit and a Yangtze River navy general. There was a warship whose captain was named Shi Lang, who was the son of the naval general Shi Daxuan.

The fleet has a total of twenty warships and six transport ships.

Lu Tianxiang's status was barely considered a regular envoy, and she was responsible for commanding 30 female imperial guards and 1,000 emperor's personal guards.

The ship sailed to the waters of Quang Nam Province and made supplies at Thanh Hoa Port.

The local chief official did not come to receive him, but only sent a county magistrate to the port to explain the situation: "Dear Sirs Rong Bing, mobs are rising in Guangnan, and magistrates from all over the county are defending the county. Generals Liu and Ding are leading their troops to quell the chaos. The port is here

The border is safe for the time being, but you still need to be more vigilant.

Zhang Ruifeng asked in surprise: "Are there rioters in Guangnan again?"

The county magistrate smiled and said: "After this time, there will probably be a lot fewer rioters."

The civil unrest in Guangnan was purely deliberately provoked by local officials. They specifically chose winter to forcibly take back excess land from landlords, which provoked the Yue landlords to incite the people to rebel.

The reason for choosing winter is to leave enough time to quell the chaos and have half a year to take action. The summer heat is too hot, and it will not be fun by then. Datong soldiers may suffer large-scale non-combat attrition due to weather conditions.


Zhang Jiayu, the political envoy on the left, Sun Chuanting, the administrative envoy on the right, Zhang Huangyan, the chief judge, and Shi Kefa, the enlightening envoy.

These four people are in charge of Guangnan Province, plus two divisions of the Datong Army. Moreover, 3% of the soldiers of these two divisions come from the Guangxi Wolf Soldiers. With such a luxurious lineup, how can the Yue landlords cause trouble?

What a hell.

Thanh Hoa and Nghe An are the places with the largest number of rioters.

Sun Chuanting personally moved to Thanh Hoa to take charge, and put Zhang Huangyan in charge of ransacking homes in Thanh Hoa, and Shi Kefa in charge of ransacking homes in Nghe An. Those whose homes were ransacked were all big landowners who incited rebellion, and even landowners who did not participate in the rebellion would be affected.

As for the leaders of the rebellion, regardless of whether they were bewitched or not, we can just kill them all.

This approach may seem bloody, but in fact it is very gentle. Vietnam has been separated from China for hundreds of years, and it can easily leave consequences without strong measures.

As the envoy to Guangnan, Shi Kefa even ordered that all books written in the Mandarin language be banned.

Anyone caught secretly possessing a Nanwen book will have his or her home confiscated, or beheaded!

This policy is beneficial in the long run, but counterproductive in the short term.

Nam script is to Vietnam what Korean is to North Korea. It is a pinyin script based on Chinese characters. It is despised by Vietnamese scholars and even suppressed by the Vietnamese court.

But after Shi Kefa ordered the ban, the Vietnamese scholars who despised the Nom script suddenly began to admire the Nom script. Some scholars who did not understand the Nom script even took the risk of having their homes confiscated and exterminated, so they spent money to collect Nom script and hide it in their homes.

Seven days later, the fleet arrived at Palembang.

Neither Singapore nor Malacca are suitable supply points, because both places produce insufficient food. Only Palembang, with its dense population and developed agriculture, can provide sufficient supplies.

The Governor of Palembang has taken office.

Even the first batch of immigrants, a total of 1,200 people, had come to Palembang from the coasts of Fujian and Guangdong to settle in Palembang.

After replenishing food and drinking water, the fleet crossed the Strait of Malacca and arrived at Chittagong Port in Arakan.

This port nominally belongs to the Arakan Kingdom, but it has long been leased to the Portuguese.

The Portuguese, although they built colonial castles, were unable to effectively rule and had to cooperate with the pirates here.

Chittagong is the largest pirate den in the Bay of Bengal!

The Portuguese often teamed up with pirates to plunder weaker fleets, and the Portuguese were responsible for selling the stolen goods.

There are four new ships in China's envoy fleet. They are built using century-old oak wood and are equipped with the most advanced artillery. They integrate the most advanced shipbuilding technology from the East and the West. The largest ship has a displacement of 900 tons.

The cunning Portuguese colonists and the ferocious Arakan pirates became hospitable after observing them from a distance.

If you want fresh water, if you want food, if you want food, all you need is money, and it will be delivered to you immediately.

