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Chapter 933 929 [Pu Songling]

Chapter 933 929 [Pu Songling]

Just when Zhang Guowei was about to board the ship, a group of scholars also came to the dock.

They have iron swords hanging from their waists and square scarves on their heads, and they look like they want to travel around. This style of traveling was only popular among rich families at first, but now it has spread to ordinary wealthy families.

The scholars in front of me were not in a hurry when they arrived at the dock, but instead gathered around a group of prisoners and pointed.

A scholar of seventeen or eighteen years old smiled and pointed at the prisoners and said, "These are all rats, and we should despise them." As he said this, he walked over and spat with a "bah" sound.

"I'm coming too!"

Immediately, a scholar responded, raising his neck, making a "ha" sound in his throat, and finally spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm.


The scholars came forward one after another, saliva and thick phlegm flying everywhere. The prisoners wearing shackles could not stop them, so they had to turn around in shame and anger and use their backs to catch the phlegm.

The petty officer escorting the prisoners did not stop him, but watched the fun with a smile.

Seeing this, Zhang Guowei shook his head and smiled bitterly: "They are all scholars who are about to reach the crown, but they are still like naughty children."

But one scholar did not move, and others asked: "Brother Jianchen, why don't you take a bite?"

The scholar replied: "Everyone can beat a drowned dog, and I am not the only one. When I pass the Jinshi examination and take charge of the government, it will not be too late to beat the dog slowly."

"Jinshi is not easy to pass." Everyone laughed.

There were not many official ships in winter, and Zhang Guowei was too lazy to wait. This time he took a private ship to go south.

He boarded the boat with several of his entourage, and the scholars also followed him. Someone recognized him and said, "But Zhang Shangshu, who governs the Yellow River, is in front of him?"

Zhang Guowei smiled and cupped his hands: "It's me."

The scholars who had been spitting just now suddenly stood in awe, and came forward to salute one after another. These people were all scholars from Shandong. Zhang Guowei had been running around in Shandong for more than ten years, and his prestige among the people was very high, because he not only had to control the Yellow River, but also

By the way, dredging of rivers in Shandong.

Zhang Guowei looked at the only scholar who did not spit, and asked: "What is your name?"

The scholar replied: "Reporting to Zhang Shangshu, student Pu Songling, courtesy name Jianchen. He graduated from Jinan University this summer. He missed the spring examination and has to wait another three years to take the imperial examination. These are all classmates of Jinan University. We

We are traveling around the world together to increase our knowledge and knowledge."

Zhang Guowei asked: "Where have you traveled?"

Pu Songling said: "I went to Liaoning in the autumn, and also visited Hetuala, the puppet capital of the Tatars. Now it has been restored to the name of a state. It happened that General Hu (Hu Dinggui) sent troops to fight, and we volunteered to join the army and do that.

The grain farmer watched General Hu fight with the Tatars from a distance."

"Is there a war in the Northeast?" Zhang Guowei hasn't received the news yet.

Pu Songling said: "The Tatar puppet king died of illness, and the internal fighting in Ninggu Pagoda continued. General Hu learned of the situation and immediately seized the opportunity to send troops. With only 3,000 soldiers, he defeated tens of thousands of Tatars in one fell swoop. Now Ninggu

Tatar has been recaptured, and there is no more Tatar trouble in the Northeast. The Tatar officials have all been arrested to work as miners, and the Tatar civilians have been dispersed and moved to the coast of Heilongjiang."

"Sure enough, this is great news." Zhang Guowei smiled.

This civilian ship was transporting coal, and its destination was Yangzhou. It was not a real passenger ship.

Zhang Guowei naturally had a separate cabin, but those scholars were crowded into the boatman's cabin. They were not children of a wealthy family, so they could save money along the way. Fortunately, food prices have been cheap in recent years, and they can travel around without spending too much money -

—There are also some rich people, but they must be gregarious and not too high-profile.

Pu Songling's father has retired and has reached the highest level of prefect, and his experience as an official is quite amazing.

Pu Pan was the only son of a large landowner. He married one wife and two concubines. He was over forty and had no heirs. When Zuo Liangyu ruled Shandong, there were drought locusts and plagues. Countless local people died of illness and starvation. Pu Pan

I thought to myself that no matter how much property I had, I would have no heirs to inherit it, so I might as well spend all my wealth to help the people.

