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Chapter 784 782 [The emperor personally teaches the prince]

Chapter 784 782 [The emperor personally taught the prince]

After Fei Ruhe returned to the capital, he was summoned to the palace every three days. Either Zhao Han himself summoned him, or the Fei sisters invited him. From the outside, he seemed extremely favored.

On this day, the prince Zhao Kuanghuan was studying in the Wenhua Hall, and Zhao Han came to supervise the studies in person with Fei Ruhe.

Zhao Kuanghuan felt a little unfamiliar with this uncle, but he was well-known for his reputation. Among his classmates, there were also many admirers of Governor Fei.

Huang Zongxi was teaching "The Theory of Three Principles". When the officials saw the emperor coming, they all wanted to get up and pay homage. However, Zhao Han raised his hand to stop him and told them not to move, and the teaching activities continued.

Everyone, including Huang Zongxi, was a little nervous, and Zhao Kuanghuan couldn't help but look back many times.

"Be focused!"

Huang Zongxi was the first to calm down and hit the table with a ruler to remind the prince not to lose his mind too often.

Halfway through the class, a person from the Middle School came. He was not allowed to enter, and he could not move around freely, so he had to stand at the door and wait.

It wasn't until school was over and everyone else was allowed to leave that Zhao Han said, "Come in."

Zhao Han went over and took the main seat, while the prince and Fei Ruhe sat on the lower seats on both sides. Huang Zongxi, Hu Mengtai, Li Yong, and Zhang Dai, who had come after hearing the news, all sat down in order in confusion.

"Your Majesty, Fan Biying, pays homage to your Majesty!"

The people in Zhongshushe stepped forward to pay their respects, and then went to pay homage to the prince and others.

Zhao Han pointed at this person and introduced: "This is the eighteenth generation grandson of Fan Wenzhenggong (Fan Zhongyan). His name is Biying and his courtesy name is Longxian."

Zhao Kuanghuan and Li Yong both stood in awe and bowed their hands to Fan Biying.

Zhao Han smiled and said to Zhang Dai: "Zhang Qing knows him, right?"

Zhang Dai replied: "Reporting to your Majesty, I am an old friend of my late father, and I have been a guest in Fanyuan many times."

Zhao Han asked Fan Biying again: "Do you know why I invited you here?"

Fan Biying said anxiously: "I really don't know."

Zhao Han glanced at everyone and said: "Xu Ying, the chief envoy of Jiangsu Province, ordered the entire province to conduct an inventory of farmland, and encouraged the people to report actions that undermined land administration. Recently, Xu Ying sent another secret letter, saying that there were dozens of descendants of the Fan family.

, jointly reported to the head of the Fan clan, who forcibly confiscated smuggled farmland in the name of the charity village. Each of the farmers who had taken away the Fan clan's charity village must give an acre of good land, and gather the few to rebuild the Fan clan's charity farm."

Fan Biying looked horrified and quickly knelt down to defend: "Your Majesty Rong Bing, it has been ten years since my late father passed away. Even when he was still alive, he never interfered with the affairs of the clan. Although my late father came from the head of the Fan family, his family had already been ruined.

, as a last resort, he even became... a son-in-law, and only after becoming an official did he return to his original surname of Fan."

Zhao Han sneered: "This time we invaded the people's land and turned it into Fan's righteous village, your two brothers were responsible for it. Relying on your father's reputation during his lifetime, they organized and advocated all over the countryside, and all the descendants of the Fan family who refused to hand over their fields were

Reprimand them as people who forget their ancestors!"

Fan Biying was so frightened that she became paralyzed and almost fainted on the spot.

Zhao Han said with a gloomy face: "Xu Buzheng is waiting to investigate and deal with the matter. As soon as the order was issued to Wu County, the local officials refused to do it. Instead, they wrote letters to persuade Xu Buzheng to stop. Those scholars in Wu County gathered in hundreds of people

Many people jointly put pressure on Xu Buzheng. They said that Fan’s Yizhuang is the cultural backbone of Wuxian County and must not be destroyed easily..."

