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Chapter 359 Self-blame

In the end, Wu Tian did not tell his daughter the news that Uncle Wang Guangzhao was hospitalized, mainly because he was worried that the uncle's wife would find out. By then, not only would he be unable to explain to the uncle's family, but it would also be difficult for the uncle to return to the company in the future.

.So Wu Tian put this idea aside for the time being. When the uncle really couldn't survive in the hospital, it wouldn't be too late to invite the uncle's daughter.

After leaving the hospital, Wu Tian hurried back to the company. The first thing he did was to go to the Intelligence Department. Although he looked relaxed and leisurely when he was in the hospital, he was just pretending to show Uncle Wang Guangzhao.

Yes, so that the uncle can stay in the hospital to recuperate with peace of mind and not think about the things in the diary.

In fact, ever since the uncle told him the secrets in Professor Huo Zhenlin's diary, Wu Tian was very eager to see these secrets. Although at the beginning, when the uncle told him the secret, he also showed him the diary, but,

He only read the beginning. After confirming that the contents of the diary were indeed useful, he returned the diary to the uncle, and when he was with the uncle in the afternoon, he tried not to talk about the hidden contents in the diary to prevent

Arouse uncle's addiction.

But after having dinner with his uncle and leaving the hospital, Wu Tian couldn't bear it any longer. His face showed an unabashed look of eagerness and longing. He kept urging the taxi to hurry up along the way, wishing he could get there.

Sit in the driving position and pass all red lights and speed limits.

Pushing the door and walking into the Intelligence Department, Fang Hua and Jingyun were not there, and they didn't know where they were. However, Liu Min was still there, and Wu Tian said to him, "Do you still have a backup copy of Professor Huo Zhenlin's diary at home? Take one out for me quickly.

." Home refers to the company. For those of them who live in the company all day long, this is their home.

"Yes." Liu Min said after hearing this, then walked to the bookshelf full of information, took out five notebooks from it. He handed them all to Wu Tian, ​​then pointed to the laptop on the surrounding surface and said,

"There are paper versions and electronic versions. Which one do you need?"

"This is enough." Wu Tian looked at the diary in his hand. These diaries were completely made according to the size of real diaries, except that the words inside were different. After Wu Tian got the diary, he walked to the office nearby.

Sitting down at the table, in order to prevent the uncle from making any omissions, Wu Tian started reading from the beginning. He followed the uncle's instructions and ignored all the content related to the laboratory, leaving only the content that had nothing to do with the laboratory. As a result, Wu Tian read

After that, he kept shaking his head. The content was completely illogical, and the preface and the follow-up did not match up. After checking, he found that among the five diaries, only the fifth diary contained secrets. The secrets did not exist in the first four. Therefore, Wu Tian directly

Put the first four books aside, leaving only the fifth one. While reading, take out a pen and paper and keep copying, summarizing the contents into a notebook. This way, it will be easier for him to check.


Jingyun and Fang Hua came back not long after. They had just returned from eating in the restaurant. They were slightly startled when they saw Wu Tian. Wu Tian did not tell Liu Min. At this time, he was copying something carefully, so

No one knew what he was doing. All they knew was that he took Huo Zhenlin's diary and kept copying it.

Copying Professor Huo's diary? What's so easy to copy? If you want, there are several versions, both electronic and printed. Why do you want to copy by hand? Is it just a matter of wanting to copy it?

Remember the contents of the diary. A good mind is not as good as a bad pen? But didn’t Uncle Wang Guangzhao hand over all the experimental records of Project X?

Watching Wu Tian copying seriously and crazily, although everyone had questions in their minds, no one bothered him. They all wanted to ask Wu Tian after he finished writing.

This wait lasted almost all night. Wu Tian wrote until four in the morning before putting down the pen in his hand. By this time, he had already written a thick book, at least tens of thousands of words.

In fact, Wu Tian could write faster, but he was copying and thinking at the same time. Sometimes he would be in a daze for several minutes, and sometimes he would look at the diary and giggle like a madman.

Wu Tian opened his arms and stretched, but his eyes still stayed on the diary and never left. Jingyun and Fang Hua had already taken a short nap. When they saw Wu Tian finally moving, they walked over

Next to Wu Tian, ​​he asked, "What are you copying?"

"Professor Huo's diary." Wu Tian said after hearing it.

"I know. What I want to ask is, why did you remember to copy Professor Huo's diary?" Fang Hua then asked.

After hearing this, Wu Tian turned his head and looked at Fang Hua and Jingyun, then smiled and said, "Because there is a very big secret here."

"Hmm? Secret?" The two women were stunned after hearing this. Fang Hua asked with a smile, "Haven't we read these diaries before? What secrets could there be?" Jingyun was also looking at it in confusion.

