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Chapter 511 Professionals

"Are you the person in charge of the R&D department?" Wu Tian asked, looking at the old man whom Song He called Director Zhao. Since he is the person in charge of the R&D department, his abilities must belong to the upper echelons among the many researchers in the R&D department.

.Such a capable person is particularly needed for Wu Tian. He will be particularly greedy when he sees it. If it were yesterday, he might directly transfer the person to Project A to assist in research, but Jingyun said to him in the morning

A few words changed his mind. The company still needs to develop, and all the company's R&D elites cannot be emptied just because of a project A. Otherwise, many projects will be stagnant, which will seriously affect the company's development. If nothing else, the company will

The R&D department will still be managed by this person in the future. Of course, except for Project A.

"Yes, I am the person in charge here." After hearing this, the old man looked at Liu Jin, then at Wu Tian, ​​and asked, "Are you the boss of the new company?"

"It's guaranteed to be replaced if it's fake!" Wu Tian said.

"What do the two bosses think of our R&D department?" the old man asked again. He had many questions. It seems that the sudden change of ownership of the company has made the entire company panic. Everyone is afraid that after changing bosses,

How will your work be affected?

"Then you have to express your opinion after seeing the R&D department." Wu Tian said to the old man. The old man seemed to have a very good character. Even when he knew that he was the boss, he was indifferent to him and ignored him.

The flattering look on Song He's face formed a sharp contrast. However, this also reflected that the other party was a pragmatist who did not seek power or flattery. What's more, old researchers like the other party had their own personalities, so

This attitude is also normal. "I wonder if Director Zhao is busy now? Do you mind accompanying me around the R&D department and letting me know more about the results of your work?"

"Okay, sure." The old man named Zhao agreed happily, and then said, "I hope the two bosses can continue to provide strong support to the R&D department in the future. This will help our research and the entire company.

The development of..."

"Of course." Wu Tian said with a smile after hearing this, "But it depends on whether what you show me today can arouse my interest and allow me to make such a decision. If there is a good project, and

The prospects of the project are also very good. I don't mind increasing investment, even more than before. However, if your project cannot satisfy me, then I will have to tighten the expenditure of the R&D department and then go to

There is another capable person out there.”

"The R&D department will never disappoint the two bosses." After hearing Wu Tian's words, Director Zhao said seriously, "Please follow me." After saying that, he walked in front and led the way. Just now, he blamed Zhang Bin for saying "it doesn't matter."

' brought someone into the R&D department, but now he has to personally serve as a guide for Wu Tian and others. I don't know if this old man really cares about the R&D department's projects or the R&D funds invested in the R&D department.

The two sound similar, but there is an essential difference. The former is thinking about the company, while the latter is thinking about themselves. It is not uncommon for the person in charge of a research institution to embezzle research funds. Many people see huge amounts of

After receiving the research funding, I couldn't control myself. Greed surged in my heart. In fact, this kind of thing happens not only in research institutions, but also in any position in society where money is managed. Officials are corrupt, and cashiers carry money.

Escape. News like this happens almost every day.

The reason why Wu Tian said this to Director Zhao is that he first wanted to see what projects are in the R&D department of Kangli Pharmaceutical. After all, it is a leading company in the industry. In addition, it has been established for so many years, so it should still have a certain foundation, otherwise it would be impossible

will develop so well. Secondly, I want to examine Director Zhao to see if he has the ability to continue to be the director of the R&D department here. If the other person has no real ability, then I'm sorry, please pack your things and leave. People without ability are not welcome here.

.After all, the position of director of the R&D department is very important.

Director Zhao did not explain each laboratory and the projects carried out in it to Wu Tian one by one like Zhang Bin did before. Instead, he directly brought Wu Tian and others into a very large laboratory. Dayou went straight to the topic.

Wu Tian looked shocked. However, he underestimated Wu Tian. What scene has Wu Tian not seen? He has even been to Bombeck's laboratory, so he doesn't believe that the research results here can catch up with Bombeck's research and development level? However, Zhao

The director's behavior is also in line with Wu Tian's wishes, because he knows very well what the secret plan here is, and the purpose of his coming here is to understand the progress of this secret plan and to what extent it has been carried out!

"Two bosses, please see, this is the anti-cancer research that Kangli Pharmaceutical has been secretly conducting for eight years. All the anti-cancer drugs produced by Kangli Pharmaceutical over the years were derived from this research, and I can guarantee that,

The current research results of this project are far better than any anti-cancer drug currently sold by Kangli Pharmaceuticals on the market...!"

