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946 [Datong's fine work is doing something]

"Xianjing Dao is not our land, but the people who took refuge in the previous dynasty returned to their land. In my reign, Sejong Dynasty, six towns were established, and the barbarians were willing to support them for their livelihood."

This sentence was said by Han Hyung-yun, the minister of North Korea, to King Li Yi of North Korea a hundred years ago.

When Zhu Yuanzhang was pursuing death in the north, the Goryeo Dynasty also took the opportunity to expand northward, not only capturing the Yuan Dynasty's twin cities, but also conquering the territory of the Liao and Jin dynasties. After the establishment of the Lee Dynasty, they recruited across the border and captured Jurchens and went south.

Enrich these newly occupied territories (many of the savages Han Hengyun mentioned are Jurchens).

During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, Wang Keren of the Jurchen tribe wrote: "Xianzhou (Xianxing) lies in the north, and was the land of Liao and Jin in ancient times." He asked Zhu Di to take it back and give it to the Jurchens to thrive.

Zhu Di did not go to North Korea to ask for territory, but only asked North Korea to return the Jurchens under its jurisdiction to the north. North Korea then sent a scholar to go to Beijing with "History of Liao" and "History of Jin" to pick out words, saying that these place names were not recorded in the history books, which shows that there is no foundation for them.

It is not the land of the Liao and Jin dynasties.

This is nonsense. Those place names were chosen later and of course they cannot appear in history books!

The two sides argued endlessly, which annoyed Zhu Di so much that he had no choice but to let it go.

In another time and space, North Korea took advantage of the Qing Dynasty to evacuate the population in the Northeast and quietly continued to expand its borders to the north. Finally, in the last years of Kangxi, it once again used sophistry and nonsense to fool the Manchu demarcation ministers and complete the land south of the Tumen River.

of theft.

In other words, even in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, certain lands south of the Tumen River were not Korean.

Xianjing Road, in the mountainous area outside Huining City.

Han Qiyuan rose up and said to hundreds of Korean and Jurchen farmers: "Do you know what the 'Three Hands of Rice' was collected for? It was a miscellaneous tax collected by the imperial court for military training when the Japanese invaders invaded decades ago. Now, the Japanese pirates

They have been driven away a long time ago, even the Jianzhou Tatars have perished, but the court is still expropriating 'three hands of rice' from us! Let's judge, should we collect 'three hands of rice'?"

"It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be!" hundreds of farmers roared.

Han Qiyuan added: "The imperial court promulgated the Datong Law, which stipulated that taxes should be paid according to the rice per acre. However, corrupt officials colluded with the landlords. We clearly have no land, but the taxes are calculated on us. The landlords have land but do not pay the land tax. Come and judge, this land tax should be paid

Shouldn’t we be responsible?”

"Shouldn't, shouldn't!"

The farmers became increasingly angry.

Han Qiyuan continued: "The imperial court does not allow us to collect ginseng in the mountains around Huining. We risked our lives to collect ginseng in the mountains, but when we came back we were arrested by the government and all our wild ginseng was confiscated. Let us judge, corrupt officials are bad

not bad?"

"Bad, bad, so bad!"

"Last winter there was a heavy snowstorm, and this summer there is another drought. The harvest in the fields is already not good, the landlords are asking for higher rents, and countless farmers are freezing to death and starving to death. Does this still make sense?"

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense!"

"I often go to the mountains of China to collect ginseng. There are Han, Jurchens, and Koreans in the north of the Tumen River. No matter which ethnic group they are, life is good. Although there are droughts and snowstorms, the Chinese government has been reducing taxes.

The common people will reclaim wasteland and be exempted from taxes for the first five years and reduced taxes for ten years. Across the river, our taxes are getting heavier and heavier. Are you willing to rebel against me and become common people of the Celestial Empire from now on?"

"Yes, yes!"

“Shout with me, live as a citizen of the Heavenly Kingdom and die as a Heavenly Ghost!”

"Be born as a citizen of Heaven, and die as a ghost of Heaven!"