Wu Tian and Fang Hua also asked about her doubts. In fact, many people have read Professor Huo's diary, but no one has ever heard of anyone finding any secrets in Professor Huo's diary. But last night's performance,

It seems as if something has been discovered. What is the secret that makes Wu Tian seem possessed?

Hearing Fang Hua's words, Wu Tian laughed, turned to look at Liu Min on the other side, and asked, "Hey, you didn't find anything?"

Liu Min shook her head. Although she didn't ask, she had the same question in her mind. You know, she is engaged in intelligence, and it is her job to discover secrets. If the secret is right in front of her and she cannot find it, then it is her fault.

of dereliction of duty.

Seeing that such smart women as Fang Hua, Jingyun and Liu Min did not see the secret in the fifth diary, Wu Tian raised his head and laughed. What does this mean? This shows that Professor Huo's method of hiding secrets is very clever, and

It was so successful that even professionals didn't find any problems.

Perhaps, only someone like Uncle Wang Guangzhao in this world who understands Professor Huo and Project

"Actually, the content in this fifth diary... is false." Wu Tian said with a smile. Since there were no outsiders in the house, even if he knew about it, it would not be spread out, so Wu Tian told the story.


"False?" After hearing Wu Tian's words, the three women were stunned. No, everyone in the room was stunned, including the people who were on duty. After hearing Wu Tian's words,

.They all turned their heads to look at him, with surprised expressions on their faces.

"No, wasn't the content here secretly filmed by us? How could it be fake?" Liu Min asked doubtfully.

"Could it be that we were tricked by Zhuo Wenjun?" Fang Hua frowned.

You must know that Wu Tian and Liu Min personally sneaked into Zhuo Wenjun's office to secretly photograph the diary. They spent a lot of effort on it. They definitely would not have swapped it out midway, and the computer still contains the photos taken at that time.

What about the pictures? If the diary is fake, then there is only one possibility. Zhuo Wenjun hid the fifth real diary and mixed it with a fake one.

"Didn't Zhuo Wenjun give you all five diaries? How dare she lie to you?" Jingyun's face was also full of confusion.

"You have misunderstood me." Wu Tian said with a smile, "The diary we secretly photographed is indeed a real diary, and the diary Zhuo Wenjun sent me is also a real diary. What I mean is that the diary is real, but the content is false.


"Is the diary true, but the content is false?" After hearing Wu Tian's words, everyone present was confused. Since the diary is true, how could the content be false?

"Oh, I see. Are you saying that the content inside was added by others later?" Fang Hua asked with his eyes wide open.

"Wrong!" Wu Tian said, "The diary is Professor Huo's diary, and the content is also written by Professor Huo. But who stipulates that what Professor Huo writes cannot be false?"

Everyone was stunned and finally understood what Wu Tian meant. Is there such a thing? It is really unseen and unheard of.

"Wu Tian. You are not mistaken, are you? Why did Professor Huo make up a diary? Could it be that Professor Huo was just like primary school students writing their summer homework? He waited until the last day of vacation and made up all the diaries left by the teacher in one day.

Make it up? But what's the point of this? Isn't it possible that someone else is checking Professor Huo's diary...?" At this point, Fang Hua was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then Jingyun and Liu Min on the side were also stunned for a moment, followed by the three

The women looked at each other, as if they had thought of something, and their faces showed expressions of sudden realization.

"Could it be that Professor Huo already knew that someone would read his diary, so he deliberately set a trap at the end of the diary?" Liu Min looked at Wu Tian and asked.

"You are only half right." Seeing everyone looking at him, waiting for his final answer, Wu Tian said, "The content of Professor Huo's diary is actually only half of it, and the remaining half is

It's what he really wants to record. However, these things are scattered. Only by finding the mistakes and piecing the rest together can we get the final answer. Of course, people who don't know him will never find it.

This matter was discovered accidentally by Uncle Wang Guangzhao."

"So that's it." Everyone finally understood what was going on. No one thought that Professor Huo would actually set a trap in his diary. It felt like an acrostic poem. Reading it in order has one meaning, but

This is not his original intention, but what he really means is to read it in other ways.

"Is this the only one? Are there any secrets hidden in the other books?" Liu Min asked.

"According to Uncle Wang Guangzhao, only the time and content of the last book do not match up, and he has read all the contents in it, and there is no problem, so this should be the only one," Wu Tian told Liu Min.

He said, then stood up from the chair, "Okay, the decryption time is over. I'm going to uncle's office to read the remaining experimental records. If there is anything from uncle, please inform me immediately. I guess

, He won't be able to bear it for a few days in the hospital." After saying that, Wu Tian took the contents of the diary he had just copied and left the Intelligence Department.

