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Chapter 588 Ruthless, too ruthless!

"It didn't hurt you just now, did it?" Wu Tian asked Li Ting with concern. In the teahouse before, in order to hide the truth and make the effect more realistic, he pulled and pulled Li Ting hard, just to deceive her.

Passing Bai Yuze. Thinking of the "bang bang" sound that Li Ting made when he was pressed hard against the wall, Wu Tian felt really guilty. He always felt that the acting was a bit too much.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt!" Li Ting shook her head gently. Because she was very nervous at the time and was afraid that Bai Yuze would see any clues, she didn't care whether it hurt or not and just focused on performing.

"Is it really okay? Don't bear it. This is a hospital. If it doesn't work, take a picture." Wu Tian asked. He was really worried about Li Ting, and he didn't know whether the other party had knelt in the teahouse just now.

bump into.

"It's really okay!"

"Then I'll feel relieved."

To say that the effect of today's performance was a bit beyond Wu Tian's expectations. Although he and Li Ting had planned the 'accidental encounter' scene before, Liu Jin's involvement made Wu Tian think of a better one.

plan, so I temporarily abandoned the second half of the original plan and changed the topic of "venereal diseases" mentioned by Liu Jin as the reason to take away Li Ting and cut off the relationship between Li Ting and Bai Yuze.

Wu Tian feels that the topic of sexually transmitted diseases is very maneuverable. Not only can he advance and retreat at that time, but he can also operate on this matter in the future, allowing Bai Yuze to steal the chicken.

And he lost his troops.

In fact, Wu Tian never had a good idea on how to take Li Ting away from Bai Yuze and minimize Bai Yuze's hatred for Li Ting without involving Li Ting's family. The only way he could

What he did was to fight head-on and guard against Bai Yuze. But it was different now. With the matter of sexually transmitted diseases, he could take Li Ting away from Bai Yuze safely and openly. He didn't have to worry about Bai Yuze's suspicion.

.As for how to completely cut off Bai Yuze's thoughts about Li Ting, it depends on the subsequent series of operations. If the operations are good, he believes that this matter can be solved without spending a single soldier, and maybe it will be done again.

There was an unexpected surprise.

When Wu Tian expressed his concern to Li Ting, Liu Jin watched the two people showing affection and sighed in his heart. He did not expect that Brother Tian had an affair with this woman, and even he lied to her.

After all, it's a shame that he was so worried about Brother Tian's 'body' before. He really valued sex over friends. He didn't even tell his brother about such a big thing.

"Brother Tian, ​​are you too boring?" Liu Jin couldn't help complaining to Wu Tian, ​​and said with a resentful look, "I put down what I was doing to help you, but you concealed such an important thing from me.

I'm yelling around like a fool, but I'm still a brother. What's this? I value sex over friends."

"Hehe. Aren't I worried that you might reveal something?" Wu Tian smiled and said to Liu Jin after hearing this, "Just think, if I tell you the matter in advance, you will definitely be too excited. Then you will be too excited.

If it's too aggressive or too exaggerated and Bai Yuze sees it, wouldn't the play be ruined?"

"Brother Tian, ​​do you have so little confidence in me?" It's okay not to explain. As soon as Wu Tian explained, the resentment in Liu Jin's heart became even heavier, and he immediately changed from a playboy to a deeply resentful woman.

"It's not that I don't have confidence in you. I don't have confidence in your acting skills. If you had known about my relationship with Li Ting in advance, you would still be able to drag her around, yell at her, and scold her as you did before.

You can just scold whatever you want, and you can scold whatever is unpleasant? You can't, right? If you just do this, that guy Bai Yuze might see it." Wu Tian said to Liu Jin.

Liu Jin looked at Li Ting next to Wu Tian, ​​thought about it, and felt that what Brother Tian said was not unreasonable. If he really knew in advance that this woman was Brother Tian's woman, he would not have the guts to scold her casually, let alone

Dare to do it! Thinking of this, Liu Jin looked at Li Ting sheepishly and said, "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I just offended you." Tian Ge's women, no matter their status or background, will naturally call them sister-in-law. Tian Ge and him

It’s different. Any woman Tian Ge admits will be Tian Ge’s woman for the rest of his life. Unlike him, one changes every few days. Even he himself can’t tell how many ex-girlfriends he has. As for the ones he has had sex with, that’s even more.

