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Three hundred and twentieth chapters estrus

In the middle of the night, Wu Tian and Chen Chen returned home.

Wu Tian fell on the sofa as soon as he walked in. His face was full of fatigue, his body was limp, and he looked like a dead dog. But Chen Chen looked exactly the opposite of Wu Tian. She was full of energy and happy.

It's like electricity has just been charged.

At this moment, Wu Tian's heart was full of regrets. He didn't expect that his moment of softness and kindness at noon would result in being walked for ** hours. At noon, he heard Chen Chen's stomach growling, and thought that the other party had been waiting for him for a long time yesterday.

In the evening, Wu Tian finally decided not to compete with the other party, but to give the other party a step down, which could be regarded as a reward for the other party waiting for him last night. But he never thought that just after lunch, this woman seemed like

Like a wild horse that had escaped the reins, it couldn't be pulled back no matter how hard it was pulled, so it went straight into the shopping mall. Only then did Wu Tian understand why he had to drive so far to have lunch. The reason was simple: it was close to the shopping mall.

Seeing such a scene, Wu Tian originally planned to take the car home by himself, but just as he was about to speak, the other party seemed to have guessed it, and directly hugged his arm and forced him to continue shopping in the mall.

For a man as big as Wu Tian, ​​his strength is much higher than that of Chen Chen. In terms of fighting, Wu Tian has experienced hundreds of battles and is a good fighter. But after being hugged by Chen Chen, Wu Tian couldn't get rid of her.

, it was like being trapped, and in the end I could only let the other person hold me and follow the other person. But it was midnight during this walk. Although I had dinner in the middle, I was carried away by the other person for several hours after eating.

, if Wu Tian hadn’t been sitting on the ground and refusing to leave, he would have probably continued shopping until midnight.

Next time, next time Wu Tian won't give Chen Chen any face! If he had known this, he might as well have sat at home all afternoon.

Chen Chen threw the large and small bags he was carrying on the ground, then went into the kitchen, poured a glass of water, and handed it to Wu Tian. After Wu Tian took it, he drank it all in one breath, and then continued to lie on the sofa and pretended to be dead. He

I don't want to move now, I don't even bother to blink my eyelids.

Chen Chen was very considerate. She sat next to Wu Tian and massaged Wu Tian's legs just like the night before. Now, she had swept away the cold and resentful expression this morning and returned to her usual self.

More energy than ever.

Wu Tian really wanted to push the other person's hand away. Then he said loudly to the other person: Don't cry like a cat and pretend to be compassionate! But he was too tired and lazy now, so he gave up the idea in the end and let the other person

Let's continue crying like a cat! Speaking of which, this woman has walked far ahead of him today, and now she still has the strength to give him a massage. And judging from the force she exerts on her hands, she is quite strong.

Is walking equivalent to winding up a clockwork for her? The more she walks, the stronger she becomes? How strange!

However, it is quite comfortable to pinch.

"Shoulder!" Wu Tian closed his eyes and said lazily.

After Chen Chen heard this, he immediately changed positions and began to massage Wu Tian's shoulders. He was smiling from beginning to end, and did not have any dissatisfaction at being ordered by Wu Tian.

Wu Tian didn't feel anything embarrassed. On the contrary, he felt that he deserved all these. He had helped carry those big and small bags before. There were more than a dozen bags, from coats to

When it comes to shoes, they weigh at least ten or twenty kilograms, which is equivalent to a small bag of rice. Who would carry a bag of rice and walk all afternoon and work all night when they have nothing to do? Athletes don't exercise like this either.

Moreover, one of the arms was still tightly held by Chen Chen, and most of the other person's body was leaning on his arm. Not only did Wu Tian have to carry so many things, but he also had to 'carry' a person. As long as his arm was not dislocated, it was enough.

He was in good health, but even Hercules couldn't bear it.

Maybe he was too tired, or maybe it was too comfortable lying on his stomach, Wu Tian gradually fell asleep under Chen Chen's massage.

