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Chapter 919 915 [Selling Poems]

Just when the civil and military officials were about to follow suit, Zhao Han suddenly asked Chen Maosheng: "If I were the spring breeze, what kind of snow would I sweep away? What kind of flowers would I leave behind?" Chen Maosheng replied: "Your Majesty sweeps away the bandits.

The Tatars were corrupt officials and the gentry were powerful. What they left behind were the Sanyuan Chapter, the theory of personality, and the method of dividing land. Zhao Han smiled and asked Qian Qianyi, "Does Qian Qing think so?"

"Yes, yes," Qian Qianyi felt a little embarrassed, and then added, "it's Mr. Chen Ge who knows His Majesty's intentions better." The other officials had different expressions. Some were smiling, some were deep in thought, and some were looking away.

, some echoed repeatedly. "Hahahaha"

Zhao Han suddenly laughed, raised his glass and said, "Drink from this cup!"

The officials quickly followed suit and raised their glasses. No one seemed to care about the previous episode. The accompanying musicians began to play tunes.

Zhao Han drank a few more drinks, then ignored the image of the emperor, closed his eyes and lay on the grass to bask in the sun. The other ministers dispersed one after another, chatting and having fun in small groups. Fei Ruhe was also basking in the sun. In the spring of Nanjing,

It is indeed different from the spring in the grassland.

An old man with white hair and beard carefully walked up to the emperor. He did not dare to get too close and stopped two or three meters away. He seemed to want to speak but was afraid of disturbing the emperor's rest. Zhao Han, with his eyes slightly closed, suddenly spoke:

"If you have anything to say, just say it.

The old man raised his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I have been involved in the compilation of "History of the Ming Dynasty". Is the mystery of Ming Taizong's biological mother really shelved?" "What are you talking about? Just preserve the historical data and leave it to future generations to continue to guess."

." Zhao Han said angrily.

Tan Qianyou worriedly said: "But this matter has spread among the people, and some foolish men and women are making nonsense of the fact that Emperor Taizong of the Ming Dynasty is the posthumous son of Emperor Yuan Shun." Zhao Han said, "Please go on a spring outing to enjoy the scenery yourself, don't delay any more.

I bask in the sun."

Tan Qian hesitated to speak, but finally retreated silently.

As early as the Tianqi period, Tan Qian began to compile his own history books of the Ming Dynasty, and even went to various parts of the country to conduct inspections. Because he had a large number of local chronicles, unofficial histories and field textual research materials, he was absorbed into the compilation team of "History of the Ming Dynasty". At the beginning, he was just a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy and edited

After finishing "History of the Ming Dynasty", he was promoted to master's degree.

He was usually unable to meet the emperor alone, but today he finally found an opportunity to try to solve the mystery of Zhu Di's biological mother.

, first release

Zhu Di was not born to Empress Ma. This statement existed during the Wanli period. The 40-volume "Nanjing Taichang Temple Chronicles" compiled in the third year of Tianqi further confirmed this statement. When Emperor Chongzhen was still there, Tan Qian

They came to Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum and bribed the eunuchs to know the truth. As a result, the eunuchs guarding the mausoleum all said that the records in "Nanjing Taichang Temple Chronicles" were true and that Queen Ma had no biological son. When the Datong court compiled "History of Ming Dynasty", Qian Qianyi brought

Several historians entered the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum Hall together and were stunned by the scene before them. The tablets of the gods were as follows: Zhu Yuanzhang and Queen Ma were in the middle. The little-known concubine was placed alone on the west side; the remaining twelve concubines were

, placed together on the east side. The concubine's divine master occupies the position of Mu, only below the emperor and empress, and above all the concubines.

Moreover, Prince Zhu Biao, King Zhu of Qin, and King Zhu Tong of Jin were all born to Concubine Li Shu. King Zhu Di of Yan was born to Concubine Shuo. Empress Ma did not have a biological son.

This seems to confirm why Empress Ma married Zhu Yuanzhang and gave birth to no son in the first four years. Zhu Yuanzhang also adopted several adopted sons during this period. In the next two years, Empress Ma gave birth to two sons in a row.

