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Chapter 779 777

Chapter 779 777 [The husband does not fight]

In the Ming Dynasty, if a political opponent wanted to be impeached, the official would usually be the one to take action, while the real boss would only be responsible for the cleanup work.

It was so deeply hidden that he didn't even come out to clean up the situation, as if he wasn't involved in the whole process.

The new dynasty of Datong is a bit embarrassing. The Taoist officials (Supervisory Office) are in the hands of the emperor. They are usually only responsible for investigating corrupt officials and do not get involved in the factional disputes in the court. The department officials have also become stretched. Although the six departments have been expanded

He was the Twelve Cao, but was deprived of the power to make reports.

Therefore, to impeach political opponents, one needs to take action personally, or at least someone from one's own faction must be the vanguard.

"Uncle Hui, if you don't take action now, how much longer will you wait? As soon as Gan Tangshu was transferred back to the center, the Jiangsu officialdom was immediately investigated. It is obvious that His Majesty is extremely dissatisfied with that group of people. Yu Shiqin is indeed an honest person and cannot be found at all.

There is a loophole. But Gan Tangshu is different. This person is only a scholar from Fengcheng, and he comes from a branch of the Gan family that has declined."

"According to an old friend who passed through Fengcheng, Gan Tangshu built a big house in his hometown and bought many slaves from Nanyang. His eldest son even raised two Persian girls and maintained a troupe for entertainment in Nanchang. Even

His family's ancestral tombs were also magnificently renovated, and he also paid a lot of money to hire a great scholar to write an epitaph for his deceased mother. By the way, the rebuilt Gan's ancestral hall was also paid for by Gan Tangshu. His family was not in business, so where did they come from so much?


The person who instigated the impeachment was Yang Zhong, the left minister of the Ministry of War.

Li Rixuan shook his head and said: "Before it's time to close the net, we must strike a fatal blow and bring down Yu Shiqin himself."

Yang Zhong said: "Taking out Gan Tangshu is equivalent to killing Yu Shiqin's right-hand man."

Li Rixuan said: "There are too many capable ministers and officials under Yu Shiqin. Without Gan Tangshu, it can't be considered as cutting off his right and left hand. Your Majesty will definitely be disappointed with Yu Shiqin this time in Jiangsu. You can't be impatient at this time, because Your Majesty also wants to lose face."

, Many officials in Yu Shiqin's line were promoted by His Majesty. The handling of Jiangsu's officialdom has already brought shame to His Majesty, how can we get into trouble at this time?"

"Then you missed a good opportunity?" Yang Zhong asked angrily.

Li Rixuan said: "When His Majesty is completely disappointed with them, that's when we will really take action."

Li Rixuan consciously thought comprehensively, but he overestimated his control. He simply could not suppress his followers.

A few days later, officials came forward to impeach him.

Zhao Han was flipping through the impeachment memorial and was already laughing out of anger: "They are quite capable. Since the investigation is so clear, why didn't they report it to the Supervisory Council earlier and had to wait until this time to go directly to the court?"

Gan Tangshu, who was transferred to the center, was indeed a corrupt official.

Moreover, his greed was extremely hidden. When he was in charge of Jiangsu, he did not receive a penny of bribes. However, his children's in-laws had registered trading companies in Shanghai, and they often received government orders and obtained a Huai salt transportation and sales ticket.

Permit. Gan Tangshu did not personally show up for all the operations, so he could pluck them clean at any time.

However, his son is indeed too show off.

That kid has settled in Nanchang for a long time. When he goes out on the streets, he will always ride in a luxurious sedan. He will be surrounded by twenty or thirty people, half of whom are Han people hired with money and half of whom are slaves bought from Nanyang. Those slaves are very strong.

, all armed with sticks, showing off their power and often beating others. They also maintained a theater troupe, which was not open to the public and only invited friends to watch the theater at home for free.

The government stipulated that land could not be traded, so the money had to be used for something. So he started a large-scale construction project, expanded the ancestral home, rebuilt the ancestral hall, and repaired the ancestral tombs, for fear that others would not know that his father was a corrupt official.

"Order the Inspectorate to suspend duties and investigate." Zhao Han gave the instruction.

The dignified left minister of the Ministry of Commerce was invited to tea by the Inspectorate.

Gan Tangshu is a decent person. Even when she was invited to the Inspectorate, she still seemed calm and unhurried.

"Mr. Gan, please sit down," Dai Wenmeng said with cupped hands. "Since the establishment of the Supervisory Council, Mr. Gan has the highest official rank. I am honored to be able to receive him in person. If nothing happens during the investigation, Mr. Gan will definitely be reinstated. If...

There are some things I won’t say.”

Gan Tangshu sat down straightly: "If you have anything to say, it's okay to ask."

After his partner set up the pen and paper, Dai Wenmeng asked: "In his hometown, Mr. Gan, did he expand his ancestral home, rebuild the ancestral hall, and renovate the tombs of his ancestors?"

Gan Tangshu asked: "Isn't this illegal?"

Dai Wenmeng asked: "Where did the money come from? I heard that when your father passed away, it cost 300 taels of silver to ask the Confucian scholar to write an inscription."

Gan Tangshu said: "My family, Gan, has been a prominent family in Fengcheng for a long time. I renovated my ancestral house a few years ago and dug out several large boxes of silver from the ground."

Good guy, there is no "crime of unknown origin of huge amounts of property" at this time. You can get away with just saying the money buried by your ancestors.

Dai Wenmeng asked: "Who were present when the silver was dug out?"

Gan Tangshu replied: "Only my eldest son and second son were present, and the wealth was not revealed, so there was no publicity at that time."