Wu Tian had a nightmare. In the dream, Chen Chen kept calling his name, and he was like a puppet, following the other person and accompanying him when shopping. Chen Chen called his name, and he called forward.

Take a step, call out your name, take a step forward, your body is completely out of your control, Chen Chen's voice is like some kind of spell, and Wu Tian is the unlucky guy who is cursed. It feels more powerful than a tight curse!

"Wu Tian!"

"Wu Tian...Wu Tian...!"

"Honey, are you asleep?"

Wu Tianmeng opened his eyes and woke up from the nightmare. The first thing he saw was Chen Chen, who was squatting beside the sofa, looking at him intently, and kept calling his name.

Wu Tian was startled, and he sat up from the sofa and leaned back, away from Chen Chen. This situation was exactly the same as the one in the nightmare just now. It was so fucking scary!

"What are you doing?" Wu Tian frowned and looked at the other person and asked. He touched his forehead, which was covered with sweat.

"I see that you have been frowning and grinding your teeth. You must be uncomfortable lying on the sofa." Chen Chen looked at Wu Tian with a smile and said, "Are you sleepy? Go back to the room and sleep!"

Frowning? Grinding teeth? Hum, it's not because of you? Wu Tian thought in his heart.

He glanced at the clock and saw that it was already eleven o'clock. He remembered that it was half past ten when he got home.

Only half an hour? Wu Tian was stunned when he saw it, but in the nightmare, why did it seem like a whole day had passed? It shouldn't be eleven o'clock the next morning, right?

Wu Tian turned his head and looked out the window. It was dark outside. It seemed correct. It was indeed only half an hour. In other words, in half an hour, he had a nightmare that lasted a day. But it could be done in such a short period of time.

Within a short period of time, I had such a terrible nightmare. It seems that I was really tortured by this woman today.

Wu Tian glanced at the woman in front of him, thinking that he would not see this face when he fell asleep. Unexpectedly, he would meet her again in his dream. If he met her, he would meet her, and he would continue to be tortured by her.

Isn't this too cruel? You wouldn't spare him even in his dream?

Wu Tian yawned, then stood up and prepared to go back to his room to sleep.

At this moment, Chen Chen suddenly stopped him.

"My dear, don't go back yet." Chen Chen said to Wu Tian, ​​while reaching out and holding Wu Tian's arm.

"What for?" Wu Tian turned around and looked at the other person with a frown and asked, "Didn't you ask me to go back to the room to sleep? Do you still want me to go out with you? You'd better save it. I'm on vacation to rest.

I’m not here to accompany you on the long march.”

"What are you talking about? It's so late, even if you want to accompany me, I'm not going out yet!" Chen Chen said with a smile after hearing this. Shopping malls usually close at nine o'clock at the latest and close at ten o'clock. It's already eleven o'clock now

Now, where should we go shopping? If there was still something open, she wouldn't have come back so early. She basically went shopping everywhere she could. The next most popular place to go was the bar, but she didn't want to go there for the time being. Too

It was chaotic, and there was a shadow in my heart.

"Then why are you holding me?" Wu Tian raised his arm. Now that Chen Chen was holding his arm, Wu Tian felt like he was being pulled to go shopping.

"Didn't I buy you some clothes today? Try them on," Chen Chen said.

"What should I try? Didn't I try everything when I was in the store?" Wu Tian said dissatisfied. Isn't this the season change? So at the beginning of today, Chen Chen only bought the clothes she liked, and that was enough.

, but my interest in shopping did not diminish at all, so I started buying for Wu Tian instead.

Although she said it nicely, she wanted to thank him for his company and the gift she gave him, but in fact, she didn't enjoy shopping. If she really wanted to thank him, then she should let go of his arm and let him go.

Let him go home. It's like those who raise birds. If you really like them, you shouldn't keep them in cages. You should let them go back to nature. As a result, this tour lasted several hours.

"I didn't look carefully at that time, not to mention that I bought them individually. I don't know how they will match up after wearing them together." Chen Chen said after hearing this, as if she could see Wu Tian's dissatisfaction, she held the

clothes. While coaxing Wu Tian, ​​"Be good, put these on quickly...!"

