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Chapter 479 The victim of being used?


After hearing her father's words, Gu Yu fell into silence for a moment, because she thought of the businesses run by her family, many of which were due to the relationship between her grandparents and fathers, and she got a lot of benefits from them. For example, some coal mines in the provinces that belong to the Gu family's sphere of influence

, iron ore, etc., these are all benefits that make people drool. When Mr. Gu was here, no one dared to do anything to the Gu family. Even if they had the thief's heart, they didn't have the thief's courage. But it's different now.

The old man of the Gu family is gone, and the big tree that supported the whole family is gone, and there is no one to protect them from the wind and rain. Those who used to be thief-minded but not courageous are now bolder. Although his father is still a high-ranking military official

, but obviously it cannot be protected like grandpa. After all, there are many more powerful families in the capital than the Gu family. When everyone is divided, the Gu family will not even have the ability to resist.

But if my father can rise to the top in this promotion, the situation will be different. A member of the Military Commission is the highest-level person in the military, the chief. People in the military are not easy to mess with, let alone a member of the Military Commission? And what if?

Being promoted means that you can work for a few more years, which buys enough time for the rest of the Gu family to develop. Even if your father retires, with his father's influence in the military for so many years, plus other members of the Gu family,

Everyone has developed, but no one dares to do anything to the Gu family.

This is also the reason why the Gu family must fight for this position for her father at all costs. Even if others are promoted to a higher level, they cannot cover the entire Gu family. Only her father has this ability and has this opportunity.

However, there is one thing that Gu Yu doesn't understand. Since the Gu family has received a lot of benefits over the years, and they probably won't be able to spend them all in this lifetime, why should they still hold on to them? What if they give them to others?

Woolen cloth?

"Dad, our Gu family has made a lot of money over the years, right?" Gu Yu looked at her father and asked. She thought of a saying. It's called Feng Shui. The Gu family's Feng Shui has been improving for decades. Grandpa's

Death is equivalent to the feng shui transferring to another house. This is something that no one can change, so why should we fight? Will the feng shui change back again if we continue to fight? Isn’t that greedy?

"Yes, that's why other people jumped out impatiently soon after your grandfather left. They were ready to take away the interests of our Gu family," Gu Minglin said.

"In that case, let's give it to them." Gu Yu said calmly, "When you are content with what you have, why should you keep occupying it?

"Give it to them?" Gu Minglin frowned after hearing this and said resolutely, "Impossible! That is the foundation of our Gu family. Without those, our Gu family will no longer be able to maintain it."

"There is nothing wrong with retiring and being an ordinary person. My father is a senior military cadre. All the necessities of life after retirement will be taken care of by the state. You don't have to worry about it. As for my second uncle and aunt, they are also senior officials and ordinary people.

Why can't they live a life that they can live? Besides, our living conditions are much better than those of ordinary people, and my cousins ​​have their own businesses, so what are they afraid of?" Gu Yu said seriously, "Dad, I'm working in Canada

In the past few years in the country, although I no longer have the aura of the Gu family, it has made me see a lot of things clearly. In fact, even if we have nothing, we can still live happily...!"

"Are you happy during these five years in Canada?" Gu Minglin suddenly asked about Gu Yu's stay in Canada. However, judging from the strange expression on his face, it was not just a simple inquiry, but he seemed to have something else to say.


As for what Guyu said just now, he did not agree. He thought that the reason why his daughter thought this way was because she was too young and had not experienced the things in the officialdom, so she had such simple thoughts. If she was in

In his position, after experiencing all the overt and covert struggles, he would no longer have such simple thoughts.

"Yes." Gu Yu said after hearing this, "I feel free and unrestrained. I don't have to worry about what I have done wrong, nor do I care about other people's opinions. Without the constraints and disputes of interests, it feels really good."

While saying these words, Guyu's eyes looked out the window, with a look of yearning in his eyes.

"Oh? Really?" Gu Minglin asked, "Do you like the feeling of being alone?"

Guyu was slightly startled, and his whole body froze.

"Daughter, is it really good for you to be alone in Canada for the past five years?" Gu Minglin asked again. The whole sentence was very plain, just a simple question, but the three words "alone" in it,

It sounds like it has many meanings.

Guyu came back to her senses and shifted her gaze from the window to her father's face. She looked at her father in surprise. After a while, she suddenly sighed and asked, "Dad, do you know everything?" At the same time, she felt again in her heart.

I think, who told his father this news? Was it Wu Tian? Impossible, didn’t he already promise to keep it a secret for himself? Did Tina accidentally let it slip? There is no possibility, because Tina

She was present when she met her father. Who could it be?

"Dad knew about it five years ago," Gu Minglin said.

"...!" Gu Yu was stunned when he heard it. What? Five years ago? Did his father know about Bic's car accident five years ago? But that was in Canada, and his father was in China, so how did he know?

What about?