"Mr. Gan's two sons dug the foundation themselves when renovating the ancestral house?" Dai Wenmeng asked.

Gan Tangshu said: "I have taught dogs that they should do everything by themselves and not be those people who are not diligent."

Dai Wenmeng felt that his IQ was insulted, and finally put away his smile, tapped his fingers on the table, and said with a cold expression: "Gan Tangshu, I advise you to confess honestly. If you confess now, you will be given a lighter sentence. If we find out, you will definitely be punished."

He will be punished and severely punished!"

Gan Tangshu looked innocent: "It's really the money dug out when renovating the ancestral house. This is the blessing of the ancestors, and I deserve it."

Dai Wenmeng continued to press: "We have sent people to investigate your hometown. Your in-law's name is Zhang Wendu, and someone from his trading company is also investigating. Do you understand what it means?"

Gan Tangshu said: "The Qing Dynasty will be Qing Dynasty, so you can go and investigate. My in-laws are businessmen who have always obeyed the law and have never evaded taxes. During the years of natural disasters, they even donated food to help the people, and the court also issued

He was given the 'Yi Shang' badge, and the Yi Shang plaque is hanging in his home. I am really unjust, and I ask the Inspectorate to find out the truth and make sure I am innocent."

"You're such a tough talker, you'll cry sometimes!" Dai Wenmeng was infuriated by the other party's arrogance.

While Gan Tangshu was being suspended for review, Li Rixuan was getting angry for no apparent reason at home.

"Liu Zhenfu, this bastard...bastard!"

Li Rixuan's arm swept out, and the pen holder, inkstone, and pen holder on the desk flew to the ground.

Yang Zhong advised: "Uncle Hui, don't be angry. It's a good thing to get a Zuo Shilang. Gan Tangshu will definitely be in trouble this time."

However, Li Rixuan became more and more angry and cursed: "Idiot, Liu Zhenfu is an idiot! Gan Tangshu, a high-ranking corrupt official, must be exposed at the critical moment in order to defeat all Yu Shiqin's party. What's the use of overthrowing him now?

Not only will Yu Shiqin not be implicated, he will also be alerted and become more cautious in the future! That bastard Liu Zhenfu said he was not allowed to impeach, so why did he insist on submitting that memorial? He wants to be an upright minister, he

He is buying fame for himself and wants to take this opportunity to climb up!"

Yang Zhong said nothing because Li Rixuan got it right.

As the right minister of the Ministry of Finance, Liu Zhenfu had the opportunity to overthrow Gan Tangshu, the left minister, and straighten him up. Anyway, Gan Tangshu had just been transferred back to the center and did not have a deep foundation in the Ministry of Finance, so he was not afraid of offending him.

In terms of reputation, Liu Zhenfu can also gain prestige in his own camp by defeating a heavyweight political opponent.

As for Li Rixuan's long-term plan, what does Liu Zhenfu have to do with him?

Li Rixuan's party was originally a loose alliance. In the past, with Li Banghua in charge, everyone was naturally united. Now who cares about whom?

My heart is so tired!

Li Rixuan sat down slumped. He felt like a fool. What was the reason for such intrigue?

He set his sights on his political opponents, but was suddenly stabbed in the back by a teammate. This teammate was challenging his authority, and the weight of his words will be even lower in the future.

Yu Shiqin meditated facing the wall at home. This was the cultivation method of the Guiji Sect of Yangming Xinxue that he had just learned a few days ago.

Gan Tangshu was suddenly suspended from duty for investigation, which shocked Yu Shiqin greatly.

Yu Shiqin had not returned to his hometown for many years. He did not know that Gan Tangshu's son was actually showing off his power in Nanchang City. He also did not know that Gan Tangshu's son was building a lot of construction projects in his hometown in Fengcheng.

He himself is honest and selfless, not greedy for a penny, but he can't stop lusting after power, so he thinks his friends can do the same.

In Yu Shiqin's impression, Gan Tangshu was still the young man who was passionate about serving the people. How could he suddenly go into trouble?

Thinking about Li Rixuan's constant showing of weakness and his growing temper, Yu Shiqin suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Therefore, Yu Shiqin visited the great Confucian scholar and began to practice the methods of Guiji Sect.

He now meditates and reflects every night to review whether he has made any mistakes during the day.

I even started to think: What is my true intention?

Is it necessary for one person to be under one person and over ten thousand people to rule over the ministers of Datong?

No, that's impossible. The founding emperor would not allow such ministers to appear.

Then why do I fight with Li Rixuan?

If I can't be a powerful minister, why should I seek power?

My family is a wealthy businessman, and I am not greedy for money.

If it’s not for power or wealth, then what am I doing?

For the name?

When I serve as a local official, I am indeed praised by the people. I am honest and selfless, and I am indeed an honest official in the world. I already have these reputations, so what else do I pursue?

In the dark night, Yu Shiqin suddenly opened his eyes: I should go down in history and assist the emperor in making immortal achievements!

After fighting with Li Ixuan's gang of thieves, I have completely fallen behind. Even if I win the fight, what's the use? It's just more glory.

I have no shortage of scenery!

Your Majesty is a heroic figure of a generation. Your Majesty wants to create a prosperous world. Your Majesty likes to do things seriously.

Then I don’t have to fight with anyone, I just need to work hard.

Yu Shiqin suddenly realized it, put on his clothes, went to his study, held a lamp, studied ink, and wrote: My husband does not fight, so no one in the world can fight with him!

The next day, Yu Shiqin called his attendants and ordered: "Frame this calligraphy and hang it in the middle hall."

This chapter has been completed!
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