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Chapter 912 908 [Batur's helplessness]

Chapter 912 908 [Batur’s helplessness]

Huang Yao led his army to a mountain basin in Yushu. He looked at the scattered goats and the dead horses on the ground. He was so disturbed that he could not recover for a long time.

Handu ran away!

They killed a large number of horses by force, rushed back to the Mongolian station before Huang Yao arrived, and fled directly with his troops.

"Are you abandoning Kang Zang?" Huang Yao was surprised by the opponent's decisiveness. From this point of view, Han Du was definitely the number one figure.

Sechennai said: "General, Khandu is a very tough person. He would rather die than give up his territory."

Huang Yao was silent for a moment. The situation he was most worried about appeared. The food road had been stretched to 2,000 miles, but the enemy commander was still running, and he did not want to fight head-on with him.

If we continue forward, there will definitely not be enough people to transport food, and the food road will definitely be more dangerous.

Huang Yao encountered the embarrassment of Zhu Di's expedition to Mobei. He spent countless money and food to come, but could not find the enemy's shadow. The battle was destined to become an armed parade.

The southern foothills of Kunlun Mountain.

"Father, are we leaving like this?" Selemor asked.

Handu explained: "The battle in Qinghai is the key. We have to go and help them fight. If we can defeat the Han army in Qinghai, it will not be too late to return to Kham to fight. If we cannot defeat the Han army in Qinghai, we will also win against the Han army in Kham."

It’s useless, you will definitely be attacked from both sides in the end.”

Selmo asked: "What if we lose the battle in Qinghai?"

Handu said: "When you go to Qinghai, you must preserve your strength. Fight if you can, and run if you can't. If you lose, gather more people, abandon Qinghai and go to Hami!"

Selemor stopped talking. He felt that his father was too cowardly. How could he give up Kang District without a real fight?

Handu felt miserable because he kept luring the enemy deeper, but Huang Yao advanced steadily and gave him no chance to sneak attack. He only had a few thousand cavalry in hand, how could he confront the Han army in the mountainous area?

It can only be said that Handu has not yet expanded at this time.

Historically, in another twenty years, Handu's strength became even stronger. He exclusively enjoyed the profits of the Tea Horse Road, refused to send taxes to the Mongolian nobles in Qinghai, and completely fell out with Lhasa. Moreover, he repeatedly invaded Lijiang, and

They imposed violent levies and expropriations in Kham. At the same time, they offended the Manchu, Mongolian, and Tibetan forces, and fought against all surrounding forces at the same time. There was even an internal uprising of Tibetan nobles.

In the end, Handu destroyed the Manchu troops dispatched by the Qing Dynasty, but was killed by the joint efforts of the Mongolian nobles.

The North Army was led by Jiang Liang.

Nearly 40,000 regular soldiers and tens of thousands of civilians surrounded Xining.

Qi Tingjian, the commander of the Xining Guards in the Ming Dynasty, was already very old and ill at this time, and his son Qi Xingzhou was responsible for all military and political affairs.

"Father, fight or surrender?" Qi Xingzhou asked.

Qi Tingjian lay on the hospital bed and said feebly: "Surrender, we can't expect the Mongolian Tatars to come to the rescue. Surrender sooner, donate all the land, and help the court divide the land and the people, otherwise our Qi family will be doomed."


Qi Tingjian himself was of Mongolian descent, but he called the Oara Mongols entrenched in Qinghai Tatars.

Qi Xingzhou asked: "Are other generals willing?"

"Whether they want it or not, you can go to Kaicheng and ask for surrender." Qi Ting admonished him.

The Qi family is essentially the chieftain of Xining. The real Xining guard commanders are Han Chinese, and most of the military households moved from Jianghuai.

When Li Zicheng's troops came to attack, all the Han generals surrendered. Only two Mongolian chieftains, Qi Tingjian and Lu Yinchang, were loyal to the Ming Dynasty.