Zhao Han immediately asked Fan Biying: "Xu Buzheng said in the secret report that he planned to severely punish this matter. He would kill some, imprison some, exile some, and dismiss others. Do you think this is appropriate?"

Fan Biying answered bravely: "It is extremely appropriate. Those who undermine the land administration should be severely punished!"

Zhao Han asked Zhao Kuanghuan again: "What does the prince think?"

Zhao Kuanghuan already understood in his heart that his father chose to handle the matter in Wenhua Hall because he wanted to personally demonstrate to him how to govern the country. He immediately said: "Father, I don't know the whole story of this matter. All the gentlemen have taught me that you should be cautious when governing a country, and you don't know the causes and consequences.

Don’t make decisions lightly. So what exactly is Fan’s Yizhuang?”

Zhao Han was very satisfied with his son's answer and turned to Zhang Dai: "Zhang Qing, tell the prince, what is Fan's Yizhuang?"

Zhang Dai stood up and stated: "When Fan Wenzheng was demoted for the third time, he bought more than a thousand acres of land in his hometown of Wuxian and set up Fan's Yizhuang to help the poor members of the clan. He also set up a charity school in the Yizhuang to teach the poor children of the clan to read.

Poor children with different surnames can also study. It has been five hundred years since the establishment of Fan's Yizhuang, which has lasted through the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties. Before our land was divided into new dynasties in Datong, Fan's Yizhuang had several

With a thousand acres of land, it is a model for yizhuang in the world."

Zhao Han asked his son: "What do you think?"

Zhao Kuanghuan replied: "Father, I think this is a good thing, but it is really wrong to destroy Tianzheng."

"Then let me tell you how this model of Yizhuang in the world, the cultural backbone of Wuxian County, has been operating for five hundred years." Zhao Han glanced at the crowd, and those who met his eyes lowered their heads to avoid, "Fan Wenzhenggong,

The establishment of Yizhuang was out of good intentions. However, his second son did even more than he himself did, buying up people's land and expanding the scale of Fan's Yizhuang. He also obtained various praises and various awards from the emperor of the Song Dynasty.

There are tax exemptions and exemptions, and Fan’s Yizhuang almost doesn’t pay taxes!”

Fan's Yizhuang did not pay the land tax?

Zhao Kuanghuan and Li Yong were both quite surprised and looked at Fan Biying who was kneeling in the hall.

Zhao Han continued: "In the Yuan Dynasty, Fan's Yizhuang was completely exempted from land tax. Some Suzhou officials planned to tax Fan's Yizhuang, and they were immediately sued by the Fan clan to the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, heavy taxes were levied in Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas

Fu, Fan's Yizhuang is no exception, and has reached the point where it cannot be maintained. After Zhang Juzheng's death, the whip method was completely deformed, and Fan's Yizhuang revived and became more prosperous than before. Fan's Yizhuang should be handed over

The land tax was all spread out on the poor people, forcing many farmers to go bankrupt! There was no land to be distributed, and Fan's Yi Zhuang also hid it, and not even a tael of silver was handed over to the court!"


Zhao Han slammed the table and said angrily: "When the Datong Army regained Jiangnan, it had already determined the nature of Fan's Yizhuang. The acres of Fan's Yizhuang were also distributed to surrounding farmers, and most of the land recipients were descendants of the Fan family.

.I respect Duke Fan Wenzheng and do not want to treat his descendants badly, so I only killed a few notorious people. It has only been ten years, and someone from the Fan family has made a comeback. Do you really think that I am dead? I really think that the court's sword is not good.

Huh? There are actually so many officials and scholars interceding for the Fan family who have invaded and occupied people’s fields! Prince, tell me, what is Fan’s Yizhuang?"

Zhao Kuanghuan thought about it carefully and sorted out his words: "Fan's Yizhuang obviously helped the tribe and the village, and gained a great reputation. In fact, it was generous to the court and used the land tax that should have been taken away by the court to do good deeds to buy its own reputation.

Very bad!"