"Do you think dad really trusts you to go to Canada alone?" Gu Minglin said, "Your mother and I were worried that you would be bullied in Canada, so we deliberately sent a person to Canada to protect you, even though you didn't know

She exists, but she is around you all the time."

Gu Yu was in shock. Someone has been monitoring her for five years? And she didn't know anything about it?

Gu Minglin seemed to see what his daughter was thinking, and said apologetically, "Daughter, please forgive me and your mother for doing this. We do it for your own good. After all, we don't know that Piccolo, so we handed you over to him.

We are really worried about foreigners marrying so far away. Your mother has seen many tragic stories of Chinese women marrying abroad in those days, and we don’t want to see you being bullied in a foreign country and having to endure the grievances for the rest of your life." Gu Minglin

After a pause, he continued, "After that Bic died in a car accident, we originally thought you would come back, but after waiting for a long time, you didn't come back. Your mother was going to call you, and even wanted to go to Canada to pick you up.

You came back, but I stopped you. Because that was your choice, just like when you didn’t choose Wu Tian, ​​but chose to go to Canada with Piccolo. In fact, I know very well the reason why you didn’t come back, because at that time you

There are many people who oppose this decision, including your second uncle and aunt. You don’t want them to think that your choice is wrong. You don’t want the Gu family to be laughed at by outsiders because of this matter. At the same time, you don’t want your mother and I to worry.

So you choose to stay in Canada, right?"

Hearing her father's words, Gu Yu's eyes immediately turned red. The grievances she had endured for so many years seemed to be about to explode at this moment. What her father said was right. She didn't want her family to worry about her, and she didn't want outsiders to laugh at her because of this matter.

Their Gu family. Because of her decision at that time, many people in the capital were not optimistic about it. Most people even thought she was stupid. After all, compared with the Wu family, that Piccolo was nothing. And among many people

It seemed that she was the one who betrayed her childhood sweetheart Wu Tian and was ruthless.

As for why she chose Piccolo in the first place, she no longer wanted to talk about it. After all, it had already happened, and talking about it would be of no use. There was no regret pill in the world, and time could not be repeated. What's more, she had no regrets about the things she chose.

She never regrets it. And during the five years she has been in Canada, she hopes she will not regret it.

"The reason why I asked you to find Wu Tian is that in addition to hoping that the Wu family can help our Gu family, I also hope that you can get back together with Wu Tian. After all, you are still young and have a long life ahead. You can't live alone for the rest of your life.

Right? Even if you don't want to, your mother and I have to think about you. After all, you are our child. No one wants their child to live in pain. Maybe you won't feel anything now. Because you are still young.

, because you still have us. But when you get old and your mother and I are gone, you will feel extremely lonely alone, which is not what your mother and I want to see."

"Dad, it's impossible for me and Wu Tian." Gu Yu tried not to let her tears flow out, unable to show the tears of pain and sadness in front of her father, "I'm sorry, dad. If I had chosen Wu Tian, ​​maybe

Our Gu family would not be like this now."

In fact, when she first chose to marry in Canada, it caused an uproar in the Gu family. Many people disagreed and kept trying to persuade her, hoping that she would change her mind and choose to be with Wu Tian. After all, the two were childhood sweethearts and had no interest in the Gu family.

For her, being able to rely on the Wu family was also a very advantageous thing. During that time, she didn't even want to stay in the Gu family for one more minute. Later, Mr. Gu spoke up and respected her choice. Other talents in the Gu family

Stop persuading her in turn. In fact, she knew very well that her grandfather did not want her to marry abroad, but as his most beloved granddaughter, in the midst of the struggle, he finally chose to respect her choice.

"My child, I don't mean to blame you. It's already good that you can go to Wu Tian for the sake of your family. I know this matter makes you very embarrassed."

"Dad, why don't you go directly to Wu Tian's father?" Gu Yu asked. The second uncle and the others were puzzled, and she was also puzzled. After all, Wu Tian was Wu Guanzhi's son. No matter how much the Wu family used to tolerate Wu Tian,

In the face of such a big matter, it is impossible to listen to a junior like Wu Tian.

"Hey, do you think I don't want to look for it? In fact, when your grandfather left, I already hinted it to Wu Guanzhi, but so far, I haven't gotten any response, so I asked you to look for Wu Tian. I hope

It influenced Wu Guanzhi through Wu Tian. I think if you and Wu Tiancong reconcile, even if Wu Guanzhi is unwilling to help our Gu family, he will help our Gu family because of your and Wu Tian's affairs." Gu Minglin sighed.

While saying, "Daughter, please forgive me for using you. But the Gu family has indeed reached a moment of life and death, and there is nothing I can do about it."

"Dad, I think you should still go to Uncle Wu, but this time you should clearly express your position and attitude instead of hinting. Because sometimes hints will make people think that your decision is hesitant and not clear enough.

Such tentative hints can easily be regarded as insincere," Gu Yu said.

"I also know this truth, but I can't do this." Gu Minglin had a complicated look on his face.

"Why?" Gu Yu asked puzzledly.

