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Chapter 904 900 [Island Life]

Li Quan thought the Hawaiians were very interesting, so when he left, he took two warriors and their wives with him.

The two Hawaiian warriors were very scared at first, but gradually became happy again, thinking that Long Nuo had chosen them to go to the Kingdom of God.

In fact, it was to go to Nanjing and present it to the emperor for viewing.

If Zhao Han saw the attire of these people, he would probably not think of Hawaii, but of ancient Greece and Rome. Their armor, their cloaks, and their weapons all look like the Spartan warriors in the movie.

Moreover, these guys have thick bones, and even skinny people look quite powerful.

The weapons include spears, short spears and daggers. The spears are six meters long. If they are arrayed in battle, they can stab a Japanese samurai so hard that they don’t even recognize him. The short spears and daggers are shaped like magic weapons in online games. There are slits and barbs, and the blades of spears and daggers are all made of shark bone.

To be honest, without artillery and muskets, it would be difficult to deal with these natives!

There is even a battle academy on the island, which is a rectangular building divided into three parts: the altar, the teaching area, and the practice area. Noble families of different origins even have their own family crests, thus giving birth to respected genealogists .

The civilization is extremely high, but due to geographical factors, metal smelting and wheels have not yet been developed.

"Island Master, what are the arrangements for the civilians and slaves kneeling outside?"

"Divide the slaves first, and let the common people go home on their own. After we learn the dialect, we will manage it in detail."

Ouyang Chun was considered good at diplomacy, so he stayed as the temporary leader. As for the "island owner", it was purely a joking name for him. The soldiers who stayed behind were enjoying themselves in hardship.

There are also priests and mages in the villages here, but they have relatively few sacrificial powers and are not allowed to perform human sacrifices. The reason is simple. Human sacrifices can communicate with the gods, which is the prerogative of the high priest in the city.

50 soldiers occupied the houses of the village nobles. The number of houses was obviously insufficient, and several soldiers could only live in one building. In addition, there were more than 20 patients, including soldiers and sailors, who were left on the island to recuperate and wait for their illness to recover. You can also find a wife.

A doctor on board the ship was also left behind, and he also brought many herbal medicines. I don’t know if the indigenous people here can withstand foreign germs. So far, it should be okay. The crew members have no special diseases, and the resistance of Hawaiians should be strong. to the Indians.

Historically, Captain Cook brought tuberculosis and influenza, but they did not have much impact on the native Hawaiians. The really scary thing is typhus, which is a European disease. Hawaiians whose ancestors came from East Asia probably do not have any antibodies. Only 84,000 people were left. Later, there was a smallpox outbreak, and only 10,000 native Hawaiians died.

"Let's rest today and work again tomorrow," Ouyang Chun said after allocating the slaves and arranging tasks. "Captain Yao, you send soldiers to take turns to stand guard overnight to guard against any unusual movements by the indigenous civilians."

Yao Dian smiled and said, "Put it on me."

Starting from tomorrow, slaves will be organized to build houses and everyone's houses will be built. The houses will all be built at the foot of the mountain. In the future, a castle will be built there to frame all the Chinese houses in the castle.

As for farmland, land along the river has been reserved and will be occupied after the houses are built.

Back in his house, Ouyang Chun met his wife. Although he was engaged in China, he broke off the engagement before going to sea. This was his first wife.

Ouyang Chun is quite satisfied with this foreign wife. She has good looks and figure. She is the granddaughter of the island's high priest.

Seeing Ouyang Chun come in, the girl quickly knelt down and did not regard him as her husband, but purely as a bodyguard left by the gods.

"Aloha." Ouyang Chun greeted with a smile.

This is what he learned on the next island, and it has meanings such as hello, goodbye, and goodwill.

The girl was stunned for a moment, not expecting that the divine guard could speak human language. Then she returned the greeting: "Aloha."

?" Ji ah oh (I’m so good lately)

The girl was amused by the accent. She pursed her lips and replied: "Micah (I'm fine)."

Not only do Hawaiians and the Maori people of New Zealand look very similar, but their languages ​​​​are also very similar. There are only a few syllable differences in these simple greetings. It may be due to resource differences. The Maori people have the custom of cannibalism, while the Hawaiians do not.

eat human.

Ouyang Chun asked again: "Oh Waikou Yin (what's your name)?"

The girl replied: "Oh, 'Janice stabs Hanakukawuahhehulihekahuhawula'eli'. (My name is...)"

Ouyang Chun was immediately stunned. The more aristocratic, the longer the surname. The girl repeated it twice, and Ouyang Chun said: "Ha... Jia Lisi, your name is Jia Lisi)"

The girl nodded: "Ahha Jia Lisi (my name is Jia Lisi)."

It was different after I went to middle school. I did nothing else during my wedding day and just kept practicing foreign languages ​​with my wife. As I was practicing, there was a snapping sound from the next door room, mixed with the sound of ah ah yi yi, as if the person next door

My brother is also practicing foreign languages.

There is no way, there are too few nobles in the village, so only a few people can live together if they occupy it.

It was getting dark, and Ouyang Chun was a little hungry, so he didn't arrange for his servants to cook.

Rice. He took out some bananas and biscuits, broke open two coconuts, put them on the table and called the girl over.

