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Chapter 958 954 [The Tiger Returns to the Mountain]

Chapter 958 954 [Tiger Returns]

The Sultan of Yogyakarta is named Razan. He is a descendant of the royal family of the Bajan Kingdom. After the country was destroyed, he became the feudal lord of Matalan.

Mataram was divided, and Central Java was divided into three parts.

The first is the Sultanate of Solo, the second is the Sultanate of Yogyakarta, and the third is Semarang occupied by the Han people.

In both Solo and Yogyakarta, goods must be transported to Semarang to go to sea. Therefore, although the Han people in Semarang are the weakest, the sultans of both countries are unwilling to go to war with the Han people. First, it is more difficult to attack the city, and second, after defeating it,

, they also don’t know how to engage in sea trade.

In the past few years, Solo and Yogyakarta have been at war. In the end, the Sultan of Yogyakarta won and unified Central Java except Semarang.

Sultan Razan of Yogyakarta was so proud that his next goal was to attack the Sultanate of Surabaya and take over East Java. Surabaya was Surabaya, and the Sultan was a Javanese noble, but the Han people also had an important presence there.


After the Surabaya Kingdom is unified, Semarang can be taken without a fight. It must be nominally surrendered to the Sultan of Yogyakarta and send officials to collect taxes. That is the way of governance.

Due to years of civil war, the population of the Sultan of Yogyakarta has dropped sharply to about 200,000. Industry, commerce, and agriculture have been greatly damaged. With food shortages, sending more than 20,000 troops is already the limit.

Razang personally led the army and marched towards Semarang in a mighty manner.

The town that Zhang Xianzhong captured, Belgas, was renamed Huanghu Town. If Lasang wanted to attack Semarang, he had to pass through here.

Huanghu Town is surrounded by mountains on all sides, with a river leading directly to the sea. The town is located on the flat land between the mountains.

As soon as Lasan's army arrived in the southern valley, they were discovered by soldiers on guard, who quickly set off billowing smoke as a warning.

"Governor, there is meat to eat!" Nong Fentian said with a smile.

Zhang Xianzhong held a cigar in his mouth and puffed out the smoke leisurely: "Kill as many people as possible. The more you kill, the better. The south can be stable for twenty years. After settling the south, let's go to the east to attack Danmu. That's where it's really useful."


Nong Fentian was a young Zhuang nationality. The 500 Datong troops sent to Zhang Xianzhong were all new recruits from Guangxi, and only a few officers were veterans.

When the Datong imperial court expanded southward, it especially liked to recruit the descendants of wolf soldiers from Yunnan and Guangxi. Firstly, it could alleviate land conflicts in mountainous areas. Secondly, in Guangxi, Yunnan people were more adaptable to the Nanyang environment. Thirdly, these descendants of wolf soldiers were really fierce.

After Zhang Xianzhong occupied Huanghu Town, he had no intention of continuing to expand southward.

His plan was to defeat the country of Yogyakarta so badly that it would not be able to send troops for ten or twenty years. Then, he would continue to develop eastward. The east coast was a large fertile plain. There was a Tammu city there.

The capital of Tammu Kingdom, which unified Java Island, is on the plain, but the city wall has long been destroyed.

The former governor of Semarang, Zheng Yongshou, was a loser who found comfort in a small amount of money. The rulers of such a large fertile plain were only landowners and nobles, and he never led troops to fight against it. In Zhang Xianzhong's view, it was simply unreasonable.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

The iron bell of Huanghu Town rang, and not only the five hundred Datong troops quickly gathered, but the local Han men inside and outside the city also dropped their servants and gathered together.

All the Javanese people near the town were killed, and the shops, houses, and land were all distributed by Zhang Xianzhong to the Han people. These Han people all believed in the Green Sect and were all civilians in the city and tenants outside the city. They accidentally obtained the land for the shops.

In an instant, his loyalty was full and he was willing to follow Zhang Xianzhong to the death.

Five hundred Datong troops and more than a thousand Han youths moved toward the more than 20,000 Yogyakarta army.

Lasan was still marching in the river valley at this time, transporting baggage by boat and soldiers advancing along the river bank.



