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Chapter 125 Destiny

Obviously, Wu Yao's words made Zhou Chenghai very excited. Not only were he and Huo Zhenlin good classmates, they had also gone to the countryside together and dug in the wilderness together. They had known each other for more than fifty years, and their friendship exceeded other people's imagination.

, they are simply friends of life and death. Although Huo Zhenlin is dead now, this friendship is still unforgettable.

"Do you know Lao Huo's last wish?" Zhou Chenghai asked with a trembling voice, "I was there at the time, but Lao Huo didn't say anything." After he received the news that Huo Zhenlin had a car accident, he immediately went to the hospital. He arrived

By that time, Huo Zhenlin was already dying and dying. In the end, he was not rescued and just left.

"But I know that Professor Huo Zhenlin left with regrets." Wu Yao said seriously. People like Professor Huo Zhenlin devoted their lives to medical research, saved countless people, and still devoted themselves to scientific research in their later years.

, struggling at the forefront of research on anti-cancer drugs. Project

Although Wu Yao has not reached the height of Professor Huo Zhenlin, he is also a medicinal chemistry researcher, so he can understand Professor Huo Zhenlin's feelings very well and know what is most important to Professor Huo Zhenlin. Otherwise, Professor Huo Zhenlin would not still be there even in his later years.

I am running around for plan x and hope to continue plan x.

Zhou Chenghai looked at Wu Yao's face for a long time, and then asked, "Tell me, what regrets does Lao Huo have?"

"Project X!" Wu Yao said with certainty, "Professor Huo Zhenlin dedicated the last time of his life to Project

After buying it, I plan to start Project

I just found out about Professor Huo Zhenlin, maybe this is Yao’s intention. Lao Yao let me know about Professor Huo Zhenlin’s x plan.”


Life in his later years." After saying that, Zhou Chenghai looked at Wu Yao and asked, "You know a lot. Tell me, what is the reason for you to come to me, an old man?"

"Professor Huo Zhenlin had experimental records when he was conducting Project

He looked at the other person without blinking, hoping to see something from the other person's face. Because the old man's words just now made it very clear. Professor Huo Zhenlin did talk about Project X to him, and definitely not once or twice. Otherwise,

The old man would not express such emotion: 'If it weren't for Project X, maybe Old Huo would have a good old age.' Mr. Zhou not only knew about Project

"Every scientific research member will record his own experiments for analysis, learning and summarizing experience...!" Zhou Chenghai was once the deputy minister of health and had a close relationship with Professor Huo Zhenlin. Naturally, he also knew those who were engaged in scientific research.

Routine. When talking about Huo Zhenlin, Zhou Chenghai seems to have endless things to say, and illness seems to be nothing to him.

He talked a lot about scientific research. Wu Yao was a researcher himself and knew these things very well. However, he did not look impatient, nor did he interrupt Mr. Zhou's words. Instead, he listened quietly and patiently, speaking from time to time.


After speaking slowly for a minute or two, Mr. Zhou finally stopped. His eyes looked at the snow-white shed, as if he was caught in some memories.

"Do you know the experimental records of Project

"...The days when I was studying Project X were the happiest days for Lao Huo." Mr. Zhou did not answer Wu Yao's question, but continued to talk about his memories, "After Project

Lao Huo seemed to be a new person. At first he was running around anxiously, and even found me, hoping to restart. Later, as time passed year by year, Lao Huo's spirit became worse and worse.

He often loses sight of things, and his legs and feet become unruly. He seems to have aged dozens of years overnight. Although he is already very old, he no longer has the same energy as when he was doing research. When we sit down to drink together, he often follows

I said, how important Project

Mr. Zhou finally sighed deeply and closed his eyes. His chest was heaving violently. Saying these words took a lot of energy out of him.

"So, I want to continue Professor Huo Zhenlin's legacy and complete his plan." Wu Yao said firmly.

"Let's go." Mr. Zhou suddenly said.