Han Qiyuan was not only a North Korean farmer, but also an employee of Datong Seiko.

The rule of the Datong imperial court in the Tumen River was very weak. The area was vast and sparsely populated. Not only were there not many Han people, but even the Jurchens were rare.

Therefore, the imperial court only established a small town with 200 immigrants at the mouth of the Tumen River. It also set up a branch of the National Security Agency with only a few clerks. If it wanted to find out the information with this small number of people, it was necessary to bribe North Korean people to serve as agents.

Han Qiyuan went to China to dig ginseng and was caught. When the National Security Bureau saw that he was smart, they not only did not fine him, but also gave him money to put him back.

This guy had more contact with Datong Xizuo, and his ambition gradually expanded. He began to plot a rebellion, hoping to become a Chinese through meritorious service, and maybe even get a job as an official.

The Korean peasant army on Ping'an Road and Hwanghae Road had more or less the shadow of Datong Seso.

These meticulous works, and the people behind them, are just like Chinese envoys, thinking about doing great things and making meritorious deeds all the time!

Han Qiyuan did not dare to attack Huining City directly, so he only led hundreds of peasant troops to attack the mountainous villages in the north of the city. They killed the landlords on sight and divided up the land and property. The team gradually grew to more than 2,000 people, and the surrounding landowners were frightened.

They hid in the city one after another and urged the defenders in the city to rush to quell the chaos.

Huining is located on the border between China and North Korea. There are three thousand North Korean troops stationed there, and all of them are "elite".

The county governor ordered the military attaches to send out troops and march northward in a mighty manner. Before these North Korean officers and soldiers crossed the tributaries of the Tumen River, the peasant troops in the mountains began to move, fighting all the way to the east along the river valley. Along the way, the landlords were either killed or raised.

Escape from home.

When the Jingcheng County Sheriff learned that there was a peasant uprising, he also began to send troops to suppress it, and quickly contacted the officers and soldiers of Guangxing County.

The officers and soldiers of the three counties jointly launched an encirclement and suppression campaign, constantly shrinking the peasant army's activity space.

The peasant army under Han Qiyuan, including the old, weak, sick and disabled, has swelled to more than 5,000 people. It is said to be a peasant army, but more like a beggar army. The Korean people here have lived a miserable life.

They did not dare to fight with North Korean officers and soldiers, so they fled north through the mountains, killing landlords when they saw them. Then... they crossed the Tumen River and arrived in China. Han Qiyuan also sent his confidants to report to the National Security Bureau.

Well, the officers and soldiers of the three counties of North Korea were helpless looking at the Tumen River. They did not dare to go to China's territory to quell the chaos.

Han Qiyuan walked upstream along the Tumen River, built a large number of rafts, and plundered across the river from time to time. He killed landlords, abducted farmers, and sent out small groups of troops to investigate. Once he encountered officers and soldiers, he immediately crossed the river and entered China.

The North Korean officers and soldiers were driven crazy, chasing him with all their might, and then looking stupidly at the river.

At the same time, an uprising broke out in Qingxing County.

Qingxing City is located south of the Tumen River Estuary, and the farmers here often come into contact with Han immigrants. In order to quell the chaos, the three counties requisitioned a large number of civilians and grain and grass, which made the poor farmers even more dissatisfied.

As the officers and soldiers chased to the west, the farmers here also revolted. Led by a farmer named Li Jinlong, they killed the landlords along the way. Taking advantage of the officers and soldiers in Qingxing City being transferred away, hundreds of peasant soldiers rushed into the city and captured Qingxing City.

Xingjun City was captured.

Li Jinlong is not a subordinate of Datong, but this guy is more ambitious. He claims to be a descendant of King Sejong, and he wants to kill him and go to Hanyang to become the king. As long as he becomes the king, he will be exempted from the land tax for ten years in the country, and nearby Korean farmers have come to vote.


This man conquered the city of Qingxing, and even established himself as king, founded Yuxing, and entrusted civil and military ministers with the title.

