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Chapter 759 757 [Rebellion Collection]

Chapter 759 757 [Rebellion Book]

The British royal family in exile did not go to Paris.

The main reason is that the relationship between the sister-in-law is very tense. The deposed queen of England and the queen mother of France are like sworn enemies when they meet.

In fact, they are considered enemies!

Louis XIII, who has passed away, had been separated from his wife Anne for a long time, and was extremely jealous of his mother. His mother plotted to depose Louis XIII, and after failure, she fled and asked for asylum in Spain. Louis XIII's younger brother, the Duke of Orleans, participated in the rebellion of Prince Condé.

He was also exiled by the Queen Mother last year.

My mother absconded in fear of crime, and my brother was exiled. How could the Queen Mother of England be willing to go to Paris again?

The family stayed in Rouen without revealing their identity, renting a house in a low-rise neighborhood.

After receiving a consultant salary from the Chinese mission, Prince Charles was not in a hurry to work for the time being. With a broad sword hanging on his waist and his hands in his trouser pockets, Prince Charles skipped through the streets.

You have to jump around, because if you are not careful, you will step on dirt.


Arriving at the tavern, Charles took out a few livres and shouted: "Bring the wine!"

The reward given by the Chinese was enough for the prince to drink for a while.

There were several people sitting at the next table, plotting something loudly.

Charles drank and listened attentively. The more he listened, the more interesting he became.

P. Brussels, who triggered the Fronde rebellion, was the leader of the resistance movement. Because the uprising was so big at the time, he was not executed after being captured.

Halfway through his exile, P. Brussels took a walk, and now he has returned and is hiding in Rouen.

"This book is called "Chinese Revelation" ("The Collection of Datong") and was translated by the British poet Mr. Milton." Brussels held up the pamphlet in his hand. "I saw a French manuscript in the Port of Grace. It was ruined.

With great effort, I borrowed a copy and copied it by hand. Did you know? In China, civilians can also study for free and take an exam called the imperial examination. You must pass the imperial examination before you can serve as an official. Even the emperor of China cannot violate this


The gangster at the same table wondered: "There are only so many official positions. If everyone takes the exam to become an official, will the number of official positions be enough? If the number is not enough, will the official's son inherit it, or will the newly admitted scholar take the position?"

Brussels explained: “In China, official positions cannot be hereditary!”

“Official positions cannot be hereditary?”

Everyone exclaimed, and because the sound was too loud, everyone in the tavern looked over.

Milton left earlier than the Chinese mission. After returning to England, he found that his republic was gone.

He didn't blame Cromwell for disbanding Parliament, because it was difficult to be a Lord Protector. The nobility, parliament, and army all had their own needs, and Cromwell was caught in the middle and was in an awkward position. From Cromwell's perspective

, we had to make a choice, we simply threw out the parliament and established a military dictatorship.

Milton, whose political ideals were disillusioned, resigned from his position as secretary and devoted himself to translating "The Collection of Datong".

Milton's version of "The Collection of Datong" contains bourgeois ideas and deletes the content of land distribution.

At this moment, Brussels said excitedly: "Let me introduce the content of this book to you..."

"Chinese people also recognize the 'divine right of kings,' but the monarch must possess virtue and treat people of all classes well. This is called 'benevolent government,' which means implementing beautiful and benevolent policies. If the monarch implements benevolent government, he will be recognized by God. The monarch

If you do not practice benevolent government, you will be punished by God..."

"The world operates in compliance with the 'will of God' (the way of heaven). God is happy to see the people happy and healthy, and the people thrive under the care of God. As the number of people increases, a monarch is needed to govern. The governance of a monarch is not to exploit the people.

, but to protect the rights and interests of the people. If you violate this principle, you will not be a qualified monarch and will be abandoned by God. A monarch has limited abilities alone, so he needs many officials to assist him..."

"The previous emperor of China lost the approval of God because he exploited the people. The current emperor of China received God's will in his sleep and led the people to overthrow the tyrant..."

"God's will is as follows: first, private property is inviolable, and kings and churches are no exception; second, the people have freedom, including freedom of speech, publication, marriage...; third, the people have the right to learn knowledge. Knowledge

It is the gospel of God in the world, and everyone should learn to understand it. The monarch and the government should open public schools to spread the gospel of God in the form of knowledge. Fourth, only by understanding the gospel of God, that is, possessing

Only with knowledge can one serve as a government official..."

The book translated by Milton has been banned from publication in the UK because it contains too much private material and is suspected of tampering with doctrine.

But in this tavern, a group of French gangsters were very excited after hearing this.

After Brussels roughly elaborated, he said in a tone of infinite yearning: "In distant China, the monarch is benevolent, the officials are honest, and the people live a carefree life. The beggars on the streets have disappeared and everyone can work.

Farmers also have endless food to support their families. I heard that even the porters at the dock can use their wages to buy silk to make clothes. The Chinese people follow God's will, so they receive God's blessing. The land there is so fertile.