Too many to count.

"It's okay, it's okay." Li Ting said quickly after hearing this. She also knew something about Liu Jin's situation. After all, she had attended banquets in the circle and met Liu Jin. Naturally, she knew that Liu Jin's identity was unusual.

In the past, if she met each other, she would definitely call her Mr. Liu, but now, Mr. Liu actually calls her sister-in-law, and she is really uncomfortable for a while. In contrast, around Bai Yuze, it seems that no one has ever called her sister-in-law.

She, and Bai Yuze never introduced her to others, let alone brought her to public places. Compared with Mr. Wu, Bai Yuze was really not a man.

"Brother Tian, ​​what do you think? Can you tell me your future plans?" Liu Jin looked at Wu Tian curiously and asked, since Brother Tian wants to open two "sick" orders, then things will definitely not happen.

That's it.

Strange to say, others tried their best to draw a clear line between STDs, but Brother Tian took the initiative to get closer and even came to the hospital to write a bill to prove that he had STDs. This was the first time Liu Jin met such a person.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they would have kowtowed to the doctor and asked him to issue a certificate that he was not sick. If he prescribed a cold or fever, or even if he issued a cancer certificate, no one would be able to say anything and would even show sympathy. But if you ask others

If you know that you have an STD, you will probably become the object of avoidance, insult and ridicule by others.

Wu Tian smiled. Since the big drama about Li Ting had already been performed, he and Liu Jin only needed to perform the rest. Therefore, he smiled and said to Liu Jin, "Today, let Bai Yuze be depressed for one night first. Tomorrow

Let's go to Tianfu Tea House in the morning. Then I'll make trouble with the false diagnosis given by your uncle. If Bai Yuze is not here, we will destroy his small stronghold. If Bai Yuze is here, we will beat him severely.

.I think not only did he not dare to spread the word, but he was also very frightened and rushed to the hospital for a check-up. But no matter what his check-up results are, you will always publicize it to the outside world. He has also contracted a sexually transmitted disease. We are here to make a fuss.

With me holding the hospital diagnosis certificate, even if he tries his best to prove it to himself, no one will believe him, and by then no one in the circle will care about him."

"Brother Tian. What about you? Won't others also misunderstand you?" Liu Jin asked, "Although the method is good, it is a lose-lose result. Isn't this bad for you?" After Liu Jin finished speaking, he glanced at Li Ting.

, ruining one's reputation for a woman, in Liu Jin's opinion, is not a worthwhile deal. You must know that reputation is easy to get bad, and some people will believe it. It is very difficult to get good, and it won't

Some people believe that, especially when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases, you can't just take off your pants and let the other person verify it when someone mentions it, right? You can't even explain it clearly.

"What's the point? Anyway, I will spend the next few days, ranging from a few months to a few years, in the laboratory. Unlike Bai Yuze, I have to go out to meet people." Wu Tian said nonchalantly,

Then, a sneer appeared on his face, "I not only want to ruin Bai Yuze's reputation, but I also want to use this incident to bring him down. Make him lose the face to continue to be an official, and make his official career...

That’s it!”

"Ah?" Hearing Brother Tian's words, Liu Jin was shocked this time. It turned out that Brother Tian had such a vicious plan. Just imagine, a person has a sexually transmitted disease and has a serious lifestyle problem. He also uses despicable means to cause others to get sexually transmitted diseases.

Will the superiors still allow him to promote him? If this matter spreads in the circle and in the place where Bai Yuze works, will others look at him in such a way? No matter how thick-skinned Bai Yuze is then,

, I’m afraid I can’t hold on to this official position.

So what if he goes to the hospital for examination and a certificate? As long as Brother Tian doesn't show up, as long as his sister-in-law doesn't show up, even if he can prove himself, he can't prove others. There will still be stories of him using insidious means to poison others. Then the brothers will have a hard time together.