It's possible that he was adopted from his concubine...

However, the records in "Tianhuang Jade Certificate" are somewhat different from those in "Nanjing Taichang Temple Chronicles". Even "Tianhuang Jade Certificate" has two different versions. Also, in Xiangdianli

Why are there more than ten concubine tablets placed?

Even if Zhu Di wanted his biological mother to be honored, he could just place the shrines of Empress Ma and his biological mother. Some historians from the Hanlin Academy believe that when Jiajing reformed the sacrificial system, it was possible that the Xiangdian of Xiaoling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty was touched. But even if it was touched

, Jiajing is also a descendant of Zhu Di, so he should cover up for Zhu Di. This is an unsolved case, and there is unreasonableness everywhere.

The Hanlin Academy discussed it for several years, and finally it was Zhao Han who made the final decision. Zhu Di was the legitimate son of Empress Ma - biological or not?

There is no need to write too clearly. After all, according to Confucian ethics, no matter which concubine is born, the one raised by the legal wife is the legitimate son.

However, the relevant historical materials must be preserved, so that people hundreds of years later can fight for their lives.

"History of the Ming Dynasty" has been published, but Tan Qian is very serious and always wants to investigate the matter clearly. He plans to ask the emperor to search the Glazed Pagoda. There may be relevant evidence inside. "Alas!" Tan Qian sighed.

Zhu Minghao came up behind him at some point and whispered: "Mr. Tan, why are you doing this? Your Majesty made it very clear that no matter who gave birth to him, as long as he was raised by Queen Ma, then Ming Taizong is the direct prince."

Tan Qian said: "Government of history should be rigorous."

The biggest contribution of Tan Qian in compiling the "History of the Ming Dynasty" in the New Dynasty of Datong was that he quoted a large number of local chronicles and overturned some of the contents in the "Shilu of the Ming Dynasty".

Zhu Minghao shook his head and said, "We should be rigorous in governing history, but there is no need to get into trouble. If we, the scholars of the Ming Dynasty, can be used by the new dynasty, it will be a great favor from the emperor. It is better to spend more time compiling the "Republic of China"

Important tasks.

"The Dadian of the Beginning of the Republic of China", or "The Complete Book of the Beginning of the Republic of China", has not yet been officially named, but Lu Lu has been compiled for more than ten years. "Look at those people." Zhu Mingjin pointed ahead.

Tan Qian turned his head and looked around, and saw a group of ministers playing by the river, throwing pots, and some even sat down to fish leisurely. Tan Qian smiled bitterly: "It's a prosperous age, but I don't have much left to live, so I'd rather retire and return to my hometown, and entertain my grandchildren."


Tan Qian really didn't live long. When the plague was rampant in Beijing, he went to visit officials, traveled around the country, slept in the open, and had long been left with old illnesses. "Good Poetry"

Some students further away were praising it, but it was the poem that the emperor had just written that had spread quickly.

A student said excitedly, "The spring breeze is like a distinguished guest, it brings prosperity as soon as it arrives. It comes to sweep away the snow from thousands of mountains and leave flowers from all over the world. How heroic is this? Your Majesty's poems have always been so majestic and magnificent. This poem is the most wonderful one.

The words "bian" and "sweep" are placed here. It seems inconspicuous, but it is extremely powerful. When the spring breeze comes, the world will naturally prosper. Your Majesty raises the army, and the country will naturally be stable. Everything conforms to the way of heaven, and it should be so, and there is no room for criticism! If it is said, it is easy.

Words are extremely powerful, but how about sweeping them? Words are made with a heavy weight. Corrupt officials and Tatar bandits can be wiped out with a single sweep!" Another student said, "Otherwise, leaving words is the most poetic thing. Your Majesty created a prosperous era of great harmony.

