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Chapter 773 771 [Xu Ying's new errand]

Chapter 773 771 [Xu Ying’s new job]

The Chinese mission set out from Shanghai port in the winter of the 10th year of the Republic of China.

Spring of the eleventh year.

The report on the war to quell the rebellion in Guangnan Province was finally sent to Zhao Han.

"There are more than 60,000 rebels in the three prefectures of Hanoi, Nghe An and Thanh Hoa. Most of them are peasants incited by the Yue gentry." Song Yingxing, the chief minister of Datong, was reading a report on the situation in Guangnan Province. "The imperial court sent to Guangnan

There are more than 500 officials in total. Although the number seems huge, it is actually difficult to govern villages and towns, and the countryside is still in the hands of the gentry."

"More than 100 peasant associations have been established in Guangnan Province. Based on the peasant associations, more than 80 peasant and soldier brigades have been formed. However, the influence of the Yue gentry is too great, and more than 80 peasant associations in Guangnan have been established.

The military brigade was supposed to be used by the imperial court, but half of it participated in this riot."

"Most of the local scholars in Guangnan came from the families of the Yue gentry. They spread rumors everywhere, and their benevolent government was distorted into tyranny. The farmers in Guangnan did not know what was going on, so they rebelled in confusion."

"The Yue gentry still wants to distance themselves from themselves and is only planning secretly. Those who take the lead are those Guangnan tycoons, ruffians, and bandits..."

"In this battle, a total of more than 6,000 rebels were killed and more than 30,000 were captured. The remaining rebels all broke up and fled, and a few fled into the mountains. 19 of our officers and soldiers were killed, 16 were seriously injured, and 300 were lightly injured.

87 people died due to illness, and more than 1,200 people were cured of the disease. The casualties caused by the climate were far higher than those caused by fighting on the battlefield, and this was a specially selected cool weather."

"In addition, 27 low-level officials sent by the imperial court were brutally killed by bandits. A town mayor failed to retreat in time and had his limbs chopped off by bandits and hung on a tree to bleed to death for two days. There was also a county magistrate who was killed because of a crime in the city.

The Yue police rebelled, and six members of the family died tragically, and no one survived..."

"There were 36 Yue gentry families whose homes were confiscated, totaling more than 2,700 people. After the confiscation of their homes, there was a severe shortage of low-level officials, and the countryside of Guangnan fell into chaos. Imperial decrees could only be issued to the county town, and officials had to go to the countryside to collect taxes.

Most of these tax collectors are also unreliable and often take advantage of the opportunity to exploit the people. The people of Guangnan have increasingly misunderstood the imperial court..."

Zhao Han listened carefully to the specific situation, and then read the various handling opinions of the cabinet and the ten ministries.

He approved each item one by one in front of the important cabinet ministers.

"Where is Nanqi? Why were more than 30,000 Yue people captured and most of them moved there to cultivate land?" Zhao Han asked doubtfully.

Xiao Huan, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, stepped forward, pointed to a place and said: "Nanqi is the territory of Chenla (Cambodia), where there are mostly riverbanks and swamps. According to Sun Buzheng (Sun Chuanting) of Guangnan Province, Han people already live in Nanqi.

, and even built a port town called "Haxian Town". There were also Yue refugees and scoundrels who were moved here by the Ruan family to cultivate the land. King Chenla did not dare to say anything. Sun Buzheng suggested that these captives

Migrate half of the Vietnamese rebellious people to Nanqi to reclaim wasteland on the riverbanks and hand them over to the Han people there for management. Also, send a missionary team there to help the Han people in Nanqi form a militia, and preferably establish schools."

Zhao Han took a closer look and was speechless.

The so-called land of Nanqi is the seaside area of ​​the Mekong River Delta. Ha Tien Town, where overseas Han people live together, is actually at the mouth of the Mekong River. Many of the Han people in Ha Tien Town fled to the sea during the Ming Dynasty.

There are also some Han merchants who settled there to do business, specializing in purchasing Cambodian local products.

The lower reaches of the Mekong River are full of mangroves and deserted beaches, which have not been reclaimed at this time. Therefore, although the Cambodian king is unhappy, he has always turned a blind eye and is too lazy to care. Even the Cambodian officials, gentry and nobles are still following the river.

Han merchants in Xianzhen do business, and they are happy to see Han people gathering together.

