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Chapter three hundred and sixty fifth priceless treasure

Wu Tian and Wang Guangzhao came to the conference room. The people who were discussing the problem immediately became quiet after seeing the two people and looked at Wu Tian strangely. You know, although Wu Tian has no concept of time when working, but when he has something

When things happen, they are usually very punctual. Everyone is a member of the research and development team of Project A. Over the years, from Shengtian Pharmaceutical to the current Tianzheng Pharmaceutical, "Tiantian Book Bar" has been added to the conference meetings fifty or sixty times, but

Wu Tian has never been late once. But today...is there anything particularly important happening?

As soon as Wu Tian entered the door, he uncontrollably fixed his eyes on Liu Sheng and Zhao Chengguo. Wu Tian was very angry about the leak of project secrets. It was not that he had not given them a chance, and more than once, but

The two of them challenged his bottom line again and again. Although the two of them did so after being threatened, after so many years together, what was there that they couldn't tell him and solve together? They had to go to the end

This step of betrayal? What made Wu Tian most angry was that they actually accepted the money given to them by the female public relations manager of the southern pharmaceutical company. This was also the most annoying part of the whole thing for Wu Tian.

Perhaps feeling the coldness and anger in Wu Tian's sharp eyes, Liu Sheng and Zhao Chengguo shuddered unconsciously after the contact. They felt very cold, as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and at the same time they also

They were all startled and quickly lowered their heads.

As the saying goes, a thief has a guilty conscience. Before the meeting, they were still taking pictures of documents with their mobile phones, but now they met Wu Tian's cold eyes. So you can imagine how scared the two of them are now, their hearts are beating fast, and they want to burst out of their throats.

Coming out of it, they were afraid that what they had done would be exposed. Or, they had already felt it, so they felt shameless to face Wu Tian.

After sitting down, Wu Tian's expression softened. After sorting out his mood, a smile appeared on his face. Now he had to face not only Liu Sheng and Zhao Chengguo, but also other companions, Luo Hong and Liu Shanshan.

, Liu Xiaofeng and others. Seeing that they withstood the temptation and did not betray him, Wu Tian felt much better.

"It's been a month since I came back during the National Day, right? Has anyone made any progress?" Wu Tian asked with a smile.

Hearing Wu Tian's words, everyone present laughed bitterly. If there was progress, there would be no need for everyone to grimace. It was like constipation. Instead, they should gather together to have a big meal.

"Boss, don't mention it. I've done a synthesis experiment one hundred and sixty-two times and still haven't succeeded. I'm almost losing confidence." Zhao Wenjie said first.

"Only a hundred or dozens of times?" Liu Shanshan said indifferently after hearing this, "Brother Tian, ​​Sister Hong and I have conducted experiments three hundred and twelve times, and the results are still nothing. But don't we have to continue the experiments?"

"This is normal." Luo Hong said after hearing this. "After all, the project has reached the middle stage and will become more and more difficult in the future. Moreover, the topic we are studying now is a common problem in the world of medicine. There is no

For reference, we can only study based on our previous accumulation, so it is normal that three hundred experiments have no results. If the conclusion can be drawn so easily, I am afraid it will not be our turn." Luo Hong is still relatively optimistic,

Maybe she has a lot of experience, so three hundred experiments are nothing to her.

"Yes, scientific research itself is an accumulation process, so it is normal for hundreds or even thousands of experiments to fail. But when we accumulate to a certain level, quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes."

Wang Guangzhao said with a smile after hearing this. He had lived a very fulfilling life after coming out of the hospital. He was in a very good mood because he found the secrets from Professor Huo Zhenlin's diary and obtained some research results.

, it seems that I have returned to the way I was when I worked with teachers, and I am very excited every day at work. Especially now that I work with young people, I feel that I have become younger.

"Yes, without quantitative change, there can be no qualitative change. Everything accumulates slowly, so there is no rush. It's just that I conquered several topics in a row a while ago, but now there is no progress in a month, and I feel so disappointed.

A bit big." Feng Dali said, and his words basically represented the thoughts of everyone present.

It's like playing a game. It went smoothly at the beginning and passed several levels. Then suddenly I encountered a boss. After playing for a long time, I still didn't kill it. I couldn't help but feel a little depressed and impatient.

Wu Tian looked around and saw that everyone meant this, so he smiled and said, "I know that everyone has encountered some problems and is feeling very depressed, so I brought everyone together today just to give you something.

, I hope it can be helpful to you." After saying that, Wu Tian patted the pile of newly printed things in front of him, then stood up, and explained while posting, "This is Professor Wang and I.