Wu Tian trembled all over after hearing this. When Chen Chen let go of his arm and went to get his clothes, Wu Tian hurried back to his room, closed the door, locked it from the inside, and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Take off your clothes, get naked under the quilt, and sleep!

"Clang clang clang!"

"My dear, open the door. If you don't want to move, I'll help you put it on." Chen Chen's gentle but disgusting voice came from outside the door.

After Wu Tian heard this, he directly covered his head with the quilt. He regretted it very much now. Why did he step down for the other party? When he heard the other party's stomach growling, he should have laughed at the other party so that the relationship between the two could continue.

Stiff. Although there will be a little bit of guilt in her heart, at least she is free and unrestrained. But now, the guilt is gone, but she has lost her freedom. It only gave her a little sunshine.

, I didn’t expect her to be too bright.

Isn't this repaying kindness with hatred?

"My dear, just give it a try. I promise it won't take up much of your time. After you finish trying it, you can go to sleep."

"You have to understand me. This is a gift I gave you to thank you. If the clothes don't fit, doesn't it mean that I am not grateful enough? I will feel sorry for it for the rest of my life."

Chen Chen continued to speak loudly outside the door. She didn't seem to care whether Wu Tian responded or not. She was speaking very energetically and her voice was getting louder. She didn't know where the strength came from.

After talking like this for five or six minutes, Chen Chen's voice suddenly stopped. Wu Tian, ​​who had been hiding under the quilt with a frown, finally showed a smile. He got his head out of the quilt and pricked up his ears.

After listening carefully for a while, just when he was about to have a peaceful sleep, he suddenly heard a strange sound.


Wu Tian stared at the door. The sound came from the door, as if... it seemed like the keyhole was ringing.

Too bad!

Wu Tian was shocked. He quickly opened the quilt, jumped out of bed, and tried to hold down the door handle to prevent Chen Chen from opening the door. But it was already too late. As soon as he got off the ground, the door opened. Chen Chen held the key in one hand.

Carrying clothes in one hand, he walked in from outside.

"Ah!" Wu Tian yelled and quickly got into bed again. The reason was very simple. He slept naked and didn't even have any underwear on him. No matter how thick-skinned he was, he still didn't have sex with him.

The habit of having sex in front of women.

"Wu Tian, ​​have you slept? I think you must not have slept yet." Chen Chen walked into the room, looked at Wu Tian lying on the bed and said with a smile. If it were before, she would have seen Wu Tian's naked body

After that, she would scream shyly, then turn around and run out, hiding in her room and not coming out, and then criticizing Wu Tian's hooligan behavior. But it was different now. Although she was still shy in her heart, she was not

She can scream, she can't run, she can't hide, but she faces Wu Tian's passion with a curious and brave attitude. After all, she is a woman, a normal woman, an upright and passionate woman in her twenties.

A woman. A woman's desire for a man is no weaker than a man's desire for a woman, but women are usually more reserved and shy.

Although she saw Wu Tian's vagina, she still felt a little regretful because she didn't see Wu Tian's front, but only saw Wu Tian's back. The interesting part was his strong butt, not even a bit was exposed.

Even Chen Chen naturally found it strange. Why could he face Wu Tian so bravely now, and why was he still the naked Wu Tian? Could it be that he had turned into a female gangster unknowingly?

"Who asked you to come in?" Wu Tian showed his head, glared at the other party fiercely and shouted loudly. He blushed, but not out of anger, but out of shame. A male pervert from a generation was actually forced by a female gangster

He has to hide under the quilt. How embarrassing this is for him! If word spreads, won't he be laughed at to death?

"Didn't I ask you outside just now, can I come in?" Chen Chen looked at Wu Tian innocently and said. "I didn't hear your voice, so I thought you acquiesced, so I took the key and came in."

"How come you have the key to my room? Didn't you give me the key when I moved in here? You said you didn't have a spare key."

"It is true that there is no spare key."

"Then what's that in your hand?"

"This is the original key to this room. The one in your hand is the spare key."