There were constant muffled sounds in the river, but after Zhang Xianzhong captured Huanghu Town, he set up a large number of hidden piles in the river south of the town. Small fishing boats can pass through easily, but boats with a slightly deeper draft are very likely to collide with the hidden piles.


The enemy's baggage fleet was soon blocked there.

Lasang ordered soldiers who were familiar with water properties to go down to the river to pull out hidden piles. But there were too many hidden piles. It took Zhang Xianzhong a month to work on them, and it would take at least several days to completely clean them up.

To the southeast of Huanghu Town, there is still a valley that is passable. It is blocked by mountains after advancing for thirty miles.

Zhang Xianzhong led his troops for thirty miles and spent another two days crossing the mountains and reaching the rear of the Yogyakarta army. Then, he marched along the river valley day and night, slowly heading towards the enemy's camp.

Sultan Razan was still pulling out hidden stakes there, and Zhang Xianzhong was already preparing to poke the chrysanthemums.

At night, camps were set up along the river, and Javanese soldiers were sleeping soundly. To the north of the camp, facing Huanghu Town, the Javanese sentries there were quite competent. But the sentries to the south were completely unwary, and both of them were

Sitting on the sentry post and taking a nap.

Zhang Xianzhong has passed the sentry posts, but these sentries are still sleeping.

As for Sultan Razan, he took a puff of opium and fell asleep in a state of ecstasy.

Thanks to the vigorous promotion of the Dutch, opium has spread throughout Java. Rich people of all ethnic groups regard opium as a high-end consumer product, and even use opium to entertain distinguished guests. Even children from noble families take a few sips from time to time.

Anyway, Zhao Han issued a death order, prohibiting the opium trade, whether domestic or overseas. Han Chinese who smoked opium were not allowed to serve as officials, and civilians who smoked opium were arrested and forced to detoxify.

Let's put it this way, the more than 20,000 Yogyakarta army in front of us, and the senior generals are all opium addicts! They smoked opium collectively in the evening, and now they are sleeping deeply.


Datong army and militia officers took out fire sticks and blew them. Ordinary soldiers took out original matches, borrowed fire from the fire sticks (which could not spontaneously ignite), and quickly lit the torches in their hands.


Nearly two thousand people broke through the camp fence and set fire to the marching tents everywhere.

The Javanese soldiers woke up from their dreams. There were shouts of killing and firelights everywhere, and they were so scared that they ran like headless flies. The defeated soldiers became Zhang Xianzhong's help, and they were driven all the way north. Wherever they passed, more people fled. These Javanese soldiers

Soldiers, let alone pick up weapons, many don't even bother to wear shoes.

When Sultan Razan woke up, 60% to 70% of the 20,000-strong army had been routed. His first reaction was not to resist, but to run towards the river, climb onto a grain ship and shout: "Go back to Yogyakarta!


A fleet of more than 20,000 troops with baggage ships was parked densely by the river. After the boatmen woke up, they hurriedly maneuvered the boats in the dark. The river was relatively narrow, and they collided with each other in the darkness. It is not known how many boats capsized and sank.

The clever ghosts among the defeated soldiers also ran frantically to the boat. Those who had no time to get on the boat jumped into the river and swam. When they heard the sound of the oar, they swam over and grabbed the oar tightly to climb up.

There was chaos on the riverside, and there was chaos on the other side of the river.

By daybreak, the river bank was littered with corpses. Of the more than 20,000 Yogyakarta troops, it was not known how many of them had escaped. Anyway, Zhang Xianzhong did not want to take prisoners. He hacked all the survivors alive and left thousands of corpses behind.

Unfortunately, the enemy's baggage fleet either sank or escaped, and no food was captured.

Later, Zhang Xianzhong sent people to clear the hidden piles and salvage the ships. They had some unexpected gains, and they actually fished out two artillery pieces and turret shells from the river.

The rest of the harvest is the armor and weapons on the shore.

They are basically leather armors and cold weapons, enough to equip tens of thousands of troops.

But it was said that Sultan Razan of Yogyakarta fled the battlefield for dozens of miles by boat, and finally stopped in shock. He spent several days gathering the remaining soldiers. There were more than 20 transport ships left and only more than 3,000 soldiers left. There must be still ships and soldiers.

They survived, but they have already fled back to their hometowns. It is not easy to gather them together again.

