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Chapter 909

Handu, the actual ruler of Kham and the eldest son of Gushi Khan's fifth son, was angry and anxious at this time.

Although Gushi Khan conquered the Kham region, the foundation of his rule was very weak and rebellions broke out all over the place. And Handu was the most courageous, combative and intelligent person among the three generations of nobles.

Therefore, Handu was sent to govern Kham. He almost re-defeated Kham and brutally suppressed all the rebels. Then, he carried out religious reforms. It is inconvenient to say more about this content, otherwise the chapter will definitely be blocked.

After finally completing the reform, Gushi Khan died suddenly, and officials were sent from Lhasa to harvest the fruits of the reform.

In anger, Batang Zongdui, who was appointed by Lhasa, was expelled from Kham by force from Handu.

In fact, the eldest son and sixth son of Gushi Khan did not fight at all. There were only a few small-scale frictions, and the sixth son gave up. The two brothers had to join forces to deal with the local rebel forces.

The main reason is that Gushi Khan’s arrangements during his lifetime were too bizarre.

The eldest son, who was in charge of Tibet, was thrown to Qinghai to graze. The sixth son, who was in charge of Qinghai, was thrown to run Tibet.

The eldest son is good at fighting and has priority in inheritance.

The Six Sons were good at governance and had a strong sense of the overall situation. Facing the local rebel forces in Qinghai and the Datong Army that was ready to move, he voluntarily gave up the struggle for power and assisted his eldest brother in cleaning up the rebels.

The current situation is that the eldest son is communicating with forces across Tibet. The sixth son returned to Qinghai to appease the internal affairs, because several other brothers are fighting for pasture. Especially the fifth brother is the most fierce, because the fifth brother's son Handu actually controls the entire Kham area.


Internal and external troubles!

"Has the Han army reached Dajianlu (Kangding)?" Handu asked. His subordinates replied: "Half a month ago, they had reached Dajianlu (Kangding), and now I'm afraid they have captured it."

Handu said: "Did Seqinnai defect to the Han people?"

The subordinate replied: "I'm not sure."

Seqinnai is the Batang Zongdui who was expelled by Handu.

Zong Dui, the local chief executive. In important areas, there are two Zong Dui, one for monks and one for lay people. In minor areas, there is only one Zong Dui, either for monks or lay people.

"Go and find out more information." Handu ordered.


For the Mongols, the Kham region was divided into upper, central and eastern parts (Western Sichuan Plateau). The core territory of the Mongols was the central Kham region, and the conflicts between the Tibetan nobles in the upper and eastern parts were fierce, and the Mongols could maintain their rule by mediating in the middle.

Handu's strategic plan is to directly abandon the Western Sichuan Plateau. One option is to extend the supply line for the Changtong Army, and the other option is to fight at higher altitudes.

When the Mongols arrived in Qinghai-Tibet, they were overwhelmed by the plateau climate, and Handu also wanted the Datong Army to have a taste of it.

The commander-in-chief of the Datong Army's southern front troops was Huang Yao. They marched all the way from Sichuan to Dajianlu (Kangding) and all the way from Lijiang to Zhongdian (Zhongdian). The number of troops was not large, with 5,000 soldiers in each group, and the remaining

They are all logistics troops.

It went surprisingly smoothly and encountered no resistance along the way.

The troops starting from Lijiang quickly captured Zhongdian and then fought their way to Shangri-La. They continued up the river valley and captured Batang without any effort.

The situation of the troops led by Huang Yaoqin was similar. They fought all the way from Dajianlu to Ganduosi (Ganzi) without even a trace of the Mongolian soldiers.

"It's so abnormal, there must be a trick!" Huang Yao frowned.

Sechennai said: "Generals must be careful. Khandu is resourceful and brave. He actually conquered Kham single-handedly. He also suppressed rebellions in various places in Kham for more than ten years."

"Huh, it's just to lure the enemy deeper." Huang Yao sneered.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered the march to be suspended and stationed in Gandosi (Ganzi) for a few days to rest.

During this period, the non-combat attrition situation of the entire army was calculated.

This is just the western Sichuan Plateau, and the altitude is not very high. The soldiers brought by Huang Yao have been stationed on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau all year round and have no reaction at all in the western Sichuan border. However, among the logistics troops, some peasants and soldiers have experienced abnormalities, but they have not died yet.


Peasants and soldiers were separated from the logistics troops, occupied key points along the way, and settled grain stations along the way. Then Huang Yao continued to move forward.

On the way to Zaquka (Shitang), the altitude was already 3,000 meters. Some Datong troops suffered from altitude sickness, and two people in the logistics troops died suddenly.

This situation is still acceptable. After all, the military does not go by plane, nor by train or bus. As the altitude increases little by little, the human body will have enough time to adapt, and altitude sickness will not be too severe.

Arriving at Zaquka, at an altitude of over 4,000 meters, dozens of Datong soldiers fell ill, and three of them died one after another.

The Mongols here also ran away!

Huang Yao was holding back his anger. He couldn't destroy the enemy's effective strength. What's the point of occupying so many plateaus?

Seqin Nai said: Handu must be in Jiegu (Yushu). There are many small flat areas in the mountains, which is convenient for cavalry to fight, and it is difficult for outsiders to breathe."

The average altitude of Yushu is above 4,200 meters.

This Seqinnai belonged to the Party that led the way. After being expelled from Handu, he went directly to Sichuan. It involved sects and power struggles. It is not convenient to explain in detail. In the future, similar issues in the Qinghai-Tibet region will not be described (a previous chapter was deleted).

It will be reviewed only if the content is removed).