"Director Zhao, please note that it is no longer Kangli Pharmaceutical, but Tianzheng Pharmaceutical, do you understand?" Song He interrupted Director Zhao and said, with the obvious intention of flattering.

"I know, but these studies were all conducted during the era of Kangli Pharmaceuticals, so I can only say this." Director Zhao did not change his expression after hearing Song He's words, and said neither humble nor overbearing. He did not seem to be afraid of Song He. This was confirmed by the other party.

This can be seen in the tone of his speech and his attitude towards Song He. "I still have a lot to say. I hope you won't interrupt me. If you have any questions, you can ask them after I finish speaking. I am older."

Sorry, you have disrupted my train of thought. It is very likely that I will forget what I said later and will not be able to express the importance of this research properly." His words were obviously directed at what Song He had just interrupted.

Song He was embarrassed after hearing this, and at the same time he looked at Director Zhao fiercely. The director wanted him to lose face in front of his new boss, so now he was gritting his teeth and wanted to eat the other person's flesh and drink the other person's blood.

"Go on, I don't think anyone will bother you anymore." Wu Tian said calmly. He said this not only as a response to Director Zhao, but also as an order to the people around him.

Wu Tian looks expressionless on the surface, but he actually admires Director Zhao very much. Regardless of the other person's ability, the other person's character alone suits Wu Tian's liking. When Wu was at Shengtian Pharmaceutical,

, the same is true, no matter who the other party is. If pharmaceuticals interrupt his thoughts, he will not look good on the other party. This can be seen as the arrogance of intellectuals, but if you don't have real ability, you won't have the courage to treat everyone.

So tough.

"Thank you." Director Zhao said after hearing Wu Tian's words. This was a thank you to Wu Tian for understanding him. "Then I will continue...!"

Since there was no one to interrupt, Director Zhao just said everything on his mind. The introduction to the secret project lasted for more than half an hour, and then he described the prospects of the project. It was enough.

It took an hour to stop. There was no pause during this period. There was no water or rest. It is really not easy for someone at such an old age to persist for such a long time. I can only focus all my attention on this.

Only when you are doing something, you will forget your fatigue, forget everything around you, and immerse yourself in what you are talking about. What kind of performance is this?

"I've finished speaking. Do the two bosses have anything to ask? Just ask!"

This old man seems to be very confident in this secret plan. This can be seen from his confident expression and full mental state. If he didn't have confidence, he would have been timid when he explained it just now.

Among the people who came here to visit, there was only one expert, Wu Tian, ​​and the others were all laymen. Therefore, Director Zhao’s question was simply addressed to Wu Tian. Of course, Director Zhao did not know whether any of the people who came here today were experts.

. He just said everything he thought should be said. In his opinion, you can joke about other things, but not about research.

"You've been talking for a long time about the content of this secret plan. You only gave a general outline, and the rest of the time you talked about how great your project is. Can you talk about something more specific?" Wu Tian looked at the other person and said.


"For example……?"

"For example, the research itself. What content has your research team studied over the years, and what experiments were obtained through it? What is its basis? What did you think when you conducted the experiment? What is the impact of the experimental results?

What are the implications of your overall plan? I want to know that."

Director Zhao was slightly startled when he heard this, and then frowned. He didn't expect that what the other party wanted to know was these things. If he answered all the questions the other party just asked, it would be the same as telling the other party the specific content of the entire plan.

What's the difference? This can't be explained clearly in an hour. At least, it will take a few days.

"What, is it difficult?" Wu Tian said with a smile after seeing the other person frowning, "Although your plan was carried out during the period of Kangli Pharmaceutical, this company is mine now. As the boss, I should have the right to know

Anything about your own company, right? Including the question I just raised?"

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult. You have the right to know everything. However, it may take too long. The most important point is, can you... understand?" Director Zhao looked at Wu Tian suspiciously and asked. He just introduced

Regarding the content of the secret project, there were a lot of professional terms used in it. He tried his best to explain it in words that ordinary people could understand. He couldn't guarantee whether the people opposite could understand it. But now,

The other party actually wants to know the specific experiment? This is truly professional content and cannot be replaced by words that ordinary people can understand. If the other party cannot understand, then he is wasting his words in vain. If the other party can understand... for

He remains skeptical about this. After all, this is not a simple addition problem of one plus one equals two. It involves many medical theories, complex mathematical formulas and chemical formulas. Even professionals will feel dizzy after reading it, let alone a layman.


