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Chapter 899 895 [Purchase Land]

Chapter 899 895 [Purchase Land]

Kill the Indian and save his soul.

This sentence comes from the founder of the first Indian boarding school in the United States.

The Indians here in California were first harmed by Spain and Mexico, and then faced the bloody methods of the Americans.

The scalp of a California Indian could be exchanged for $5. This policy was implemented for more than 20 years before and after the Second Opium War, and the number of California Indians dropped by four-fifths.

Another hundred years later, under the guise of protecting women's health, the U.S. government performed sterilization surgeries on women without their knowledge. About 70,000 Indian women were forcibly sterilized. This policy has been implemented since the United States.

The depression lasted until the United States withdrew its troops from Vietnam, and China was about to embark on reform and opening up.

In the mid-17th century, there were still a large number of Indians in California, and after all, they had not been colonized by colonizers.

Spearhead's nickname was Sea Otter. When the midwife was washing him by the river, she saw a group of sea otters swimming by. As an adult, he killed two wild wolves with a spear alone, and he changed his name to "Spearhead" from then on.

.This kind of brave name can even be passed down to children and grandchildren.

Today, Sharp Spear will take people out to fish. He meets many strangers in the river.

These foreigners are tall, have very white skin, and wear strange clothes.

The spear general received a gift, a hat given to him by a stranger. Then, the stranger invited them, as if they were going to the beach to do something.

Everyone was curious, and the spear general agreed to follow.

Boat, what a big boat!

The tribesmen stood on the beach, looking at the floating giant boat, and had completely lost their ability to think.

"Ship God!"

This group of Kashayans knelt down one after another and worshiped devoutly towards the five large ships.

They believe in the Kuksu religion, which teaches that all things are animistic, and the main gods of each tribe are different. The common belief of each tribe is the ancestral land and the tribal holy land, and then the main god is established based on the actual situation, and the main god can be replaced


Mountains have mountain gods, rivers have river gods, and boats naturally have boat gods.

The Spear General also knelt down. Such a big ship must be the incarnation of the Ship God. And most of these "white people" in front of them are the messengers of the Ship God. No wonder they are so majestic and tall.

Li Quan heard that he had met the indigenous people and was planning to come and communicate with them in person.

He was afraid that the ship would run aground, so he took a small boat to the shore. As soon as he set foot on the beach, he saw a group of natives kneeling down to worship.

Li Quan understood two things instantly:

First, the natives regard the boat as a god, and this situation can be exploited.

Secondly, the Spanish galleons must have been further south when they arrived in the Americas, otherwise the natives here would not have missed them.

Li Quan showed a smile on his face and ordered the herald beside him: "Show the command flag and fire a few cannons towards the sea to the south."

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of cannons rumbled, and large splashes of water appeared on the sea surface hundreds of meters away.

The Spear General was worshiping the Ship God when he suddenly heard the Ship God's roar, which was as terrifying as thunder. He opened his mouth wide and looked at the water splash, then looked at the giant ship in the distance, and then looked at the Ship God's messengers around him.

"Take me to see your chief." Li Quan said.

The spear general didn't understand at all. He turned around and said something, so a few natives got up, got on the canoe and paddled away quickly.

After about two or three hours, the fleet was nearly half-replenished with fresh water, and finally more Kashayans came to the beach.

The heads of the leading indigenous people were filled with colorful feathers.

The spear general walked over quickly, took off his hat, pointed at the giant ship and said: "Those are the incarnations of the ship god. When the ship god roars, it will make a sound like thunder, and will also throw huge rocks and splash water. These white people

, are the messengers of the Ship God, they are very friendly and gave me a hat as a gift."

Chief Warg Wolf came forward with his tribe. His observation skills were very keen. He knew at a glance that Li Quan was the leader. He beat his chest and saluted: "Dear Ship God Messenger, welcome to the Kashaya tribe. I am the tribe leader.

Wargs, are you staying here permanently, or are you just leaving after being a guest for a while?"

Li Quan cupped his hands and said, "I am...forget it, no matter how much I talk, I can't understand you. I..." Li Quan pointed at himself and introduced, "Li... Quan."

The warg was confused for a while, but Li Quan continued to repeat.

Finally, the warg understood, pointed at himself and said: "Wolf... wolf."

After the two parties introduced themselves, the conversation started to get worse.

The warg kept pointing toward the giant ship, as if asking for information about the ship. Li Quan pointed to the upper reaches of the river, intending to send people to the indigenous tribes. The two could not understand each other, and communication was not difficult, but it was still considered acceptable.

Play the piano to the cow.

At the mouth of the river, there is a large amount of alluvial flat land, and a sandbar has also been washed out.

The group did some research to determine the high tide level, and then cut down the vegetation on the sandbank to set up camp. They had been floating on the sea for nearly half a year and were eager to go ashore to rest. The small trees they chopped down could also replenish fuel, and the charcoal brought with the ship was almost used up.

The wargs also took their clansmen back and gathered to discuss how to deal with the messenger of the Ship God.

They believe in countless gods, and every plant and tree may be a god. They will not easily worship the messenger of the Ship God as their father. At most, they are just distinguished guests.

When the natives returned, Li Quan sent two small boats to follow them.

The warg didn't object. Since he was a distinguished guest, it was appropriate to entertain him.

The person who led the team to visit the indigenous tribes was named Ye Wei, who was a naval missionary officer who was discharged early. He followed the river for six or seven miles and saw large tracts of houses.

Most of the houses are wooden structures, but there are also some rammed earth houses.