Therefore, Pupan spent all his stored grain to save countless people, and also exempted all tenant farmers from arrears of rent and silver.

Things turned around after that, and four sons were born one after another.

Not only that, when the Datong Army recaptured Shandong and learned of Pupan's righteous deeds, they immediately made him the acting county magistrate. After the land distribution was completed, the acting magistrate was promoted to a regular official, and three years later he was promoted to the county magistrate in another place.

Destiny was like a roller coaster. Pu Pan, who was in his forties, had no sons and all his wealth was gone. Suddenly, sons were born one after another, and he became prosperous in his official career.

During Pu Songling's childhood, he always listened to his father nagging: God is watching what people do. As long as you do good deeds, you will be rewarded. God will not let down kindhearted people.

Pu Songling in this time and space will definitely not write "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" again.

In "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio", many stories have realistic metaphors. War disasters, locust droughts, and plagues repeatedly ravaged Shandong, which almost turned into a ghost. With a sparse population, tenants could eat at the same table as the landlords. Pu Songling grew up in that kind of environment.

I have heard countless ghost stories. Many times, he also wrote about the atrocities committed by the Qing army in the stories, which required cooperation with the local county chronicles to understand.

But now Pu Songling only thinks about becoming an official in the imperial examination and has no interest in writing novels.

When the coal ship arrived in Yangzhou, everyone disembarked and landed, where they stayed in Datongbu, waiting for the next southbound ship.

Yangzhou is becoming more and more prosperous, and its population is exploding due to its prosperity.

Many unemployed vagrants in the city would rather hang out in Yangzhou than go to the north to make a living. Just like the migrant workers in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, they are happy to struggle at the bottom of society and look down on other small places.

The areas outside the city are already full. Last year, because of a fire, the government even cleaned up the slum areas.

Xu Ying, the chief minister of Jiangsu Province, couldn't bear it and refused to let the court pay. He used Jiangsu's finances to forcibly relocate the poor people in the shantytowns to various counties in Hebei.

After staying at Datongpu Inn for a few days, these Shandong scholars traveled around and wrote many poems and articles.

"We have a ship, Xu Buzheng's official ship!"

Xu Ying is going back to Beijing to report on her duties. Her next position will be either as minister, or directly into the cabinet as an assistant minister.

Zhang Guowei also boarded Xu Ying's official ship. Before it set sail, a group of scholars caught up with him, explaining that he wanted to take advantage of the ship.

"Let them come up." Xu Ying said with a smile.

The scholars were extremely happy and rushed to get on the boat to see them. None of them had been to Nanjing. This time they wanted to celebrate the New Year in Nanjing and visit all the scenic spots. After experiencing the Lantern Festival Lantern Market in Nanjing, they headed up the Yangtze River to Sichuan.

Traveling, some people even want to visit Tibet.

When he arrived outside Nanjing, looking at the majestic city walls, the scholar Wang Zong drew his sword and shouted: "What a great imperial capital, what a great capital. I was born in a prosperous age, and I should raise my sword to surpass the achievements of the Han and Tang Dynasties!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

All the scholars laughed and made an appointment to have a drink when they entered the city. They also asked the richest Wang Yi to treat them.

Wang Zhen, whose courtesy name was Zhensheng and whose nickname was Luzhan, was a close friend of Pu Songling from the same hometown. His ancestors had three Jinshi scholars, so the Wang family was very rich. Even if their land was divided, they would still be rich and wealthy.

The article "Ma Jiefu" in "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" is specifically satirizing Wang Zong. This guy was very afraid of his wife. Not only did he not dare to take concubines, his father was even kicked out of the house by his wife, and he eventually died of illness in an inn. Because

This matter caused Pu Songling to break up with Wang Di in his middle age.

This time and space should not break off the relationship again, because Wang Zong did not marry that woman. Because the woman's father's reputation was too bad, the Datong army confiscated her home and dispersed all the immigrants to Hebei.

Xu Ying and Zhang Guowei disembarked from the ship together. The scholars came to say goodbye, and then swarmed into the city.

"Good news, good news, great victory in Guangnan!"

The scholars were still wandering in the streets of Nanjing when they heard that the announcement was successful, and they were overjoyed. Wang Zong took the banknotes from Datong Bank, exchanged some silver coins, and took his friends into Fanlou to spend money.

