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Chapter 156 was sold~~!

After hearing his father's words, Wu Tian began to sweat on his forehead. Although he tried his best to keep calm in front of his father, he knew who his father was. How could he not see the strangeness in him now? He was covering up

, has no effect at all. But despite this, Wu Tian still pretends to be calm, because only in this way will he not make a fool of himself.

Dad, Dad, can't you leave some dignity and dignity for your son?

"What, you still want to hide it from me?"

Sure enough, Wu Guanzhi glanced at Wu Tian with a sneer, as if to say to him: Boy, do you want to fool your father? You are still too young, it's early!

Wu Tian obviously began to smoke faster, as if he was planning to use the smoke to cover up his guilty conscience. But obviously, all this was in vain. But after thinking about it seriously, he felt that it was not surprising that his father knew about this.

Even if he knew the contents of Project A, how could he not know about her affairs with Fang Hua and Jingyun? Besides, he and these two women were not in secret. Many people already knew about it, so how could they hide it?

Can you beat dad?

"Haha, I didn't mean to hide it from you." Wu Tian smiled awkwardly. Although everyone was men, it was somewhat embarrassing to talk about this matter with his father. He knew that his father was quite decent in this regard. Of course, this

It also has something to do with the old lady's "strict discipline". Wu Tian said, "Dad, I also want you and mom to have your grandson as soon as possible. Humans can't hang themselves on a tree, right?"


"Hmph, that's nice to say. Where is the child? Why is there no movement yet?"

"This, this takes time. You know, I have been very busy recently, staying in the laboratory for half a month. But don't worry, I will definitely step up my efforts in the future to let you and Mom go as soon as possible.

Embrace your grandson."

"Don't be careless here, I don't know you kid? It's just giving birth to a child. It's not a big project. Can't you even spare an hour of working on the city's riverbank?" Wu Guanzhi snorted coldly and said, "You're just perfunctory again.


"No, it's definitely not this time. I promise." Wu Tian saw that his father still had an attitude of disbelief. Wu Tian simply raised his hands and said, "Dad, I swear to you... with both hands!" Wu Tian simply raised his hands and said, "Dad, I swear to you... with both hands!"

Tian raised both hands, but it seemed that he was surrendering more than swearing. But Wu Tian didn't care. If he surrendered, he would surrender. Surrendering to his father was not a shameful thing.

Seeing Wu Tian's funny look, Wu Guanzhi's expression softened a little. He knew that it would be useless even if he was anxious about this matter. The tools were in his body and he could work if he wanted to. It was useless for others to be anxious. He understood his own


When the time came, I fell in love blindly. When it came time for the 'results', there was no movement. I used to worry that this brat would cause trouble in school, but now... I really hope that this brat will cause trouble. It would be better if he could cause trouble to someone else.

"I've already said that. You can take care of the rest by yourself." Wu Guanzhi looked at Wu Tian and said, "Whatever trick your mother comes up with, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Dad, don't worry, I understand~!" Wu Tian said with a smile. Men, why bother men? Long live understanding~!

"Dang Dang Dang~~!"

Just then, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Dad, lunch is ready, come out to eat." Chen Chen stood outside the door and called.

"Coming~!" Wu Guanzhi responded after hearing this, stood up from the chair, walked around the table, and when passing by Wu Tian, ​​reached out and patted Wu Tian on the shoulder and said, "Actually, this kid Chen Chen,

It's pretty good, you should cherish it." He said and walked out the door.

Wu Tian was stunned after hearing this. These words sounded very meaningful, and there was something in them. Could it be that he was trying to tell him not to abandon Chen Chen even if there were other women outside? What the hell is this!

Wu Tian stood up and walked out of the study. Chen Chen was standing outside the study. Wu Tian thought of what his father had just said and glanced at Chen Chen. He found that Chen Chen was also looking at him. When he met his eyes, the other person

His face immediately turned red and he lowered his head shyly.


What kind of monster is this woman? She's blushing? She's just pretending, right?

But in an instant, Wu Tian understood that it seemed that his mother had talked to Chen Chen a lot about the issue of giving birth to a child. When Chen Chen saw him, he thought of giving birth to a child, thought of seeds, and thought of ways to extract the seeds.

No matter how calm she is, no matter how well she regulates her emotions, she is still a young lady, and the degree of gangsterism of a middle-aged woman is obviously not something that a young lady can resist.

Wu Tian came to the restaurant and sat down. Chen Chen played the role of a good daughter-in-law to the fullest. He handed the chopsticks to the leftover rice and just barely put the rice into the mouths of the two elders.

I have to say that she is very good at pleasing the elderly.

"Son, did your dad tell you just now?"

Wu Tiangang had just taken two bites when he heard the old man asking questions. He raised his head and looked at his father. His father was very calm at this time. Naturally, he couldn't betray his father. He was not a cheater, so he looked at his father.