Lu Yinchang died for the Ming Dynasty, Qi Tingjian was defeated and fled, and historically surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. At this time and space, Qi Tingjian took advantage of the absence of the Datong army and re-captured Xining and proclaimed himself the commander. While he told Gushi

Khan proclaimed himself a vassal, and at the same time professed vassalage to the Datong court. As a buffer force, the court never conquered.

Now, the imperial court has sent troops to attack, and Qi Ting has to surrender even if he refuses to remonstrate.

The city gate was wide open, Qi Xingzhou came out of the city and knelt to greet him, and also carried Qi Tingjian, who was seriously ill, out.

The other Han generals could only follow and surrender.

The military household system is still used here. Once the Datong Army is surrendered, it means that the generals will lose their land and they will also lose their military households, which are like serfs.

Qi Xingzhou knelt on the ground and shouted: "The soldiers and people of Xining are all looking forward to the imperial court sending troops, and now they finally get what they want. The imperial court's land administration is really good governance that has never been seen in the past. The Qi family is willing to donate all their acres of land to help the imperial court divide the good land.

With the people!”

"I am willing to dedicate my land and distribute it to the people!"

The rest of the generals also shouted loudly, crying as they shouted, "That's the land their ancestors have accumulated for generations."

Jiang Liang sneered and said: "You guys are so cheap. The imperial court has ordered that each family of Ming military generals in Xining can take away five carts of goods. It can be loaded with silver or grain, but only five carts are allowed to be taken away.

The rack has been prepared for you. Load it up and leave immediately. You must report to Lanzhou within a month. The Lanzhou government will arrange a place for you to go to Shanxi or Hebei to settle down and share the fields!"

"Thank you for your grace!"

The generals wanted to cry but had no tears. They surrendered the city and the land, but they could only take away five carts of goods, and they had to kneel down and kowtow to thank them for not killing.

Temporary family division is not acceptable, it must be calculated on a family basis.

It is said that five carts of goods can be taken away, but these are big families, how much can each person get if divided?

After dealing with these officers, Jiang Liang let the officers and officials enter the city to calm the people, and then sent a small group of cavalry to the surrounding villages and towns to publicize the land affairs of the new Datong Dynasty along the way. Whether they were Han military households or Mongolian herders, they were all freed, and they could still

Allotment of land and pasture.

For a time, the people were excited and enthusiastically supported the imperial court.

Immediately afterwards, troops were sent to Guide (Guide) and other Qianhu places to recover all the surrounding Ming Dynasty old places.

Qin Liangyu's grandson Ma Wannian is now the commander of the Shaanxi Cavalry Division.

He led more than ten thousand cavalry as the vanguard and went straight to Dongke Temple on the edge of Qinghai Lake, which was the largest temple in Qinghai.

The abbot of Dongke Temple has been a guest in Nanjing for several years. Ma Wannian came with a letter from the abbot, urging the monks to free the slaves. Anyone who disobeys will violate the abbot's order.

As for the Mongolian tribes here, they have long since fled with their livestock!

Qinghai Badaiji led his troops and retreated all the way to Xingxiu Sea. I don't know if they met the old immortal Xingxiu.

The eldest brother, Eqir, is on his way from Tibet, so the sixth brother, Batur, has the final say here.

"In my opinion, it is better to surrender. Emperor Zhao of Nanjing is still very kind." Dai Qing, the second oldest Chechen, spoke first. He once went to Nanjing to visit Zhao Han.

The fifth son, Yilduzi, firmly opposed it because his son was the commander in charge of Kham: "We can't surrender. Everyone has seen the Han envoys. The Han emperor wants us to surrender Kham."

According to Gushi Khan's arrangement, taxes in the Snow area were used to support monks, and taxes in the Kham area were used to support Mongolian nobles. Once the Kham area was lost, the Mongolian nobles in Qinghai would have no stable financial resources and food, and they would have to live in Qinghai grasslands from now on.

Grazing for a living.

"Eldest brother is not here, so sixth brother has an idea." Lao Jiugun Buchahun said. He didn't care anyway. All his heirs died in infancy, so he didn't have any other ideas.