In the palace.

When Zhao Han received the good news, his expression did not change. He only said: "Instruct the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Rites to work out a reward."

The destruction of the Nguyen clan in Vietnam was smoother than Hu Dinggui's elimination of the remnants of the Tatars.

After killing Nguyen Phuc Bin, the Hue gentry frantically exploited the people and sold the land in their hands.

In a word, turn power and land into money, and surrender directly when the Datong Army comes!

Everyone knew that they could not withstand the might of the Datong army, and when Nguyen Phuc was still alive, he not only harmed the interests of the gentry, but also refused to allow the gentry to sell their land. With Nguyen Phuc on the verge of death, everyone can do whatever they want.

However, there are too many people selling land and too few people buying land, so land has become a bargain.

Then we can only exploit the people, deduct severance pay from the new army, and provoke civil uprisings one after another, with rebels from all directions.

When the Datong Army arrived in Hue, Hue was already surrounded by the rebels. The scene did not look like they were going to destroy the country, but more like they were coming to quell the rebellion. For more than a month after that, they basically fought with the rebels, because

Many rebels were unwilling to surrender and burned, killed and looted everywhere during the uprising.

"Your Majesty, the Ministry of Rites and the Cabinet have repeatedly discussed and agreed that the loyal officials who died in the Shipping Department should be given the posthumous title of 'Wen Jie'," Wang Diaoding explained with his hands in hand.

, To follow the system carefully is called integrity, to keep straight and not to resist is called integrity, to not take away from justice when facing righteousness is called integrity, to not take away from difficulties and dangers is called integrity."

Zhao Han said expressionlessly: "That's right."

Zhao Han originally planned to collectively give the posthumous title of "Wenzhong" to those officials who were determined not to join the others and were brutally silenced and killed.

At that time, the emperor was very angry, and no one dared to stand up to object, but the Ministry of Rites kept delaying the decision. Because among the posthumous titles of literati, "Wenzhong" ranked second, second only to "Wenzheng", and the collective posthumous title of "Wenzhong" would be lost.

Gold content.

Although "Wen Jie" ranks relatively low, it is still a good posthumous title. For example, Yang Wanli and Huang Tingjian were given the posthumous title "Wen Jie".

And from a meaning point of view, "Wen Jie" is also more suitable for loyal ministers who have died tragically, who are honest and self-restrained, can stick to what they are doing, strictly follow the system, be straight and unyielding, do not take away what is right, and do not take anything when hardships are difficult. These do not exactly correspond to those who have been honest and died tragically.


Zhao Han did not want to mention this matter, so he ordered: "Those Hue gentry, even if they have contributed to the city, have to disperse the immigrants and go to Hebei and Liaoning. They are allowed to take away their belongings and give all the land to the farmers.

If you stay here, trouble will happen sooner or later."

I have to say that the Hue gentry in Vietnam were half successful in their plan.

They want to cash in their power and land and stay in Vietnam to continue to be rich. Although they can't stay now, they can leave with their belongings, which is better than following Nguyen Phuc Bin all the way to the dark side.

As far as Zhao Han is concerned, the gentry took the initiative to offer the city, and what they offered was the royal city. They couldn't just fall out randomly, right?

The demise of the Ruan family's regime is somewhat similar to that of the Zheng family in Taiwan in history.

The main reason for the collapse of the Zheng family in Taiwan was not military. It was the fact that the Zheng group was highly commercialized and maintained trade relations with Fujian and Guangdong all year round. Kangxi could not conquer Taiwan, so he imposed a strict maritime ban, which the Zheng group could not do.

When doing business, you will be divided internally.

The Hue gentry of the Nguyen regime were also heavily involved in maritime trade (mainly supplying goods to Han merchants). After being blocked by the Chinese economy, they all thought of rebelling and surrendering.

In any case, Vietnam was completely recovered.

Zhao Han said: "All the newly occupied land will be merged into Guangnan Province. Part of the northern mountainous area of ​​Guangnan Province will be allocated to Yunnan and part to Guangxi. The geographical advantages must be controlled on the Yunnan and Guangxi side to prevent the invasion in dozens or hundreds of years.

People rebelled.”

(I won’t write about war anymore, hum!)

This chapter has been completed!
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