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Chapter 939 935 [Mughal Civil War]

Chapter 939 935 [Mughal Civil War]

Prince Charles is about to return to China, and of course the envoys from various countries will also take the boat back along the way.

In addition to Pascal, there was also a French envoy, a descendant of the Medici family, who missed the prosperity of Nanjing and refused to leave China.

The envoys were sent to Chittagong and boarded a ship with Charles.

It was most convenient for the Mughal envoys to land directly at the mouth of the Ganges River and follow the Ganges River to the capital. Then, they were captured before they had gone far and were all escorted to see the second prince Shah Shuja.

Just last year, the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan fell seriously ill.

The eldest prince, Dara Shuke, served as regent. In order to avoid disturbing his father's recovery, only a few ministers were allowed to see the emperor. As a result, rumors that the emperor had passed away spread throughout the country.

The fourth prince Murad claimed that the emperor was dead and was murdered by the eldest prince.

Facts have proved that the eldest prince was innocent, because not long after, Emperor Shah Jahan's condition improved and he met with ministers on the palace balcony. But the other three princes insisted that it was a fake and that he was a person who looked very much like the emperor.


The second prince, Shah Shuja, took the lead in establishing himself on his own, separatist Bengal and proclaimed himself emperor.

The third prince Aurangzeb then rebelled and took over the Deccan Plateau.

The fourth prince Murad followed closely and took control of Gujarat.

The third and fourth children also secretly agreed that from now on the third child would be the emperor and rule two-thirds of the country's territory, while the remaining one-third would be the fourth child's territory. They also told the second child that Bangladesh would be given to the second child.

, admitting that the second child is the emperor of Bengal.

The second child, the third child, and the fourth child agreed to send troops to kill Delhi and seize the bird position.

These Indian envoys returning from China happened to bump into Lao Er's territory. After being arrested, they learned that the Mughals had been divided into four (actually divided into five, and the Rajput princes declared neutrality and autonomy).

Shah Shuja asked: "Are you coming back from China?"

The leader of the mission replied: "Just came back from China?"

Shah Shuja asked again: "How does China's territory compare with that of the Mughals?"

The leader of the envoy took out a world map. This was the latest civilian version of the map. It only marked cities, not mountains and rivers.

Shah Shuja read the map carefully and asked in surprise: "Is China so big?"

The leader of the envoys said: "China is very big. China is the richest and most civilized country. The Mughals are far from being compared with China. The emperor of China is the wisest monarch. Ministers and people are very convinced and respect him. Even there

They are the common people at the bottom, who have enough food and clothing, endless food to eat, and endless cotton cloth to wear."

Shah Shuja asked again: "How is China's army?"

The leader of the envoy replied: "The Chinese army is invincible. Under the command of the Chinese emperor, it has never lost a battle. The blue areas on the map are all vassal states of China."

Shah Shuja looked at the map and was speechless for a long time.

He dismissed the envoys, called his advisers, and asked some questions about China.

The consultant minister said: "Chinese businessmen have already gone to Bangladesh to trade, but they are often blocked by the Dutch... Last year, China also occupied Chittagong. I heard that it was a dowry for a Portuguese princess to marry the Chinese emperor."

After Shah Shuja carefully understood the situation, he summoned his confidants: "You immediately take a boat to Chittagong and tell the Chinese Governor of Chittagong. As long as China is willing to sell me artillery and armor, Hooghly Port will be completely open to Chinese merchants.

.When the time comes, I will expel the Dutch there and hand over the management of Hooghly Port to China!"

Hooghly Port is the most prosperous port in the Ganges River Basin. Half of the goods of the Mughal Empire were sold overseas from this port.

It was first managed by the Portuguese. The Mughal emperor drove the Portuguese away. After finding that his management was not good, he invited the Portuguese back. Within a few years, he drove the Portuguese away again and attracted the Dutch to manage the port. Then the port was managed by the Dutch.

Let Britain get involved.

Now, it seems that they want to expel the Dutch and invite the Chinese to cooperate.

The capriciousness of Indians seems to have a long history.

Chen Shangyong, the governor of Chittagong, soon received the news from the Indian envoy and happily sent someone to Nanjing to report.

When Zhao Han heard about the Mughal civil war, he immediately became happy. He immediately ordered the dismantling of the artillery in the big coastal cities in Guangdong, and allocated two thousand sets of chain armor to be sent to the second prince of India as soon as possible.

The situation in Bengal has been reported to the imperial court by merchants. Agriculture there is extremely developed and handicrafts are also prosperous, but there is no ability to manufacture arms.

The second prince divided Bengal and needed China's support. The longer the civil war lasted, the better. Not only could China gain the right to operate the Hooghly Port, but it could also continue to sell arms and make money. The Mughal Civil War would not be comfortable until the end of the world.

Shah Shuja knew the disadvantages of Bengal, so he was willing to let his third brother take the throne and become the emperor. Now with China's arms support, he himself is the second eldest son and should succeed the Mughal throne. How can he want to stay in Bengal and become the emperor?

This guy has made a plan to let the third and fourth boys join forces to defeat the boss. If the third and fourth boys can't hold on, he will send troops to help. If the boss can't hold on, he will directly send troops to kill the boss.

Three's way out!

