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986 [Inca Royal Family]

Cheng Jingming stayed in the tropical rain forest for more than two months, until all the papers he carried were filled with words and pictures, and then he left with rubber saplings and fruits.

If you want to return to China, you have to wait for the trade fleet to arrive next year.

There is no rush to return to Mexico. Let’s go to Gracias to stay for a while and learn more about the customs and customs of Central America.

Gracias, this city was the ruling center of Central America, located in the territory of the later country of Honduras. People often call the chief governor, and the Chinese translation also has admiral, but the real name is "Commander-in-Chief of the Military District of Guatemala", who directly takes orders from the new

Viceroy of Spain (capital in Mexico City).

They had already visited once when they came here, and the governor (commander-in-chief) assigned them two guides. This time they went back to thank them, and while returning the guides, they made an appointment to visit again next year and promised to bring some brocade to the governor.

The output of Yunjin brocade is inherently low. In Europe and America, it is often impossible to buy it even if you have money.

Hearing that they would receive Yun brocade as a gift next year, the governor became more enthusiastic and allowed them to stay in the city for a while, and specially arranged servants and maids.

The maids are the kind that you can have sex with, and all the Chinese in the expedition team have their share.

After a rough meal, Cheng Jingming, who barely learned Spanish, put his arms around the maid and asked, "What's your name?"

"Irene." the maid replied.

Cheng Jingming asked: "Looking at you, you don't look like a European or an indigenous person. Are you of mixed race?"

"Yes, I am Mestiso." Irene said.

Mestizo, also translated as Mestizo, Mastizo, specifically refers to the mixed-race descendants of Europeans and indigenous Americans. Similar to the "Nyonya" in Southeast Asia, it specifically refers to the mixed-race descendants of Chinese and Southeast Asian indigenous people.

Cheng Jingming learned about it and asked: "Are there many mestis here?"

Erin said: "A lot."

The population composition of Latin America, from most to least, is as follows: Native Americans, European-Turkish mixed race, native whites, black slaves, European colonists, and Asian immigrants.

The social status, from high to low, is as follows: European colonists, native whites, European-Turkish mixed-race, Asian immigrants, native Americans, and black slaves.

Of course, social status is not fixed, and even black people can redeem themselves and go into business.

This kind of black people is very special. First of all, they must be smart and capable, and they must meet a kind-hearted master. Through long-term work, they have accumulated enough ransom money, and after gaining freedom, they can serve the original master in the form of employment.

Gradually, family property was accumulated, and after one or two generations, black merchants appeared.

Most of them are brokers, craftsmen, small businessmen, labor agencies (black slave distribution), short-distance freight forwarders... Even if these black people are rich, they will be discriminated against and are not allowed to obtain land, but their social status is indeed

Higher than the native Indians, and even higher than many European and Turkish hybrids.

Eileen said: "My mother is an indigenous slave, and my father is unknown. I have been a plantation slave since I was a child, and was sold by my master to the governor as a maid."

This is a Latina-mixed beauty with a tall and slender figure. She will be able to participate in beauty pageants in a few hundred years. Unfortunately, she is too thin and does not conform to the current European aesthetics. She is also too tall and does not conform to the current Chinese aesthetics. If she were shorter,

These, coupled with the slender figure, are very attractive in the eyes of Chinese literati.

Cheng Jingming was very curious and asked: "Which country and ethnicity do you think you are from?"

Irene replied: "I am Mestiso."

Cheng Jingming was speechless for a moment.

As a general term for European-Turkish mixed-race people, the Mestizo people are obviously discriminatory. Countless mixed-race people have been given such a title and have even been classified as a new race.

They don't know which country they belong to, they only know that they are mestizos.

After staying in the city for a few days, a visitor suddenly came to visit.

The visitor was also of mixed European and Turkish descent, but he obviously had a higher social status, was well-dressed, and behaved elegantly. He seemed to be well-educated and wealthy at first glance.

"My name is Carlos Inca Garcilaso de la Vega." The man took off his hat and saluted, still holding a book in his left hand.

The expedition leader, Wang Lian, exchanged a few words with this person and learned that he was a scholar, so he handed him over to Cheng Jingming to receive him.

Carlos continued to introduce himself: "My grandfather was the great writer Inca."

Inca is Inca.

When translating into Chinese, I deliberately differentiated Inka from Inca simply because the writer was so awesome.

Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, the originator of Latin American literature. His works are must-read books for leaders of the Latin American independence movement, and are also the theoretical source of the Latin American independence movement. They are even irreplaceable for the entire Latin American nation.

Cohesion. At the same time, Voltaire, Montesquieu and others were also greatly influenced by Inca in their thinking. The theoretical source of the liberal trend in Europe came from Inca's works.

Incas are also of European-Turkish descent, half Spanish colonial ancestry and half Inca imperial royal ancestry.

