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Chapter 781 779

Chapter 781 779 [Zeng recalled his youth]


Gan Tangshu has been living a good life these days, and she is eating so much that she is fat.

Dai Wenmeng threw a bunch of confessions over: "Mr. Gan, your in-laws have recruited everything."

Gan Tangshu was so shocked that her pupils shrank, but she quickly calmed down: "I'm not guilty, you don't have to deceive me."

Dai Wenmeng said in a mocking tone: "He didn't recruit anyone at first. He insisted that he was a law-abiding businessman. Guess how he was frightened?"

Gan Tangshu did not answer the call.

Dai Wenmeng said to himself: "He was not satisfied with selling salt and undertaking government projects. He saw others making a lot of money by opening textile factories, so he negotiated with cotton and wool suppliers and built a large piece of land in Nantong to build a factory. It's really good.

He was so courageous that he didn’t apply for registration when acquiring land to build a factory. He also kept thugs to force the farmers to abandon their fields and move. During the most critical water storage period in the rice fields, they tied up the farmers who were keeping watch and drained all the water in the rice fields.

.There are also rapeseed fields. When the rapeseed blooms, all the rapeseed flowers in the field will be cut down."

Gan Tangshu finally couldn't keep calm and gritted her teeth and said: "Idiot!"

"The amount of people's land invaded is quite large. This is a capital crime." Dai Wenmeng knocked on the table. "There are many people in Jiangsu who have been sentenced to beheading for invading land. If you put the case in that direction, your in-laws will do anything. They say they want to make meritorious deeds."

, I confessed a lot of dirty things to you, and all I want is to be exiled to Heilongjiang to avoid the death penalty."

Gan Tangshu, who had straightened her back, slumped down on the chair and said: "I know if I can't survive it, they are all a bunch of idiots. My two sons are not good at studying, and they don't know how to do business. They can do it if they have a little money."

I wanted to show off. When I renovated my ancestral home, I didn’t want it to be so lavish. When I renovated the ancestral hall, I also wanted the clan members to contribute the money. It was my two bastard sons who paid for the renovation of the ancestral home and the ancestral hall. It took me more than half a year to find out!

Damn it, if you do this, who doesn’t know that I’m a corrupt official?”

Dai Wenmeng asked: "How much have you been greedy for? Your in-laws are not the only ones who give you money, right?"

Gan Tangshu said: "I don't know exactly how much I was greedy for. It should have been 50,000 taels. I didn't ask much about it later, but it might have been more than 100,000 taels. There were also a few merchants who had secret dealings with me.

Give me a pen and I'll write it all down. It's definitely a capital crime anyway, and I just want a whole body. I'll tell you everything. Is it okay if I don't sentence you to beheading? Hanging is also death."

Dai Wenmeng said: "As long as you tell the truth, I will help you apply for hanging."

While writing the confession, Gan Tangshu said: "This person cannot make a single mistake. Once he makes a mistake, he will be doomed and will not be able to stop even if he wants to. When I was young, I also hated corrupt officials, and I once

I have the heart to help the world and the people. As soon as the Datong Army captured Zhangshu Town, I followed the scholars from my hometown and went to serve His Majesty. That would have risked the death of my family. My whole family, young and old, are still in Fengcheng. If the government investigates, they may be exterminated.


Dai Wenmeng was quite polite to this kind of hero who followed the dragon: "You will definitely say that at the beginning, it was just out of favor, to say hello and help relatives and friends. Or maybe, at the beginning, I just wanted to get a few coins, but I didn't expect to be greedy for so much.

, just draw the bow without turning back. I have heard this rhetoric too much."

"Then I won't say anything." Gan Tangshu shut up and continued writing.

Dai Wenmeng suddenly asked: "Have you ever given any money to Yu Shiqin?"

