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Chapter 790 787

Between Daqing and Qiqihar, there is a pasture with rivers and lakes.

This place was originally the territory of Durbot Mongolia. After several years of fighting, the two banners of Durbot were divided up by Horqin Mongolia. The leaders of the two banners were all beheaded, and Horqin Mongolia appointed Taiji (prince) to rule.


Now, Horqin's main force has gone to the west to attack, while Hong Guoer and the Manzhu ritual tribesmen have all withdrawn to this grassland with their belongings, livestock and food.

"Jinong (Deputy Khan, Prince), the traces ahead are getting newer and fresher. The enemy's tribe is definitely not far away."

"Abandon the logistics and equipment, leave 3,000 people to escort, and follow me to pursue the rest at full speed!"

Darhan gave an order and led more than 40,000 cavalry, abandoning their logistical equipment and advancing at full speed. He also divided his troops into two groups, heading north along the Nen River and bypassing Lianhu Lake all the way to the north.

Autumn in Lianhuan Lake is beautiful. The clear water reflects the blue sky. The lakeside is full of reeds undulating in the wind. There are still many wheat fields that have not been harvested and smoke is billowing. The Horqin people burn the wheat that cannot be taken away.

. Continuing to the north, there is a large forest of Populus euphratica, with golden yellow Populus euphratica leaves, reflecting in the lake like a paradise.

But neither the pursuing nor the fleeing parties were in the mood to enjoy this beautiful scenery.

The person who fled with Horqin's tribe was a woman named "Bo Li". One of her daughters (Dayu'er) was married to Huang Taiji; her other daughter was married to Dorgon.

"Second Concubine, Second Concubine, the enemy is coming!"

Bo Li's title in the Qing Dynasty was "Horqin Second Concubine". There was also "Horqin Concubine", Bo Li's mother-in-law, who has died of illness long ago.

Bo Li was an old woman. She reined up her horse and looked behind her: "We can't escape. We have too many cattle, sheep, chariots and horses, and we can't outrun the enemy's cavalry. We shouldn't miss the wheat here, and we shouldn't covet the comfort here. In the past few days, we can't escape."

It’s time to continue evacuating to the north. Everyone, take up arms and prepare to fight.”

"Da da da da!"

Along the way north along the Nen River, the Khalkha cavalry took the lead in catching up with Horqin's tribe.

Twenty thousand cavalry faced tens of thousands of old, weak, women and children, and more than four thousand Han slaves.

Darhan ordered: "Don't kill young women, don't kill young children, don't kill Han slaves, kill all the rest!"

Twenty thousand Khalkha cavalry began to disperse and outflank, shooting arrows at the outer perimeter of Horqin's tribe along the way.

Bo Li led a group of noble women, holding weapons and preparing to fight.

Seeing that they were surrounded from all sides, many people from small tribes put down their weapons without any resistance. And those thousands of Han slaves just lay down on the ground. No matter who wins or loses, they are the same.


The rumbling horn sounded, and the Khalkha cavalry began to charge. After two consecutive waves of charges, Horqin's tribe collapsed before they could engage the enemy, because they were not warriors in the first place.

Group after group of Khalkha cavalry charged and divided Horqin's tribe, and began to kill all living people except young women, young children and Han slaves.

Because Bo Li was too old, he was hacked to death as soon as he met him.

Among the aristocratic women following her, the elderly ones were all dead, while the ones without gray hair were tied up...

It only took an hour for the battle to be over.

"Jinong, the interrogation is clear. These are Hong Guoer's wife and daughter-in-law. Over there are Manzhu Xili's wife and daughter-in-law." An officer came over with more than 20 women to report.

Darhan glanced at them, pointed at the two women with declining looks and said, "Kill them."

Since the women of leader Horqin are no longer beautiful, they can only be killed and cannot be rewarded to his subordinates. As for those who are still beautiful, they can be pregnant even if they are still beautiful. Of course, they will be distributed to several Noyans in Khalkha Mongolia.

Darkhan rode forward, pointed at a beautiful woman and asked, "Who are you?"

The beautiful woman didn't answer. The officer from before said: "She is the daughter-in-law who is full of pearls and practices rituals."

Darhan glanced at her slightly bulging belly and asked, "Are you pregnant?"

The beautiful woman finally spoke: "Great Khan, spare my life."

"I am not the Great Khan, I am the Deputy Khan of Khalkha," Darhan said. "If you are willing to follow me, I will protect your safety. I will also raise the child in your belly as my own."

"Thank you, Deputy Khan, for your kindness!" The beautiful woman knelt down to express her gratitude.

This is what the grassland campaign is all about: seize the women, seize the children, seize the livestock, seize the slaves. Ordinary young men and women can be retained, but the leaders of various ministries will basically die, unless the leader is not completely defeated and is defeated before the battle.

He took his troops and surrendered.

Darhan went through another round of selection, and unexpectedly picked a middle-aged woman.

After asking, it turned out to be a concubine who was very polite. She immediately accepted her and took the nominal mother-in-law and daughter-in-law back to be her own wives.

He could not continue to choose, and the rest would be sent to Chahun Dorji and handed over to the Khan of Khalkha for unified distribution.

The thousands of captured Han slaves served as temporary husbandmen, responsible for escorting women, children, livestock and food.

These Khalkha cavalry, with numerous captives, turned westward to continue looking for Horqin's main force.


