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Chapter 885

Chapter 885 881 [Humanoid Xiaoqiang]

The leader of the French mission was named Jean-Baptiste Colbert.

This man is currently the personal minister of French Prime Minister Mazarin, helping Mazarin manage some private properties. At the same time, he is also a formal member of the French Academy.

Historically, Colbert later became the Minister of Finance and was the money bag that Louis XIV could not live without. He would create Colbertism (a type of mercantilism) and lay the foundation for the development of French industry and commerce. It was also the 17th century

The main promoter of France's foreign colonization in the 19th century.

By the way, the French Academy of Letters and the French Academy of Sciences were also founded under the chairmanship of Colbert.

Colbert, who is only in his 30s this year, only relied on bribing Mazarin to get the position of head of the French mission to China.

Along the way, Kolber was observing the situation in various countries. Especially when he arrived in Guangzhou, he kept asking about financial, commercial, and industrial issues. After arriving in Nanjing, he was obsessed with shopping for a few days, and then began to inquire about China's industrial and commercial policies.

"God, what a magnificent palace this is?"

"We have been walking for a long time, haven't we reached the end yet?"


The envoys from various countries were shocked by the Forbidden City, but Colbert was observing carefully and thinking about why there was no smell of feces and urine here.

I don't know how long they walked, but all the envoys were arranged to wait in a side hall.

The maid brought tea and cakes and then disappeared.

Prince Charles suddenly stood up, walked to a pillar, and said in horror: "Is this made of whole wood? How big of a tree does it have to be?"

Although it is also made of golden nanmu, this pillar is not really thick. After all, it is just a side hall.

When you get to the main hall, it’s scary!

When Zhao Han was repairing the Forbidden City, thanks to Zhu Yuanzhang, the big pillars here were still usable.

Seeing that Charles was walking around freely without any Chinese officials to stop him, the other envoys started chatting. They had the same mission, which was to observe and record the Chinese palaces, report back to their respective monarchs, and compete with each other to see who lived in a more luxurious and majestic palace.

"Your Highness the Prince..." Colbert said.

Charles immediately interrupted: "I am the king, and I have been crowned King of Scotland!"

"Well, Your Majesty," Colbert asked, "are you going to stay in China, or are you going to return to England and seek restoration?"

Charles said: "Of course I want to go back to England."

Colbert said: "If His Majesty can restore and overthrow that damn republic, we may be able to cooperate in the future."

Charles teased: "You are only the temporary head of the envoy and do not have a formal official position in France. What cooperation can we have in the future?"

"Maybe?" Colbert said with a smile, "Your Majesty is not still in exile? You will be the King of England in the future, why can't I be the Prime Minister of France?"

Only then did Charles look at this person carefully, nodded and said, "Well, I look forward to our future cooperation." Then he asked, "Since you have the ambition to be prime minister, why don't you stay with Mazarin?"

Colbert smiled and said nothing.

After all, Mazarin was only the prime minister. Once the Queen Mother died, France would still have Louis XIV in charge.

Colbert was still very young, and he knew that Louis XIV was obsessed with Chinese culture and art. He was willing to spend money and take risks to come to China, just because he wanted to become a China expert, so that he could easily win the favor of the king in the future.

Historically, all the reforms made by this guy were based on the premise of satisfying Louis XIV. For example, when the French Academy of Literature was first established, it was just an institution dedicated to studying and carving inscriptions for Louis XIV.

Colbert chatted with Charles for a while, then went to get close to the Persian envoy and discussed how to deal with the Dutch together in the future.

After waiting for half a morning, I finally saw a group of officials walking through the door of the side hall and getting on the carriage one after another not far away.

These were the important ministers who had just finished the imperial meeting. Zhao Han allowed them to ride carriages in the Forbidden City. His original intention was not to show sympathy for the ministers, but to let the ministers go back to work quickly.

But in the eyes of the ministers, the emperor was really kind. There were carriages available for him when he came in and out, for fear that his ministers would be tired from walking.

Before the motorcade had gone far, a female official and a guard came to the side hall: "Your Majesty has a decree to announce that the French envoy has come to the palace to pay an audience!"

The general officer of Honglu Temple immediately left with the French envoy.

Colbert saw the emperor in the Yingmin Hall. He recalled the teachings of the officials of the Ministry of Rites, stood in the hall and bowed to the emperor.

"Give me a seat!"

A chair was brought out, and Colbert came closer, finally able to vaguely see the emperor's face.

A strong sense of oppression came over, and Colbert began to shrink subconsciously. At the same time, he quickly noticed that this was caused by space and light. He was proficient in painting and understood that the builder of this palace was intentionally creating a solemn feeling.


Colbert made up his mind that when he returned to France in the future, he also suggested that the king do this, and he would definitely be appreciated by Louis XIV.

But when you meet the monarch, you just bow. You definitely can’t take this back with you. Kneeling on one knee is popular in Europe. How can you not kneel when you meet the king?

Zhao Han smiled: "I have received the gifts from the King of France and the Queen Mother. Please send my regards to them. I also have some gifts in return for you to take with you when you leave China."