For a moment, even if Bai Yuze had Sun Wukong's ability, he still wouldn't be able to turn the palm of Tathagata's hand.

Cruel, too cruel!

Although the five brothers have strong family backgrounds, only the second brother Wang Da is involved in politics, and his rank is not as high as that of Bai Yuze. Although there are people in politics in each brother's family, seeing that his rival Bai Yuze continues to rise,

I feel uncomfortable in my heart. If one day in the future, Bai Yuze is promoted to a high-ranking official and has greater power, why not severely humiliate their brothers? If Bai Yuze can be pulled down at this time, not only the brothers

In the future, he doesn't have to bow in front of Bai Yuze, and he has cleared the obstacle of the Bai family for his own family, because once Bai Yuze comes, the Bai family will have no successors in the political world. And the long-lasting secret of a big family is that it can be passed down

If the Bai family continues to be passed on to Bai Yuze's generation, then the Bai family will definitely have no say in the future.

Is Brother Tian dealing with Bai Yuze here? This is simply a challenge to the old Bai family!

Liu Jin looked at Wu Tian blankly, his admiration was beyond words!

Not long after, there was a knock on the door outside. When Liu Jin opened the door, he saw Zhou Yanjun, who had left before, come in from outside.

He held several orders in his hand and handed them to Wu Tian while saying, "Mr. Wu, here are the medical certificates you asked for. They have been issued. These are copied from patients in our hospital. I will give them to you."

The name has been changed. This one is the third stage of syphilis, which is the late stage. It is difficult to treat and can even be life-threatening. This one is gonorrhea, and this one is...!"

"Is there anyone with AIDS?" Wu Tian interrupted the other party and asked, "Of the diagnostic certificates you got, only the third-stage syphilis ones are somewhat powerful, and the others are not very powerful. What I want now is to be able to scare people."

It's a place where people live, and whatever sexually transmitted diseases are scary, I want that."

"Yes, yes, here it is!" Zhou Yanjun pulled out a medical certificate from the bottom, "But this...!"

"It's good to have it!" Wu Tian snatched it over and said while looking at the medical certificate, "Don't worry, these things are just props. No one will hold them accountable, and we won't turn you into evidence."

Come out. As long as I'm here, everything will be fine!" After reading the medical certificate, Wu Tian put it in his pocket. People say that there are people in the hospital who are easy to handle, and now it seems that this is indeed the case.

Zhou Yanjun smiled awkwardly, not knowing whether what he did was right or wrong.

Seeing Zhou Yanjun's worried look, Wu Tian gave Liu Jin a sign and signaled Liu Jin to speak. When Liu Jin saw it, he immediately understood what Wu Tian meant, walked to Zhou Yanjun, and said with a smile, "Uncle Zhou,

Aren't they just a few fake medical certificates? Have you forgotten that when I was in school, I often asked you to write fake medical certificates? In the end, nothing happened? Just rest assured. The medical certificates have been used up.

After that, we will burn it out, unless the other party goes to the Lord of Hell to investigate. As long as you don't tell anyone, no one will know that you did it, let alone anyone coming to investigate you."

Zhou Yanjun was stunned and quickly said, "Don't worry. I will never tell anyone."

"Hey, I believe in you, and Mr. Wu also believes in you. We are relatives! Can I not believe you? Uncle Zhou!" Liu Jin smiled and patted Zhou Yanjun on the shoulder. He didn't look like he was talking to an elder at all.


Zhou Yanjun nodded and said nothing more.

After the diagnosis was issued, Wu Tian's purpose of coming to the hospital was achieved. However, he did not leave the hospital immediately. Instead, he stayed with Li Ting and Liu Jin until dark, and then took advantage of the vast darkness to leave Tiantan Hospital. Liu Jinxian

After driving away, the boy was too excited and wanted to go find Niu'er to have fun. Wu Tian's car was abandoned at Tianfu Tea House and did not come back, so he took a taxi and returned to the company in a low-key manner. Wu Tian deliberately abandoned the car

He was in the teahouse to avoid being followed. After all, many people knew about his Beetle.

