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Chapter 455 Not on the Road

In fact, before Gu Yu and Tina came to China, Wu Tian had always believed that the Canadian government or Bombeck would send an older person with high prestige in Canada to contact him to show that they valued him.

, after all, things have developed so far and have affected the Canadian government and the Canadian business community. The appearance of Guyu was enough to surprise him, but now another unexpected person has come, how can he stick to his principles?

He has always been very soft-hearted towards beautiful women. Could it be that Canadians also know how to use honey traps? Isn't this too insidious?

Guyu and Tina walked into the coffee shop. This combination would attract everyone's attention wherever they are placed, a black hole that absorbs light. They have brought super popularity to this cafe. Even after a long time, there will definitely be people who come here to admire it.

Come here just to see the faces of this pair of peerless Chinese and Western talents.

Wu Tian picked up the cup and drank the coffee. He did not stand up to welcome the two women like a gentleman. Instead, he pretended not to see it, in order to cover up his possessiveness towards this Western beauty. To be honest,

It is not that Wu Tian has never seen foreign women, whether they are from Canada, the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, or Argentina, he has seen them all. But I have to say that the one he has to face today is the most beautiful one he has ever seen.

A beautiful Western beauty, her existence conforms to all the fantasies that Eastern men have about Western women.

As a man, who doesn’t want to have a few Western beauties in his favorites?

But appearing at this time is very disadvantageous for Wu Tian, ​​because he wants a lot of things, and in the face of beautiful women, he will be shy and embarrassed to speak.

"Wu Tian, ​​this is my friend Tina, the second largest shareholder of Bombeck Company, and currently the chief operating officer of Bombeck Company." Gu Yu introduced Wu Tian. Then he began to introduce Tina, "Tina

"This is the Mr. Wu I mentioned to you." On the way here, Gu Yu briefly introduced Wu Tian's situation to Tina, so that Tina could understand the importance of meeting Wu Tian this time.

. And told the other party very seriously that as long as this man can be persuaded, whether it is the issue of medicine or the visit of the business delegation, everything will not be a problem. Tina originally did not attach much importance to this meeting, but after hearing her friend

After saying this, she immediately changed her attitude. At the same time, she became curious about the person she was about to meet. What kind of person is he who has such great abilities? Now, she finally saw it. So, her blue eyes kept looking

Looking at Wu Tian's body, he was very direct.

Wu Tian was very surprised after hearing Gu Yu's introduction. The chief operating officer of Pomback? Gu Yu never told him on the phone last night. To become the chief operating officer of a multinational company like Pombeck at such a young age, it seems that

She must have some skills. Beautiful women are not scary, smart beauties are scary.

"Why is the chief operating officer here instead of the CEO or chairman? Are you sure you can take charge of Bombek's matter?" Wu Tian glanced at the Western beauty and asked.

Pomback's chief operating officer is indeed a remarkable figure, but in his opinion, it is not enough for him to stand up and greet him.

"The Board of Directors of Pomback has authorized me as a representative to take full responsibility for handling this matter, so Mr. Wu, please rest assured that I can make the decision." Tina looked at Wu Tian and said.

Wu Tian was slightly startled when he heard this. The woman answered him in Chinese, and it sounded very standard and polished. Sure enough, she had two brushes, which saved Gu Yu time in translating.

"In that case, let's sit down." Wu Tian pointed to the seat opposite. Since he is the person who can take charge, he is qualified to sit here and talk to him. If he can't take the decision, he will let the other party directly

Get lost.

Tina was very dissatisfied with Wu Tian's condescending attitude, but she only felt it in her heart and did not show it on her face. She knew the purpose of her coming to China this time. If she could not influence Pomback and bring trouble to Pombeck,

If the matter is handled well, then her trip to China will be a failure, and she will not be able to return home to explain. And Bombeck's troubles will further expand.

Gu Yu and Tina sat across from Wu Tian. Gu Yu squeezed Tina's hand tightly under the table, telling the other party not to be angry, not to be impulsive, and that everything must focus on the overall situation. As Bombek's chief

Operations Officer, Tina still understood this point, so she shook Gu Yu's hand in return, indicating that she was fine, and then the two women's hands separated.

Guyu ordered two cups of coffee, one for himself and one for Tina. After the waiter left, he said to Wu Tian, ​​"Wu Tian, ​​Tina came here deliberately to meet you this time. It can be seen that Pomback is interested in

I wonder if your attention is considered sincerity?"

"Oh?" After hearing this, Wu Tian looked at the blond beauty sitting opposite him and asked, "Really? Miss Tina? Are you here deliberately for me?"

"Yes." Tina said, "After receiving Gu Yu's call, I immediately came to meet Mr. Wu."

"But why do I feel that Miss Tina's trip to China has another purpose?" Wu Tian said lightly, "I think the most basic principle to express sincerity is to be sincere. If you can't even be sincere,

So, how can I feel the sincerity from Bombeck and Miss Tina?"

