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Chapter 877 873 [Emperor Zhao]

Chapter 877 873 [Emperor Zhao, a good man and a faithful woman]

"Another...another ten thousand taels?"

When the price of the Burmese king was temporarily increased, Mangbai's first reaction was not anger, but asked: "For the two Chinese generals, should the price be increased by 10,000 yuan together, or should the price be increased by 10,000 yuan each?"

The person who came to deliver the message was Xi Zuo from the Yunnan Office of the National Security Agency. He had been living in Myanmar with merchants for several years. This Xi Zuo quickly followed the Burmese king's thinking and said quickly: "A general will increase the price by 10,000 taels. Our army has strict discipline.

You are not allowed to collect money privately. The friendly forces in the north and east are about to attack, and the two generals need more money."

"I understand, I understand." Mang Bai immediately understood that the situation had changed. The more troops were killed, the more generals needed to be settled with money.

You must seize the time to search for money, otherwise the Datong army will come and kill you, and you will not have enough money to redeem yourself.

Damn it, because the imperial commander left for the expedition in a hurry, he didn’t bring any goods from the capital. The Chinese general doesn’t trust us, so he has to pay a deposit of tens of thousands taels here, otherwise he won’t be able to collect the money easily when he returns to the capital.


Mang Bai rolled his eyes and asked, "Can I use treasures to deduct gold and silver?"

"What treasure?" Xizuo asked in response.

"Thirty-six volumes of the Tripitaka written in Beiye, as well as a large number of relics of eminent monks." Mang Bai blurted out.

Xizuo was dumbfounded. He had been to this city with a merchant and knew what these Buddha treasures meant. He subconsciously replied: "It should be...can be deducted from gold and silver."

Mang Bai thought for a while and then said: "These scriptures and relics should be regarded as collateral. When I return to Ava City, I will redeem them with more gold and silver."

"Okay, okay." Hosaku nodded repeatedly.

Although there are many old capitals in Myanmar, Bagan is definitely the one with the longest history and culture.

It is the capital of the Anawrahta Dynasty in Myanmar, which was the first unified dynasty in Myanmar that included the Burmese, Shan, Mon and other ethnic groups. Buddhist temples of various sizes in the city have been built for more than two hundred years, with a total of more than 13,000.

Pagodas. It is said that there are 4.44 million pagodas in a radius of hundreds of miles outside the city, so Bagan is also known as the "City of Four Million Pagodas".

Later, when Western colonists came here, only more than 2,000 Bagan pagodas were destroyed, and countless Buddhist treasures disappeared.

Previously, they only raided wealthy merchants in the city, and the soldiers did not dare to attack the temple.

Now under the command of the King of Burma, the Burmese army rushed into the thirty-six largest temples and forced the monks to hand over the Beiye Sutra and relics collected in the temples.

When the news came out, people were excited.

Even many nobles and generals were very angry with the Burmese king. They did not object to the search for wealthy businessmen, and even actively participated in it. However, they must not invade the temple, let alone hand over the Buddha treasures.

"We can't win. Bagan will be captured sooner or later."

"We cannot let Mangbai continue to be king. Mangda has been king for a few years and forced us to pay more tribute and taxes. If Mangbai returns to Ava alive and continues to be his king, he will definitely increase the tribute and tax. Otherwise, where will he come from?

Do you rule the country with money and food?"

"That is, tribute taxes have been increasing year after year and cannot be increased in the future."

"Mangbai shows great disrespect to Buddha. He is not qualified to be king anymore!"

"There is also that Heilu Dao. He controls the court and the king. His family members not only expropriate their own territory, but also extend their hands to other people's territory. This traitorous minister who has brought disaster to the country and the people cannot be allowed to live anymore.



It is true that Heludao had prestige in the court, and he had connections in the Burmese army. However, he lost more than 100,000 troops in the first battle, and his prestige was gone. The military also began to question this person's ability.

The most important thing is that the city is besieged by the Datong army, and I heard that the capital will also be attacked. These noble generals in Myanmar must push one or two people to take the blame, and maybe they can get forgiveness from the Chinese emperor, and maybe they can keep them.

Your own fiefdom.

As for the person who takes the blame, Burmese king Mang Bai is one of them, and the treacherous minister Hei Ludao is also one.

Before Mangbai had time to send out the Beiye Sutra and the relics, dozens of noble generals had already completed the connection.

"Capture the tyrant alive!"

"Kill the traitor!"

The noble generals led their troops and came from all directions to mingle with the guards of Mang Bai and Hei Lutao.

The Burmese troops who were still guarding the city were so nervous from the shouts of killing in the city that they stood on the city wall and had no idea what was happening.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The musketeers used in this internal strife were so crackling that they could be heard even outside the city.

"Is this...a fight?" Ding Jiasheng was a little surprised.

Yang Zhan also didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Let's take the opportunity to attack the city."

The two of them pretended to be greedy for money, and they had two purposes: first, to make the Burmese army relax their vigilance, develop a mentality of suing for peace, and then look for opportunities to attack the city; second, to collect a lot of money from the Burmese king, and the Datong Army would

There is no need to rob civilians, you can easily get more loot.

Unexpectedly, the Burmese army actually started an internal strife.

The moat outside Bagan is too wide, and the Tatung Army has never filled it in. Now they just use bamboo and wood to build pontoons.

The Datong Army was approaching outside the city, and there was internal strife within the city. The defenders on the city wall were at a loss. When several pontoon bridges were built, the Burmese defenders suddenly began to flee, and most of them rushed into the city and took the opportunity to loot.

