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Chapter 319 Steal a kiss?

Gradually, this way of just talking and saying nothing could no longer satisfy Chen Chen. People have something in their hearts and will never be satisfied, and Chen Chen was no exception. So, she gently touched Wu Tian's legs with her fingers.

He poked Wu Tian, ​​but there was no reaction. Chen Chen's fingers began to move up, and he poked Wu Tian's waist again, but Wu Tian still had no reaction. Chen Chen increased his strength and poked Wu Tian's belly again.

He poked it three times in a row, and then quickly continued to lower his head and pretended to massage Wu Tian's calf. After a while, when he saw Wu Tian continuing to lie there motionless, Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously and became bolder.

stand up.

A mischievous smile appeared on Chen Chen's face. She massaged Wu Tian's calf with one hand and poked Wu Tian's face with the other hand. Then she pinched her lips, pressed her nose, and pulled her ears. She had a great time playing

. She was a little worried, but she completely relaxed as Wu Tian died. The other hand stopped massaging Wu Tian's calves and concentrated on massaging Wu Tian's face.


Everything is interesting at first, but then becomes boring. As he was playing, Chen Chen felt relieved at first because Wu Tian had no reaction, but as time went by, he felt that it was no longer interesting. Wu Tian

Now it's like a dead pig. A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. Without seeing Wu Tian's painful expression, Chen Chen feels that he has lost a lot of fun.

Chen Chen stopped moving her hands and stared at Wu Tian's face intently. She suddenly discovered that Wu Tian was much cuter when he was sleeping than when he was awake. When he was awake, he was always angry with her and against her.

.But after falling asleep, she won't be angry with her, and she will be obedient and let her do whatever she wants. This should be the treatment she can enjoy after her plan succeeds and Wu Tian falls in love with her.

Unexpectedly, it has been realized earlier than expected.

The more she looked at her, the better she behaved. The more she looked at her, the more she liked him. Chen Chen gradually became fascinated by it. This was the first time she looked at Wu Tian so seriously. She had never had such a chance before, but now she saw many things from Wu Tian's face.

Things that have not been seen. This kind of discovery is not only the changes in the facial features. There are other aspects, but Chen Chen can't explain clearly. It is just a feeling. If I have to use one word to describe it, it is peace.


Yes, it is peace!

Guarding Wu Tian is like guarding a paradise. Looking at Wu Tian, ​​your heart will become carefree, peaceful and peaceful.

Chen Chen slowly tilted her body towards Wu Tian's body, and stopped when she was about to lie down on Wu Tian's body. It wasn't that she didn't want to continue lying down, but that she couldn't continue downward because of Wu Tian's

Her legs were always placed on his knees, preventing her lower body from moving.

Chen Chen really wanted to lie next to Wu Tian for a while. While Wu Tian was sleeping, she could do all the things she wanted to do but had no chance to do before. It was a rare opportunity. So, she straightened up and hugged Wu Tian's hand with both hands.

Legs, she gently moved Wu Tian's legs down and placed them on the sofa, while she changed positions. She came to lie down next to Wu Tian.

The sofa is very big, and Wu Tian has always maintained a sideways posture watching TV. So when Chen Chen lay sideways next to Wu Tian, ​​it could just accommodate two people.

Chen Chen rested his head on his arms and looked at Wu Tian quietly. This time the distance was closer than before. She could even clearly feel Wu Tian's breathing. And as long as she wanted, she could get closer to Wu Tian.

, ten centimeters from face to face, or one centimeter, even one millimeter.

She found that Wu Tian's eyebrows were very thick, and each one was very neat, pointing in the same direction. The eyelashes were also very long, like two small fans. She even imagined that when Wu Tian blinked, these two small fans

The scene when he was fanning up and down was something she hadn't noticed before. There was also Wu Tian's mouth. His mouth was not big, but the shape of his lips was very beautiful, especially the slightly upward corners of his mouth, which made

Even though he was sleeping, he looked like he was smiling.

She didn't know what Wu Tian's lips reminded her of, but Chen Chen's face suddenly turned red. She looked at Wu Tian who was sleeping with his eyes closed. She must have been sleeping deeply, otherwise she would have been 'played' by her just now.

woke up.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen looked at Wu Tian's lips, gradually moving upwards, and slowly closed her eyes. She could feel her heartbeat speeding up, and the "bang bang" sound was beating wildly.

Extraordinarily obvious.

This is the feeling, the feeling of heartbeat!

Chen Chen pursed her lips slightly and kept stretching forward. After moving for a while, she didn't touch her. However, she liked this feeling and enjoyed the process. She took her time and savored the taste.

"What are you doing?"

At this time, a voice came, and Chen Chen was froze. He quickly opened his eyes, only to find that Wu Tian, ​​who had just closed his eyes and slept, had opened his eyes at this time, and his eyes were wide open, and he was using

A strange look was looking at her.

