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Chapter 371 Infernal Affairs

In Wu Tian's heart, Zhuo Wenjun is no longer the goddess she was before. In his view, Zhuo Wenjun is now like an angel who has fallen into the mortal world, but with broken wings. She has the face of an angel, but no longer

She could no longer fly, and her status in Wu Tian's heart plummeted to the bottom. Treating her as a servant girl was already a great compliment to her, which at least meant that he still wanted to use her. With Wu Tian's identity and

Background, it is an honor to be used by him. There are many people outside hoping to be used by him. It would be really pitiful if she could not even be used. If that time comes, Zhuo Wenjun will only

I can be his sex slave.

After Zhuo Wenjun learned that Wu Tian was going to rob someone, she stood at the door and was angry with Wu Tian. It was rare for her to show her inner thoughts on her face. It wasn't that she couldn't disguise it, but that she wanted Wu Tian to know.

, she is very angry and unhappy now, hoping that this will make Wu Tian notice her existence, take her thoughts into consideration, and restrain his behavior.

But who is Wu Tian? He would restrain himself because she was angry? Just kidding. Wu Tian didn't take her seriously at all.

Faced with Wu Tian's instructions, Zhuo Wenjun had to do it. They were now in a superior-subordinate relationship, rather than standing on the same level, so in the end Zhuo Wenjun could only reluctantly accept the information handed over by Wu Tian.

, looked at the people above, and then walked into one of the laboratories.

'No! We must not let her succeed!'

Zhuo Wenjun rolled his eyes and had an idea in his mind. She turned her back to Wu Tian and called the name of the person on the document. Then, taking advantage of the opportunity that Wu Tian could not see her expression, she opened her mouth and whispered to the person opposite.

, "Don't listen to him." Her voice was so low that if you didn't pay attention, even the person on the other side wouldn't be able to hear it. It would feel like a mosquito buzzing. Then she said loudly, "Zhu Guangyuan, go outside.

Now, Mr. Wu wants to ask you a few questions." After saying that, he looked at Wu Tian outside the glass wall.

The person who was called was stunned when he heard it, looked at Zhuo Wenjun, then looked at Wu Tian outside, and then walked out. However, he was still thinking about what the general manager had whispered before. This was an act.

Where did it come from?

Wu Tian looked at the middle-aged man who walked in front of him, then looked at him and asked, "What do you think of Donghua Pharmaceutical?"

"Very good." Zhu Guangyuan said after hearing this. The boss is right behind him, does he dare to say something bad? Besides, Donghua Pharmaceutical is really good. Whether it is the working environment or the treatment, it is ranked first in the same industry.

. And it also received the attention of the general manager to conduct research on Plan X. This is a big research and big plan that everyone in this industry dreams of.

"Well, I think Donghua Pharmaceutical is pretty good," Wu Tian said with a smile.

Zhu Guangyuan was stunned when he heard this. He remembered that the general manager had whispered to him just now, asking him not to listen to this man. But this man now said that Donghua Pharmaceutical was very good. Should he agree or deny it? If he agrees,

It goes against the general manager's intention. If it is negative, it goes against my previous answer. This is really difficult to answer.

Zhuo Wenjun looked at Wu Tian in confusion. She thought Wu Tian would ask a few professional questions, and then directly ask him to join his Tianzheng Pharmaceutical. This was also the reason why she did not let her subordinates listen to Wu Tian. But Wu Tian

What Tian is asking now, does it have anything to do with joining Tianzheng Pharmaceutical?

Just when Zhuo Wenjun was confused, Wu Tian asked again.

"What do you think of Plan X? I want to hear the truth." Wu Tian looked at Zhu Guangyuan and asked.

Zhu Guangyuan thought for a while and then replied. "This is a very great plan. If it succeeds, it will surely set off an anti-cancer revolution around the world. From then on, cancer will not be so scary. However, this plan is too complicated.