Wu Yao was slightly stunned after hearing this. How could he suddenly issue an eviction order after having a good conversation? Wu Yao felt strange in his heart. He didn't feel that he had offended the other party in any way. Why did the old man say this? The key is that so far,

Regarding the experimental records of Project

Can't understand.

"Grandpa Zhou, is there anything you can offend?" Wu Yao asked cautiously. He thought about it. From the time he entered the door to now, he didn't say much. He shouldn't offend Mr. Zhou. If he had to find out,

At one point, it might be that his mention of Huo Zhenlin aroused Mr. Zhou's sad memories.

"Lao Huo once told me that he might not be able to complete Project

, continue his research...!" Zhou Chenghai said.

"Destined to come in?" Wu Yao was stunned. Isn't that just like a blind cat hitting a dead mouse? If it doesn't hit it, it will never be able to eat it. Wu Yao said anxiously: "Yao has come in so many, who will be destined to come in?"

?If the destined person does not appear, should the experimental records be buried for a lifetime? If other people find the record after they have studied it, what value will the record have? Didn't Professor Huo Zhenlin spend so much time and effort in vain?

Grandpa Zhou, just tell this junior!"

"Haha, don't worry, the destined person has already appeared." Mr. Zhou said with a smile.

Wu Yao was shocked when he heard this. Could it be that besides him, someone else had got in touch with Mr. Zhou? Or, in other words, someone had already obtained the experimental record?

How is it possible? Zhuo Wenjun was the first person to investigate this matter. If she didn't even know, who else would know? Could it be that Zhuo Wenjun was the first to get the experimental records? Did he meet Mr. Zhou?

It is very possible that Zhuo Wenjun has Professor Huo Zhenlin's diary, which is also an important clue for finding experimental records. Maybe Zhuo Wenjun has met Mr. Zhou based on that diary? Why didn't Jingyun and Fang Hua find out?


In an instant, countless ideas and people flashed through Wu Yao's mind. There was no way, it was a serious matter. If the experimental records of Project X really fell into the hands of other people, then he would be completely passive.

Plan X and Project A have too many things in common. If Plan

"Who is it?" Wu Yao asked unwillingly, "Who is the one who is destined to join?"

At this point, Wu Yao couldn't give up all his previous efforts, he had to know which bastard was who. If that didn't work, he would have to use some despicable means... in order to join the class!

"Haha!" Mr. Zhou opened his eyes again, looked at Wu Yao and said, "You!"

"Me?" Wu Yao was stunned again. He was completely confused now. What does this old man want? Do you want to play charades with him? Could it be that the old man guessed that he was cursing that bastard in his heart, so he said this?

"Yes, that's you."

"But I still see those experimental records o? How could it be fate?"

"Those who are destined don't even know that they are destined. If they knew, everyone would wait and see, there would be no adventures later." After saying that, Mr. Zhou closed his eyes again, "Qiming, see the guest off."

The old man once again issued an eviction order.

After Zhou Qiming heard this, he looked at Wu Yao and said, "The old man is going to have an operation and needs to rest. Please, please." Perhaps it was because Wu Yao had said so many words to the old man that Zhou Qiming was a bit polite when speaking to Wu Yao.

Points. You must know that the old man is talking about seeing off guests, not "going out"! Since he is the old man's guest, no matter his age or status, as his son, he cannot neglect it. This is tutoring.

"Grandpa Zhou, please rest, I'm going back."

Wu Yao walked out of Mr. Zhou's ward with a puzzled look on his face. This old man knew everything, but he kept playing riddles with him. He was really desperate. Especially the words about 'coming by fate' made Wu Yao, who had a clear goal, change his mind.

Became confused.

They say "I hope I can get it if I have the chance", and they also say "you just have the chance".

Wu Yao is now empty-handed and has nothing. If he was really destined, he wouldn't be searching all over the world for it.

After leaving the hospital building, Wu Yao looked up at Yao. He really wanted to shout, for fear of disturbing a certain leader who was recuperating.

Wu Yao suddenly raised his hands high and rushed towards Yao Kong.

"Lao Yao, since I'm destined to be here, you should quickly throw what I want into my hand."

This chapter has been completed!
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