Recently, according to Plan

Research and accumulation will allow you to clarify the future direction of Project A. You can use this information as a reference or as a learning material. I hope it will be useful to you." Wu Tian posted in a circle, and everyone present, including Liu

Sheng and Zhao Chengguo.

The information is very thick. Although it is single-sided, it has more than a hundred pages. It will take a long time to read it all. But as the saying goes, sharpening the knife will not waste time cutting wood. If

If you can sharpen your knife faster, you will have less effort when chopping firewood and get twice the result with half the effort. This is why Wu Tian will read it as soon as possible after getting the information. He is a

As the leader of the project R&D team, he controls the direction of Project A, so he must enrich himself at all times. The more he knows, the clearer the future direction of Project A will be.

After hearing Wu Tian's words and getting the information, everyone looked at it in unison.

Everyone knows what Project

After taking out some information about Project


The effect is very obvious. After reading a few lines of words, everyone no longer wants to put down the information in their hands, because the content written in the information has deeply attracted them. After reading it, they want to continue reading. There is a kind of

The feeling of being unable to stop is like taking a drug, and you become addicted all of a sudden.

Among the people here, we cannot say that everyone is a workaholic, but everyone loves this job. They regard this job as a career, or even an ideal. They have regarded Project A as everything to them, otherwise they would not live here forever.

Laboratory, not even home.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Wu Tian was very satisfied. He did not speak at this time, but deliberately gave everyone some time so that they could understand this information and its importance to them. In this way, in

Only after they return can they take a serious look.

What we want is this kind of effect that can shock them.

Otherwise, they would not take Uncle Wang Guangzhao seriously. After all, in the whole group, only Uncle Wang Guangzhao joined later, and they usually do their own experiments and cannot get to know each other together. Their attitude towards the uncle is also very cold. And this

Once, it is an opportunity for members to truly understand Uncle Wang Guangzhao. Let them see the uncle's knowledge, so that they can be convinced and accept the uncle. Distributing this information can be said to be a move that kills two birds with one stone.

After about ten minutes, everyone was still immersed in the information they saw.

"Wu Tian, ​​there is a question that has been in my mind for a long time. I don't know if I should ask it?" Luo Hong hesitated for a while, then looked at Wu Tian and asked.

"Senior sister, why are you being polite to me? Just ask." Wu Tian said with a smile.

"Where did you get the information about Project X?" Luo Hong asked, but she also knew that her question might involve some unknown secrets, so after she said it, she added, "

If it involves confidentiality, you don’t have to say it.”

"Why do you think of asking this?" Wu Tian asked.

"During the National Day holiday, I returned to school and saw teachers and some experts. At that time, they were holding a symposium on anti-cancer research in the school. Some R&D personnel from other pharmaceutical companies were also present. During the break,

I heard some people talking about Project X, so I went over to listen. They said that Professor Huo Zhenlin’s Project

, it means very important. But the implication is that no one has found the experimental records of Project

It was precisely because of this incident that she was very curious about what Wu Tian had just said, "The information was compiled according to Project X." Because the entire medical community knew that the experimental records of Project

People found it. The reason why Luo Hong asked Wu Tian about the source of Project

Wu Tian is a smart man. He knows exactly what Luo Hong means. Luo Hong asks this for his own good, but it also reflects the old team members' temporary distrust of the new team member Wang Guangzhao from another perspective. Although

The content in the information is indeed very novel and has brought them some new ideas, but who can guarantee that it will not be mixed with other things that may mislead Project A?

Fake things should not be too fake. If they are too fake, they will be easily recognized by others, especially if they are used to deceive people. But if you use the method of nine percent truth and one percent fake, few people will be able to detect it.

.However, scientific research is a very rigorous thing. Even if it only accounts for 1%, even if 0.1% of it is false, it will affect the final result of the project.

After hearing Luo Hong's words, everyone else also raised their heads and shifted their eyes from the information. They looked at Wang Guangzhao and then at Wu Tian, ​​waiting for Wu Tian's answer. They were also very concerned about this matter.

Wu Tian smiled after hearing this. In order to keep it confidential, when he introduced Uncle Wang Guangzhao, he only said that he was an expert in the field of anti-cancer research in China and did not give a detailed introduction. This also caused the misunderstanding today. It was because everyone did not

One of the reasons for accepting Wang Guangzhao. It seems that today is the time to introduce it.

Wu Tian looked at Uncle Wang Guangzhao and asked him with his eyes. Wang Guangzhao understood what Wu Tian meant, so he nodded. He didn't care that his identity would be exposed. Since he was back, he was not afraid of others knowing, not to mention that Wu Tian was backstage.

.And the reason why it was kept secret before was also Wu Tian’s intention.

