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Chapter 804 801 [Fan Lou's Debate]

Fan Lou.

Since the name was changed, literati like to come here to have banquets, and merchants have also followed suit.

A scholar about forty years old was standing in the lobby holding a magazine and said: "This magnificent article is Cang Xuzi's new work. It criticizes the current ills and makes every sentence reasonable..."

The authors of novels in the Ming Dynasty all used pen names, and even did not bother to leave their pen names. They only indicated "editor and editor" when publishing. Nowadays, publications have become popular. In addition to poetry, other articles also like to use pen names.

This "Cang Xuzi", who knows who, often writes articles to give advice.

The scholar read: "The Book of Rites Nei Principles says: If your son is able to eat, teach him how to eat with his right hand... For seven years, men and women will sit on separate tables and not eat together. For eight years..."

The scholar was afraid that some diners would not understand, so after reading a paragraph, he translated it: "What does it mean? It is the "Book of Rites" that stipulates that when children can eat, teach them to use their right hand. When children can speak, they must teach them the etiquette of answering.

.Boys use Wei and girls use Yu. The purses carried on the body are made of leather for boys, so that they can be brave when they grow up; while for girls, they are made of silk, so that they can weave when they grow up. When they are seven years old, men and women should not sit at the same table.

Eating... At the age of ten, boys have to leave home to learn poetry, calligraphy and arithmetic, while girls have to learn to do housework at home..."

"What a man should do and what a woman should do are determined as soon as she is born. How can the principles passed down by sages go wrong?"

"Today's holy emperor is a scholar of heaven and man, and has realized the theory of position. We, the scholars, all agree with the principle of position theory. The theory of position says that personalities in the world are equal, but there are differences in personality. Men and women are also equal, but they perform different duties. Men are equal.

For Qian, women are Kun, men are strong, women are soft, men are responsible for the outside, and women are responsible for the inside. Mr. Cang Xuzi also believes that men and women should be equal, but they should each perform their own duties. Men should be busy outside, and women should take care of the house.

Only when a husband and wife are harmonious internally can the family business prosper."

"The "Yi Jia Jia Gua" also says that women's right position is within, and men's right position is outside. Men and women are right, the righteousness of heaven and earth. This woman's public appearance violates both the "Book of Rites" and the "Book of Changes".

If things continue like this, the status of men and women will not be upright, and the righteousness of heaven and earth will not exist!"

"Nowadays, boys and girls sit in the same room and study together, regardless of the differences between men and women, which is deeply immoral! And there are women who are officials and officials and hang out with men all day long. Isn't this immoral? That's all. It's still...

There are women taking part in the imperial examination..."


At this moment, a young student slammed the table, stood up, pointed at the scholar and yelled: "Nonsense, the ultimate bastard!"

The scholar was suddenly interrupted and asked sullenly: "Who is your Excellency?"

The young student held his head high and said: "I am Tang Zhen, courtesy name Zhu Wan. I am from Dazhou, Sichuan. I graduated from Chengdu University and am a scholar rushing to take the undergraduate examination!"

The middle-aged scholar suddenly had something to say: "Since you are rushing to take the imperial examination, you should help me speak up. How can I let a woman occupy the imperial examination quota? You should not come to make trouble!"

Feminist thought already appeared in the Ming Dynasty, to be precise, it is the thought of equal rights.

Historically, Tang Zhen served as a county magistrate in the Manchu Qing Dynasty for ten months. When he was not happy with his job, he went into business. In his later years, he stopped doing business and went back to teaching. This gentleman's "virtue theory" is very similar to Zhao Han's "character theory".


He believes that heaven and earth are equal, all living beings are equal, and men and women are equal.

When the sky is above the earth, it means different positions. When the earth is under the sky, it is a virtue of humility. When the husband is above, it is the position; when the wife is below, it is virtue. Husband and wife are equal and should respect each other. The relationship between husband and wife,

It is the foundation of society. If a husband does not respect his wife, there will be disharmony in the family. The emperor, officials, and people are also equal. If the emperor does not respect his ministers and officials do not respect the people, the country will perish.

Tang Zhen pointed at the other party and asked: "Is it okay for men to farm and women to weave?"

The middle-aged scholar said: "That's exactly how it should be."

Tang Zhen asked again: "Can you go to the countryside and see if there are women among the people working in the fields?"

"This..." the middle-aged scholar defended, "the woman in the field went to deliver food to her husband and help with some small favors."

"You are either deceiving yourself or you don't know how to farm," Tang Zhen said without giving him any face, "I don't know about other places, but in Sichuan, there is no difference between men farming and women weaving! During the busy farming season, farm women also have to

When going to the fields to plant rice, peasant women also have to cut and thresh rice, and peasant women also have to carry dung and irrigate the ground. For sericulture, men also have to pick mulberries, men also have to feed silkworms, and men have to peel silk. Where does it come from that men farm and women weave?


The middle-aged scholar was a scholar of the previous dynasty. He had read many classics by sages and was full of great principles. But faced with this fact, he did not know how to refute it. He could only bite the bullet and said: "In the land of Sichuan and Sichuan, there is no education.

Xing, we must pay attention to the differences between men and women."

Tang Zhen sarcastically said: "Pay attention to the difference between men and women. Can only men farm and women weave? The rice-planting season is only for a few days. Now farmers have divided the land, and every household has a lot of land. Could it be that the husband is too busy planting rice and the wife can only stay at home?

Are you in a hurry? Because of the so-called men farming and women weaving, who will be responsible for the missed farming work? Are you going to help the farmers plant rice?"

