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Chapter 818

Chapter 818 815 [One country, two belongings]

Last year, land administration was rectified and acres were cleared across the country. In ancient times, land clearing was always accompanied by population censuses.

Now, the Ministry of Household Affairs has submitted a summary showing that the population in the south is increasing too fast!

When the last census was conducted five years ago, there were 86.77 million people (over 12 years old) in the country. Now it has soared to 99.15 million (including newly occupied areas such as Vietnam, excluding overseas territories such as Luzon).

The average annual population growth rate has been above 2.5%.

Jiangsu's population has grown the fastest, staying above 2.9% for a long time. The province's population has exceeded 9 million. Nanjing is surrounded by Jinling Prefecture, which is directly under the central government and is not under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu. However, Shanghai and its surrounding areas are under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu Province.

Taking into account the landless urban population, Jiangsu farmers have about 8 acres of cultivated land per capita.

It seems that there is a lot of cultivated land per capita, but it includes a lot of coastal saline-alkali land. Moreover, there are many wealthy families in Jiangsu. As long as they hand over their land honestly, each person can keep 20 acres of good land. This 20 acres of good land per person can be converted into more

Poor farmland. Therefore, the per capita cultivated land of ordinary farmers is definitely less than 8 acres.

Furthermore, since children are not registered until they are 12 years old, farmers have to raise a lot of children at home. If children are included, the per capita cultivated land of ordinary farmers in Jiangsu is very likely to be less than 5 acres.

The Jiangxi side is even more terrifying. Since Zhao Han ruled the earliest and escaped the great famine in the late Ming Dynasty, the population is not as sharp as the Jiangnan side. Although immigrants continue to migrate to the north, the current population has exceeded 10 million. Farmers on paper

The per capita cultivated land area is less than 6 acres (excluding children under 12 years old), which also includes a large amount of mountainous land.

In addition, there are many nobles in Jiangxi, such as Fei Ruhe and Zhang Tieniu. The land granted by military service has exceeded the limit of 100 acres per capita. There are also a large number of soldiers who have been given land due to their service. Some families in Jiangxi that have many children will receive land grants after their children reach the age of 10.

After registering at the age of 12, the family's per capita cultivated land has been less than 3 acres.

Jiangxi has many mountains but little land. How much food can be grown in a few acres of mountainous land?

People in those mountainous areas still rely on sweet potatoes and corn as their staple food, and cannot afford rice at all. The more children they have, the more difficult the life of farmers becomes.

More and more farmers in Jiangxi, because their own land is limited, are scrambling to farm the land of nobles and wealthy families. In recent years, nobles who have been granted more land and wealthy families who have reserved more land no longer need to purchase foreign slaves.

The land was lost. Many young farmers came out of the mountains, handed over the land to their fathers and brothers for cultivation, and went to work in the county towns.

Fujian is even worse because there is less cultivated land but the population is growing.

With only a few acres of farmland per capita and mostly mountainous areas, more and more farmers in the coastal areas of Fujian are going out to sea to run boats. But they are unwilling to immigrate, even to the nearest Taiwan, and have always retained their

The household registration here on the mainland.

Taiwan Prefecture is also under the jurisdiction of Fujian. In addition to Taiwan Island, Ryukyu County and Fangzhang County established in Ryukyu are also under the jurisdiction of Taiwan Prefecture.

Zhao Han told Guo Shunyu, Secretary of the Ministry of Household Affairs: "Immigration to the north was suspended last time, but the south still cannot stop. There are too few Han people in Taiwan, especially in the two counties of Ryukyu and Fangzhang. The total number of Han people in the two counties is only more than 30,000.

Fujian and Guangdong provinces will immigrate 50,000 people to Taiwan within three years."

"I obey!" Guo Shunyu raised his hand.

Zhao Han thought for a while and continued: "Jiangxi also has too many people, and 10,000 people immigrate to Hebei every year."

Zhao Han still takes good care of the people of Jiangxi. After all, it is the land of Longxing, and he cannot bear to immigrate to the remote and cold Liaoning.

Hebei is an excellent place for immigrants. The current population of the province is only 1.8 million (excluding Beiping Prefecture). Although it is relatively cold, you can divide the fields when you go there, and they are all good fields. It is much more cost-effective than cultivating the mountainous areas in Jiangxi.


If this growth rate continues, in another five years, the country's population will be close to 120 million. In another twenty years, the per capita cultivated land area in several large southern provinces will fall to less than 4 acres. In another five years,

In ten years, the conflict between man and land will become very tense.

But for overseas expansion and industrial development, it is a good thing.

The more tense the conflict between man and land is, the more people are willing to go out to sea to make a living, and the more people are willing to leave the land and work in factories.

But if there are too many, they will definitely explode.

In the history of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the population was counted in the eighth year of Shunzhi, that is, in the first two years. At that time, there were 10 million Dingkou, and it can be estimated that the population was about 30 million to 40 million. After only fifty years, the population of the Qing Dynasty has increased

to 80 million. Another fifty years later, the population of the Qing Dynasty surged to 180 million. Another twenty years later, the population exceeded 200 million.

A population of 200 million is estimated to be the limit of the sweet potato era, and uprisings of various sizes will continue to emerge.

Of course, the population can continue to increase, reaching more than 400 million by the end of the Qing Dynasty. There are many beggars, refugees everywhere, people are generally malnourished, famines occur everywhere when natural disasters occur, and the average life span of the people is only more than 30 years old.

Under Zhao Han's rule, the population is now close to 100 million, which is about the level of the early years of Yongzheng. Because the land has been widely divided, the people's lives are pretty good. Even if the people in the remote mountains eat corn and sweet potato porridge, they can still eat three meals a day. However, because

Being frugal, I would only be willing to eat three meals during the busy farming season.