"...!" Wu Tian opened his mouth after hearing this. He didn't know what to say for a while. He found that there are always women who like to play word games with him recently. A few days ago it was Zhuo Wenjun. Yesterday it was Liu Min. Today it was Liu Min.

It's Chen Chen again. Is this Golden Week or Women's Week? Are people now beginning to treat being messy as a virtue?

What are the original accessories and accessories, but they are also the keys to this room? Isn’t the little wife not the wife?

Wu Tian felt that his body was insulted by the other party, and his IQ was also insulted by the other party. Did he look like a fool? He used such a low-level reason to prevaricate him?

Chen Chen didn't feel ashamed for her poor excuse for lying. She sat by the bed as if nothing had happened, put her clothes on the quilt, and said gently to Wu Tian, ​​"Try it, please, this is not a tight spell.

I have no ill intentions towards you. Do you have the heart to refuse my gift?"

While speaking, she grabbed Wu Tian's quilt and stretched out her hand to lift it off, but the corner of the quilt was pressed tightly by Wu Tian. The sneak attack was not successful.

But this time, Wu Tian was frightened. It was one thing to enter the house and see a naked man, but it was another thing to lift the quilt to see a naked man. The former was a passive look, and at most it was considered a trespassing.

Private houses. The latter is proactive and can be characterized as a hooligan!

Wu Tian looked at Chen Chen with a calm expression and a heartbeat in surprise. He realized that he had really underestimated this woman before. The woman who used to blush when he saw him wandering around the house shirtless, now actually knew about his sexual condition.

Next, she had to lift his quilt. Could it be that... was she in estrus?

Isn't it spring? Why is she in estrus only in autumn, contrary to normal people?

"What do you want to do?" Wu Tian pressed the quilt tightly, guarding against a sneak attack. Is this woman crazy? A woman in estrus is really amazing.

"Help you get dressed." Chen Chen said with a smile.

"Tomorrow, wear it tomorrow." Wu Tian said after hearing it.

"No, I want to watch it now." Chen Chen said. Today was her happiest day and also her most excited day, so even though it was past eleven o'clock in the evening, she was still too excited to sleep. In fact, she was not really

I really want to see Wu Tian put on these new clothes bought for him today, but I just want to keep pestering him with this energy. Who knows what will happen if he takes a nap? Maybe he will be like Xiang Wu.

The night I confessed my love, when I woke up in the morning, I was so shy and at a loss what to do, I could only hide in the bathroom.

What happened that day made Chen Chen understand a truth. That is: no matter what you do, you must strike while the iron is hot. If you want to fight again after the heat is over, it is either not hot enough or you have no strength. As the saying goes, work hard and then fight again.

Decline, three and exhaust.

Therefore, although she did not lift the quilt the first time, her hands held the quilt tightly, always ready for a second sneak attack. Today she was willing to risk everything.

"Okay, can I travel through time?" Wu Tian looked at Chen Chen who did not compromise and said, "Put the clothes here. You go out first. I will show you after I finish wearing them."

"Didn't you say that? I want to help you put it on." Chen Chen said after hearing this. She didn't expect Wu Tian to compromise so quickly. She felt a little disappointed, but at the same time, her heart was filled with joy. She found that she had found Wu Tian.

One of Tian's weaknesses is playing hooligan with the other party. Although the other party also likes to play hooligan, if he is more hooligan than him, then he can't stand it.


Wu Tian gritted his teeth and glared at Chen Chen. He retreated again and again, but the other party actually pushed forward. This was simply a slap in the face!

And he could feel that Chen Chen was pulling the quilt hard with his body arm pressing the corner of the quilt, and the force was very strong. The quilt showed signs of loosening, and the quilt covering him was being pulled away bit by bit. If

If you continue, the quilt will be lifted by the other party sooner or later.

To be forced to this point by a woman is so shameful and humiliating!

It seems that I have to give the other party some color.

Thinking of this, Wu Tian took a deep breath, grabbed the corners of the quilt with both hands, and locked eyes with Chen Chen. Today he had to treat this woman in heat!

This chapter has been completed!
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