Gu Yu and Tina were stunned at the same time, obviously not understanding the meaning of Wu Tian's words.

"I came to China this time just to meet Mr. Wu, and I hope to get Mr. Wu's understanding." Tina looked at the man across from her strangely and asked, "Mr. Wu just met me, how did you know that?

Am I not sincere enough?"

"Miss Tina is really here for me?" Wu Tian asked again.

"Yes." Tina nodded seriously.

"Haha." Wu Tian smiled, lowered his head and drank coffee until he finished the coffee, then stood up and said, "It seems that Miss Tina likes lying very much, and what I don't like the most is talking to female liars.

.So, goodbye." After saying that, Wu Tian was ready to leave.

This sudden move stunned Gu Yu and Tina. They never thought that at the beginning of the meeting, the other party was about to leave without even getting into the main topic. What surprised them most was that they didn't even know

This man was offended.

"Wu Tian." Guyu quickly stood up, stretched out his hand to stop Wu Tian, ​​and said, "Don't be like this! Tina came all the way from Canada to come here, just hoping to reach a reconciliation with you through her sincerity. Even if you are

Even if you take the initiative, you can't make unreasonable troubles. You always say that Bombek lacks sincerity. Tina brought sincerity this time, but what about your sincerity?"

"I have said that the most basic principle of expressing sincerity is to be sincere. This friend of yours is not sincere to me, just like you were to me back then. Do you think it is necessary for me to continue to stay here?" Wu Tian said


"Wu Tian, ​​can you please not let our affairs affect your conversation? If it is really because of me, then I can leave." Gu Yu said.

"I'm not that naive yet." Wu Tian said with a sneer.

"Then you keep saying that Tina is not sincere, you should always give a reason, right?" Gu Yu asked.

"Yes, Mr. Wu." Tina also stood up at this time, looked at Wu Tian and said. "Mr. Wu said that I was not sincere enough. I want to know where did Mr. Wu see my insincerity?"

"It seems that you still don't realize your mistakes. What I hate most is that I have obviously lied to others, but I have to pretend that I really didn't lie to others. I have to wait for others to bring out the evidence before I am willing to bow my head and admit my mistake.

.In China, there is a saying that describes it very aptly, which is: No tears will be shed until the coffin is seen." Wu Tian said lightly, "I didn't want to expose you in person, but since you won't shed tears until you see the coffin, well, I will tell you.

By saying this, I can prove that I, Wu Tian, ​​am not an unreasonable person." After saying that, Wu Tian sat down again.

"Mr. Wu, please speak." Tina and Gu Yu also sat down, looking like they were listening carefully.

"Miss Tina keeps saying that this trip to China is deliberately for me. But as far as I know, the original purpose of Miss Tina's trip to China was to deal with the issue of Bombek drugs being inspected in China.

"I don't know, am I right?" Wu Tian looked at Tina sharply and said, "You said, you came to meet me only after receiving a call from Gu Yu. But as far as I know, in

After Guyu called you, you already purchased a ticket to fly to China. I wonder if this is true?"

Tina trembled and was dumbfounded, even Gu Yu. Because they knew very well that what this man said was not wrong at all. She did buy and fly to China after receiving reports that there was a problem with the medicine in China.

She was preparing to handle the matter, but at that time, Gu Yu had not called her yet. But how did the other party know about all this? Could it be that there was an informant from the other party in Pomback? Impossible. Yesterday, she received the message

When the news about the drug accident came out, she was not at Bombeck Company, but at home. Even the air tickets were purchased directly by her on the phone.

Gradually, Tina looked at Wu Tian with a different look, full of horror and disbelief. The other party actually knew every move she made? If she were in China, she would still deliberately understand everything, after all, it was the other party's territory. But then

But in Canada, which is her territory, how did the other party do it? Could it be that the other party has super powers?

It's terrible.

Wu Tian likes the look in Tina's eyes very much, it's like a mortal looking at a god, and he is now the god in Tina's eyes.

In fact, it is not difficult for him to know these things. He only needs to check Guyu's call records through the communication operator. As for the ticket records, he can also check them through people in Canada. As for why he knows that Tina is

The reason for coming here about medicines is because he asked Liu Min to release this news. All of this was his fault. In this way, Tina was completely passive with him, and he could also start from

Tina gets more of what he wants here. If you don’t want to give it, then there is no need to talk. Who told you to be insincere?

"What, am I right?" Wu Tian looked at Tina and said, and at the same time brought her back to reality from the shock, "If what I said is true, then can I leave now?


After hearing this, Tina stood up immediately and said with a guilty look, "Mr. Wu, I apologize to you for what I just said. But please believe that in the arrangements for my trip to China, the meeting with Mr. Wu is

The most important thing. Otherwise, I would not have met Mr. Wu in the first place." After saying that, he bowed his head and apologized to Wu Tian.