Thousands of farmers like Han Qiyuan have been moving repeatedly on the border between China and North Korea. Hey, I'm in North Korea, hey, I'm in China again. The officers and soldiers are chasing after them and no longer want to pursue them. At this time, I heard that Qingxing City had fallen, and there was another

The guy claimed the throne and immediately abandoned Han Qiyuan and rushed to attack Qingxing City.

Li Jinlong also wanted to expand his territory and took the initiative to fight to the west. He was beaten by North Korean officers and soldiers and fled in panic. He retreated all the way back to Qingxing City and was besieged.

When Han Qiyuan discovered that the officers and soldiers were gone, he became more courageous and crossed the river to fight directly towards Huining City.

The officers and soldiers of Huining City were besieging Qingxing at this time. The city was defended by rubbish troops. Han Qiyuan led the beggar peasant army and defeated it in a single battle, proclaiming himself the magistrate of Huining County in Datong China.

This guy is very murderous and has strict military discipline.

He divided the houses and shops in the city into three classes. The owners of the upper-class houses were shot without mercy and all their belongings were confiscated; the owners of the middle-class houses were spared death but had to pay a fine; the owners of the lower-class houses were comrades and were all taken care of by the rebels.

All the unemployed vagrants were organized into the army. This move led to a rapid deterioration of military discipline.

Due to the surge in military robbery, Han Qiyuan was forced to stop expansion and killed hundreds of soldiers in succession, finally restraining the trend.

He asked his confidants to lead troops to defend the city, and he led tens of thousands of troops, killing landlords and coercing farmers along the way, and headed straight for Mirror City in the southeast.

The officers and soldiers from the three counties besieged Qingxing for more than 20 days and finally broke into the city. Li Jinlong and his subordinate Wenwu were all killed by the officers and soldiers. These officers and soldiers, especially those from Huining and Jingcheng, ignored military orders and began to loot the city and seize Qingxing.

Xingcheng was in a mess, and the population of the city was almost halved.

At this moment, news came from the south: Mirror City was captured by the peasant army!

The officers and soldiers of the three counties had no choice but to set out again and forcibly recruited more civilians, because this time they not only had to transport food, but also the looted goods.

The people were miserable and were on the run all the way.

If the number of civilians was not enough, they would be forcibly recruited along the way, and the officers and soldiers would rush wherever they went. The news spread quickly, and the farmers in desperate situation ran away with their families before the officers and soldiers arrived, and some even ran to join Han Qiyuan.

As a result, Han Qiyuan got the information from the officers and soldiers and laid an ambush in the mountains by the river in advance.

Hamgyeong Road is full of mountains, and only river valleys and coastal areas are passable. Tens of thousands of officers and soldiers (mostly civilians), carrying the looted property along the way, dragged their way to Kyungseong and were ambushed while crossing a river.

Only a few hundred officers and soldiers crossed the river, and the civil and military officials ordered the goods to be transported. The property they had robbed had to be transported across first.


From the mountains on both sides of the river, thousands of peasant troops fought out.

The officers and soldiers who were in a state of half-crossing suddenly fell into a desperate situation. North Korean civil and military officials took the lead in fleeing. Some officers, soldiers and civilians also fled. At the same time, many civilians took the opportunity to revolt and chased the defeated troops all the way.

Taking off the armor of the officers and soldiers, Han Qiyuan's beggar soldiers finally looked like an army.

He sent a partial army to attack Qingxing, and led tens of thousands of troops to attack Mingzhou in the south.

To the south of Mingzhou, there is Jizhou City, which houses the Jizhou Protectorate.

However, the governor of Jizhou had already drained the nearby troops and went to the south to see King Qin. In front of Han Qiyuan, all the cities along the way were empty of troops, and there was no decent resistance force at all.

Pyongan Road, Hamgyeong Road, Hwanghae Road, and northern Korea are all covered with war smoke.

The Chinese imperial court did not intervene in it. At most, it was Datong Xizuo and their North Korean subordinates who were causing trouble. But just a few Xiuzao and their dozens of subordinates could turn northern Korea upside down. This

This shows that local social conflicts have already reached a critical point.


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