There are even huge public houses used to gather clan members for meetings, similar to a clan hall.

There is still a small amount of cultivated land near the residential area. It seems that they still don't know how to plow the land, burn a large area for slash-and-burn cultivation, scatter the seeds and wait for harvest.

However, the weaving technology is very advanced and can weave exquisite baskets out of reeds. Ye Wei saw a group of indigenous people coming back carrying a whole basket of fresh fish.

These indigenous people can also make pottery and use pottery to draw water and cook rice.

The warg jabbered and took Ye Wei to a rammed earth house. Then, the tribal elders took off their clothes and sat there waiting to heat the stones and then pour water on them.

Sizzle...a burst of white smoke rises.

Good guy, these natives can also take saunas, and judging from the size and decoration of this earthen hut, it seems that taking saunas is a very important activity.

That night, everyone ate, drank and danced around the bonfire, and the wizard presided over the entire celebration.

Ye Wei and others were invited into the public housing and stayed there for one night.

I continued to observe the situation the next day and found that this place was already privately owned by the family. The men went into groups to hunt and fish, and the harvest was distributed according to the team's contribution. The women also went into groups to collect food in the forest, and whoever picked it got it.

All the old people stayed in the settlements, making baskets, making pottery, etc.

If the harvest is abundant, some will be handed over to the public, which is equivalent to collecting taxes.

How much tax each family paid was recorded with a rope and then stored in a public warehouse.

Of course, you can also pay taxes. The currency is beads made of ores and shells. These beads can be strung together with ropes. Similar to currency, it is universal for hundreds of miles and can buy goods across tribes.

"It seems that the indigenous people here often fight." After observing around, Zhu Guisheng quietly said to Ye Wei.

Ye Wei nodded: "I can see it."

They saw the shield, which was made of wood. This thing could only be used against enemies, not wild beasts.

The main weapons of war include bows and arrows, and they are compound bows with arrowheads made of polished animal bones.

The natives should be in the era of tribal alliances, where multiple tribes form an alliance and then jointly deal with another alliance.

The entire social structure is as follows: blood families form clans, close clans form tribes, and multiple tribes form tribal alliances. Based on their strength, alliance leaders are elected, and the alliance meets to handle internal affairs. If a tribe is attacked, the entire alliance will

Mobilize to fight.

Since agriculture was underdeveloped, slavery had not yet been born, and capturing slaves was of no use.

Two days later, Chief Warg visited Li Quan again, bringing with him a lot of shell beads and currency, and seemed to want to buy Chinese clothes.

He first pulled his animal skin clothes, then pointed at Li Quan, and then kept shaking the beads and coins.

Seeing that Li Quan still didn't understand, he asked a tribesman to take off his clothes and continued to point at Li Quan. Then he put the animal skin clothes on the ground, and then placed the beads and coins on the ground. Then he changed the positions of the leather clothes and coins, and so on.

Deducing the process of exchange.

Li Quan finally understood, but he picked up the beads and threw them back to the ground, shaking his head to show that he didn't need them.

The warg also understood and looked a little disappointed.

Li Quan called the adjutant over, gave instructions, and quickly brought out several pieces of cotton cloth, an axe, and a hoe. He placed these things on the ground, where he placed the animal skin clothes. Then, he pointed to the place where the beads and coins were placed.

place, pushing all the beads and coins away, pointing to the alluvial flat land at the mouth of the sea.

A few pieces of cotton cloth, an iron axe, and a hoe were exchanged for a large piece of land at the mouth of the river.

The warg instantly understood what he meant, shook his head repeatedly, and pointed to the area to the north. They were unwilling to exchange the area along the river, but the forest to the north could be sold. This was probably the Russians in history. Why didn't they establish a stronghold along the river?

The reason why he went north to build Fort Ross.

It's very simple. The local indigenous people don't sell this place, they only sell the forest in the north.

Li Quan increased the number of cotton cloths to eight, four iron axes, two hoes, and a waist knife.

In front of the Chief Warg Wolf, he used an ax to chop down trees, a hoe to dig the ground, and a belt knife to chop thorns.

The warg's eyes immediately turned straight. He had never encountered iron products before, and the power of iron tools completely attracted him.

Li Quan then narrowed the transaction area to only a forest and flat land at the mouth of the sea. Then he pointed to the forest in the north. He also wanted that uninhabited forest.

The warg called the elders together to discuss. Everyone picked up the iron tools and tried to use them. Finally, they came back to find Li Quan and agreed to this outrageous deal.

Li Quan threw 30 felons and their Southeast Asian slave wives into this area for farming and reclamation.

Of course, they left axes, hoes, seeds, fishing nets, food and clothing, and even a small boat for them.

The land here is very fertile and will provide food and vegetables as immigration and development continue in the future.

As for the relationship with the indigenous people, just adapt to the circumstances. If you are obedient, you will develop peacefully. If you are not obedient, you will send troops to attack. Anyway, in the early stages of development, you will not choose to go to war. In the future, when the population increases, conflicts will definitely intensify, and a war will most likely break out.

Li Quan led the fleet to continue sailing south, but he soon regretted it.

Instead of throwing the felons at the mouth of the river before, he found a natural harbor in the south - San Francisco.

I'm too lazy to go back and pick people up, just make mistakes.

After everyone discussed it, the place they bought was called "Xindeng" and the river there was called "Xindeng River" (Russian River).

Why is it called this stupid name?

Because the fleet departed from Dengzhou Prefecture, Shandong Province.

This chapter has been completed!
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