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Chapter 605 A Transaction

Is there a worldly master in this world? There must be! But Wu Tian doesn’t think that the old man from South Korea in front of him is a worldly master. ← People like him who go around in the name of psychics and exorcisms, in the country

They are everywhere, Wu Tian has seen them a lot, and Wu Tian is also very clear about the tricks they commonly use. Spiritual roots and celestial eyes, in Wu Tian's opinion, are all tricks to fool people and cheat money.

Wu Tian has never felt that he has spiritual roots and heavenly eyes. He even still doesn't know what spiritual roots and heavenly eyes are, but they just sound awesome.

"Mr. Psychic, it seems that the ghost energy on the roof has not been dispelled yet. There may be ghosts hiding in the corners of the building. Would you mind going out again and exorcising ghosts for me?" Wu Tian looked at it.

The old man asked. Want to leave? It's not that easy. Even if I don't peel off a layer of your skin today, I will burn a layer of your skin.

Are you pretending to be a fool in front of him? You don’t even know who he is!

"Ah? Are you still coming?" After the old man heard Wu Tian's words, the expression on his face was uglier than crying. In the past, he would have responded to such requests, but today, he was worried that after he went out, he would be hot water again.

Damn it, now he still felt burning pain all over his body.

"Why, can't it?" Wu Tian asked doubtfully, "Ms. Liu Renai asked you, Mr. Psychic, to come here to drive out ghosts here. But now the ghosts have not been driven away. Mr. Psychic, how can you just do this?"

Are you leaving?"

"Wu, Boss Wu, the ghosts have been driven away by me, I have really driven them away." The old man explained to Wu Tian, ​​trying his best to prove that there are no ghosts here.

"But the ghost spirit is still there, and it keeps hovering over my company. How do you explain this?"

"The ghost spirit has dissipated, and what Boss Wu sees now are dark clouds."

"Impossible!" Wu Tian said seriously while shaking his head, "I opened my heavenly eyes, how could I not be able to distinguish between dark clouds and ghost energy? That cold feeling is clearly ghost energy." As he spoke, Wu Tianzhuan

He looked at Liu Renai beside him and asked, "Miss Liu, you have also opened your eyes. What do you think?"

"Me? I'll go out and have a look!" Liu Renai pushed open the door and walked out, stopping in front of the altar table. She looked up to the sky with a serious expression, as if she could really see something from the sky.

The old man wanted to go out with Liu Renai, but Wu Tian grabbed his clothes and pulled him back.

"Old man, your acting skills are good!" Wu Tian looked at the other party with a smile and said, "How about it, is the hot water that fell from the sky just now hot?"

The old man gritted his teeth, feeling very angry, but he didn't know what to say. Before, it was just a guess, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually admit it now. If it were in South Korea, maybe he could use those dignitaries who believed in him

Come to severely punish the young boy in front of you, but you are abroad now. This is the other party's territory, and you can't just do whatever the other party wants? The old man looked at Wu Tian with a guilty conscience, and asked calmly, "

Boss Wu, what acting skills? What hot water? What are you talking about? I don’t understand it at all."

The old man spoke in Korean this time, and he babbled, thinking that Wu Tian couldn't understand. But Wu Tian spoke fluent Korean, which completely confused the old man.

"Old man, people in the dark don't do secret things. Don't pretend to be confused in front of me. Maybe Liu Renai didn't tell you my situation. Believe it or not, I can make you disappear from this world forever. Then,

No one can do anything to me?" Wu Tian squinted at the old man, although there was a smile on his face, there was something hidden behind the smile.

The old man trembled all over and looked at Wu Tian in surprise, as if he couldn't believe that such words were said by a young man. In his impression, such words were said by some big shots.


"Don't think I'm bullying people. Even if you return to Korea, I will still have ways to deal with you." Wu Tian said with a faint smile, "You may be able to fool other people with this trick, but you are still far from good enough to fool me.

Well. How about we make a deal?"

"What deal?" The old man began to feel cold after being told by the young man in front of him. He was so hot just now that he was suffocating, but now he was suffocating with chills. He seemed to realize that if he didn't agree to this boss Wu,

Then it is very likely that he will not be able to return to South Korea. When he asked this question, it already showed that he was indeed pretending.