Although he had been writing all night, he did not feel sleepy at all, and his eyes were full of excitement. This should be regarded as an occupational disease. When you encounter something you are interested in, you will not feel tired even if you don't rest. This is why some

The reason why people stay up late working, even if they have dark circles under their eyes, are still energetic. Because they like it, they love it, and they can get what they want from this activity. As long as the spirit is strong, fatigue can sometimes be overcome.

When he came to the uncle's office, Wu Tian put away the diary, then took the experiment record and read it. Although he had not read even one-tenth of it now, he decided that he must read it in half a month, that is,

Before the uncle is discharged from the hospital, he should read all the experimental records. At that time, he and the uncle can continue to study together.

After Wu Tian left, Liu Min looked at the five diaries that Wu Tian had thrown on the table, walked over, took them in his hands, and started reading them carefully.

She is in charge of intelligence collection. She didn't discover such important information hidden in the diary? Dereliction of duty, absolute dereliction of duty. Although Wu Tian has just said it, only people who know Professor Huo Zhenlin very well will know the errors and secrets in the diary.

.But she will not find excuses for her dereliction of duty. She is a soldier, so she has very strict requirements for herself and her tasks.

Just imagine, if this was on the battlefield, and she did not obtain real information from the diary, it would very likely lead to the failure of a war, and who knows how many people would be killed or injured by then. When her superiors finally questioned her, would she have to say,

She didn't understand the enemy's situation, so she didn't analyze it? This is not an explanation or a reason. This is a shirking of responsibility. Since she is responsible for this work, she must not miss any useful information. If she can simply do it

If someone can read the true content above, it will no longer be a secret, but a love letter. After all, her mission is to find out the truest content hidden in these complex and tempting traps.

Therefore, although Wu Tian gave her a reason to "exonerate", she herself was full of self-blame. She believed that Wu Tian trusted her and entrusted her with such an important job, but she made such a major mistake.

You know, this is not the first time. Last time, because of her mistake, R&D team member Ye Shanshan and Ye Shanshan's mother were almost killed. As a result, today, the secret hidden in the diary was not discovered again...!

Liu Min read the diary again, and she suddenly discovered that with Wu Tian's very limited prompts, she was actually able to find errors in the diary. This error was mainly due to the incorrect date and content of the diary. She once said to Huo Zhenlin

The professor had investigated the matter with Wanqing Pharmaceutical, and had some understanding of the time when Project


Why? Why didn't I find such an obvious error before? And I was able to find the error only when someone prompted me?

Is it because I was so happy to get Professor Huo Zhenlin's diary that I became careless? Is it because I was sure that the diary was indeed written by Professor Huo Zhenlin, but I didn't think about whether the content in it was true or false, and whether there were other hidden contents

Woolen cloth?

If you have to find the answer every time with a reminder, then what's the use of her? Who can't find it with a prompt?

Her job is to find information in things that no one else can find. This is also the meaning of her existence. But what about now?

As for the content hidden in the diary, after combining the errors discovered before and making some deletions, it was finally pieced together.

Since she was the head of the Intelligence Department, in order to let her know the importance of intelligence, Wu Tian deliberately gave her some information on Project A, and even gave her some anti-cancer information.

In the process of collecting information on Project

She understood something. But this did not make her happy, but made her even more angry with herself.

The more errors and contents hidden in the diary, the more mistakes she made in her work. The errors were not discovered, and the hidden contents were not discovered. These are two major mistakes.

Liu Min held the diary tightly, her hands were trembling, and her eyes were burning.

At this time, Jingyun came to her side and reached out to hold Liu Min's trembling hands. Liu Min seemed not to feel it, her eyes were still staring at the diary.

"Liu Min." Jingyun saw what Liu Min was thinking, so An asked, "No one would think of such a thing, so you don't have to blame yourself."

Liu Min froze for a moment, then slowly turned his head to look at Jingyun, then shook his head vigorously and said, "No! I failed to find out its mistakes and hidden secrets. This is my dereliction of duty.


"Believe me, this is definitely not your dereliction of duty. You have so many things to do every day, and it is inevitable that you will make omissions. This is normal. If you blame yourself, then Fang Hua, I, and everyone will

You have to blame yourself. After all, you are not the only one who has read the diary, we also did not find any mistakes in it." Jingyun continued.

"But I am the person in charge. Since I am the person in charge here, then I have to be responsible for everything here."

"We all see your work performance. If it weren't for you, this intelligence department wouldn't be able to operate at all, and Wu Tian wouldn't have collected such good intelligence. Therefore, you have made a contribution to Tianzheng Pharmaceutical."

"The merits and demerits cannot be offset. Besides, in my opinion, it is my duty to do a good job. If there is a mistake at work, it is my responsibility."

Jingyun wanted to say something else, but Liu Min reached out to stop him.

"You don't need to say anything, I know what I should do in the future!" Liu Min said to Jingyun, then took the diary and continued reading. (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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