In fact, she didn't mean to deceive Wu Tian. Before coming to China, she did put medicines first. But after meeting Gu Yu and listening to Gu Yu's advice, she changed her mind, so

In her mind, meeting Wu Tian had replaced the previous arrangement of meeting Chinese officials and became the purpose of her visit to China this time and the most important thing.

"I know this. Otherwise I wouldn't meet you." Wu Tian said lightly.

A simple sentence, but Tina was surprised again. It turned out that every move she made was under the control of the other party. She now understood better why Gu Yu asked her to come to see this man first.

"Wu Tian, ​​you can't blame Tina. She didn't fully understand what you meant." Gu Yu said at this time, "She thought you were asking about the most important thing about this trip to China. She didn't know that you were asking her about the first thing she wanted to do.

The purpose of coming to China. This is the difference in language and culture. You should also know that different countries have different understandings of different languages."

Wu Tian did know, so he said to Tina very generously. "In that case, I will give you a chance." He gave the other party a chance, not because of Gu Yu's words, but because he saw that Tina could

Bow down and apologize to him. Pomback's chief operating officer is also a very good figure in Canada and the entire pharmaceutical industry. But such a person who usually stands aloof can now bow his head and admit his mistakes. Such an attitude is very rare.

, Wu Tian likes people who are brave enough to admit mistakes. Who can avoid making a few mistakes in this life? If you know your mistakes, you can correct them, and there is no greater good. Giving the person who made the mistake a chance is also a way to express his broad-mindedness. He wants the other party to know

, He, Wu Tian, ​​is not an unreasonable person.

Wu Tian did not leave, and the expression on his face softened, which made Tina feel a lot more relaxed. She sat down, took a sip of coffee to calm down, then looked at Wu Tian and said, "Mr. Wu, thank you for your forgiveness.

I.Give me a chance to express Bombeck’s sincerity.”

Wu Tian smiled and nodded, and it seemed that he was about to get to the point. To express sincerity, to put it bluntly, it means negotiation, bargaining, and using the minimum sacrifice to obtain Wu Tian's forgiveness. Of course, this is analyzed from Bombeck's perspective.

Everything is for the benefit of the company. No one will share a lot of benefits with the other party at the beginning. Those who do so are not businessmen, but fools.

Using the minimum sacrifice to obtain the maximum benefit, first testing, then bargaining, reaching a price acceptable to both parties, and finally reaching an agreement, this is negotiation.

As the chief operating officer of Pomback, negotiation is a daily routine for Tina. She knows the rules of negotiation and the skills of negotiation, but this time, she does not dare to use the previous method to deal with it. Because of negotiation

Before it even started, she was already in a very passive situation. And through the contact just now, she found that the opponent was completely different from the opponents she had met before. Not only did she play cards unreasonably, but her attitude was also changeable, which made her

She didn't know the other party's weaknesses at all. Others wanted to gain benefits from the negotiation, but this person didn't want to negotiate from the beginning. This attitude also made her very passive.

She only has one chance now, so she must seize it well. If she loses it, she may never get a second chance. Because of this, she knows that using negotiation to solve the problem will not work now. She must find another way and use other methods.



What exactly does he want?

Do you want to test it out?

Will he regard this normal business behavior as a sign of insincerity?

Tina felt very distressed. After all, she was the one asking for help. Once the other person was angry, the purpose of her trip to China would not be achieved. Not only would the medicine issue not be resolved, but even the business delegation would be ruined.

How could there be such a terrible man in the world? Tina thought in her heart that she had always been very confident, but this time, she couldn't be confident because she had just suffered a blow.

"Mr. Wu, please allow me to explain something to you." Tina thought for a while, then looked at Wu Tian and said, "I have learned about Cohen's affairs. Yes, Cohen was indeed sent by Pomback to lead us.

I replied to Mr. Zhou Ke, but only for this matter. Everything that happened after that was Cohen’s decision without permission and had nothing to do with Pomback. I was very angry after hearing this. Not only did he

It has affected Pompek's image and destroyed the friendship between Canada and China. Pompek has made a decision to expel him and take him to court to pursue legal responsibility."

Wu Tian didn't say anything after hearing this. He knew very well what Tina's purpose was in saying this. On the surface, it sounded like the culprit was punished, which was a relief. But in fact, it was to shirk Pomback's responsibility and show that Pombeck had already cooperated with Pombeck.

Cohen drew a clear line. Pomback cannot bear the responsibility for the mistakes Cohen made. Now that those who should be punished have been punished, should we let everything go back to the past and get on the right track?

It is said to be an explanation, but it is actually to clear away responsibility, and it is also a test. If he expresses his views on the matter at this time, then the other party will then appropriately propose some solutions to the matter based on his attitude, and will

The whole matter was brought back to the bargaining table.

But this was not what Wu Tian wanted, so he did not express his opinion, but showed an attitude of 'it has nothing to do with me'. He wanted the other party to know that it was useless to distance himself from responsibility, and it was useless to test.

Sincerity is not expressed in this way.

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