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092 [Occupy Huangjia Town]

Jiang Dashan's actions did not go smoothly because many people did not listen to him because he had a foreign surname.

However, Huang Yao and Huang Shun quickly broke the situation. They first gathered the masons and threatened to kill them and would not give them any land. Then they separated more than ten masons and each looked for tenants with whom they had good relationships. They half-threatened and half-dissuaded everyone to stop.

As for Zhang Tieniu and Chen Maosheng, they had no acquaintances in the villages and towns, so they had no choice but to violently rescue women and children.

Well, Chen Maosheng is no longer the atmosphere team.

Zhang Tieniu was responsible for rescuing people, while Chen Maosheng was responsible for comforting people and asking women and children to follow him.

In just one stick of incense, the situation was stabilized.

One tenant regained consciousness, looked at the corpses on the ground, and vomited with a "wow" sound.

Zhao Han did not take action himself, but carefully observed the situation.

Jiang Dashan has courage and brains, but because he has a foreign surname, he is often isolated.

Huang Shun was courageous and a little irritable. He would punch and kick the tenants who did not listen to advice. However, taking the overall situation into consideration, when Zhao Han called people, he stopped the arson incident and came over.

Huang Yao doesn't talk much, is calm and delicate, has strong self-control and strong execution ability, and has a high prestige in Huangjia Town.

If Zhao Han hadn't appeared and they had started the rebellion on their own, Huang Yao would have definitely been the leader of the peasant army.

"Ms. Zhao, help me!"

Mr. Huang's confidant and slave Huang Sanshui, this guy was not beaten to death. At this moment, he crawled out with a bruised face and begged for mercy.

Huang Shun walked over quickly, stepped on his vest, and trampled Huang Sanshui to the ground: "Mr. Zhao, anyone can be spared, but this Huang Sanshui cannot be spared."

Huang Yao and Jiang Dashan also came, one holding a pole and the other a shovel, ready to beat Huang Sanshui to death.

Huang Sanshui shouted in horror: "Mr. Zhao, help me, I know where Huang Zundao's money is hidden!"

Zhao Han smiled and said: "Tie them up."

Zhang Tieniu carried an ax and led Chen Maosheng this way, followed by a group of old, weak, women and children.

They gathered all the survivors. Chen Maosheng was doing ideological work as he walked: "My young master has a kind heart and is dedicated to making decisions for the poor. Don't be afraid. As long as you listen to the young master, he will protect you..."

Zhao Han glanced at it and asked, "Is everything ready?"

Of course, no one is willing to leave. The tenants and masons are still waiting for Mr. Zhao to divide their fields.

"Are you willing to listen to me?" Zhao Han asked.

Jiang Dashan suddenly knelt down and said, "It's all up to Mr. Zhao to make the decision, and everyone will listen to Mr. Zhao!"

"Listen to Mr. Zhao!"

Everyone reacted and knelt on the ground, asking Zhao Han to fulfill his promise to divide the fields.

Zhao Han scolded: "Stand up, everyone, I don't like weak knees."

Some people stood up and some were still kneeling, all looking eagerly at Zhao Han, all they could think about was dividing the fields.

Zhao Han pointed to the open space in the courtyard: "There were no rules before. If you kill people indiscriminately, I can't punish you. Now let's make the first rule. Hand over all the things you robbed and put them all there for me to deal with! Who dares to do it privately?

If he hides it, I won’t give him any land if I find him!"

Everyone was horrified and handed over their belongings one after another, fearing that Zhao Han would send someone to search them.

Zhao Han said again: "Dashan, count the number of tenants. Maosheng, count the Huang family members who are still alive."

The two men took action immediately. There were 103 tenants (including stonemasons), and there were 18 surviving Huang family members (including maids, wives and servants).

There are also several seriously injured people. Life or death depends on God's will. There is only one bad doctor in the town.

Zhao Han announced: "I will divide half of Huang Zundao's farmland, giving priority to your tenant farming. After all, there are still crops you planted in the field."