All you need to know is that Sechen Nai came from Lhasa and was a mortal enemy of the local nobles in Chang District.

"Cease the troops to rest and wait for the opportunity." Huang Yao decided to fight in Zaquka (

Shitang) was stationed here to allow his soldiers to adapt to the plateau environment.

This time we sent troops from north to south.

The Shaanxi troops must have reached Qinghai, but it is not certain whether the news has reached Handu.

Sechen Nai continued: "General, Khandu has built many temples in Kham. We can expel the monks there and obtain the treasures in the temples."

Huang Yao sneered: "Stop playing tricks. Once I attack the temple, everything in the occupied rear area will be in chaos."

Seqinnai lowered his head and said nothing.

This is a battle between the Datong Army and the Mongols. As long as the temples are not moved, the Tibetan nobles are happy to watch the show. They resent the high-pressure rule of Khandu, and at the same time do not want the Datong Army to come over. It is best for the Datong Army and the Mongols to lose both sides. Jiegu (

Wang Ming.

"Taiji, the Han army is stuck in Zaqu and cannot leave."


Handu is not in a hurry. As long as Huang Yao continues to advance, he is absolutely sure of victory. Even if there are a few minor defeats, he can continue to retreat, continue to stretch the supply line, look for opportunities to cut off the food road, and directly starve the Datong army to death!

"Da da da da!"

Several fast horses came galloping in: "Taiji, there are a large number of Han soldiers entering Qinghai. Batur Taiji orders you to quickly lead troops to help." 524°

Batur is the sixth son of Gushi Khan, and he is also the one who has the most overall view.

"Go back and tell my sixth uncle that I also have Han soldiers here, and I really can't leave. Let him deal with it on his own." Handu refused flatly. He was still thinking about friendly troops from Qinghai coming to save him.

Handu is entrenched in Kham District. He is so carefree and at ease that he will never leave here.

However, the situation in Qinghai also made Handu worried. If the Han soldiers occupied Qinghai, he would be outflanked, and he had to fight quickly. After defeating the Han soldiers here, he would go to Qinghai to help, and immediately

After his great military exploits, no one can take his place.

But the Han general on the opposite side stopped moving halfway, so could he take the initiative to kill him?

The terrain of Zaquka (Shitang) is more fragmented than that of Jiegu (Yushu). If you have all the cavalry in your hands, you will be at a disadvantage if you take the initiative to fight there.

Huang Yao really didn't want to leave. He didn't have many cavalry, and they were all southwestern cavalry. Fighting with the Mongolian cavalry was a big loss. The terrain in Zaquka is good. Wait for the Qinghai side to attack slowly, and the friendly forces are finished.

Qinghai will come to support him. His title is already Duke, so what if he performs more meritorious service? Keeping the troops is just merit.

Huang Yao, who was once good at rushing forward and taking risks, has now calmed down.

This is the influence of status. Lord, do jade articles have to be used against earthen pots?

On the contrary, Ma Hongjie sent troops from Lijiang and the battle broke out first.

Ma Hongjie had made meritorious service on the battlefield in Burma and was Qin Liangyu's grandnephew. He had been promoted to deputy division commander.

He led his troops towards Qamdo, and when passing through Chaya (Chaya), he ran into an army of local Tibetan nobles.

The commander of the army was called Nanse, and his position was Qamdo Zongdui. Although he was a Tibetan noble, he had completely surrendered to Khandu, and his relationship with Lhasa was extremely bad.

The two sides met on the banks of the Maiqu River.

There are many mountains here, and marching can only rely on river valleys.

Nanse chose a relatively wide area. He wanted to rely on the large number of people to wipe out all Ma Hongjie's soldiers.

Ma Hongjie has five thousand regular soldiers under his command, and the rest are all civilians (peasants).

These civilians can not only transport food, but they can also turn into soldiers at any time and occupy key towns that have been captured. They also receive military pay as they fight in battles. Every time civilians are recruited, peasants and soldiers enthusiastically sign up. Military pay can be compared with making money from farming, and you can get rewards for meritorious service.

, and priority will be given to recruiting into the army in the next draft.

Comparison of the strength of the two sides: Ma Hongjie has more than 8,000 troops and Nanse has more than 14,000 troops.

The more than 3,000 civilians around Ma Hongjie were all holding Southwest ponies, and the lowest-grade Southwest ponies were of no use except for carrying goods, but they were really powerful in pulling goods. The horses were filled with food, ammunition, armor and other items.


There are more civilians on the grain road along the way.

There is a small station at ten miles, a large station at sixty miles, and the supply line is more than a thousand miles long. This kind of rough terrain is still a plateau area. There are as many as 40,000 civilians who provide logistics for 5,000 regular soldiers, and there are tens of thousands more.

mules and horses.

Ma Hongjie used a telescope to observe the situation, and then sighed: "The enemy general... is very courageous."

Of the 14,000 Tibetan soldiers under Nanse's command, only a thousand were wearing iron armor and less than three thousand were wearing leather armor. What are the rest? Wearing cotton clothes with shields hanging on their backs (can be worn as hats)

(above), the only weapon is the spear in his hand.

The armor of those armored soldiers was also very shabby, with only armor plates on key parts of the upper body.

But Nanse is very confident. There are very few cavalry in the Han army, and he is only afraid of cavalry. As for the infantry, he is not afraid of anyone. As long as these outsiders run vigorously, they will be exhausted and out of breath, and even run.

He fell to the ground and died.

Hmm... Nanse still doesn't know what a musket is.

"Surround them and kill all the Han troops!"

This chapter has been completed!
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