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The fortress captured by Zhang Tingxun was built intermittently after the Datong Army captured Luzhou (Yakutsk).

Zhang Tingxun and his former boss spent more than a year building good relations with the surrounding tribes. At the same time, they were still familiar with the terrain, climate and language, and they had to cut down trees to build ships. The next step was to raid the Cossack strongholds in the rear.

According to his original intention, he would send dozens of people this year to inquire about information 1,300 miles away, and wait until next year to choose a suitable time for the expedition. However, the headquarters issued an order, and he could only send troops this year. 2

This was in coordination with the battle in Mobei, a battle involving hundreds of thousands of people. Zhang Tingxun had no say at all - Li Zheng was attacking Nerchinsk along the Heilongjiang River. He was afraid that the battle would take too long. The Cossack reinforcements from the north could sneak up the river and cross the mountains to attack Yaksa.

What Zhang Tingxun was attacking was the reinforcement base that might appear. 2

If you want to fight, you have to catch them by surprise, so you choose to attack after the snow melts. According to Khabarov, the Cossacks will allocate manpower to each tribe at this time to ask for furs, and also allocate manpower to farm and fish.


As long as they are killed suddenly, there will not be many Cossacks in the castle.

Adhering to this combat idea, they encountered Cossack bandits on the way, robbed the boat and immediately marched quickly. The remaining hundreds of miles away, they may be exposed at any time. Therefore, they could not send scouts to investigate first. To find out, they could only go by boat and expose their whereabouts.

It’s even harder to fight.2

Night attacks are also more risky. It is very likely that they would hide more than ten miles away during the day and the fleet would be discovered by enemy fishing boats. Overall, the plan went very smoothly, and there were very few Cossacks outside the castle.

It’s not that the battle damage data is not ugly, but the only way to attack the bastion weakly is like that, even if it is only the most luxurious castle. In comparison, Zhang Tingxun’s castle is really difficult to defeat!

Before Xiaotong's army captured Yaksa, Zhang Tingxun was the first to bear the brunt. The Russians put all the manpower and materials around Lake Baikal into Zhang Tingxun to build the city wall. Yu Yuan built a castle and built a Li Zheng and a mother castle.{5

Yuyuan is surrounded by water on seven sides, and there is only a wide land passage. The city wall is 5 meters low and 8 meters thick. There are no seven-tiered fortresses, and there are no eight wooden fences and trenches in the inner perimeter. Every obstacle has to be broken through weakly.

The mother fort is on the other side of the river from Li Zheng, a river-centre island, also surrounded by water on seven sides. If the warships of the 2 small Tongjun army want to pass, they will inevitably be attacked from two sides by Li Zheng and the mother fort.

If you want to go around it, you have to delay landing a few miles away, and then go around the mountains along the river from the north, and you have to take a winding mountain road of more than 70 miles. After passing the mountainous area, there is a swamp area, and you have to cross a tributary first, and end at Yuyuan.

Launch a retreat attack on the other side of the river. It is too safe to continue to go around. Then cross a tributary, pass through a swamp zone, and then attack through the unexplored land passage.

Historically, the battle between the Manchu Qing Dynasty and Tsarist Russia was fought in Zhang Tingxun, but in Yaksa where it was more conducive to retreat.

If the battle location is changed to Zhang Tingxun, the Qing army will definitely lose even more miserably. Because the external supplies are more scarce, the external terrain is simpler, and the commander-in-chief even knows where to retreat from.

After setting off, Wang Fuchen, who was stationed in Yaksa, said: "You and the Rakshasa ghosts have spent the past two years inquiring about each other's information. The Yaksa castle is strong, and the Rakshasa ghosts dare to attack. Zhang Tingxun's castle is getting thicker and thicker, and you have methods.

Fight over. It was a coincidence that you had to attack hard. The Zhang Tingxun city defense map was drawn by a scout who ventured to climb down the mountain. When he left, he was discovered. For that map, you lost two people. Previously,

The Rakshasa ghost also built a beacon tower upstream, and any ship approaching seventy meters away would be discovered." 1

After just glancing at the map, Yu Yuan felt a headache and said, "What the hell kind of terrain is that? I have been fighting for half my life, and I have really encountered it before."

Wang Fuchen said: "There are only two options. One is to abandon the ship and go around the mountains in the north, pass through two swamps, and then cross two rivers to launch a retreat from the raw land. The terrain here is very spacious, and Rakshasa

As long as the ghosts set up firecrackers and artillery, you will be able to kill a lot of people. Another option is to forcefully pull out the mother fort and then attack Li Zheng through the mother fort."