Suddenly, a tenant said: "Mr. Zhao, can we divide the land again? All the tenants in my family work in the fields."

"Yes, the fields my family shares are not good either." Another tenant agreed.

Zhao Han said: "If you are allocated to the fields, I will compensate you as appropriate and give you more."

After hearing this, no one had any objections.

Zhao Han continued: "Those who have made meritorious services today are Chen Maosheng, Zhang Tieniu, Huang Yao, Huang Shun, Jiang Dashan, Jiang Liang, and Liu Zhu. Each of you can get an additional two acres of land!"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao!" Huang Shun was overjoyed and quickly knelt down.

The rest of the recipients also knelt down.

Jiang Liang and Liu Zhu were both people with foreign surnames who followed Jiang Dashan across the river to pick up the masons.

Zhao Han then announced that those who were the first to stand up and submit their names, including Mr. Huang, would each be allocated an additional acre of land.

Immediately, a bunch of people knelt down again, and Zhao Han didn't even bother to ask anyone to get up.

The other tenants all regretted it and only regretted that they were too stupid. If they had followed Master Zhao earlier, wouldn't their families have one or two more acres of land?

Zhao Han said: "Tieniu, Huang Yao, you bring some people to take over the shops in the town. Huang Zundao's shops are all mine now! Don't rush to divide the fields. We will measure the land tomorrow and register the names today."

Zhang Tieniu and Huang Yao took the order and left.

Zhao Han then asked Xiaohong and Xiaocui to appease the old, weak, women and children, and also to identify Huang Zundao's direct blood relatives and confidants.

After getting pen, ink, paper and inkstone, Pang Chunlai, covered in mud, sat down to register and make a register for those who were allotted the land.

Xiaohong and Xiaocui can naturally divide the fields in their homes.

After the registration was completed, everyone was happy and in high spirits.

Zhao Han said with a smile: "The Huang family has two big households, one is Mr. Huang and the other is Uncle Huang. If I go to the city to do business one day, will these two people spare you? If you don't want to be deprived of the land you have been allocated,

Grab it back and follow me to kill again! Do you dare?"


"Follow Mr. Zhao!"


Everyone roared angrily.

Zhao Han said: "You are not allowed to kill old and weak women... Well, that means don't kill old people, don't kill children, don't kill women. Whoever dares to kill indiscriminately again will take back his fields. Remember?"

"Mr. Zhao, don't you kill the landlord's cubs? What about revenge when they grow up?" a tenant asked.

Zhao Han replied: "Catch him first and leave it to me to deal with!"

Outside the ancestral home of the Huang family, many tenants had gathered, all of whom had heard the news and came to join them.

Zhao Han led his men to kill Mr. Huang's house, and the tenants followed him on their own initiative. They added more people along the way, and by the time they got there, there were already more than 200 people.

The door of Huang Erye's house was closed tightly, and someone was quietly sent to the county seat to report to the officials.

Before Zhao Han gave the order, the tenants began to climb over the wall, and there was another burst of burning, killing and looting.

The tenants who were assigned their fields did not mess around, but those who joined later did not care. Even on the way, Zhao Han repeatedly emphasized that those guys still started killing indiscriminately, for fear that leaving the Huang family's descendants behind would cause future troubles.

There was also Uncle Huang, who was robbed and killed by the tenants who initiated the rebellion without Zhao Han taking the lead.

The three gangsters in the town were all wiped out.

More than 60% of the tenants who participated in the robbery and killing also had the surname Huang, and they had the same ancestor hundreds of years ago.

What's even more strange is that Zhao Han didn't take action against Uncle Huang. However, the tenants who took action on their own initiative, after robbing Uncle Huang, took the initiative to collect the field deeds and presented them to Zhao Han.

They are afraid of getting into trouble and being investigated by the government.

Therefore, Mr. Zhao must step in to support him. Mr. Zhao eats meat, and the tenants voluntarily drink soup. From now on, they will work as slaves for Mr. Zhao.