Except for those who suffered family changes, such as illness, almost every farmer in the New Dynasty of Datong had surplus grain storage.

In the eyes of traditional scholar-bureaucrats, every family has a surplus of food, which is a sign of peace and prosperity.

Therefore, Song Yingxing said: "Why should your majesty worry about the population? There has never been anything like this in our dynasty. In the 12 years since the founding of the country, the population has reached hundreds of billions, and the people have enough food and clothing. Just talking about this, it has surpassed the prosperous times of the Han and Tang Dynasties. Only when the population is prosperous can all industries be prosperous.

Xing. Let’s talk about Jiangnan. The population has not yet recovered to that of the pre-Ming Dynasty. The population of Hebei is less than 2 million, and there is plenty of land for the people to cultivate.”

"It is true," Zhao Han looked past the officials and looked further south, "The land in Nanyang is fertile and is waiting for the Han people to cultivate it. Only when the population becomes more prosperous will there be enough left."

"Your Majesty, we have military information to report!"

In addition to sending military intelligence reports to the cabinet, the Ministry of War, and the Governor's Office, military intelligence reports from various places must also be sent to the emperor as soon as possible.

It was not an urgent military situation. After reading it, Zhao Han said to the cabinet ministers: "The news from Nanyang is that the Netherlands is expanding aggressively and has taken away three Portuguese ports in one go. Ceylon (Sri Lanka) has been completely owned by the Netherlands."

When they heard the news was from Ceylon, the officials didn't take it seriously.

Although Zhao Han vigorously popularizes the concept of globalization, officials all know where Ceylon is. But who cares about such a far away place? It is already next to India. If it were Nanyang, they might still care.

Zhao Han lamented: "Portugal has really declined too much. The Netherlands was severely damaged by our army, but it was still able to take away three Portuguese ports in half a year."

However, it is precisely because of being beaten by China that the Netherlands wants to seek compensation elsewhere.

The Netherlands seized the Portuguese colony of Sri Lanka three years earlier than in history. The Netherlands had lost too many interests in Southeast Asia, even Malacca, and had to find new profit growth points.

China is not easy to mess with, so go bully Portugal!

Sri Lanka is rich in spices and top-quality gemstones. Taking it there will make up for the losses.


The Governor of the Netherlands, Carl Rainiers, was very satisfied at this moment.

The previous governor lost cities and territory, but he was able to capture three ports.

Today, on the entire east coast of India, only Nagapatam Port is still in Portuguese hands, and the rest of the colonial ports belong to the Netherlands. Unfortunately, Nagapatam Port has more than 300 Portuguese defenders, and the castle is extremely strong.

, it will take at least a year to besiege the city before it can be conquered, and it is not yet possible to conquer it.

After winning a big victory in Sri Lanka, Carl Rainiers became increasingly displeased with Nambawa. A small city-state, it sent 300 troops to fight last year, but the great Dutch East India Company actually lost the battle.

Although more than 200 of the 300 troops were Javanese servants, it was still an ugly defeat.

Carl Rainiers held a meeting and told the members: "The Sultanate of Mampawa must be defeated. The first is to frighten the sultans of Kalimantan, and the second is to boost the Sultanate we failed last time.

Morale, and the third is to seize the gold mine there. I heard that the gold mine there is rich and can be turned into gold without any refining."

Probably due to the confidence brought by the victory in the war, a member of parliament agreed: "I support the Governor. After occupying the Mampawa Sultanate, we should also attack the Sukadana Sultanate. Matalan is our vassal state, and Suqadana

Kadana is a vassal state of Matalan, so it is equivalent to our tributary state. But this Sukardana actually took advantage of the civil strife in Matalan to declare independence and no longer obey us!"

The Sultanate of Sukadana is located in the southwest corner of Kalimantan Island, 280 miles south of Pontianak. Later generations only left the name "Sukadana Bay".

The Dutch East India Company was really poor and crazy. Facing China, they not only failed militarily, but also had a lot of business taken away from them. It was not enough to seek compensation from Portugal. They even did not let go of the Nambawa gold mine, and now they are targeting it again.

The Sultanate of Sukadana.

When Zhao Han received the military intelligence, Dutch warships and troops had already returned from Sri Lanka.

After a little repair, the army was dispatched, with the front pointed at Nambawa.

A total of 1,200 infantry were dispatched, of which 400 were Dutch Army soldiers and the remaining 800 were all Javanese native servants.

However, China’s diplomatic note has not yet been sent.

The golden seal of King Nambawa engraved by the Ministry of Rites has just been brought to Guangzhou by an envoy. However, Sultan Nambawa's credentials have been presented, and it has essentially become a vassal state of China.

The Dutch army arrived outside Nambawa City.

The Sultan of the country was horrified and quickly sent people out of the city to shout: "Nambawa has surrendered to China. We are a vassal of China. Attacking us is going to war with China!"

The Dutch generals who returned from Sri Lanka with a great victory did not care about so many, and immediately ordered: "Either surrender to the Netherlands, hand over the gold mines, and allow the Netherlands to preach here. Or accept the bombardment!"

After several days of continuous bombardment, the Sultan could no longer bear it and actually left the city and surrendered.

The Chinese envoys also took the king's golden seal and took a boat to the nearby waters.

The Dutch warships arrived, and the two sides communicated. The Chinese envoy was speechless: the king he was ordered to canonize actually surrendered to the Netherlands again.

If a woman does not marry two husbands, the same country cannot belong to two families.

How to calculate this?

This chapter has been completed!
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