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Chapter 937 933 [colonization is bloody]

Chapter 937 933 [Colonization is bloody]

Whether it is Batavia or Jakarta, it is now a thing of the past. It is now China's Coconut City Governor-General.

The land around Yecheng was originally in the hands of large Han landowners. After the imperial court took over Yecheng, the governor encouraged the people to open up the land. The original tenants continued to farm the land while reclaiming the surrounding land.

In a few years, dozens of miles of land were expanded, and all the land ceded to Coconut City by the Banten Kingdom was cleared. The local Javanese natives had to either go to the city to work or work for the landlords, otherwise they would have to be expelled.

The governor said that he would slowly civilize the indigenous people, but the Han peasants did not care about so many, and they even armed themselves to fight.

They will unite to attack anyone who doesn't let them cultivate the land!

On New Year's Day in the 17th year of the Republic of China, Lu Baohua and his fellow villagers spent the rainy season.

Lu Baohua was a farmer from the mountainous area of ​​Guangdong. When the New Dynasty of Datong was established, his parents gave birth to eight sons and one daughter. Only two of the sons died in infancy. How could the land allocated by the government be enough? What’s more, it was still a mountainous area.

He successfully graduated from elementary school and finished middle school, but only received a certificate of graduation.

Lu Baohua could only work in the city and worked as an apprentice for several years. He really didn't like it, so he asked his classmates to go to Guangzhou to make a living. One day, he met some people who had returned to Yecheng to worship their ancestors. He heard that there was land everywhere around Yecheng.

, as long as you go there, you can cultivate it. The prerequisite is that you can withstand the attack of the indigenous people.

At least, you have to carry it yourself until the governor sends troops to rescue him!

Lu Baohua thought about it and went back to the mountains to recruit young people to go to sea to farm. After recruiting a few people in his own village, he went to the next village, going from village to village, and finally recruited hundreds of people to go to sea.

They are all poor people in the mountains. Each family scrapes together what they have, and apart from the boat money, they still have a few taels of available funds.

They took a boat from Guangzhou Port with farm tools, seeds and dry food. After reporting to the Governor's Mansion in Yecheng, Datong Bank loaned them twenty taels of silver, and then they were taken to a forest dozens of miles away by officials.

In the first year, trees were cut down to plant sugar cane, but the seeds brought were not used.

Because I heard from local people that the harvest from growing grain was not high in the first two years, but growing sugar cane could be sold at a good price. The sugar cane seeds were bought from local Han people, and the felled wood could be sold to merchants.

The sugarcane harvest was indeed good, and they couldn't wait to plant it for another two or three years. In the second year, they dedicated half of their land to upland rice.

Upland rice has low yield, but good taste and high price.

The main reason was the lack of irrigation canals. So in the second year, they dug diversion canals and bought water from local farmers to irrigate the fields. The water fee was calculated based on the length of irrigation.

In the third year, Lu Baohua presided over the field division and divided the cultivated land reclaimed by the collective.

This year, Lu Baohua asked his younger brother to go home by boat, bring back letters and silver to the young people, and hope to recruit more fellow villagers to cultivate the land. They said in their letters home that the land in Yecheng was extremely fertile, and rice could be harvested twice a year, and it was also

It doesn't require much fertilizer. The agricultural tax here is lower than back home, and the land reclamation is tax-free for the first five years. After reporting it to the governor, you can get a land reclamation loan.

After hearing the news from all over the country, half of the county was in a state of shock. More than 300 young men and women went to sea collectively.

In fact, overseas pioneering is very difficult, exposed to the sun and rain, and the soil and water are not suitable for it. Although sugar cane and rice have high yields, they are often priced down by merchants. Although they have enough food and clothing all year round, they can't save a few dollars at all. The money I bring back to my hometown is tight.

Saved under the waistband.

There were two groups of young men and women, numbering nearly 500. The governor allowed them to build a village, and Lu Baohua was elected as the village chief.

Among the young and strong men, there were more than a dozen peasants and soldiers.