"More than that," Zhao Han said, "Fan's Yizhuang spread deceitful mails during the Ming Dynasty and harmed many farmers in Wuxian County. Thousands of acres of fertile land were not paid to the imperial court and were all used to provide relief to the clan members and villagers.

?It’s not up to them to decide how much they give out for relief! Not only do they buy reputation, they also harm the public and enrich themselves! What’s the difference from the Kong family in Qufu?”

Suddenly, Fan Biying kowtowed and shouted: "Your Majesty, please investigate this matter thoroughly. Whoever surnamed Fan disrupts the land administration must be punished with full force and no mercy. As for my two brothers, they will be killed if they should be killed, and exiled if they should be. Seriously.

Only by investigating and punishing can we clear up the source, don't let them ruin the reputation of our ancestor Wen Zhenggong for his virtue!"

"Very good, you go and investigate," Zhao Han said, "Don't be a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Instead, be the Integrity Officer of the Supervisory Council and follow your colleagues to go to Wuxian County for a thorough investigation!"

Fan Biying was dumbfounded when he heard this. He hesitated several times before finally shouting: "Your Majesty trusts me, and I must kill my relatives to repay your kindness!"

Fan Biying could only hang out in the Inspectorate. After the case was concluded, he did not even dare to return to his hometown again in this life. After a generation of famous officials, Fan Zhongyan's direct descendants were forced by the emperor to work as "cruel officials" who were not recognized by their relatives.

Fan Biying had no choice at all. If he dared to disobey, his brother would be implicated. It is estimated that even his son would lose his qualifications to be an official.

Therefore, the more I thought about it, the angrier I became. I didn't blame the emperor, but my brother and clan members.

His father was poor when he was young. In addition to being able to study for free at a free school, he did not receive much financial support from Fan's charity village. In order to survive, his father even became a son-in-law. He did not really turn around until he passed the imperial examination.

His father did not get much benefit from Fan's Yizhuang. Instead, after becoming an official, he used the stolen money to donate land to the Yizhuang.

Fan Biying himself has not enjoyed the benefits of Yizhuang, and now he has been cheated and almost lost his official position. In his heart, he has regarded his tribe and Yizhuang as a scourge, and must be dealt with no matter what.

Migration of tribes!

Fan Biying had already decided. When the case was settled, he asked Shangshu to divide the Fan family into clans and move a group of them to Hebei. The clans had been separated and moved before, but it was not enough. They had to continue to move. He dealt with the family more and more.

The more ruthless you are, the more you will be favored by the emperor. Anyway, you are going to be stabbed in the back by your tribe, so it is better to kill yourself.

Fei Ruhe watched the whole process without saying a word.

He knew what Zhao Han meant, and he invited himself to see this good show for no reason. It was nothing more than a slap in the face of him, Governor Fei. He must not undermine the land administration, and he should be more restrained in making money through business with his tribe.

Zhao Han waved his hand to dismiss everyone, and Fan Biying left in a cold sweat.

Zhao Han asked Zhao Kuanghuan: "The prince is watching the government today, what have you received?"

Zhao Kuanghuan thought about it carefully: "After a loyal person, he is not necessarily a loyal person. After a sage, he is not necessarily a sage. Whether it is the Fan family in Wu County or the Kong family in Qufu, they must be dealt with according to the "Law of Datong" and no special treatment can be given to them. These

If the descendants of celebrities really want to act recklessly and rely on the good reputation left by their ancestors, they will do more harm to the country."

As soon as this statement came out, the expressions of some people on the spot changed drastically.

It's over. The prince has this idea. I'm afraid it won't be easy to fool him after he ascends the throne, and it won't be easy to persuade him to treat the gentry preferentially.

"What else?" Zhao Han asked again.

Zhao Kuanghuan hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: "Father, I am stupid, I really can't think of anything."

Zhao Han warned: "No matter how good a person's reputation is, don't look at what he says, but what he does. Just like this Fan's Yizhuang, which has survived for five hundred years, its reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and its acres are getting bigger and bigger.

The more they do, the more they become a model of charity in the world. What kind of model do they model?"

This chapter has been completed!
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