After Zhao Han thought carefully, he said: "If half of the Yue captives are exiled, I'm afraid the Han people in Nanqi will not be able to suppress them. Let's just exile 3,000 Yue captives and let them go to Nanqi to reclaim wasteland to atone for their sins and integrate with the local Han people as soon as possible.

.For the remaining Vietnamese prisoners, 2,000 were exiled to Taiwan and scattered and distributed to various counties in Taiwan. Another 500 were exiled to Malacca, and a thousand were exiled to Palembang. The rest were all moved to the mountainous areas of Yunnan and Guangxi.

When the Guangnan land came out, migrant farmers from Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guangdong came to divide the land and settle down. Since they don't cherish such fertile farmland, let the Han people go there to cultivate it!"

The emperors and ministers of the Datong court were obviously eyeing the Mekong River Delta. When the Han people and Vietnamese prisoners there merged, a large area of ​​land would definitely be reclaimed, and then they could play the trick of overseas immigrants donating land. Then they would capture the Vietnamese Nguyen and Nan clans.

The Pan Kingdom took the entire coastal area into its hands, which was almost equivalent to Vietnam a few hundred years later.

As for the lack of grassroots officials in Guangnan Province, the Ministry of Civil Affairs' suggestion was to promote all the Yue people in Guangxi who were literate and literate, and move their families to Guangnan Province to become officials.

The Yue people in Guangxi later belonged to one of the fifty-six ethnic groups (the Jing people). At this time, thousands of people had multiplied in Guangxi. A group of people had been selected to serve as officials, and it is estimated that there were very few left who could read and digitize.

Nowadays, I can't control that much. Those who look smart and clever are promoted even if they are illiterate. They can speak Chinese and Vietnamese, and they are most suitable to serve as grassroots officials. At least they are more reassuring than the local gentry.

Zhao Han quickly approved the decision of the Ministry of Personnel, but then he hesitated a little, how to deal with the more than 2,700 Yue gentry?

The Ministry of Punishment’s suggestion is to kill all adult men as a warning to others to prevent further chaos in Guangnan Province!

Zhao Han doesn't like killing people unless necessary.

It was not that Emperor Zhao was very kind, but that he thought it was too wasteful. He wrote and wrote: "Screen out the most evil people and punish them on the spot, and the rest can survive. Men over the age of 16 will be escorted to Yunnan and Guangxi for mining. Ten

Women over the age of six migrate to the north. There are more boys than girls in the north, and there is a shortage of women to marry. Children under the age of sixteen follow their mothers and migrate to the north."

After thinking about it, Zhao Han added another word: "Regardless of men and women, regardless of age, if you are willing to immigrate to a harsh and cold place, you can keep your family reunited and move them all to the Songhua River Basin in Northeast China!"

The imperial court wanted to build a capital in Heilongjiang, and the Songhua River Basin was seriously short of people. The Yue gentry immigrated there and were unfamiliar with the place, so they would definitely be better managed than the Mongols there.

"Your Majesty has mercy!"

All the ministers shouted.

It is indeed kind. Adding this sentence, many Vietnamese gentry can escape the fate of mining and avoid the fate of their wives and children. As for whether they will freeze to death, it depends on luck. Anyway, the government will try their best to make arrangements properly.


This time, the houses of 36 Vietnamese clans were raided in one go. Although only the main members of the big clan were arrested and the smaller branches were not touched, Vietnam should be able to calm down.

Many of them were wrongly arrested. Maybe some wealthy families really didn't participate in the rebellion. But who can really tell? Being a wealthy family is the original sin. Maybe they didn't participate in the rebellion, but it was definitely enough to exploit the people.

Next, let's slowly assimilate, which may take several generations.

The ministers retreated, and Xu Ying was invited in by the female officer.

"Come for a walk with me." Zhao Han put down his brush, stood up and walked out of the hall.

Xu Ying followed behind and headed to the Royal Garden together.

Zhao Han said as he walked: "How is the teacher's health?"

Xu Ying replied with a smile: "Although Liaodong is bitterly cold and not a place for retirement, once my husband returned to his hometown, many of his problems healed without medicine and he was more energetic than when he lived in Nanjing. My husband also found a clan brother, although

The clan brother also has no children, and his family has been separated for a long time, but they are finally reunited. The husband spends the whole day leisurely with his clan brothers, and occasionally gathers the soldiers who protect him together, and gives them to the soldiers in his yard.


"That's good." Zhao Han also became happy.

Xu Ying continued: "People nearby heard that the grand master taught classes in person at home, so that children could be sent to attend during holidays. The master did not refuse anyone who came, and even hired two cooks to cook for those children."