Batur said: "The Han army is really powerful. I heard that one hundred thousand Mobei Mongolians were defeated by the Han army. Even if we can win this year, what will happen if the Han army comes every year? But it won't work if we don't fight. My

The idea is to avoid as much as possible and not engage in direct combat with the Han army, so that all the Han armies will return without success. If you encounter a good opportunity to fight, you can also go for a fight. After the Han army withdraws, send envoys to Nanjing for peace talks."

"How to negotiate peace?" asked the old man, Zash Batur.

Batur explained: "If the Han emperor wants to cede Kham, he can cede part of it, but he cannot cede Anduo (Yushu, Aba, Gannan, Tianzhu). As for Qinghai, Xining and other places, they are not ours in the first place. The Han people

If the emperor wants to take it back, he can take it."

In the Kangzang area, Mongolian tribes are not widely distributed. The core areas are only Yushu, Aba, Gannan and Tianzhu. The rest of the territory is full of Tibetans, Qiang, and Yi people. The Mongols use force and religion to tax various ethnic groups.

Yilduzi shook his head repeatedly: "If you cut off so much at once, the tribute tax in Kham will be reduced by more than half. How will we live on in the future?"

Batur said: "We can live on just relying on Qinghai and Anduo. We can't just enjoy it."

All the brothers were silent. They had long lost their will to fight and only wanted to share more pasture and enjoy life. After the Kham area was ceded, they still enjoyed nothing.

Erdani Dai Qing, the seventh eldest brother, said with a strange tone: "As soon as the Han soldiers come, we will cede the Kham region. Why don't we give up Qinghai as well, and you and I will take our troops to join the fourth brother?"

The fourth child was adopted by his uncle and is now nomadic in Tacheng, Xinjiang, and his territory also includes part of Kazakhstan in later generations.

The old man, Elden, said: "The Han people are born from their parents and have flesh and blood, so why can't they win? In my opinion, a good fight will make Han soldiers afraid to come back again!"

No one wants to lose the support from Kham. Historically, Handu was entrenched in Kham and was unwilling to provide taxes, so he was killed by these guys.

Most of the brothers had the same idea, and Batur felt very helpless.

The eldest brother, who only likes fighting and grazing, is not here at this time. The other brothers are short-sighted and usually care about pasture. Batur feels really tired.

Before the Datong Army went to Qinghai, these brothers competed for pasture, and there were several internal frictions. Now they are clamoring to fight the Han Army, but if there really is a fight, how can they fight if they can't work together to preserve their strength?

If the brothers could unite with the outside world, Batur would not want to cede territory and seek peace, and would have led his army to fight the Han soldiers.

"There's no rush to fight now. We'll wait until big brother comes."

"Yes, wait for big brother to come and join us."

"Also, Handu, the fifth brother's family, asked him to quickly bring troops to support."

"This battle can be fought so that the Han soldiers will not dare to come again."


Batur looked at his brothers with a depressed expression, feeling deep helplessness in his heart.

The meeting dispersed, and the second Chechen Dai Qing found Batur and said with great worry: "Sixth brother, we really can't win. I have been to Nanjing, and the Han people are very powerful. Not to mention the city wall of Nanjing, which is so high that you can touch the clouds.

The cities along the way are all unimaginably prosperous. The Han people in Xi'an alone are countless times more numerous than the Mongols in the entire Qinghai."

"I know...sigh!" Batur sighed.

When Gushi Khan conquered Qinghai, he borrowed troops to kill them, and all the main troops were returned to others. They only had a few thousand tribesmen, and they also accepted more than 40,000 local Mongolian people.

However, the infant mortality rate on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is too high, and pregnant women have various difficulties in giving birth.

After many years of development and multiplication, the Mongolian tribesmen were still less than 70,000. Counting the children aged 12 or 13, the number of troops that could be mobilized to fight was only 30,000 to 40,000 at most.

Datong's army doesn't even have to win the battle. As long as they conduct conquests every year and come a few more times, Qinghai's population can be drastically reduced.

This chapter has been completed!
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