However, they said that four Chinese warships escorted Charles to move forward. They were surrounded by the Dutch fleet in Pulicat Port.

Xian Biao said: "Get ready to fight and send envoys out to negotiate!"

Charles smiled and said: "General, I will negotiate personally. The Dutch will not only let us go, but they will also send us respectfully all the way and even provide food supplies."

In fact, those Dutch fleets did not dare to attack rashly. After all, China and the Netherlands are still in the armistice period. Once China is provoked and the two countries start a war again, who will be responsible for the war?

Charles went over in a small boat and negotiated with the Dutch commander, and the Dutch fleet "escorted" them to Ceylon.

The Governor-General of the Netherlands, named Joan Matsolko, met and greeted him: "Nice to meet you, His Excellency the famous Prince."

Charles got straight to the point: "The Chinese Emperor funded me to train 2,000 soldiers, and I will return to England to regain the throne. At that time, I will abolish all Cromwell's decrees and repair relations with the Netherlands. Everything the Netherlands lost during the war, I

Everything will be returned to the Netherlands."

"Really?" Qiao An looked delighted.

"Of course it's true!" said Charles.

Qiao An asked: "Can you write an agreement? I think the Netherlands will send troops to help."

Charles shook his head: "We cannot write an agreement, and we cannot allow the Netherlands to send troops, otherwise the British subjects will oppose me."

Qiao An was immediately disappointed: "How can you ensure that your words can be fulfilled?"

Charles said: "In the name of the King of England, I swear to the Almighty and All-Knowing Lord that if I break my promise, I will go to hell after my death."

This oath was so serious that Qiao An immediately believed it.

Moreover, it doesn't matter even if Charles breaks his promise, there will be no loss to the Netherlands. Now the Dutch are most afraid of Cromwell. If Charles can oust Cromwell from power, it will benefit the Netherlands without any harm.

The atmosphere immediately relaxed. Qiao An warmly entertained Charles and ordered the port to sell supplies to Chinese warships.

Zhao Han hopes that the Mughals will continue to fight a civil war, while Joan hopes that the UK will continue to fight a civil war. After Charles returns to the UK, it is best to be undefeated and keep fighting Cromwell. Then the Netherlands will be able to reap the benefits.

In this way, under the escort of the Dutch fleet, the Chinese warship continued sailing smoothly.

The Governor of the Netherlands even issued a document asking Dutch ports along the way not to conflict with Chinese warships and to provide fresh water and food for Chinese warships.

After passing Ceylon, there is a Portuguese port along the way.

Traveling all the way to Goa, the ruler has changed.

The rebel Shivaji that Lu Tianxiang met last time successfully defeated the Bijapur army and occupied half of Bijapur's land. Moreover, while fighting against the Bijapur country, he also took the initiative to attack the third prince Aurangze.

The land of cloth.

The entire Indian subcontinent has become a mess.

The ship sailed to the Persian Gulf, and the envoys from Oman and Persia landed to return home. In fact, these two countries were already engaged in trade with China, shipping back Chinese goods from Coconut City or Palembang.

However, the Persian envoys brought back a large number of literary and artistic works.

There were paintings purchased from China and Chinese works translated by envoys. When they returned to the Persian capital, they immediately aroused a huge response.

Abbas II, the wise monarch who loved art, specially hosted a banquet for the returning envoys.

At the banquet, the envoy said to the emperor and ministers: "The Chinese emperor is great, the Chinese officials are also friendly, and China and Persia have a long history of friendship and exchanges. We studied history and wrote a paper with Chinese scholars, and the content was about

The ancient exchanges between Persia and China. Persian carpets and musical instruments have long been spread to China, and different types have been derived. And Chinese culture has also been spread to Persia..."

The envoy talked about the results of the exchange, took out a paper and read it on the spot, and also took out Chinese paintings for everyone to appreciate.

The Persian monarchs and ministers sighed in admiration and asked the envoy what he had seen and heard in China.

That night, Abbas II began to read the translated version of "Water Margin" and was so obsessed that he stayed up all night. For a month, the emperor read novels, finishing "Water Margin" and "Journey to the West", and then read "Zhao".

Han's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and even "Jin X Mei".

Finally Abbas II ordered: "Except for "Golden Plum", all other novels should be printed so that more Persian people can appreciate them. Also, all envoys who have learned Chinese painting will serve as court painters in the future."

Abbas II also received a reply from Zhao Han. He also planned to write a reply and ask Persian merchants to take it to Nanyang and ask the Chinese governor there to deliver it.

"Dear His Excellency Zhao Han, Emperor of China: I have received your letter and also learned more news about China from the envoy. China, like Persia, is a great and prosperous country. I hope that our two countries can

Friendship lasts forever. I like Chinese novels very much, their stories are so wonderful. I also like Chinese paintings, which are completely different styles from Persian paintings..."

"I also wrote a poem for you: I can't describe my joy and excitement, so I had to write it all on white paper. There are countless flowers blooming in the garden, and their fragrance is as fragrant as coming from the far east. In the distance

In the East, there is a kind and wise emperor. I have never met him, but it seems that I have known him for many years as a close friend..."

Zhao Han has so many pen pals, and they are all monarchs.

It is a pity that the Indian Emperor Shah Jahan may not receive a reply from Zhao Han.

This chapter has been completed!
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