Gan Tangshu glared at him: "Yu Shiqin was an official. Although he was authoritarian and domineering, he was really honest. And he was very strict in running the family. Not to mention his parents, wives and children, he also wrote letters to warn his relatives from time to time. His

Because the eldest son bullied others, he sent people from Nanchang to Nanjing and beat him until he couldn't get out of bed and walk for more than half a month. Don't let me bite Yu Shiqin just for meritorious service."

"Haha, of course not." Dai Wenmeng said with a smile.

"I won't be able to finish writing it in a while," Gan Tangshu said as she put down her pen. "Give me a few days to slowly recall some things. I have almost forgotten some things."

Dai Wenmeng said: "Okay."

Gan Tangshu lay on the chair, humming a tune leisurely, sang a few words, and then said: "I have no chance to see the founding of the country again. It would be great if I could turn back time. The biggest regret in my life

, when I was rushing to take the exam in Nanchang when I was young, I met the number one courtesan in Nanchang at that time. Unfortunately, I had no money and no reputation, so I could only accompany the last seat, drinking and watching from a distance. Her singing was really nice, clear and sweet, just like Huang Ying

Same thing. We drank wine and composed poems during the dinner. Although I sat farthest away, my poems won her favor, and we even made an appointment to go boating on a different day... She died."

"Huh?" Dai Wenmeng didn't keep up.

Gan Tangshu sneered: "The King of Jian'an County sent his slaves to take her away, and she was beaten to death by the princess. At this time, everyone in Nanchang knew about the commotion, but the princess came from a prominent family in Nanchang, and no scholar was willing to help her complain.

During those years, I could dream about her. She asked me to come closer and ask the maid to rearrange my seat. She said that my poems and essays had the legacy of the Six Dynasties. She invited me to go boating and have a drink together... Haha, Jian'an County

I personally supervised the execution of the king and the princess! In order to get the job of supervising the execution, I did not even go to other places for promotion, so I had to stay in Nanchang as an official."

Dai Wenmeng whispered to the interrogation partner beside him: "Take his belt and keep a close watch on him day and night. This man has a death wish and may commit suicide at any time out of fear of crime."

Gan Tangshu is still recalling his first love, which was the most beautiful moment in his life.

Suddenly, Gan Tangshu said mysteriously: "Let me tell you something, I have transferred many of the charges against Princess Jian'an's family. There are many innocent people among them, but who allowed them to be born in a family that has committed evil? They

They all have to die, and I have to dig mines even if they don’t behead, otherwise how can I be willing to do so? I made an oath back then to avenge her!"

Dai Wenmeng curled his lips, feeling that this guy had a mental problem.

To put it bluntly, he is paranoid, and his first love is all made up by his imagination.

The oiran who was innocently killed just thought that his poems were good and asked him to go boating and drink with him. It was very likely that a large group of people would go boating. But he believed that it was an unforgettable love that would last his whole life.

The unforgettable white lotus.

Gan Tangshu continued to fantasize: "Why didn't Your Majesty raise the army ten years earlier? I could have rescued her."

Dai Wenmeng muttered: "Ten years earlier? How old was your Majesty at that time?"

What Gan Tangshu never forgets may not be the courtesan, but his own youth. He is a talented man, his family is poor, he has no reputation, everything is not going well, he failed the provincial examination, and only one famous prostitute looked at him differently.

Gan Tangshu suddenly laughed again: "Guess why I went to His Majesty at that time?"

"Why?" Dai Wenmeng asked.

Gan Tangshu said: "Because Your Majesty treats prostitutes well, all the prostitutes in Ji'an Prefecture can voluntarily become good men. I thought at that time, why didn't such a hero start the army earlier?"

Dai Wenmeng couldn't laugh or cry.

The courtesan could die with peace of mind. After so many years in this world, there was still a man who remembered her and even tried his best to avenge her.

Gan Tangshu was still talking nonsense: "Although His Majesty does not allow officials to visit brothels, I have disguised myself and secretly visited brothels a few times. But no matter how famous I am, I just can't make people's hearts flutter. Today's famous prostitutes are too hypocritical.