, is too huge. If we want to complete it, based on our current understanding of fighting cancer, it may take a long, long time, more than ten years, decades? Or even longer. Unfortunately, we have too little information about Plan X. If there is Plan

Experimental records, I think this time will be greatly shortened."

"The experimental records of Project X are here with me." Wu Tian said with a smile.

"Ah?" Zhu Guangyuan was surprised when he heard this. As an old man in this industry, he had heard some things about Project X. Didn't it mean that the experimental records of Project X are still missing? How could this man have it? No

Could it be a lie? How come you haven’t heard from the general manager about such a big thing?

"Want to see it?" Wu Tian asked.

"Well, I want to see it." Zhu Guangyuan nodded heavily. Since the establishment of this research and development team, he has been studying the

They need to do their own research and spend a lot of time on it. If there are experimental records, it will be different. In one month, they will know things that they may not even know in a lifetime. This is very big for them as researchers.


"Then come to my R&D team. It has the best working environment and the best team partners. Moreover, our project has reached the middle stage and is developing into the mid-to-late stage. It is very leading." Wu Tian

He reached out and patted the other person's shoulder, and said seductively, "Do you want to go down in history? Tianzheng Pharmaceutical is your best choice."

Zhuo Wenjun looked at Wu Tian blankly. It turned out that the other party was waiting for Zhu Guangyuan here. Why did it look like direct sales on TV?

Zhu Guangyuan is one of the people in charge here. If he is poached away from Wu Tian, ​​he will lose a leader, and the loss will be considerable. But how many people can refuse the temptation Wu Tian said?

Hearing Wu Tian's words, Zhu Guangyuan was stunned. What the other person said was indeed very tempting, and it did make his heart move. But, isn't it a bit too much to poach people in front of the general manager? Zhu Guangyuan looked back.

Looking at the general manager behind him, he seemed to not understand why he would bring such a person here.

Zhuo Wenjun looked helpless, but he was very happy that Zhu Guangyuan did not agree to Wu Tian immediately, but turned around to ask her.

"Don't look at her." Wu Tian said to Zhu Guangyuan at this time, "She is just the general manager, I am the boss of this company. Zhu Guangyuan, in the name of the boss, I formally inform you that due to work needs, you are now from

Donghua Pharmaceutical R&D Department, transferred to Tianzheng Pharmaceutical R&D Department, effective immediately. Now go back and pack your things. Report to Tianzheng Pharmaceutical tomorrow."

"Ah?" Zhu Guangyuan was stunned after hearing this. He didn't submit a resume himself. Why was he transferred from Donghua Pharmaceutical to Tianzheng Pharmaceutical? Did he change companies? Also, the boss of Donghua Pharmaceutical is not the Zhuo family, the father of the general manager.

Is it possible? Why did he suddenly become the young man in front of me?

Zhu Guangyuan looked at General Manager Zhuo Wenjun again, waiting for the other party's answer. As a veteran of Donghua Pharmaceutical, someone who worked hard with Zhuo Jiacheng, he would not leave here if the Zhuo family did not speak out.

Zhuo Wenjun showed a troubled expression. Wu Tian gave her a difficult problem. This man's eyes were really tricky. He was ready to take away the core personnel from the beginning. She didn't know what was in the information in Wu Tian's hand.

Who, if she takes the others away, then her plan will be completely ruined.

If Wu Tian couldn't be stopped from robbing people, there was only one other way.


Yes, let these researchers go to Tianzheng Pharmaceutical to work as undercover agents. While helping Wu Tian with his research, he will send the information about Project A and Project

As long as these people follow Wu Tian's experiment, they can still continue the research. Then use this time to find a new group of people to fill the vacancies for the plan, and there should be a chance of success.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Wenjun's angry mood became better, but his face remained calm, pretending to be helpless, and said to Zhu Guangyuan. "Yes, what he said is right, now the boss of Donghua Pharmaceutical

It's him. From now on, you can just go to work at Tianzheng Pharmaceutical. In Donghua and Tianzheng, it's the same, they all work for the company."