The Portuguese even provided special services. Soldiers visited brothels together and received a 20% discount on prostitution. If there were not enough prostitutes, they could immediately go to the countryside to snatch them.

Scholars from Qintianyuan were responsible for recording the geographical and hydrological conditions here when they docked for supplies.

Scholars from the Hanlin Academy came to visit the city and took interpreters with them to appreciate the local customs and customs.

The officers observed the castle here and formulated the best plan to attack the castle.

There were also officials from the Ministry of Commerce on board the ship, who were at the port to inquire about prices and special products here.

That's what they have to do along the way, and it's not just diplomacy.

The older and well-established scholars from the two academies are not willing to travel abroad at all, and all those who come are graduate students from Jinling University.

Pan Wei, who was only 18 years old, went ashore and wandered around for three full days. After the supplies were completed, he returned to the cabin and wrote in a pen: "Chittagong is the territory of the Arakan Kingdom, and Arakan is a subsidiary of the Toungu Kingdom. This is There is a Portuguese castle in the port, and many pirates are entrenched in the port. The population of the city is mostly Portuguese, Aragonese, Persians, Bengalis, and Indians... The city is dirty and messy, with many taverns and brothels... along the street,

There are many drunkards and prostitutes. You need to be careful about theft. My translator accidentally had his money bag stolen... What a shame, Hong Kong is a place where men steal and women prostitute. It is not a civilized place!"

Lu Tianxiang took the female officers and guards and ran happily to the city. After only a few glances, they returned to the ship.

The next stop is the Dutch colonial port of Pulicat, located at the mouth of the Benner River in India.

This is not the territory of the Mughal Empire. It belongs to a small country called Jinji, and there are various large and small states in the country. To the north of Jinji is the Golconda country, and to the south is the Tanjore country.

This time, instead of leaving after supplies, we followed the river to the capital of the country to engage in diplomacy.

Lu Tianxiang set out with the female officers, and all the civil servants, as well as a thousand emperor's personal guards and a thousand navy soldiers went with him.

Along both sides of the river, there are farmlands everywhere, and it looks like agriculture is very developed.

But you can see hungry people everywhere, with dark skin, squatting on the roadside not knowing what to do. There are also so-called practitioners, wearing tattered clothes,

With paint still on his face, he sat there all day long waiting for alms from believers.

The state religion here is Green Christianity, but the people at the bottom mainly believe in Hinduism, and there are religious vendettas every now and then.

The sultan of the Jinji Kingdom could also control the area around the capital, while other places were governed by local princes. They only had to pay taxes to the sultan regularly every year.

I heard that the Chinese envoy was visiting and the Sudan warmly received him.

Lu Tianxiang had already begun to regret it. What a hell it was like overseas. She had never encountered a war, but she saw some mess. Even the capital of a country was filthy. She even saw someone peeing on the street.

After meeting the Sultan, Lu Tianxiang stopped showing up and stayed at the residence arranged by the Sultan, waiting to return to the ship.

As for diplomatic work, Zhang Ruifeng is fully responsible.

Zhang Ruifeng submitted his credentials to Sultan Jinji, and the two countries reached equal diplomatic and trade relations. Then, he sold two loads of silk and two loads of cotton to Sultan Jinji, all of which were exchanged for silver coins here.

Sultan Jinji was very generous and gave two female slaves as gifts, one to Zhang Ruifeng and the other to Lu Tianxiang.

Zhang Ruifeng did not dare to accept her and gave all the female slaves to Lu Tianxiang to manage.

As a result, there were two more maids beside Lu Tianxiang.

Through the introduction of Sultan Jinji, Zhang Ruifeng learned that there were many small countries nearby. If they communicated with each other one by one, it would take years and months to reach Europe.

Therefore, on the next journey, we only picked up those with stronger national power to engage in diplomacy, all the way to the country of Bijapur in the west of the Indian subcontinent.

Bijapur and Golconda, these two countries, were the main forces blocking the Mughal movement southward, and had been fighting the Mughal Empire for hundreds of years.

Next, they went to meet the Mughal Emperor, which was the first empire they visited.

In order to ensure safety, Lu Tianxiang and Zhang Ruifeng brought a total of three thousand troops ashore, which scared the Mughal magistrate to summon a large army.

This chapter has been completed!
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