Zhao Han said with emotion: "Sir, after working hard all his life, it's time for him to enjoy peace and happiness. But I heard that Mr. Meng An (Li Banghua) will not live a comfortable life after retirement."

"What's wrong?" Xu Ying asked curiously.

Zhao Han sighed: "Oh, Mr. Meng An is used to being busy and can't take any time off at all. I received news a few days ago that Mr. Meng An is seriously ill in bed. The doctor said that he may not survive this winter. I have sent pedestrians and

Famous doctors, please go to Jishui to see Mr. Meng An and wish him a long life."

This is purely a "retirement disease". You are full of energy when you are working, but all kinds of problems will appear when you retire and go home.

"What a pity." Xu Ying agreed. In fact, he didn't have much friendship with Li Banghua.

After walking for a while, Zhao Han suddenly said: "You should go to Jiangsu to be the chief envoy. The businessmen there are becoming more and more outrageous. Check the salt affairs and commercial tax seriously. I will ask the inspector to

The hospital fully cooperates.”

Xu Ying immediately looked serious: "The Supervisory Office can't investigate, so why should we select a special envoy to take charge?"

Zhao Han said: "The Inspectorate can certainly investigate, but the intertwined relationships need to be sorted out slowly. Business is booming in Jiangsu, and there are more collusions between government and businessmen. It needs to be dealt with vigorously for several years, instead of just killing a few officials.

That’s fine.”

Jiangsu is the fastest growing province, its industry and commerce are at the top of the country, and its population is also growing crazily.

In another ten years, Jiangsu's population will probably rank first in the country.

Zhao Han thought for a while and said: "Tian Zheng in Jiangsu seems to have signs of a big problem."

"What's wrong with Tian Zheng?" Xu Ying frowned.

Zhao Han said: "Although the imperial court worked hard to provide disaster relief, it was inevitable that there were people who could not be taken into consideration. There were so many farmers, some of whom had huge debts due to business, some who were seriously ill and were helpless. Some even participated in gambling and lost everything.

.I heard that underground casinos have popped up again in Jiangsu. There are always some rich and powerful businessmen who collude with local gangsters and set up traps to trick good families into gambling. After losing all their family property and unable to pay off their gambling debts, they can only use their family property.

Go mortgage."

Xu Ying said: "Our government prohibits land transactions. Land can only be inherited and cannot be transferred casually. How can it be used to repay gambling debts?"

Zhao Han sneered and said: "There are policies from above and countermeasures from below. It's just like the fields and bones. All the land sales are hidden from the government. The poor sell the fields (rights to use) to the rich privately, and the bones (ownership) are kept by themselves."

Keep it. If you think about it carefully, this thing is not illegal because they didn't really buy or sell the land."

In Jiangsu, especially in the Changhu area of ​​Susong, a weakened and deformed version of the "enclosure movement" is brewing.

Due to the rapid development of Jiangsu's textile industry, cotton and other raw materials were in short supply. Businessmen used various means to control as much land as possible and grow the cash crops they needed in patches.

This kind of land control does not require actual possession of the land, it only requires controlling the types of crops grown on the land. For example, cotton, such as mulberry trees.

It was useless for the court to use taxation to regulate. The taxes on cotton fields and mulberry fields were already very high, but they still could not stop farmers from changing rice to mulberry and rice to cotton. The court did not dare to really tax taxes to death, because ordinary farmers

Unable to bear it, all the real profits were taken away by the businessmen.

The area of ​​grain cultivation in Jiangnan has dropped to very dangerous figures.

Zhao Han said: "When you go to take charge of Jiangxi, you have to do three things. Clean up Jiangsu's salt affairs, clean up Jiangsu's commercial taxes, and curb the trend of converting rice into mulberry! As for catching corrupt officials and powerful people, you just need to set up a battle array

Just fight, and the Inspectorate will take action for you. If that doesn't work, kill a few wealthy businessmen. If my brother-in-law doesn't know what to do, just kill them all!"

"Yes!" Xu Ying bowed straightly.

Xu Ying's black-clad guard was previously represented by his deputy.

Now that Xu Ying has officially resigned, the Black Guards will be regularized and their administrative level will be similar to that of the Supervisory Office. I don't want to think of a name, so Zhao Han plans to change it to "National Security Agency".

Neither the Inspectorate nor the National Security Council has the power to arrest, but at critical times, they can bypass the cabinet and be directly responsible to the emperor.

This chapter has been completed!
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