"I..." The middle-aged scholar was trying to recall the classics, trying to find rebuttal words from the books of sages.

Tang Zhen did not give him a chance to breathe, and continued: "Do you understand what the time changes mean? Men plowing and women weaving are ancient etiquette. I have read through the agricultural books of the past dynasties. This kind of field tools has always been used.

Things have gotten better. In ancient times, farm tools were crude, and plowing the fields was really hard, and women were powerless. Nowadays, with sophisticated farm tools, women can plow the fields, so why do we still insist on men plowing and women weaving?"

The middle-aged scholar gave up the struggle of men farming and women weaving, and tried to change the subject: "Ahem... Farming is hard work. Since women can help, it is okay to violate etiquette as appropriate. But men are the masters outside and women are the masters inside. Everything has changed.

Must not..."


Tang Zhen interrupted again: "If a woman is planting rice and plowing the fields, it means that a woman can also lead the household. A man can pick mulberries and peel silk, which means that a man can also lead the household!"

A middle-aged scholar felt that he had caught a loophole: "The key is the word "prior". The woman helps her husband plant rice, but the husband is still the one who calls the shots, and he still needs to do more farm work."

Tang Zhen smiled and said: "Then women can also take part in the imperial examinations. Today there are not many women taking the imperial examinations and not many women serving as officials. The majority of those taking the imperial examinations and serving as officials are men. Without the help of their wives,

Is it the same as a husband planting rice seedlings and helping his wife peel the silk?"

The middle-aged scholar was so depressed that he almost vomited blood and said angrily: "How can the imperial examination be the same as farming? The national talent promotion ceremony is the foundation of the country and must not be messed with!"

Tang Zhen said: "Farming is the foundation of the country, and farming is also the foundation of the country, just like the imperial examination. Don't you think that farming is not the foundation of the country?"


The middle-aged scholar wanted to faint because many of the diners in Fanlou were laughing at his joke.

Another scholar couldn't stand it anymore and stood up to help: "The Book of Rites says that a woman takes care of her uncle and aunt just as she takes care of her parents. When the rooster crows, she washes her hands with salt, holds a comb and a hairpin, wears a robe... If a woman is...

When you are an official and busy with paperwork, how can you honor your parents-in-law?"

Tang Zhen asked: "If a woman does not become an official, can she get up in the dark to serve her parents-in-law every day when the cock crows, as the "Book of Rites" says? Can your wife do that?"

The second scholar was stunned, and then said: "My wife is very virtuous, she can do it! Don't talk about these useless things. If a woman becomes an official in the imperial examination, how can she have time to support her husband and teach her children?"

Tang Zhen said: "A well-off family can hire servants to serve their parents-in-law, and they can hire a husband to teach their children. In a poor family, women do not work as officials and are busy making a living all day long. Where do they have time to care for their husbands and educate their children?"

The scholar was furious: "You are talking nonsense. Even if you are from a poor family and are busy making a living, you should support your husband and educate your children. What's more, hiring servants to serve your parents-in-law is the same as serving your own parents? Is hiring a gentleman to teach your children the same as teaching yourself?


Tang Zhen stood with his hands behind his hands: "I graduated from Chengdu University two years ago and have been traveling around the country. Especially in the south of the Yangtze River, where textiles are booming, countless women are working as weavers. They earn far more money than their husbands. This is already

It’s not that I’m helping, but that I’m a real housewife! I’ve asked many weavers that they don’t have time to care for their husbands and children, nor do they have time to serve their parents-in-law. But they also have a harmonious family, and their parents-in-law even pity their hard work and will still

Prepare a meal for your daughter-in-law to enjoy when she comes home!"

Tang Zhen looked around, pointed at the many diners and said, "You people only know how to be conservative, you only know the difference between men and women, you only know how to look for chapters and scriptures, have you ever cared about the farmers in the countryside, have you ever visited a textile factory?"

"well said!"

Another young student stood up and raised his hands to the diners: "I am Yan Yuan, courtesy name Yizhi, from Boye, Hebei Province. Hebei has suffered from military and natural disasters many times, and the population is sparsely populated. The imperial court has continued to immigrate and encourage the reclamation of wasteland. I am Hebei.

Women, whether local or immigrants from other provinces, who do not work with their husbands in the countryside? Have you ever seen land reclamation? It is very tiring, with shoulders and backs, so how can women avoid it? That is the city women in Hebei

, and because the population is not strong, they still do men's work. The largest restaurant in Boye County is run by a woman, and her husband can only help!"

Yan Yuan's thoughts are based on his own experiences. He has seen too many human tragedies in Hebei.

Therefore, in history, he said that if there are no women, human beings cannot reproduce, and there should be equality between husband and wife. He also said that he only knows how to reprimand women for losing their virginity, but men should also be condemned for having extramarital affairs. This idea was probably born because of the war in Hebei

, too many women have lost their virginity.

The emergence of this idea of ​​equal rights is firstly because of the development of productive forces, women can work and do farm work, and economic status will inevitably bring about an improvement in family status; secondly, because of the change of dynasties and endless wars, the original shackles of ethics have been broken to a certain extent.

Zhao Han put forward the "personality theory" as an emperor, which undoubtedly poured a spoonful of oil into it.

Shang Jinglan was having a drink on the second floor and said with a smile: "Well said, we can make some friends."

Liu Shuying's eyes kept falling on Tang Zhen and said: "There are good men in the world who can speak for us women."

This chapter has been completed!
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