"Sweeping is just a means, retention is the foundation. What is left is a bright world, what is left is a harmonious world." The students were still discussing here, but a vendor heard the news and asked his son who had studied to copy it. Eleven or twelve years old

The child didn't seem to work very hard, and his handwriting was crooked, but he quickly copied dozens of copies. The vendor said to his son: "You stay here and look after the stall, and I'll go over there and sell poems."

Before his son agreed, the hawker ran all the way to the edge of Xuanwu Lake and shouted along the lake, "Long live my outing and poetry. Long live my outing and poetry. If you want to see it, come quickly. You can buy one for twenty coins!"

Twenty cents can buy several kilograms of rice.

But after he shouted a few times, a scholar waved to him: "Give me one quickly!"

When the scholars got the emperor's poems, they immediately began to recite them, and then praised and commented on them. The people watching, regardless of whether they were knowledgeable or not, felt that the emperor's poems were really good. The vendors felt that it was not easy to sell here, so they continued to run forward.

There was a painting boat by the lake, and it was picking up people at the shore. I heard the shouts and bought several more pictures.

In less than an hour, all the poems in the hands of the hawker were sold out, making a net profit of nearly one tael of silver. Some people also followed the trend and copied the poems and sold them in the city. Some shops actually bought them, and the shopkeeper copied them himself and made the clerk proud.

Recite aloud and post it at the door of the store to attract customers.

There was even a bold restaurant owner who persuaded the owner to change the name of the restaurant. He immediately asked craftsmen to engrave a plaque and changed the name of the restaurant to "Chunfeng Tower". There were also poems hanging on both sides: The spring breeze is like a distinguished guest, and it becomes prosperous as soon as it arrives.

The writer from Italy has learned Chinese and can barely understand Chinese poetry.

After communicating with scholars at the Hanlin Academy, he was even more amazed at the exquisiteness of this poem. He returned to the temple and wrote in his diary: "His Majesty, the Emperor of China, is indeed a great poet. During the spring festival, the Emperor took his ministers on an outing.

, I wrote a wonderful poem inspired by it. I have translated this poem into Latin. But please forgive me for my lack of talent and knowledge. The works I translated are far from comparable to the emperor's original works. "Poetry in Chinese characters has

More changeable intentions. The same Chinese poem can be interpreted in countless ways. Although European poetry also has this function, it cannot be compared with Chinese poetry. The emperor's poem only has twenty words. The first level of understanding

, is a tribute to spring. The second level of understanding is an elaboration of ambitions. The third level of understanding includes political and historical implications."

"Praise to the great Emperor of China, uu read? He is a true philosopher king. He is so philosophical, he is so talented, his thoughts light up the night sky in the East, and one day he will also light up

western night sky

Envoys from various countries began to collect Zhao Han's previous poems and translate them in their own country's language. They even found "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

The inner strength in the novel is not easy to be translated literally, so it is simply transliterated as k (qi) or something like that. During the translation, there was even a note explaining that k is the energy possessed by Eastern warriors, which can be obtained through hard work, but it is different from

European and Indian ascetic practices.

The meridians, acupuncture points, moves, etc. are also scratching my head when I translate them.

Moreover, European envoys must be careful not to make their martial arts resemble magic or witchcraft, otherwise they will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the Pope.

These translated versions of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", because they bear the name of the Chinese emperor, quickly became popular in Europe, Persia, and India. No matter how you explain it, it is useless. Readers from all over the world who have read the novel are certain that the Chinese warriors have magical powers.


Then, there are always one or two Chinese supporting characters in literary works from various countries, especially novels and dramas.

Those Chinese supporting characters come from the far East and are down-and-out nobles in China. They have strong strength and often help the protagonist overcome difficulties at critical moments.

Or, simply the heroine comes from China and engages in a vigorous foreign love - this kind of novel will inevitably imitate "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". The character is upright, persevering, noble, similar to Guo Jing. The heroine is smart and good at martial arts.

The auxiliary role does big things, similar to Huang Rong.

Some nobles even named their daughters "Furong" because they were fans of Huang Rong. Because the translator noted that Huang Rong is the color of hibiscus.

This chapter has been completed!
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