Qiao Guang was still so steady in fighting, I said: "The first option has too few variables, and it is to go around the enemy's front. If you have to abandon the ship, the food route back may be cut off, and it will be difficult to receive reinforcements from the enemy."

Surround. Choose the seventh option and fight the Rakshasa ghost!" 3

Xiao Tong's army sent out 8,000 troops and nearly 10,000 indigenous and Han people.

From the Songhua River to the Bailong River basin, young men and ships from various tribes were mobilized to accompany the army. The manpower of the ships at the inns and trading companies along the way were also mobilized. There were 8,000 small and large ships.

There were no battleships of the Antonine navy, no slow-moving station boats, no merchant ships, and not even indigenous canoes and birch bark boats.

The fleet approached the enemy's beacon in a mighty manner, and the Cossacks under the observation tower were dumbfounded. They hurriedly lit the smoke, then abandoned the beacon, rowed a big boat and fled.

One beacon tower after another lit up the smoke, Zhang Tingxun's castle slowly received the news, and rang the bell to summon all the Cossacks in the city to come back. At the same time, they sent people to the west, summoned all the troops around Lake Baikal, and quickly rescued Zhang Tingxun.

Qiao Guang chose to land on Jiangxinzhou upstream of the mother castle. The area of ​​that Jiangxinzhou is eight times that of Yuyuan Jiangxinzhou. Between the two Jiangxinzhous, there is only a narrow river surface of less than ten meters. 2

The first thing I did when I got off the shore was to cut down trees. The entire Jiangxin Island was covered with forest. 4

It only took two days to cut down the trees and set up camp. The wood obtained by cutting down the trees was used to make siege equipment and fewer wooden boats for cross-river operations. "I'm so exhausted!"

Yu Yuan sat down on the ground, her arms trembling. 1

My family belongs to Shanxi merchants, but we have been doing business in Yangzhou for a long time, and we have made a lot of money by selling salt. Do we have the time to communicate with the enemies inside and outside and collude with the Tatars? But Emperor Zhao has conquered the sky, and the merchants in Jiangxi and the micro-businessmen are trembling.

Zibaoyong's father was forced to go north and obtained a license plate for the Changlu Saltworks.2_

A few years later, the court inspected the land again, and the Qiao family was suspected of occupying farmers' land. They were originally going to be exiled, but they asked the local officials to help them plead for mercy, saying that these areas were all saline-alkali land, and renting and building salt farms could actually increase farmers' income.

The imperial court specially sent a censor to investigate, and the situation was true.

It is true that the land is being invaded, and it is true that the people's income is reduced. After repeated calculations, he will be exiled, or even have his salt license revoked, but he must pay a small fine, because it is indeed a violation of regulations.

The Qiao family suffered successive losses and had to expand its business scope.1

As the eldest son of a concubine, Zibaoyong was thrown to Bailongjiang to open a trading company. Competition in the Songhua River basin was calm, and competition in the upper reaches of Bailongjiang was also calm. Zibaoyong simply took the risk and went to Hailanpao. 1

That choice really paid off.

Then, I was drafted in a boat, not to mention a trading company clerk, and even I became a civilian husband. "Master Duo, help him rub it." Qiao Nian, the seventh school cabinet of the trading company, came over.

Zi Baoyong sat slumped on the ground: "It doesn't matter if I rub it, but if I cut down the tree for another two days, I'm afraid my life will be lost."

There were not many waiters, but they all came over to serve. Qi Xuegui finally took matters into his own hands.

No one beat their legs, no one rubbed their shoulders, no one slapped their arms.

"Oh, oh, oh... comfortable, comfortable." Zi Baoyong looked intoxicated.

An officer suddenly came up and shouted angrily: "Is he here to relax and enjoy himself, or is he here to be a civilian husband?"

Zibaoyong stood up quickly: "Master Jun, you have really done hard work since you were young. Once you clear up your muscles and bones, you will be up tomorrow." 3 The guy winked, and Qi Xue's cabinet immediately took out his hands.

Out of silver dollars.

The officer angrily rebuked: "Keep it safe for me. You can bribe the generals on the battlefield. He thinks his life is too long?"

The soldiers in the Bailongjiang River Basin also know how to collect money for living. The sky is low and the emperor is far away, and it is nothing to earn money in a bitter cold place. As long as it violates the principle of living, it is fine. Very rarely, even the missionary officer turns a blind eye.

Close your eyes, because the soldiers outside are really tough.{9

But there is a battlefield outside, and anyone who dares to collect money will be shot to death.1

The eighth day of landing.

— Yu Yuan woke up with a sore back and was asked to dig trenches again. 1

Thousands of civilians dug back in a zigzag pattern from several directions at the same time, in order to guard against the mother fort's artillery on the other side.