Zhao Han was speechless about this and could only allocate land to the tenants who subsequently revolted.

However, these tenants were given less land, which was a disguised form of punishment, and those who disobeyed would be punished!

"Mr. Zhao, there is also Mr. Li in the northwest, let's go and grab the subdivision fields together!" Huang Shun came over happily to suggest that this guy has already tasted the benefits of subdividing the fields.

Zhao Han smiled and said, "There's no rush."

The Li family is also a prominent surname in the town, accounting for about 20% of the population. Their ancestors produced a Jinshi.

However, the Li family's land is not in a very good location, and many of their fields are mountainous. They occupy a large area of ​​mountain forests. In addition to farming, they also burn charcoal and sell it to passing merchants.

You can leave the Li family behind as a comparison to let the farmers on your side see how happy they are.

Happiness comes from comparison.

However, Zhao Han's prediction was wrong, and the news of Sanhuang's annihilation spread to the northwest that afternoon.

In the evening, countless tenants of the Li family spontaneously exterminated Master Li's family, brought their land deeds and presented them to Zhao Han, asking Master Zhao to preside over the division of production and land.

The leader was Li Zheng, a charcoal burner of the Li family. The charcoal burners were also the main force in this riot.

"Mr. Zhao, the land deeds are all here, and not a single acre of land has been touched," Li Zheng knelt down and kowtowed. "Mr. Zhao, please uphold justice and distribute all the land to us poor people!"

"Brother Li, please stand up. I promise to be fair." Zhao Han could only accept it.

Zhao Han was able to keep half of these properties for himself, making him the largest landowner in Huangjia Town.

Take half of it and distribute it to those who participated in the uprising.

The remaining half belongs to Zhao Han and can be farmed by ordinary farmers. As long as he reduces rent and interest, he can gain the support of the tenants, and he will be a kind and kind man.

I have to admit that Zhao Han also tasted the benefits and even became a little addicted to it.

However, Zhao Han quickly woke up.

These farmers voluntarily surrendered the land they had snatched, just to let Zhao Han bear the pressure from the government.

If you can't bear it, everything will stop.

The land must be used as a link to integrate farmers into a whole.

Establish rules, gather people's hearts, organize troops, and clarify rewards and punishments.

What's the use of holding so much land?

From now on, rewards will be based on merit. Those who have done small merits will be rewarded with money, and those who have done great merits will be given land. It doesn't matter if you allocate your own land.

As long as external threats exist, these farmers are tied.

Peasants who have been allocated their land will not easily compromise with the government.

Moreover, if word of what happened in Huangjia Town spread to neighboring villages and towns, someone might take the opportunity to cause trouble.

Peasant uprising is like a virus, it is terrible when it breaks out.

Take southern Fujian as an example. The big landowner named Shi was exploiting the land to an extreme, and the farmers in the suburbs of Fucheng could only endure it. They sold their sons and daughters, and even hung themselves to death without daring to resist.

In the early years of Chongzhen, a peasant uprising suddenly occurred. Hundreds of people rushed into the landlord's house, destroyed Mr. Shi's family, and divided the land.

The news spread like a spark igniting a prairie fire.

Nan'an, Anxi, Yongchun, Dehua, Changtai, Youxi, Datian, Yongfu, Minqing, Xianyou... revolts spread across prefectures and prefectures, occupying more than ten prefectures and counties in ten months.

Unfortunately, they all started the rebellion spontaneously, and the peasant army was scattered and was wiped out by the official army within half a year.

After cleaning and scrubbing the Huang family's ancestral house, Zhao Han moved in that night and escorted Huang Sanshui to get Mr. Huang's money.

(Thanks to ehoss, Dragon Soaring, Bright Moon Sword Flying, Hello Mr. Fu, the leader of the alliance for the reward. In addition, I just discovered that Egg Ling Emperor is the master of this book, thank you, His Majesty Ling Emperor, for turning over the brand.)

This chapter has been completed!
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