Faced with such a miserable situation, what Razan thought of was not revenge, but to quickly lead his troops back to the capital. Once news of the defeat on the front line spreads back, someone might want to rebel!

A month later, the two sides signed a treaty.

The Sultanate of Yogyakarta recognized the possession of Huanghu Town by the Governor of Semarang. Thereafter, the war ceased and trade resumed without interfering with each other.

The threat from the south has been finally dealt with.

Zhang Xianzhong was not a quiet master. He used the captured soldiers and armor to organize and train 6,000 troops. They were not paid, and they usually worked and farmed. At critical moments, they were sent out to fight. If they died in battle, they would receive pensions. After victory,

There are rewards for all, and those who have made meritorious deeds will be given priority in land allocation.

Han Chinese tenant farmers, who have lived in the cracks for a long time, have been cowardly in Java for more than two hundred years. Where have they ever encountered such a situation?

Faced with the temptation of land, Han tenants were all aroused to their bloody passions.

As soon as the armistice treaty was signed with the Sultan of Yogyakarta, Zhang Xianzhong rushed towards Tammu City non-stop. Han merchants also joined the gang. They organized people to help transport grain and waited to capture Tammu City to sell the stolen goods for Zhang Xianzhong.

When the Tammu Sultanate fell, the city walls of Tammu had already been torn down. The city was quite large and was ruled by Javanese nobles and religious leaders. It only had a self-defense force of more than a thousand people. It was an independent state that did not belong to any force.

From Semarang to Tammu City, it is only 60 miles, and the whole road is plain.

Zhang Xianzhong dispersed his six thousand troops into three groups and attacked and killed the indigenous villages along the way. All the men were killed, and the women and children were snatched and distributed. Each group was followed by merchants who were responsible for eating the loot.

Before the army arrived at Tammu City, countless indigenous refugees had already fled outside the city.

Hearing that the Chinese army was dispatched, the leader of Tammu didn't know how many people came. He hurriedly took his family, belongings and private armed forces and took a sea ship directly to Surabaya City. Once in Surabaya City, he could seek refuge with the Sultan of Surabaya. As long as he saved

If you have strength, you can continue to be a noble.

The wealthy Danmu area was easily captured by Zhang Xianzhong. The number of indigenous people massacred by these men was at least 20,000. The 500 Datong troops were all led astray, and the missionaries in the army were at a loss what to do.

The missionary officer was also a descendant of the Zhuang wolf soldiers, named Wei Zhuang. He felt that he could no longer kill indiscriminately, so he went to Zhang Xianzhong privately: "Governor Zhang..."

"Wei Xuanjiao is here?"

Zhang Xianzhong didn't wait for Wei Zhuang to finish his words, took his hand and smiled and said: "Wei Xuanjiao, the governor has selected the most fertile 100 acres of cultivated land outside Danmu City, which will be used as Wei Xuanjiao's private land from now on. Three Java

The girls who were Wei Xuanjiao's concubines were all girls from wealthy families in the city, not native girls from the countryside. There were also several Javanese women who were Wei Xuanjiao's maids. There were also twenty Javanese slaves who were tenants and farmed by Wei Xuanjiao.


Wei Zhuang opened his mouth many times but stopped talking.

Zhang Xianzhong took the Danmu Plain in the east, and then focused on a small piece of plain in the west. It was also fertile soil, and although there were many forests, it could be cleared for farming.

In one year, under Zhang Xianzhong's operation, the Semarang Governor-General's territory expanded more than ten times, and the attack did not stop until mountains were surrounding all sides.

Zhang Xianzhong felt so happy. The natives here did not need to be beaten, and as long as they were not Han people, they could be arrested and slaughtered at will. Bringing him to Semarang as the governor would be like a tiger returning to the mountain and a dragon entering the sea. If it weren't for the fact that the number of Han people was too large

Less, he felt that he could unify Java in five years.

School education and slow development are not in line with Zhang Xianzhong's characteristics. He felt that the territory was very good and he could just lead his troops to occupy it. He killed all the natives there and the few who were not killed were distributed to the soldiers.

Be a tenant.

What is the cost of governance?

There is no cost, only conquest!

This chapter has been completed!
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