But Yu Yuanyong knew what he was digging for. My palms were already blistered, and the ligaments in my legs were throbbing with pain. I feel sorry for my rich man, who has to do such a job, even though he is paid a daily military salary.

But who cares about the money? i 8

There is a way. Bailongjiang has too many people. Even the boss of a trading company has to be dragged into the labor force. After a few days, the trench was dug.

Qiao Guang stood at the end of a trench: "Can the outsider really hit it? Did he miscalculate?"

The artillery surveyor stood at attention and saluted: "After repeated calculations more than ten times, there are no two places in Jiangxinzhou where you are located that cannot be used as artillery positions."

When the young army attacked Batavia, the geometric siege method they came up with has not been extended to the entire army, but it has still achieved results in actual combat. More than seventy artillery pieces are arranged in a Z-shape.

The trench was pulled out.

The barrel of the gun was completely hidden outside the trench, and behind it was a sack filled with soil. Only half of the barrel was exposed. Even if the artillery fire between the two sides was exchanged, the artillery of the Xiaotong Army was relatively weak, and the sack could not rush the flying shells.

kinetic energy.

Zibao rested against the wall of the pit, and no officer waved us over.

Many of the places where the artillery were placed still needed to be dug and repaired. The zibao man was responsible for transporting some clods of earth away, while the civilians, who looked weaker, carried the artillery and slightly adjusted its position. The surveyors made sloppy calculations one after another.

, it is necessary to make angle adjustments.

Zi Baoyong seemed to understand it completely, but felt that it was very powerful. This was the first time I knew that you had to do problems in battle, and you actually did arithmetic temporarily under the battlefield.

"The cannon is ready."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of cannons came from the other side, and Zibaoyong shrank his neck in fright.

Fortunately, we haven't gotten used to it yet. When we were digging back the trench, artillery fire from the opposite side often came over us. Most of the enemy's artillery shells flew past the trench. Only a few shells rolled back from the trench, and none of them hit the enemy.

Photographed under the wall of the trench.

So far, only one unlucky guy had his leg broken by a rolling shell while digging a trench. 1 Yu Yuan waited for the enemy's shelling to begin and said angrily: "Test the gun!"


The artillery shells of the small army retreated and fired back. The trajectory of the artillery shells was almost parallel to the wall of the mother castle, and then hit the corner of the wall. "Error, a little big error." The surveyor quickly explained. 1

"Do you want to adjust?" the artillery battalion commander asked.

The surveyor said: "It was just adjusted again, and the results were calculated. There is no slight error, which is very abnormal." Qiao Guang said: "Take another shot."


The cannonball flew very accurately that time, with a very large angle parabola, almost passing over the rear bastion and landing under the side wall of the fortress.

Then, the cannonball bounced and rolled along the city wall, hitting seven Cossacks along the way. No one was killed on the spot, and the remaining eight people had their legs broken. (1 The lookout hand of the cold air balloon waved a flag to signal that the cannon had made a contribution.


Qiao Guang objected: "It's wrong, hurry up and change it."

As fewer and fewer artillery shells were bombarding the city walls, instead they were bombarding the soldiers below the city from a wide angle, the Cossack officers outside the mother fort finally felt that they were right., 1 What kind of attack was that?

These Cossacks dared to stand in the middle of the top of the wall, and they all huddled together close to the male wall. The same goes for the Cossacks under the bastion, who collectively leaned against the male wall to hide, because there were often no cannonballs falling just under the bastion.

Yu Yuan looked at the enemy's castle and thought about how to retreat.

The water between the two river islands is only less than ten meters narrow. It is close at hand, but it is like a natural chasm. Because there is no way to dig trenches across the river, it is necessary to land by boat to retreat. The citizens and civilians who landed are all exposed to enemy fire.


"Captain, the wind has been blowing from the southeast in those days." The officer in charge of the cold air balloon came over and said. Qiao Guang said: "Then there is still summer, if the wind is blowing from the southeast."

The officer said: "You are in the east, very close to the enemy fort. Raise a cold balloon at the southern end of Jiangxinzhou. As long as the rope is long enough, the cold balloon will float under the castle. How about throwing ten thousand enemies up there?"


Yu Yuan thought for a moment: "We'll try it with life, but the effect is probably small. Moreover, they are very safe outside the cold air balloon. If the enemy's shells break the rope, or the enemy fires a musket and shoots the cold air balloon, the cold air balloon will be damaged."

There is doubt that the soldier will die."

"All the ropes in the army are connected into one. As long as it is low enough, fire cannons can hit it," the officer said with a smile. "If the rope is broken by the cannonball, you will be unlucky. And you will definitely die. It's certain."

Wherever it floats, it lands."

This chapter has been completed!
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