The Datong imperial court has repeatedly reduced the number of peasant soldiers, and there is also a regulation that each peasant soldier only needs to train for three years in his spare time before he must "retire" to recruit new people. To put it bluntly, it is a reserve service without military pay, but during the period of serving as a peasant soldier

, each person can be exempted from two acres of land tax.

Only those with land at home are eligible to be farmers and soldiers, while urban residents are not eligible.

Lu Baohua's village is called "Tangmi Village", and the name comes from the crops they grow. A peasant soldier named Ge Shun was appointed as the peasant soldier captain because he had finished elementary school. All the young and strong people were organized into the team, and they took turns in the off-farm season.


The governor does not encourage, prohibit, or manage this kind of peasant and soldier teams. Anyway, they develop in a free-range manner, and the main target of the battle is the surrounding indigenous people.

"Brother, I got the goods!"

Lu Baoliang brought his people back from Yecheng. He was there to buy arms. The governor only banned firearms and nothing else, so someone started making crossbows and selling them.

Lu Baohua opened the box and took a look, and said with great joy: "Good stuff!"

Thirty pairs of crossbows were very popular in the countryside of Yecheng and were a weapon for dealing with the Javanese natives. Lu Baohua asked the villagers to raise funds and emptied their wealth to buy these, even using up their pioneering loans.

Every time the food harvest season comes, it means that war is coming.

At first, the indigenous people robbed the Han people, and the Han people were forced to fight back. Gradually, the Han people organized troops in each village and began to take the initiative to rob the indigenous people.

In the first year that Lu Baohua came here, he was robbed by dozens of natives. They could only flee and find nearby Han people to bring reinforcements, but now they are able to take the initiative to fight out.

The rainy season has passed, that is, January and February, and it is the rice harvesting season.

There are dedicated people standing guard outside the village, and the villagers will help them harvest the rice in the homes of those sentries.


I was working in the golden rice fields when suddenly there was the sound of a gong, and then warning smoke was lit. The Javanese natives were indeed coming to kill me.

The Han people were very fed up with this and felt that the local indigenous people were so disgusting that they did not cultivate the land properly but came to rob the Han people of their food.

Those indigenous people occupy fertile soil, but their ancestors have not thought about making progress for generations. They don’t know how to dig ditches and canals on the large land, and they don’t know how to cultivate it intensively. They only know how to set fire to the forest, plant it for two or three years, and then replace it with another forest to burn. What a waste of land!

This behavior of burning forests for reclamation is called "burning trees", and it still exists even hundreds of years later. Every year, Indonesian farmers burn trees, and the smoke drifts to Singapore. Singaporeans have to wear masks before they dare to go out.

"Farmers and soldiers gather, peasants and soldiers gather!"

The young men in the fields everywhere picked up their sickles and rushed to the fields.

There are simple ordnance placed on the ridge of the field, ready for battle at any time. There are spears, wooden shields, and leather armor, and they look good after being arrayed.

The leather armor was sewn by them themselves and was made from pigskin.

When landlords kill pigs at home, or when butchers kill pigs, the pig skins are quickly sold out. Farmers in the countryside buy pig skins to make armor, and garnish it with some bamboo pieces to give them a little bit of defense.

More than 400 young men quickly gathered, and the command was handed over to Ge Shun, the leader of the peasants and soldiers.

Both sides moved towards open areas, and the scale of the indigenous bandits surprised Lu Baohua and Ge Shun.

In previous years, there were only dozens of enemies, maybe a hundred at most, but this time there were more than three hundred.

The natives also seemed surprised. When they came to rob last year, there were only about a hundred Han people here. How come it suddenly became four or five hundred?

All we can say is that the scale of the "war" is getting bigger and bigger!

Sultan Banten did not dare to provoke China and turned a blind eye to the Han people's land expansion. The Javanese natives continued to lose territory and finally learned to unite, and two or three tribes gathered to send troops.

The total number of men, women, old and children in these tribes is often only two to three hundred.

After one or two years of burning forest for reclamation, they would move to another forest. Occasionally, tribal conflicts would break out. The main reason for the conflict was the competition for forest land. Now the Han people are forcing the indigenous tribes to join hands with the outside world.