Chen Chen was startled. He thought of the intimate posture he was maintaining with the other person now, and thought of what he had just done. The red cloud that had just faded from her face suddenly reappeared with a 'buzz', followed by 'Oops'.

' With a sound, his body became unstable and he slipped from the sofa.

Chen Chen reflexively reached out to grab something, just like reaching out to grab dry grass when he accidentally slipped from a cliff. As a result, he caught Wu Tian's clothes, and one of his legs tightly hooked Wu Tian's leg, causing her to move towards him.

Her sliding body stopped. However, how could she have the nerve to face Wu Tian at this moment? When she realized the ambiguous posture between herself and Wu Tian, ​​she immediately let go of her hands and loosened her feet as if she had been bitten.

Opened. Compared with the previous position, she would rather fall to the ground. After all, the distance between the sofa and the ground is not very high. She would not die if she slipped from the sofa, not from the cliff. What's more, she has no face to go now.

Facing Wu Tian.


After Chen Chen fell heavily to the ground, his head also hit the coffee table in front of the sofa.


Chen Chen couldn't help but scream in pain. She expected to fall to the ground, but she didn't expect to hit the coffee table. Damn coffee table, damn sofa, why not a bed? If she was lying down

The place is a window, so it won't fall down as soon as it is turned over.

But even so, she still has not forgotten the environment she is in now, especially in his mind, which is still filled with the eyes that Wu Tian stared at her just now. She always feels that those eyes are sneaky and particularly hateful.

So what if she fell on the ground? So what if she hit her head? Now she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. She hated it, why was the building so strong? Why didn't she make a hole after she fell to the ground, even if she fell into the building?

She is also willing to get off.

"Are you okay?" Wu Tian looked at Chen Chen who fell to the ground and asked with concern. The sound of the fall was quite loud. Just hearing the sound made his whole body hurt.

Wu Tiangang sat up from the sofa, and when he was about to reach out to pull the other person, he saw Chen Chen standing up from the ground while crawling.

"You, when did you wake up?" Chen Chen asked Wu Tian. She covered the head that had just been hit with her hands, her face was red, her head was lowered, her eyes were staring at the ground, not looking at Wu Tian. She was not in a hurry to leave.

, because this issue is too important to her. She has done bad things to each other before. Thinking about it now, she feels ashamed to see others.

"Wake up? I haven't slept all this time." Wu Tian said after hearing this.

"Ah? You haven't slept all this time?" Chen Chen couldn't help but raise his head when he heard this, looked at Wu Tian in surprise, and asked stumblingly, "Then... then why didn't you open your eyes when I poked you just now?"

"Poke me? I thought you were giving me a facial massage." Wu Tian said.


Chen Chen didn't know what to say. When she thought about what she had just done, and that the other party knew everything about it, her face became red and hot, like a burned iron. Moreover, she didn't believe Wu Tian's words, and gave her face

Massage? Even she didn’t believe this explanation. How could she pinch, press, pull, and pull when doing facial massage? Then, there is only one reason, and that is that the other party must have deliberately not reacted.

I just want to see what she is going to do.


So bad!

Chen Chen felt that she was too embarrassed to see anyone. She held her head, turned around and ran towards the room.

But behind her was the coffee table, so when she ran like this, her leg tripped on the coffee table, and she heard a "pop" and fell to the ground again.


Wu Tiandu had covered his eyes with his hands and couldn't bear to look. When he opened his fingers slightly, he saw Chen Chen standing up from the ground, covering his face with one hand and holding his waist with the other, limping.

Wandering towards the boudoir.

Open the door, close the door, and lock it. Chen Chen threw himself on the bed, covered his head with a cup, and screamed loudly to vent his anger.

Wu Tian looked at the closed door, got off the sofa, put on his shoes and walked to Chen Chen's door. He stretched out his hand and knocked on the door, "dong dong dong", and then asked, "Hey, are you okay?"

Chen Chen in the room immediately stopped shouting to vent his anger and said loudly, "I'm fine!"

"I saw you were limping just now. Do you need some bruise medicine for you?" Wu Tian asked with concern.

"No, I've already said that I'm fine. You should go back to sleep and leave me alone." Chen Chen said.

"Oh!" Wu Tian responded, thought for a while, went to the kitchen to find the medicine box, placed it at the door of Chen Chen's bedroom, and then returned to his room. When he closed the door, Wu Tian deliberately closed it loudly in order to

Just let Chen Chen hear it so that she would be embarrassed to come out of the room.

He had seen very clearly just now that Chen Chen's two consecutive falls were serious. The stock market had not fallen as badly as hers recently. Alas, it was really hard for her to insist on returning to the room.

This chapter has been completed!
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