Inca wrote on the title page of his masterpiece "Royal Review": "This book is dedicated to the Indians, Indo-Europeans and native whites of the kingdoms and provinces of the great and extremely rich Peruvian Empire - your brothers,

Compatriot and fellow Inca Garcilaso.”

When he wrote this passage, the Inca Empire had only been disintegrated for a few decades, and there were not even a few black slaves to be found.

This sentence later became the guiding ideology of the Latin American independence movement. In other words, Indians, Indo-Europeans, and native whites are all brothers. The European colonists are the big bad guys, and the European colonists must be driven out.


Of course, Inca's original intention was definitely not like this. He tended to be ideologically inclined to Spain, and he also participated in suppressing indigenous rebellions. However, he also carried the royal blood of the Inca Empire, and he had deep feelings for the history and culture of the Incas and the land of the Incas.

The book "Royal Review" contains a lot of content that criticizes colonial atrocities and calls on all walks of life in Europe, especially the King of Spain, to face up to the suffering of the Latin American people and improve the living conditions of the Latin American people.

This book became popular in Europe 20 or 30 years ago. Countries that disliked Spain supported its spread. Adventurers who wanted to go overseas to prospect for gold also regarded this book as a popular science book. But it would take more time for it to become truly popular.

After hundreds of years, various interpretations of this book have appeared one after another, and ideological liberators and independence activists have used it as a theoretical weapon.

"Your Excellency is from Peru, why are you here?" Cheng Jingming asked.

Carlos said: "My grandfather Inca, a noble royal family of the Inca Empire, was exiled because he angered the King of Spain. Although my father and uncles were not exiled, their family property was embezzled by the colonists. Their share of the property

, there were only 500 copies of "The Royal Review", and then it was scattered all over the place. I was born here, and my current position is the clerk of the Governor's Palace."

"Review of the Royal Family" was published by Inca at his own expense in Spain, and almost half of it was sold and half given away. Even so, no one cared about it, so he could only return to Peru with the remaining 500 books. Unexpectedly, after he was exiled and died, his works

Suddenly became popular in Europe.

Carlos handed over an old "Royal Review": "Dear Mr. China, this book is not popular in America, but I hope you can bring it back to China. Let more people read it and let more people read it.

It was my grandfather’s lifelong wish that many people know about colonial atrocities and that more people understand the long and splendid history and culture of the Inca Empire.”

"It's an honor." Cheng Jingming accepted it happily.

Carlos started chattering: "Dear Mr. Chinese, the Spanish bandits took away the land of the Incas and destroyed our civilization. They also said that the Incas were ignorant barbarians. This is incorrect and extremely wrong.

, I hope you don’t believe it. We have our own writing, we have our own calendar, and we have created brilliant achievements..."

This guy probably has a lot to talk about. He usually has no one to talk to, but when he meets a Chinese person, he immediately starts talking non-stop.

There are no Asian immigrants in Central America for the time being. Carlos chatted for a long time and suddenly asked: "Dear Mr. Chinese, you Chinese and us Incas seem to be of the same race. We have the same hair, skin color, and appearance.

, this is completely different from Europeans. When you first entered the city, I was very surprised. Do the Chinese and the Incas have a common ancestor?"

Cheng Jingming glanced at Carlos again. This man obviously has European features. How come he looks so similar?

It can only be said that Carlos considers himself an Inca in terms of spiritual belonging. And he is not an ordinary Inca, he has the blood of the Inca royal family flowing through him!

Cheng Jingming used official rhetoric to answer: "Thousands of years ago, there was the Yin and Shang dynasty in China. After the Yin and Shang dynasty was defeated, it is said that the royal family took their people and sailed to the sea all the way to the east. In China, taking a boat to the east is

Today's America. Perhaps, you are the royal descendants of China's Yin and Shang dynasties."

"Is there really such a legend?" Carlos said happily.

This man desperately wanted to find a sense of identity. But the Incas had been conquered, and he didn't know where to find a way out. When he saw Chinese people who looked similar to the Inca people, he was like a beggar seeing a wealthy relative.

Cheng Jingming suddenly had an idea and asked: "If you are curious, you can go to China with me. There are people who look like this. You can also learn to speak Chinese and learn to write Chinese characters. Maybe you can learn from ancient Chinese books.

Find out where the Incas came from.”

"Really? That's great!"

Although Carlos is the secretary of the Governor's Palace, there are more than one or two such secretaries, and he can resign and leave at any time.

In the next period of time, Carlos came to visit after get off work, told Cheng Jingming about the customs and history of the Incas, and asked Cheng Jingming about everything about China.

When the Chinese expedition left, Carlos resigned to the governor and followed them northward, waiting for Li Quan's trade fleet to dock.

Cheng Jingming has been instilling ideas that China and the Incas have the same ancestors. The more Carlos listens, the more he agrees in his heart. Because he heard that China defeated the powerful Spain. The Chinese brothers are so powerful that they must be distant relatives of the Incas.

This chapter has been completed!
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