Due to the failure of setting up an ambush, Horqin's main force retreated northward to the mountains on the west side of Qiqihar with the troops and livestock of Horqin's right-wing front banner.

We can continue to retreat, but the final outcome will definitely be to get into the Greater Khingan Mountains.

Several leaders were miserable and scolded Nurhachi, Huang Taiji, Dorgon, and Zhao Han's ancestors for eighteen generations countless times.

Going back 20 to 30 years, both the Chahar tribe and the Horqin tribe could defeat the Khalkha Mongolia in Mobei. It was because of the repeated twists and turns of the Manchu and Datong courts that the Monan Mongolia declined rapidly. Today,

He was actually chased and beaten by Mobei Mongolia as his grandson.

The huge Horqin Grassland, even if it is now unanimously open to the outside world, has less than 50,000 troops in total, half of which are still scum.

Lama Shixi couldn't help but said: "Otherwise, the whole clan should surrender to Khalkha."

Manzhu Xili looked cold and retorted: "It's not like you haven't seen the surrender envoy from Khalkha. That bastard Chahu Dorji threatened to be the Great Khan of Mongolia and wanted to be the second Genghis Khan. This kind of thing

How can the Han Emperor still endure the words? We have already learned how powerful the Datong Army is. Now that we surrender to Khalkha, what will we do if the Datong Army attacks us in the future? Chahu Dorji’s hometown is in Mobei, we

But our pasture is in the Horqin Grassland. When the Han emperor sends troops, he will be the first to attack us!”…

Hong Guoer said: "Even if you want to surrender, you should surrender to the Han emperor. It is better to accept the Han people's conditions and spit out the territory annexed in the past two years. The entire Horqin grassland is divided into ten guards. From now on, it will serve as a guard post for the Han court.


Lama Shixi was complaining in his heart. It's easy for you to surrender. Your territory is next to the Han people's. My territory is the first to bear the brunt. Next time the Khalkha Mongols come to attack, I will definitely be the first one to attack!

After retreating for two consecutive days, Horqin's main force retreated into the mountainous area again, intending to use the terrain to fight against the Khalkha army.

At the same time, Hong Guoer and Manzhu learned the rituals and sent spies in the direction of Qiqihar, wanting to know the whereabouts of their people.

One evening, the sentinel horse rushed back and brought shocking news.

In order to harvest wheat around Lianhuan Lake, the tribesmen who were supposed to retreat north quickly were delayed there for several days and were swept away by the Khalkha cavalry.

Hong Guoer, who was already old, fell ill immediately after receiving the news.

Hong Guoer called Manzhu Xili to discuss: "Let's not fight anymore. It is related to the survival of the entire Horqin. I will leave the seat of the Great Khan to you. My sons will also obey your orders."

I'm sick now and I'm afraid I won't live long. You immediately lead the army, cross the Xing'an Mountains, and detour south from the west. Go and join the Han people. You can agree to any conditions. You must use the Datong Army to recapture our pastures and recapture us.

clan and property!”

While the two were discussing countermeasures, the news had already spread among the army.

That night, many leaders of small tribes led their troops to set out at night. Although they belonged to the Horqin tribe, they had been separated for many years and each occupied a piece of pasture.

Now, their tribesmen have been captured, so they quickly go to Khalkha and seek refuge with them, and they can get their tribesmen and part of their property back. They are just leaders of small tribes. If they sincerely surrender, the Khalkha Mongolia will be happy to accept them, and they may even take the opportunity to expand their empire.


"Father, do we really want to leave?"

"If you don't leave now, it will be too late!"

Lama Shixi, one of the three major forces in Horqin, actually wants to defect to Khalkha. He still has his tribe and property in his hands. As long as he surrenders first, he will probably be able to keep most of them. At most, his residence and pasture will be replaced.

Living in a poorer place will not be so beautiful in the future.

at night.

Small tribes continued to leave on horseback. When Lama Shixi's tribe set off, it suddenly became more noisy and chaotic.

Hong Guoer, who was sick, sat up in shock, called his son and asked: "Is Khalkha coming to kill?"

"I don't know." The son replied in panic.

Not long after, Manzhu Xili ran over in a panic: "Shi Xinasi has taken his people away, and he will definitely surrender his clan to the enemy. Let's leave quickly. If we don't leave, we will be besieged. We must immediately cross the Xing'an Mountains and go south!"

The place where they retreated and garrisoned was already very far north. There was only a narrow river valley that could cross the Xing'an Mountains to the west. By the time they got out of the mountains, they were almost at the Hulunbuir Grassland.

To the southwest of Qiqihar, Lama Shixi came to surrender with his tribe.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Chahun Dorji, who dreamed of becoming Genghis Khan, burst out laughing with satisfaction: "Send your troops south to attack Badali!"

The entire forces in the Horqin Grassland have either fled or been conquered, leaving only Badali, who works as a dog for the Datong Army.

Chahun Dorji brazenly sent out troops to destroy Badali. This move was tantamount to declaring war on the Han court.

Badali was not stupid. Seeing Hong Guoer and others being chased farther and farther away, he already felt that something was not good. When the Khalkha army sent troops to attack him, Badali had already brought him with him.

The tribe went to Chifeng.

If we can't defeat you, why can't we run away?

There is a Han father over there in Chifeng, so come if you are awesome. Mr. Sun, I can’t kill you!

This chapter has been completed!
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