Zhu Guangyuan was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses. Although he didn't know how Donghua Pharmaceutical became the young man in front of him, Zhuo Wenjun's words were absolutely correct. After all, Zhuo Jiacheng only had one daughter, Zhuo Wenjun.

Now that Jiacheng has fully withdrawn from Donghua Pharmaceutical, Zhuo Wenjun's words represent Zhuo Jiacheng's words.

"I understand." Zhu Guangyuan sighed. He did not expect that the company he had worked hard with Zhuo Jiacheng would now change his surname. As an old minister, his heart was filled with emotion.

"Don't sigh. I believe it won't be long before you feel how lucky you are." Wu Tian said to Zhu Guangyuan, and then took out another copy of the information in his hand and handed it to Zhuo Wenjun, "Next one."

Zhuo Wenjun took the information and looked at it. Wang Ankang is another core member and one of the people in charge here.

Although Zhuo Wenjun had already thought of countermeasures to Wu Tian's robbing people, and even planned to use chickens to lay eggs. But when he saw that Wu Tian had found a core from the numerous information, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

Depressed, she finally found Wang Ankang. But this time, she didn't play the little tricks she did before. Since she had decided to treat these people as spies, she would wait for Wu Tian to leave and give the people who were leaving a chance.

Yes, tell her her plan.

Zhuo Wenjun suddenly discovered that it was good for her that the cores were poached by Wu Tian. These cores were all veteran officials of Donghua Pharmaceutical and were particularly loyal to Donghua Pharmaceutical. Even if Wu Tian got their people, he would still have to

This gave her a good opportunity to fight back. She could take advantage of these people's loyalty to Donghua Pharmaceutical and ask them to report the situation of Tianzheng Pharmaceutical to her. This would prevent her from completely destroying Tianzheng Pharmaceutical not long ago.

The betrayal of Donghua Pharmaceutical.

Wu Tian spent an hour reading all fifteen people. After careful selection, he finally selected six people. In fact, Wu Tian already had an idea in his mind about who to choose when he was observing in the laboratory.

The answer is that I didn’t know much about these people at the time, so I asked Zhuo Wenjun for information.

For those people he likes, after calling them out, he will offer various temptations. As a researcher, he knows very well what these people need. At the same time, he also lets them know that Donghua Pharmaceutical

The change of ownership caused the other party to end his nostalgia for Donghua.

As for the remaining people, Wu Tian usually asked some questions about anti-cancer and Plan

Six people were already a lot for Wu Tian. He originally planned to borrow only two or three from Zhuo Wenjun. If he didn't meet the requirements, he would not find any. But he didn't expect that Zhuo Wenjun was secretly hiding it. Not only did he have

There are so many talents in the advanced laboratory, which is simply a talent pool, so in the end, as many as six were selected.

This number was also far beyond Zhuo Wenjun's expectations. After constantly helping Wu Tian call people out, she thought Wu Tian would take all these dozen people away, but she didn't expect that some would be left for her. But she

But he couldn't be happy, because the six people transferred by Wu Tian were all talented people with a hundred talents. Some were the leaders of the laboratory, and some were the core figures of the plan. Although the six people did not seem to be many, they were very important to the experiment.

research, but it has a very large impact.

If she hadn't planned to play with Infernal Affairs, she might have fought Wu Tian to the death.

"I want these six people." Wu Tian returned the files of the last few people to Zhuo Wenjun and said, "Let them quickly hand over the work at hand tonight. They must report to my company tomorrow. Understood.


"I understand." Zhuo Wenjun said with a very reluctant expression.

"Just understand. Remember, don't play any tricks with me. Otherwise, I will take off your skirt and spank you." After saying that, Wu Tian walked out in a big way.

Zhuo Wenjun walked in front of Wu Tian and led the way for Wu Tian. It was not because she was polite. It was because she was worried that Wu Tian was walking around in the company. If someone else caught his eye, wouldn't she still suffer a loss?