The smiles on her face were all fake, and she was the only one who smiled the most sincerely. And those Persian girls were as beautiful as they were beautiful, with no connotation at all. I handed over my poems from that year, but not a single Persian girl could understand the mystery.

"It's too vulgar. The court should ban brothels from housing foreign women."

What is this mess?

Dai Wenmeng said: "Take the man down, keep him under good supervision, and ask him to finish writing his confession as soon as possible."

Forbidden City.

Xiao Hongzhen reported: "Your Majesty, there is no big problem with the Consort."

"That's fine." Zhao Han also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it does not involve invading people's land, other issues are not big problems.

As the eldest princess's consort, it is too easy to apply for land to build a factory. There is no need to break the rules, and there is no need to bribe officials. You can always find wasteland and wasteland. Officials at all levels must handle it quickly. The whole process is extremely legal.

There are certainly illegal operations, but they are not errors of principle and can be fined.

Xiao Hong added: "Gan Tangshu's case involved more than 100,000 taels of dirty money, and involved more than a dozen officials, as well as several wealthy businessmen. This person has embezzled and accepted the most taels of silver since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and has the highest official rank.

An official. He requested to be hanged and wanted to keep a whole body."

Zhao Han sighed: "Then give him the whole body. This guy... is simply unreasonable!"

Zhao Han had always valued the group of scholars who captured Jiangxi Commander-in-Chief Yang Jiamo alive and took the initiative to defect south. Not to mention taking care of them when they were promoted, the families of these scholars all had special rewards. Either mines or mines.

It's a salt shop, and even if you don't get paid, you can live a very comfortable life.

Your official position has been promoted very quickly, and there is no shortage of money. Why the hell are you still embezzling?

Let's take Gan Tangshu, who is less than forty years old, and is already the Minister of Zuo. In the future, as long as he does not die of illness suddenly, he can become the Prime Minister even if he has the qualifications!

Even if it is corruption, even if it involves embezzlement of hundreds or thousands of taels, for such a big hero from Conglong, the Supervisory Office will only go to investigate after being fed up. What the hell is the embezzlement of one hundred thousand taels of silver?

"Hey, let's forget about these troublesome things," Zhao Han said with a smile on his face, "I heard you got married again? Why don't you have a banquet?"

Xiaohong smiled shyly and said: "For those who remarry, it is enough to get a marriage certificate from the government." Then she said seriously, "This matter is about to be reported to Your Majesty. My husband also serves in the Supervisory Council. In order to avoid suspicion, my family and I

After discussing with my husband, he is willing to transfer to another yamen."

Father and son, brothers, who work in the same department as officials, have to avoid suspicion since the Ming Dynasty. They will usually ask for transfer or resign directly.

There were many official rules in the Ming Dynasty. For example, officials were prohibited from doing business in their homes. This rule was always strictly enforced, but it was always useless - if family members did not come forward to do business, just let the domestic slaves do business. The domestic slaves would not dare to run away anyway.

The fate of escaped slaves has always been tragic.

As for Xiaohong's remarried husband, it was Liu Chuanzong who accepted death.

There is a ten-year age difference between the two, so the older girl and the younger boy... Liu Chuanzong's wife died of illness, and he often followed Xiaohong on cases. He admired Xiaohong's talent and character, and developed feelings for each other as soon as they went back and forth.

Zhao Han said: "I will definitely give you gifts when you get married. As for your husband, it is really not appropriate to stay in the Supervisory Court anymore and go out to be a justice. You must choose a place with convenient transportation. When you go out to inspect and handle cases, you should also

We can take this opportunity to reunite as husband and wife."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Xiaohong said happily.

Zhao Han added: "Our Commander-in-Chief Fei will soon return to Beijing to report on his duties. We are all old friends, and we will have a drink and reunion together then."

Fei Ruhe not only returned to Beijing to report on his work, but also made a general report on the situation in the grassland. The next step was to gather troops and march to the grassland.

This chapter has been completed!
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