"The crossbowman comes forward, the sword and shield hand raises the shield!"

The sword-and-shielding hand held a large pot lid and a sickle in his hand, standing nervously and firmly in front.

There are also wolf soldiers and spearmen, which are exactly the same as those of the early Datong army.

The Javanese natives on the opposite side did not have any formation and rushed forward with machetes in hand.

More than 400 young and strong Han people were divided into small groups and advanced slowly. Thirty crossbows were fired first, and the natives also fired bows and arrows, but they were homemade earthen bows with little power.

Although the crossbow was very powerful, the crossbowman's accuracy was not good enough, and he only hit a few natives in one shot.

When the two sides engaged in battle, the natives were disturbed by the wolves, and the momentum of the charge slowed down. Most of the natives were blocked from the wolves, and some of them pushed the wolfs away and advanced, but were stabbed to death and wounded by spears.

Within five minutes of the battle, the natives completely collapsed, and Ge Shun led the young men to pursue them.

In this battle, more than sixty enemies were killed and twenty-seven were captured alive.

They didn't pursue them too far, they still had to come back to harvest rice, and fighting was a war, so they couldn't miss the farming season.

The captives can be taken to the city and sold, and the big landowners are willing to buy them.

Half a month later, the rice harvest was finished.

Lu Baohua convened a meeting of young and strong leaders: "We can't be beaten every year. We have to beat them out this year so that the natives will not dare to come again!"

Ge Shun said: "There are indigenous tribes not far to the west. Last year they burned the forest, and the forest fire burned a large area. So much land was burned, but less than half was used to grow food. So much good work was really wasted.


Lu Baohua said: "When the governor buys women every year, he gives priority to the Han people in the city, and then sells them to the Han people in the east. The new people we cultivate in the west don't even have women. The girls from home are not willing to go to sea to get married.

We can only rely on ourselves to grab it!"

"What if we have money and the girl from my hometown is willing to come and get married?" Xue Fentian asked.

The name "fentian" is very common. It is probably because when he was born, he happened to encounter the Datong army to divide the fields, just like the founding of New China and the aid to Korea.

Wan Wenqing laughed at the side and said: "The robbed indigenous woman can be my wife. If I marry a girl from my hometown again, the indigenous woman can be my concubine."

"This is such a good relationship, I can also take a concubine." Xue Fentian grinned.

The content of the meeting immediately turned to how to snatch and distribute women. They don't have to worry about food and clothing here, but what they lack is a family. Hundreds of young men have long been exhausted.

These young and strong people have methods to treat night blindness, which they all learned from peasants and soldiers, but many of the indigenous people cannot see clearly at night.

The plan for dispatching troops was to attack at night. Hundreds of young men would pass through the forest and reach the outskirts of the indigenous village at night.

The natives were unprepared. After several huts were set alight, they were so frightened that they ran around in the dark. The Han people, who were young and strong, placed torches everywhere and beat the gongs loudly, creating thousands of troops to kill them.


The battle went without any suspense. After daybreak, the number of people was counted and more than 80 prisoners were captured, more than 60 of whom were women and children.

"Burn this place clean and move everything that can be moved away!" Lu Baohua was ruthless and evil, and catching women was the next best thing. He wanted to destroy this indigenous tribe.

The Datong government may still be embarrassed and think about educating the natives.

These civilian Han colonists came as they pleased. By destroying a few surrounding tribes, they would be able to sit back and relax in the future and not have to worry about harvesting food every year.

Lu Baohua brought the captives back to the village. The men were all sold in the city, while the women were kept to marry young men.

Who can get the women will be decided by drawing lots. Those who don't get it will have to wait until next year to grab it.

Colonization is not a treat, it is always so bloody.

If things continue like this, Han Chinese farmers will be farming outside the city of Wandan in less than thirty years.

Sultan Wandan will definitely not be able to bear it. He will definitely raise troops within three to five years. Even if he cannot win, he will have to fight hard.

This chapter has been completed!
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