"The Gu family and the Bai family are enemies. You know this. Now the Gu family neither supports nor opposes, and the Bai family is also very ambiguous on this matter of mine. If I go directly

Asking Wu Guanzhi to express his position lets the Bai family know that the Bai family will definitely object, and then there will be an additional obstacle on the way to promotion."

After hearing this, Gu Yu immediately frowned and said, "Dad, at this time, why do you still want to have two boats?" Gu Yu said it very rudely, not because the other person was her father.

She kept her mouth soft because she was really dissatisfied with her father's performance at the critical moment. In fact, not just now, she had been hesitant and hesitant about her father in the past, and his behavior was very unfavorable. To put it mildly, she was actually a wall.

Damn it. She thought that this time it would be a big deal and that her father would change his previous ways, but she didn't expect that he would not change in the end.

"Son, you don't understand. When it comes to promotion, I must try my best to make friends with everyone who is beneficial to us, and I cannot offend anyone. Otherwise, they will stand on the opposite side of us." Gu Minglin said.

"I know, but Dad, have you ever thought that among the support you need, many of them are enemies? The reason why they have not clearly expressed their support for you until now is that they are waiting for your clear intention.

Attitude, which side to vote for. Only if you truly commit to that camp, that camp will fully support you. If you are not sure, no one will be willing to fully support a person with an ambiguous attitude to become the leader." Gu Yu said.

"Child, you haven't experienced any of these things, so you don't understand...!"

"I understand!" Gu Yu interrupted his father and said, "The reason why the relationship between the Wu family and our Gu family is becoming more and more estranged is because, dad, your position is not firm. In fact, for our Gu family, there is a Wu family

support is enough.”

"Son, you have been in Canada for five years and you may not know the current situation in the capital. In terms of strength, the Bai family is now higher than the Wu family. On a key personnel appointment a few days ago, the Wu family had no competition.

After passing through the Bai family, a person from the Bai family will eventually take the position. So, even if you have to choose one of the two, you must choose to join the Bai family."

"But the Wu family has many allies." Gu Yu said. From her point of view, she still hopes that her father will side with the Wu family. After all, the two families are family friends and they know each other well. The Gu family and the Bai family have no friendship.

, it is not easy to make the other party truly accept the Gu family.

"Who doesn't have a few allies? The Bai family also has a lot of allies. The most important thing is that the old man of the Bai family is still there and in good health. But the old man of the Wu family has been gone for eight years."

Gu Yu was slightly startled after hearing this. She had indeed ignored this matter. Because she had always compared the second generation of the Wu family with the second generation of the Bai family, who were in their prime, and ignored the first generation. Yes, those old people

Although the guy has retired, his influence is still there. He has many disciples all over the place. These are forces that cannot be ignored. Besides, when the old guy opens his mouth, who doesn't give him some face? The Bai family has such an old man, but the Wu family no longer has one.


"Son, I know that you are leaning toward the Wu family because of Wu Tian, ​​but in terms of strength, the Bai family is better. If we have to choose, we naturally have to choose someone with strong power as our backing, so that I can

Get more support votes and be promoted successfully." Gu Minglin said.

Gu Yu didn't know what to say, because if her father really chose to defect to the Bai family, then the Gu family would really become enemies with the Wu family, which was not what she wanted to see.

"Daughter, in fact, a few days ago, I gave hints to the Bai family. Compared with the Wu family, which was silent, the Bai family did not express clear support, but they responded to me." Gu Minglin said.

"What did the Bai family say?"

"The Bai family means that as long as our Gu family clearly expresses its position, the Bai family will be willing to accept us." Gu Minglin said, "Since the Wu family still has not responded, then we have no choice but to choose the Bai family."


"Tomorrow I will go to the Bai family to visit Mr. Bai. I hope you can come with me." Gu Minglin looked at Gu Yu and said.

"Should I go too? Why?" Gu Yu asked in confusion. She didn't know Mr. Bai at all and had no friendship with the Bai family. What was she going to do at the Bai family?

"Do you still remember? When you were in school, Bai Zhenghui's son Bai Yuze once pursued you. He is now the mayor of a place at a young age and is a leader of the younger generation. I hope that through you, we can bring our valley closer.

The relationship between the Bai family."

"Bai Yuze...!" Gu Yu frowned after hearing this. Bai Yuze was the only Bai family member she knew, but it didn't leave a good impression on her. On the contrary, she had a very bad impression of this Bai Yuze.

When she was in school, the other party had been pursuing her, giving her roses, and often driving a sports car and waiting for her outside the girls' dormitory. Even after her very clear rejection, the other party still refused to change. For this matter

Wu Tian and Bai Yuze had been fighting frequently. How could such a person become the leader of the whole place? If she remembered correctly, the other party was three years older than her, which meant he was in his early thirties. Gu Yu thought

After thinking about what her father said and why he asked her to find Wu Tian, ​​her face suddenly sank and she said, "Dad, do you mean you want me and Bai Yuze to...!"



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