Wu Tian hid Li Ting in the company. In his opinion, there was no place safer and more reassuring for him. First-class monitoring facilities and a first-class security team. They could kill any mosquito that flew in.

Not to mention people.

Wu Tian told Jingyun and Fang Hua about Li Ting's situation. There is nothing to hide about it. If you stay in the same building, you will know sooner or later. Besides, Wu Tian didn't take the initiative to pick up Li Ting, he was also fooled.

Aphrodisiac perfume. So it is understandable to make mistakes. When they heard that Wu Tian was plotted by Li Ting, Jingyun and Fang Hua rejected Li Ting at first, but when they heard that Wu Tian wanted to use the topic as an excuse, they repaired it hard.

When Bai Yuze came, the two of them stopped talking. They also knew a little about Bai Yuze's situation. Their men had to deal with Bai Yuze now, so of course they couldn't sing the opposite. In addition, Wu Tian still had Li Ting in a

After talking about the trial period, the two women acquiesced in the relationship between Wu Tian and Li Ting.

Long live understanding!

When Li Ting met Jingyun and Fang Hua, she didn't show off her usual strong female aura. Although she was older than Jingyun and Fang Hua, she lowered her attitude. Not only did the two women in front of her want to

Much more beautiful and outstanding than her, and more importantly, these two women were with Wu Tian before her, and they were definitely in a normal relationship. Unlike her, they relied on tricks to win over Wu Tian.

Because of her sympathy, she got a chance to test. In this matter, she knew that she would always be inferior to Wu Tian's other women. But she had no regrets about her choice.

Wu Tian arranged a room for Li Ting. Li Ting will live and study here in the future, and will spend her trial period here. And she cannot leave the company before the trial period, which is also related to Wu Tian's plan.


Early the next morning, Wu Tian was woken up by Liu Jin's phone call. He looked at the time and saw that it was just six o'clock. When did this kid get up so early? In the past, he would never get up until three o'clock in the morning.


"What's going on? What time is it? Can't you let me have a good sleep? Do you know what time I went to bed last night?" Wu Tian said angrily. After arranging Li Ting last night,

He did not take a rest immediately, but ran to the laboratory to find Wang Guangzhao and Zhou Ke to find out about this afternoon's seminar and to understand some of the new ideas and new ideas put forward by everyone. Dealing with Bai Yuze was important, but this was

It's his major, it's business, and he can't abandon business at any time. After chatting in the laboratory until very late, he found Jingyun and Fang Hua without stopping. He knew that the two women had complaints in their hearts but didn't say it out, so he

He worked hard on the two women all night, and he didn't go to sleep until the two women had calmed down. By then, it was already past midnight.

After a tiring day, I only slept for four hours. Whoever would blame this would be full of complaints.

"Brother Tian, ​​you haven't gotten up yet? The sun is shining on your butt," Liu Jin said. At the end of April, the sun rises early. As long as the sky is clear and there is no haze, the sun will definitely rise before six o'clock, so Liu Jin said

That's not wrong.

"What's the fart? Do you know what time I went to bed last night? Come on, why are you asking me so early?" Wu Tian asked impatiently. If you don't have a good rest, how can you perform in the morning scene?

"Brother Tian, ​​the show is about to take place today. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep, so I came here early in the morning. I will be at your company soon."

"Damn, are you so excited? Today you are only the second male lead, not the first male lead. By the way, please don't let me off the hook. I regret telling you everything now. You

When something happens to a kid, why don’t you just suppress it a little bit?”

"Brother Tian, ​​don't worry, I won't mess up your situation, and I won't make you regret telling me the matter." Liu Jin said with a smile, "I have entered your company now and am already downstairs.

, you can sleep a little longer, I will go see my goddess first, and then I will go to you later. Bye!"

"Get out!"

After Wu Tian heard Liu Jin's words, he threw the phone aside. Is this guy here to see him or Kang Xin? Yesterday, he actually said that he values ​​sex over friends. Isn't this the same?

Depend on!


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