It wasn't until Wu Tian was sent out of Donghua Building that she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. When Wu Tian disappeared at the end of the street, Zhuo Wenjun immediately walked into the door and came to the laboratory, leaving the man who was favored by Wu Tian alone.

After gathering them together, she would hold a meeting for these people. In addition to giving these people a reasonable explanation, she would also assign tasks to these people.

"You also saw that person just now. Maybe some of you have heard of him. Yes, he is Wu Tian, ​​the boss of Tianzheng Pharmaceutical." Zhuo Wenjun looked at the six people and said, "He was here just now, and there are some words that are inconvenient for me.

He said, now I want to clarify for everyone, Donghua Pharmaceutical is still Donghua Pharmaceutical, and the chairman is still my father. The reason why I said that just now is entirely because this man has a strong background and I cannot afford to offend him.

I want everyone to know that I have not given up on you, let alone Donghua Pharmaceutical."

After hearing Zhuo Wenjun's words, the faces of several of the people with heavy hearts gradually improved. As old officials of Donghua Pharmaceutical, the last thing they wanted to see was Donghua Pharmaceutical changing hands. I just heard that Donghua Pharmaceutical changed hands.

Boss, I was in a bad mood. Now that I heard what Zhuo Wenjun said, I felt better again and finally understood what was going on.

"Who is he? Even if he has a background, he can't come here to rob people so blatantly, right? Is there any law of heaven? Is there any law of kings?" one of them said angrily.

It’s really unacceptable to work well here, but tomorrow you have to work in another place for no reason. Especially after hearing Zhuo Wenjun’s words, I felt very shameless towards the other party’s robbing behavior.

At the same time, they felt pity for Zhuo Wenjun's experience, which aggravated their desire to not work at Tianzheng Pharmaceutical.

"What does it matter if I have a background? I won't go anywhere tomorrow, I will just come here to work and see what he can do to me. I don't believe that he can still tie me up. Hmph!"

"Yes, we won't go."

Several people expressed their thoughts one after another. No matter how good the conditions there were and how high the salary was, they would never go to Tianzheng Pharmaceutical to work for that evil person. In the eyes of these people, Wu Tian was nothing like the evil person who bullies men and women.

There is a difference. They are all engaged in research, and they all have a bit of a stubborn temper, and when this stubborn temper comes up, they are really not afraid of anything.

This is the art of speaking. Zhuo Wenjun only said a few words and aroused the emotions of these people, completely treating Wu Tian as an enemy. She deliberately emphasized the background in order to stimulate these proud scholars.

Zhuo Wenjun watched all this silently. She was very satisfied with the reaction of these six people. Everyone's attitude was exactly what she wanted. It could be seen that these people were very interested in Donghua and her Zhuo family.

He is very loyal and will not betray easily. In this way, Zhuo Wenjun can implement his plan with confidence.

"I know what everyone is thinking, but his background is so powerful that one sentence will completely shut down Donghua Pharmaceutical, so we have to do what he wants." Zhuo Wenjun looked at the six people in front of him.

Said personally.

Can Donghua be closed down with just one sentence? The background is not that big.

Some people reacted quickly. From Zhuo Wenjun's words, they immediately thought of the situation of Donghua Pharmaceutical these days, and asked, "Mr. Zhuo, are the changes in our Donghua Pharmaceutical this month also related to him?"

"Yes. When Donghua Pharmaceutical was in crisis, he helped me solve the crisis. From then on, he always believed that Donghua Pharmaceutical was his company." Zhuo Wenjun said helplessly, "He

If she can help us solve the crisis, she can bring us a crisis, so it is impossible for us to disobey her orders."

"Are we going to have to endure his unreasonable demands like this?"

"Yes. However, I already have a way to change this relationship, but I need everyone's help." Zhuo Wenjun looked at everyone and said, after her repeated guidance, he finally brought the topic to the topic. If he said

, seems to have some impure motives and is suspected of taking advantage of people. But when others ask, the situation will be different. (To be continued...)

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