There were also a few mid-level officers who led the troops to open the city gate: "Anyone who wants to survive, come with me to open the gate and ask for surrender!"

Thousands of Tatung troops crossed the moat, and the city gate suddenly opened. Two to three thousand Burmese troops knelt outside the city gate and surrendered.

Yang Zhan led the cavalry to rush in from the city gate, and the city was already in chaos. There were rioters killing people and setting fires everywhere, and there were people crying and fleeing. Many Burmese soldiers killed the entire residents, put on civilian clothes, and hid in their houses.

Pretend to be ordinary people.

The internal strife finally decided the winner, and a group of noble generals knelt at the street to greet Yang Zhan.

He Lutao has been cut into pieces with knives, but King Mangbai of Myanmar is still alive.

"Are you Mangbai, the king of Burma?" Yang Zhan asked condescendingly while riding on horseback.

Mang Bai trembled: "General, please spare my life, General, spare your life, I will pay you the money, please let me live, General."

Yang Zhan glanced at the noble generals again and reassured: "You have done a good job. I will tell His Majesty the truth and keep your titles and fiefs. Of course, the premise is that you are honest and obedient."

As soon as the translator spoke the words, the noble generals were overjoyed: "Long live the Emperor of China, and a thousand live the General!"

Myanmar's political system at this time was relatively complex, a mixture of counties, feudalism, and slavery.

First of all, all the land in the country belongs to the king.

Secondly, the king, like the Emperor of Zhou, only directly governs a part of the area. The remaining areas are entrusted to the royal family, nobles and officials. (The chieftains in the north also belong to feudal lords)

There are three types of people: Amdan, Asang, and Zun.

"Amdan" belongs to those who serve, mainly craftsmen and soldiers.

"Asan" belongs to taxpayers, mainly farmers and businessmen. (Myanmar is divided into counties. The king can send people to collect taxes, but half of the tax revenue belongs to the lord. If the king takes too much, he will be regarded as a tyrant)

The two groups of Amdan and Asan can be flexibly transformed.

As long as the king orders it, those who pay taxes must also serve, and those who serve must also pay taxes.

"Zun" means slaves. Not only did princes and nobles have slaves, but temples also kept slaves. Princes and nobles often donated slaves to temples, which was regarded as a great act of respecting the Buddha.

For feudal lords, as long as their fiefdoms are not taken away, it doesn't matter who becomes the king, and they can even accept a change of dynasty.

The plan formulated by the Chinese court was to support the Mon people to establish a state in lower Burma, and then support the Dai people to establish a state in central Burma. A bunch of chieftains in northern Burma were thrown into these two countries to become lords. The Bamar lords who surrendered could also retain their fiefs.

, continue to be nobles in these two countries.

One can imagine how chaotic these two small countries will be in the future.

The conflicts between the old and new aristocrats, as well as the feuds between nations, can be imagined with a dog's brain.

No matter what happens in the future, anyway, at this moment, the lords kneeling in front of Yang Zhan are all happy. Their plan succeeded, killing the king and the traitor, and they were forgiven by the Celestial Empire, and they can continue to live in the local area.

Be a noble.

Yang Zhan said: "There is too much chaos in the city. Go and take care of it. Also, no one is allowed to take away the property of King Burma. Take me over to receive it."


Burmese nobles and generals have become loyal to their duties one by one.

They led the army to quell the riots in the city, and they were honest about all kinds of loot. Even when the Datong army wanted to confiscate food and grass, these guys took it all.

Even the Bayeux Sutra and relics were left there untouched.

What is disrespectful to Buddha?

Such foolish thinking has long been forgotten.

Buddha treasures are obtained by those who are destined to get them, and the generals of the Celestial Dynasty are obviously destined to be those who are destined to get them.

After Ding Jiasheng entered the city, he pretended to personally return the Beiye Sutra and relics to the temple where they were previously enshrined.

Finally, he left a copy and said to the abbot of the temple who did not get back the Buddha treasure: "This expedition to Burma was all caused by the provocation of the King of Burma. The thirty-six Beiye Sutras should be returned to their original owners. But so is His Majesty the Emperor.

People who believe in Buddhism, therefore, I have left behind a copy of the Beiye Sutra and please return it to Baoen Temple in Nanjing to worship it. I hope the master can understand. We do not take it in vain. These treasures and food will be left in your temple to worship the Buddha."

"Amitabha, it is the will of the Buddha that the Baye Sutra can be enshrined by Your Majesty!" The abbot is indeed a virtuous monk.

Did you take the Buddha treasure back in vain?

of course not.

Eaters are short-tongued, and predators are soft-handed.

These temples sent monks to publicize the good deeds of the Datong Army everywhere. They also said that the military disaster was all caused by the Burmese king, and that the blame should be shouldered by the Burmese king and his treacherous ministers.

After some operations, the people and soldiers in the city felt that the Datong Army was a good person who respected the Buddha. The Chinese emperor in Nanjing even got the Buddha's order and sent troops to punish the tyrant of Burma.

King Mangda of Burma had caused harm to the people for several years, and the government and the public had long complained about him.

Now everything is straightened out. The Burmese king is a tyrant, and the Buddha issued an edict to let the Chinese emperor send troops to conquer it.

No matter how many people died, it was all caused by the Burmese King!

Myanmar’s military and civilians believed what the monks said.

The city of Bagan is the religious center of Myanmar. These remarks will definitely spread in the future. No matter how fierce the fighting is here, it is the nobles who are doing the evil. China and the Chinese emperor are always good.

This chapter has been completed!
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