Mom, nodded and said, "I told you."

"What do you think?"

"No idea?"

"What? No ideas?" After hearing Wu Tian's words, Zhou Lan immediately frowned and said, "How can you not have any ideas for such a big matter?" Then, she turned to look at her husband and asked,

"What did you say in the study?"

Wu Tian's original intention was to say that he had no objection, but his mother misunderstood the meaning. Wu Tian did not want to embarrass his father, so he quickly said, "Mom, what I mean is that I have no objection and will resolutely implement it.


After hearing Wu Tian's explanation, Zhou Lan's expression immediately softened, and a smile appeared on his face again, and he said, "That's pretty much it." After saying that, he put a piece of kidney flower into Wu Tian's bowl and smiled.

Said, "This is my good son. Come, eat more."

It’s true that a family doesn’t stay in the same house. They fall out so quickly! Wu Tian thought in his heart. Chen Chen’s fall out is also very fast.

"...!" Looking at the hot kidneys in the bowl, Wu Tian didn't know what to say. This is a child's problem, not a kidney problem. Is it necessary to express it so obviously? Alas~!

"Mom, I agree. But you have to know that I can't do this alone. You have to respect Chen Chen's opinion, right?" Wu Tian looked at his mother and said. Wu Tian knew that he

It was useless to refuse, and it might even get a beating from the old lady, but if it were said from Chen Chen's mouth, the situation would be different. So, Wu Tian simply dragged Chen Chen into the water.

After finishing speaking, Wu Tian felt proud of his strategy. Chen Chen, Chen Chen, I'm so sorry!

"You don't have to worry about that." After hearing Wu Tian's words, Zhou Lan said with a smile, "Chen Chen has already agreed." After saying that, Zhou Lan looked at Chen Chen and asked, "right? Child?"

Chen Chen's face was flushed, but he still nodded shyly.

Wu Tian was stunned. He looked at his mother and then at Chen Chen. What kind of trouble was this...?

His wishful thinking was very good. He put all the responsibilities on Chen Chen so that his mother could divert the fire and not focus on him alone. Moreover, Wu Tian believed that no matter how Chen Chen tried to please his parents,

She is also a principled person, and will not sell her soul and body in order to please others. After all, giving birth to a child is no small matter, and it is an important choice in life for a woman.

Having a baby when you want, requires a plan. What's more, although the two are married, they have no feelings at all. Chen Chen is not a child-bearing machine, let alone a pregnant mother. How could she agree to such a request?

But now, Chen Chen actually agreed. This situation caught Wu Tian off guard. How could Chen Chen agree? Why did she agree? Is she willing to be a child-birth machine in order to please her parents? What's more, giving birth is a two-person relationship.

Can you give birth just by opening your mouth? This requires a process that may be complicated or simple, but does she know about this process? Does she think pregnancy relies on in vitro fertilization?

After a long time, Wu Tiancai came back to his senses. He looked at Chen Chen, his eyes full of doubts. He wanted to know what the other party meant. Didn't he sell him? Why didn't he say hello to him before eating?


Whether he was shy or didn't want to say it in front of Wu Tian's parents, Chen Chen lowered his head and only focused on eating, not paying attention to Wu Tian at all.

Wu Tian was completely depressed after seeing it.

"Since we all agree, I don't need to say anything more." Zhou Lan looked at Wu Tian and Chen Chen and said, "Today is a good day. I suggest that we all have a drink. How about it?"

"I agree." Wu Tian said.

Seeing Wu Tian being so active, Zhou Lan was very happy. She got up and went to the wine cabinet to get a bottle of red wine and four tall glasses, and then filled them up.

Wu Tian wants to drink, not because he is happy, nor to celebrate. The reason why he wants to drink is because he is sad. Chen Chen has tricked him into suffering, and he is so depressed that he wants to drink to drown his sorrow!

"Here, cheers."


Wu Tian drank the whole glass of red wine in one gulp.

The red wine is just kidney flower and tastes really weird.

Because Wu Tian and Chen Chen agreed to have a child, Zhou Lan was very happy. After lunch, she sat in the living room and talked to Chen Chen non-stop. They probably talked about what to pay attention to before giving birth to a child, what to pay attention to when giving birth, and what to pay attention to after giving birth.

What should you pay attention to? Although she is not an obstetrics and gynecology doctor or an obstetrics and gynecology nurse, she still knows a lot about these things. As the director of the Supervision Department of the Food and Drug Administration, she knows many obstetrics and gynecology doctors.

, she often inquired about giving birth to a baby. She used to have a lot of knowledge and could not release it. Now that it is better, with Chen Chen here, how can she miss this opportunity?

Wu Tian kept talking, but his mind was not on giving birth to a baby at all. He was thinking about how to expose Chen Chen's hypocritical mask and her lower defenses, and let her know that giving birth to a baby was not an easy task. thing.

...(To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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