It can release grease, and its grain output is ten times that of France!"

"When the Chinese people encounter difficulties, when the officials know about it, they will do their best to help the people instead of exploiting the people's property... Every spring, the emperor will take the officials to the countryside to farm together. This is to feel the hardships of the farmers, and also

Encourage people to be industrious."

"The emperor of China is the wisest and wisest philosopher king. He has two private guards, one dressed in white and one dressed in black. The white guards are composed of scholars and officials and are sent across the country every year to arrest those who harm the people.

Corrupt officials. The Black Guards are composed of knight officials and are sent across the country every year to arrest those bullies who harm the people."

"So, there are fewer and fewer corrupt officials and bullies in China, and they have almost disappeared. The white guards and the black guards are always worried that they can't find bad people who need to be punished, because China is governed by the emperor and only good people are left..."

Distance creates beauty, and so it is with people and countries.

The darker French society becomes, the more French people believe this nonsense.

One of the gangsters couldn't help hearing this. He held his hands in front of his chest and said, "God, it would be great if we lived in China. Your Majesty, the kind and wise Emperor of China, may God bless you with eternal health!"

Another gangster wondered: "I heard that the Chinese are all pagans. Do they also believe in our gods?"

Brussels said: "Jesus is one and ten thousand. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, although different, are actually one. The God that the Chinese believe in is actually the incarnation of Jesus, but it is called by different names. In China,

Jesus is called Heaven, God, Emperor of Heaven, and the will of Jesus is called the Way of Heaven.”

Everyone suddenly became enlightened and looked like this.

In order to translate "The Collection of Datong" and to make "The Collection of Datong" more popular in Europe, Milton came up with this theory that could easily be burned to death. Fortunately, he had a good relationship with Cromwell, otherwise he would definitely be wanted and arrested at this moment.


"What should we do?" Another rebel asked.

Brussels said: "In China, the perfect society where everyone is happy is called Datong (transliteration). We should form a Datong Party to expel the greedy and cruel Prime Minister and force the Queen Mother to return power to the King. If His Majesty the King is a wise monarch, then we will

We should support His Majesty and learn from China step by step. We should build public schools so that more people can study. We should also establish an imperial examination system so that smart and kind scholars can serve as officials. If His Majesty the King is also cruel and fatuous, then learn from the Chinese emperor and revolt to overthrow him.

The rule of a king is to choose a noble man of high moral character to be the king."

As soon as this statement came out, the rebels immediately started talking about it.

"I heard that Prince Kong Dai was very wise and kind."

"The Duke of Orleans is not bad. The Duke chose to break with the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is a bad person, and the Duke is a good person. Perhaps, we should go find the Duke of Orleans. He is exiled now and must need our help."

"I still think Prince Condé is better. His Royal Highness is an invincible general. If he becomes king, he will not be afraid of Spanish invasion."

"No, no, no, the Duke of Orleans is a direct member of the royal family, and he is more qualified to be the king. Prince Condé is just a branch of the royal family, and his legitimacy is not enough. When the time comes, the Duke of Orleans will be the king, and Prince Condé will be the prime minister. The French people will live in peace

Live a happy life."

"What you are talking about is too far-fetched. The top priority is to oust the Prime Minister and force the Queen Mother to return the throne to the King. His Majesty the King is only more than ten years old. He has not done anything bad. Everything is caused by the Queen Mother and the Prime Minister. I believe Your Majesty,

As long as your Majesty is in charge, he will definitely become a kind and wise monarch!"


A group of gangsters spoke louder and louder, and the whole tavern could hear clearly.

But no one went to tell the truth. As the closest big city to Paris, Rouen was a key target for the Prime Minister to squeeze money. The people here hated Prime Minister Mazarin, and stories about the Prime Minister sleeping with the Queen Mother went viral.

Prince Charles was very happy to hear that the King of France was his cousin, and the two had met before.

Charles knew very well what kind of situation Louis XIV was like: he was beautiful, pretentious, arrogant and lustful, and he was greedy for enjoyment... If he came to power one day, he would be a benevolent monarch. It is hard to say, but for the sake of enjoyment, he would definitely make more money.

As for the Duke of Orleans, he was Charles's uncle, a guy who was not very bright. The reason for the first rebellion was that Richelieu forced him to marry someone he didn't like, so he decided to kill Richelieu.

He deprived Louis XIII of his throne. He participated in several rebellions, always on the side of the losers, and was deceived into rebelling.

Charles glanced at the group of gangsters and felt that none of them could achieve anything.

However, the dialogue between the rebels made him more interested in China.

Just when the Chinese delegation visited Paris, "The Collection of Datong·Modified Edition" had already spread in London. Then it spread to Port Grace and Rouen, France. Not only did the gangsters regard it as a treasure, but even French scholars secretly obtained it.


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