Colbert quickly stood up, bent down and saluted: "His Majesty, the great Emperor of China, you are the King of Kings. On behalf of His Majesty the King and the Queen Mother, I would like to thank you for your enthusiasm and generosity."

In fact, there is nothing to say. Regarding the situation in France, Zhao Han has already learned from the Chinese mission, and the diplomatic agreement that needs to be signed has also been signed in Paris.

At this moment, it is just a symbolic meeting with the envoy.

After wasting 15 minutes of chatting and wasting Zhao Han's time, he sent the French envoy away.

Next, came Persia, Mughal, Oman, Portugal... Only the main envoys could enter the main hall, and the rest of the envoys were all waiting in the side hall.

Charles saw the envoys being taken away one after another, but he was at the end, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed and angry.

When he entered the main hall, he saw the emperor washing his hands and the maids bringing food.

After Charles saluted, Zhao Han said: "It's already noon, let's sit down and eat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Charles became happy again.

Zhao Han praised him: "I learned Chinese well, I don't need a translator."

Zhao Han sat at the top and ate, while Charles sat at the bottom and ate, clinking glasses and drinking from a distance.

After drinking a glass of wine, Zhao Han looked at Charles and wanted to laugh.

He didn't know much about Chinese and foreign history, but he had heard of the famous Happy King, mainly because the experiences of Charles II were so impressive.

Charles fell ill in his later years, and the British royal doctor prepared several treatment plans.

First, bloodletting therapy was performed. A knife was cut on the king's arm, and one and a half kilograms of blood were bled to test the effect.

Oops, the king seems to be getting weaker. Let's start the second plan quickly. Since it's not a blood problem, it must be too much yellow bile, so we need to take emetic medicine quickly.

Your Majesty, you’ve taken the medicine, why can’t you vomit it out?

Your Majesty, don't panic. I still have a way. If you can't vomit it out, then pull it out. Salt, cinnamon, cardamom, beetroot, and the ancestral excretion potion. This requires an enema every two hours and twelve times a day.

, feeding it for a few days will definitely eliminate the excess yellow bile!

Hey, why is Your Majesty so weak to speak? I just fed you 60 times.

It seems that we have to use a special skill. Even if it doesn't work to bleed His Majesty or release yellow bile, it must be due to thick juice accumulation in the body. As long as the thick juice is drained, Your Majesty will definitely recover!

Alas, there are no wounds on Your Majesty's body, so we can only artificially create wounds to drain the pus.

Your Majesty, please be patient, your hair has been shaved off, and the soldering iron will be here soon. Wow, the blood blisters on your noble head are so beautiful. But these are just blood blisters, you need to raise them again, and the blood will be regenerated in two days.

It turns into thick water after soaking.

Your Majesty, your illness is too serious. Not only did you not feel better after draining the concentrated water, you actually started to convulse all over. It must be caused by excessive black bile. It seems that you need to use the third plan!

Don't worry, Your Majesty, if you rub the pigeon excrement on the soles of your feet and smear it all over your body with a special ointment, the two-pronged approach will definitely remove the toxins.

Because your condition is too severe, the excretion cannot be stopped when the poison is removed. I have another method, apply sneezing powder on the nostrils, and perform an enema according to the previous formula. The enema formula can also be improved to grind the human skull.

Make it into powder and mix it into enema soup for better effect.

Your Majesty, the treatment is coming to an end. Why can’t you bear it? Your Majesty, you must be strong!

Charles was lying on the hospital bed, looking confused and weakly saying: "I'm very sorry, because of my illness, I have caused everyone trouble for so long. Thank you all for your hard work."

After all, Zhao Han couldn't hold it back and suddenly laughed out loud. He quickly spoke to cover up: "Are you planning to take back the throne?"

"Your Majesty, please lend two thousand troops!" Charles immediately put down his chopsticks.

Zhao Han said: "Don't be anxious about borrowing troops. Cromwell is already over 50 years old. How many years can he live? You are very young. You can kill Cromwell and return to the country easily.

It will be good for you to stay in Nanjing first and see more and walk more."

Zhao Han was not worried at all about cultivating a strong enemy of Britain, but was a little worried that Britain would not become strong.

The rise of Britain made a huge contribution to the Indian colonies.

And in this time and space, India must belong to China. Without India, how can Britain maintain its strength and use it to check and balance France?

Therefore, we must help the British!

"Do you plan to marry your sister to the Chinese royal family?" Zhao Han asked.

Charles said: "China is the greatest country in the world, and Britain is the greatest country in Europe. If the two countries can marry, they will definitely be able to rule the world!"

Zhao Han nodded and said, "Okay, let's marry your sister to the crown prince of China."

After hearing this, Charles was extremely excited. He finally saw the hope of restoring the country.

Zhao Han continued to stare at Charles, feeling sincerely in his heart that this guy's vitality was really strong. He was just like a weakling in human form, and he was tortured to death by a group of quack doctors for so long.

Not to mention scalding the scalp with a soldering iron and adding concentrated water, and enema 12 times a day for 5 days. Then they added human skull ashes and continued the enema. Dehydration alone could kill the person.

Amitabha, good, good!

This chapter has been completed!
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