Jia Lisi was stunned and didn't move.

Ouyang Chun handed over the biscuit: "Have you never eaten this before? This is the marching rice cake of the Celestial Dynasty. It can still be eaten after a year or two of storage."

This sentence was spoken in Chinese, and his dialect level was not good enough to express it.

Jia Lisi curiously took the biscuits, but did not dare to serve them on the table. Instead, she stepped aside and sat on the ground. Even though she was the granddaughter of the high priest, she had to abide by the law and was not allowed to serve them on the table during meals.

"What are you doing sitting on the floor?" Ouyang Chun dragged the girl up and forced her to sit on the bench.

Jia Lisi was trembling with fear, and her facial expression was full of fear. Her behavior was already a capital crime. She could either be strangled, hanged, or used as a slave for human sacrifice.

At this time, the temperature was over 20 degrees. When Ouyang Chun reached out and touched it, he found that the girl's arm was a little cold, and she was shaking more and more as if she was sick.

Ouyang Chun felt a little distressed, so he sat over and hugged the girl, holding her in his arms and patting her gently to comfort her.

After an unknown amount of time, Jia Lisi finally regained her composure, and Ouyang Chun's actions made her feel a lot more at ease. She knew that she would not die, so she subconsciously looked outside the house for fear of being discovered by others.

Ouyang Chun stood up with a smile and went to close the door.

In the evening, the room was dark, which gave Jia Lisi a sense of security. "Eat." Ouyang Chun pointed at the biscuits.

Jia Lisi took a small bite and found it very delicious. She quickly finished the entire biscuit and felt thirsty and wanted to drink water.

Ouyang Chun pushed the cracked coconut over: "Drink some coconut juice to soothe your throat.

Jia Lisi shook her head subconsciously, and then thought, it was a capital crime anyway, so why not try the taste of coconut milk. The island was full of coconut trees and bananas, but women were not allowed to eat them. When Jia Lisi was young, she heard that there were noble ladies who could not bear to eat them.

He was put to death for stealing bananas.

She picked up the coconut and drank it carefully, feeling that the juice was extremely sweet.

This is what coconut milk tastes like!

Before she finished drinking the coconut milk, Ouyang Chun handed over a peeled banana, and Jia Lisi took it and continued to taste the delicious food.

The bananas were so delicious, Jia Lisi was so moved that she almost cried.

It was completely dark. The couple had dinner and there were no other entertainment activities, so Ouyang Chun took the girl to bed.

After a while, Jia Lisi, with a blush on her face, sat up with her exhausted body, and then went to sleep on the floor bed in front of the couch. This move made Ouyang Chun confused. He didn't know that there were such rules on the island.

"Come up and sleep." Ouyang Chun said.

Jia Lisi didn't understand, and laughed at her husband in the dark. Ouyang Chun could only get out of bed by himself, and regardless of Jia Lisi's struggle, he carried his wife back to the bed, and then hugged her tightly to prevent her from moving.

Perhaps because she had already committed many capital crimes, Jia Lisi broke the jar, twisted it a few times, and then stopped moving.

After a while, a slight snore came from the darkness. Jia Lisi reached out to touch her husband's cheek, as tenderly as stroking a baby, and then kissed her husband's shoulder gently, and the smile on her face became sweeter and sweeter.

She really couldn't sleep. What happened today was too bizarre, as if she had had a frightening dream.

She was afraid that everything was false, so she hugged her husband tightly, fearing that this man would suddenly disappear.

I fell asleep in a daze, and when I opened my eyes, it was already dawn.

Jia Lisi got up carefully and went to light a fire to cook. She was born in a noble family and knew how to cook.

After breakfast, Ouyang Chun called everyone to a meeting. Some soldiers guarded the residential area to prevent the natives from making trouble and stealing things. The doctors continued to take care of the patients, and the rest directed the slaves to repair the houses.

Women also try their best to find work, even though they come from "noble" backgrounds and do not know how to do many housework.

Jia Lisi met the chief's daughter in the courtyard. The two looked at each other, as if they were communicating something, and then turned around with a tacit smile.

Obviously, the chief's daughter also committed a capital crime last night and enjoyed it very much.

They did not dare to talk about related topics openly, but they were all in a happy mood and waiting happily for their husbands to come home.

At noon, Ouyang Chun was still directing the slaves to work at the construction site. Jia Lisi did not dare to go out to inquire, because it was also a capital offense to inquire about her husband's whereabouts.

She stayed until evening, Jia Lisi had already prepared the meal, and her husband finally came back smelling of sweat. She quickly went to boil the bath water and served her husband to take a bath, her eyes full of love and respect.

Dozens of Chinese soldiers clearly wanted to rob the daughters of noble families and make them their wives. But these women became happy overnight. They felt that they were too happy, and they were accompanied by all kinds of thrills of risking their lives and violating the prohibition.

They finally know what bananas and coconuts taste like.

Every woman hugs her husband tightly when she goes to bed at night, for fear that her husband will disappear when she wakes up. When doing housework during the day, she often looks outside, and if there is the slightest noise, she will think that her husband is back.

Enjoying his wife's tenderness and consideration, Ouyang Chun came up with the idea that it might not be a bad idea to live on the island.

This chapter has been completed!
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