With his uncle's permission, Wu Tian turned to look at everyone and said with a smile, "Okay, since the senior sister asked, I will tell you. First, let me introduce some new things." As he said that, Wu Tian stretched out his hand and pointed to Wang Guangzhao who was aside.

The uncle said, "Wang Guangzhao, this is his name, he is a famous expert in anti-cancer research in China. I have already said this, I believe everyone knows it. And his other identity is that of Professor Huo Zhenlin's student, x

One of the initiators of the plan. This information was compiled by him. I have read it and it is really helpful. Now, do you have any questions?"

Hearing Wu Tian's introduction, everyone present was stunned. Professor Huo Zhenlin's student? One of the initiators of the x project? The weight of these two titles is too heavy. You know, with the death of Professor Huo Zhenlin, x

The plan was forced to terminate. The original Project

They were the top scientists of that era, and they were all very awesome people.

The most widely circulated version in recent years is that several large companies hired those team members into their own companies with high salaries, but few people know who these people are and which company they belong to. Everything about Project

Like Professor Huo Zhenlin, he is very mysterious. And now, Professor Huo Zhenlin's student, one of the initiators of Project X, is sitting in front of them. Can you not be surprised?

"Who else has questions?" Wu Tian asked with a smile.

"No more." Luo Hong said after hearing this, then stood up and said respectfully to Wang Guangzhao, "I heard your name from the teacher, but the teacher said that person had disappeared for many years. I thought it was just the same name.

I thought it was really you."

"Oh? Who is your teacher?" Wang Guangzhao looked at Luo Hong suspiciously. After many years of seclusion, not many people knew him now, and even fewer remembered him.

"Shao Yiwen is also my teacher." Wu Tian said before Luo Hong could.

"Shao Yiwen?" Wang Guangzhao was slightly startled after hearing this, and then said with a smile, "I know that she is also a student of Teacher Huo. She should be two years younger than me. I met her when I was a teaching assistant for the teacher. She always

She wears a ponytail, sways from side to side when she walks, and her academic performance is always among the best. She is now a teacher?"

"Well, he is the department head of my alma mater."

"I didn't expect that she would still remember me. She meant it." Wang Guangzhao smiled and said nothing more. He sat there quietly, as if he was caught up in a meeting about the past. At his age, this is what he usually likes to do most.

, is to recall the past. Not only because those memories are very beautiful and unforgettable, but also because at that time, he was still young. Just like Wu Tian, ​​Luo Hong and others here.

Now I finally know that the new member of the R&D team is such an awesome person, and everyone is excited. With such a person helping out, the success of Project A is just around the corner.

"Professor Wang, can we ask you questions in the future?" Guan Xiaoyu asked weakly. She is the youngest among them and knows very little, so she is very concerned about this issue. After all, the other party has great cards.

"Of course you can. If you have any questions, you can come to me in the office." Wang Guangzhao said after hearing this, "We are colleagues now, we are all our own people, and I am also a member of the research and development team of Project A, so don't let anyone see me outside." He said.

He also wants to have a good relationship with other people in the R&D team. After all, research is not just one person’s business. He is also very happy to teach young people what he knows. After all, the future belongs to these young people. If I can help

If the country cultivates a few talents, their lives can be considered relatively perfect.

"Yeah, that's great!" Guan Xiaoyu exclaimed excitedly.

"Don't be too happy." Wu Tian looked at Guan Xiaoyu and said, "We have agreed in advance that if Professor Wang is in the office, everyone can ask, and if there is research in the laboratory, no interruption is allowed. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, Brother Tian, ​​I understand this." Guan Xiao said after hearing this.

Everyone is engaged in scientific research, so they know the rules.

"That's it for today's meeting. Let's take the materials back and read them. After reading them, list down the things you don't understand. In a few days, I will find a day for Professor Wang to answer them for you." Wu Tian said

, the content in the information is very profound, and even Wu Tian himself does not understand many things, so answers are necessary. Otherwise, I don’t know how long it will take to understand all the content.

Hearing Wu Tian's announcement that the meeting was over, everyone stood up, took the materials and walked out. The most urgent thing they wanted to do now was to return to the office to read the materials. From the limited few minutes just now, they had already seen from it

Many things, and the exposure of Wang Guangzhao's identity made them show weakness for this information. Because maybe, these information are the things Professor Huo Zhenlin passed on to Wang Guangzhao back then.

Huo Zhenlin, that is a legendary figure.

Just as everyone was walking out, Wu Tian, ​​who was still sitting, suddenly spoke.

"Liu Sheng, Zhao Chengguo, you two stay, I have something to ask you." (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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