"Director Zhao, what are you talking about? Do you dare to underestimate our boss?" Song He shouted loudly at Director Zhao at this time. He didn't know whether he was really protecting the dignity of Wu Tian, ​​the boss, or he was complaining about being beaten just now.

Take revenge for what the other party taught you.

Facing Song He's rebuke, Director Zhao seemed not to hear him, and didn't even look at him. Song He was extremely contemptuous, but he kept looking at Wu Tian, ​​waiting for Wu Tian's answer. This was also

Proving that what he just said was serious and not meant to belittle anyone.

"Haha, old man, this is because you underestimate people." Liu Jin said with a smile, "Let me tell you, this boss Wu is the boss of Tianzheng Pharmaceutical, an expert among experts. Have you heard of Plan X? Have you heard of it?

Project A? Even Kang Youquan tried every means to kidnap Boss Wu’s employees in order to find out about the contents of Project X and Project A. You actually doubt whether Boss Wu can understand? Haha, let me tell you

, Regarding anti-cancer research, Boss Wu only knows more than you, not less than you." Liu Jin was quite confident in Wu Tian, ​​and the proud expression on his face seemed to be showing off. Although he did not participate in Wu Tian's

In Tian's experiment, he didn't even know what Project

Shutting her mouth, she secretly glanced at Kang Xin beside her. Observing the expression on the other person's face, for fear that the other person would be angry.


We have heard about their contents, otherwise we would not show such surprised expressions. Especially Project

Found the experimental records of Project X? Who doesn’t want to see the research content inside? But where exactly the experimental records of Project

It has been mentioned frequently in the industry recently, but no one knows to what extent it has been researched. They only know that it seems to have been targeted by some foreign research institutions. Then it came into everyone's sight.

Could it be said that Boss Wu knows Project X and Project A very well? Could it be said that both of these are currently being researched within Tianzheng Pharmaceutical?

"Who are you?" Director Zhao looked at Wu Tian blankly and asked, always feeling that the other person was more than just a businessman.

Wu Tian glared at Liu Jin. He blamed the other person for talking too much, then looked at Director Zhao and said, "I am the boss of Tianzheng Pharmaceutical and the person in charge of Project A. I also have some understanding of Project X. I am considered a professional. I am here today.

Here, I just want to know what merits your secret plan has for me, it’s that simple. Now, can you tell me?"

"Okay, okay." Director Zhao nodded blankly. The person in charge of Project A? Does he know about Project

He came up with an idea, looked at Wu Tian and asked, "Boss Wu, since you are already the boss here, can the R&D departments of our two companies be merged?"

"I have several companies. After they were reorganized, some departments did need to be merged. However, my current company is not in the queue for merger." Wu Tian said lightly.

"Ah? Oh!" After hearing this, Director Zhao showed a disappointed expression on his face, and suddenly asked, "Then...can you show me the contents of Plan X and Project A?"

"Sorry, that's confidential content." Wu Tian said. In fact, when the other party asked whether the R&D department would be merged, he already knew what the other party was thinking. As an old man who has worked in the field of anti-cancer research for so many years, who doesn't want to know?

What about Plan X? If the R&D departments of the two companies are merged together, then everyone can share resources, and then Plan

The content was leaked. Even members of the R&D team may not be able to see all the content, let alone outsiders?

"I have a question. Since your research is further ahead than ours, does that mean that our secret planning group no longer needs to exist and will be cancelled? After all, our project is duplicated. If we invest more in it,

, that is a waste of resources." Director Zhao looked at Wu Tian and asked. As the person in charge of the secret plan, the secret plan is like his child to him, and he does not want his child to be abandoned at this time. After all,

Over the years, he had invested so much in this child, and his heart was full of reluctance.

"I can tell you clearly about this issue here, no, your secret plan will not be canceled, and there will not be any reduction in investment." Wu Tian said with a smile.


"Because we are not gods, and there are things we cannot consider, so we need you to broaden our thinking, do you understand?"

"I see."

"Although this company is mine now, I hope that your secret plan R&D team will still maintain a competitor relationship with my R&D team as before, so that we can make progress together. If you can complete it first,

I will be happier with the plan. Don’t worry, my investment in you will only increase in the future, not decrease.”

"I understand." After hearing Wu Tian's words, Director Zhao swept away his previous disappointment and looked at Wu Tian and said seriously, "Boss Wu, our secret plan will definitely bring you a surprise. Now,

Please come with me, and I will take you to my office, where the experimental records of the secret plan are stored. I give them to you, hoping that they can be of help to you."

"...!" (To be continued...)

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