"It's okay if I don't expose you. It's okay if I don't pour hot water on you. But you have to do one thing for me. If you can do it, I can not only keep you safe, but also give you a big gift.

The amount of money, no, it should be said to be a large donation. As for the amount, it is definitely not as small as Liu Renai donated to you." Wu Tian said seductively. Since everything the other party did was to deceive money, then things will change.

It's much easier to handle it, because he is not short of money, and of course he is willing to spend it.

"What's the matter?" the old man asked.

"Liu Renai is following what you say now. Although I don't know what methods you used to brainwash her, but I have to admit that what you did was very successful." Wu Tian said, "

I heard that you have also been to Dongshi Company to exorcise ghosts? What I want you to do is to hand over to me all the information about Dongshi Company’s drug research.”

"Drug research data?" The old man was slightly stunned. What was that? He thought the other party wanted him to match-match with Liu Renai. Who doesn't love beautiful women? To be honest, although he is old, he treats Liu Renai like this

The beauty is also very tempting. But he also knows very well that if he does anything to Liu Renai, it is very likely that his brand will be damaged and he will lose a big customer. Therefore, he holds back and does not take action against the customer. This is also

The rules he made for himself.

"Yes. There is a pharmaceutical research institute in Dongshi Company, and Liu Renai works in the pharmaceutical research institute. As the daughter of the boss of Dongshi Company, even if she is not the person in charge of the pharmaceutical research institute, she definitely knows everything in the institute.

Research. What you have to do is to escape this information from Liu Renai. Of course, it would be better if you can get information such as CDs." Wu Tian said. Although he looked down on a small company like Dongshi Company

company, but being able to become the leading pharmaceutical company in the Korean market definitely has his own merits. He wanted to know to what extent Dongshi Company's anti-cancer research was progressing, and whether the research ideas were the same as those of him and Pomback Company.

Even if this part of the information is useless, there are pharmaceutical information with other functions, which will be of great help to the various branches of Tianzheng Company.

Before project A fails, he will try his best to get the research information of various anti-cancer pharmaceutical companies! It doesn't need to be more, as long as there is one piece of information that is useful to him, that is enough.

"But, I don't know what the drug information is at all." The old man said to Wu Tian. Although he didn't know what the drug information was, he knew that it was a trade secret. Liu Renai was one of his big customers.

He didn't want to lose such a big customer as Liu Renai, so he pretended to be confused in front of Wu Tian. He thought that as long as he didn't know about such professional things, the other party would not let him do it.

"Do you know the characters?" Wu Tian asked calmly.


"Can you understand people?"



"I understand!"

"Can you make up lies?"


"That's it!" Wu Tian said with a smile, "Liu Renai has become your believer now. As long as you write a good story, I believe she will definitely let you enter the institute, and maybe she will take the initiative to

I'll leave the information to you."

The old man had a troubled expression on his face. He asked him to make up stories or pretend to be mysterious, but asking him to get other people's trade secrets was outside the scope of his deception. After all, this kind of thing requires not only enough courage,

You also need to have very high skills, otherwise it will be easy to be exposed. And the consequences of exposure can range from severing the relationship, to severe beatings, and then being sent directly to prison. You can make a lot of money in a year by pretending to be a ghost, even though you

His reputation is getting bigger and bigger. In the future, more and more people will come to him, and his business will get better and better. In this case, why should he take this risk? Just for the reward? But the risk is too great.


"Why should I make this deal with you? This deal is too risky for me!" The old man thought for a while and said to Wu Tian. He did not refuse directly. On the one hand, he did not want to directly expose the young man in front of him.

Angry, after all, this is the opponent's territory, but on the other hand, I also hope to know the specific donation amount. People die for money, and birds die for food. This is true in every country in the world.

"Haha, do you think you are still qualified to bargain with me now?" Wu Tian looked at the old man coldly and said, "What you can do now is to do what I say honestly, otherwise, I won't

Do you mind killing you here?"

The old man was startled. He didn't expect that the other party's threat would be so direct. But it doesn't matter. As long as he agrees to the other party now and can guarantee a safe and sound return to South Korea, nothing will happen. South Korea is his.

The territory. Many of the officials who asked him to exorcise ghosts had real power. He glanced at Liu Renai who was still wandering outside, then nodded to Wu Tian and said, "Okay, I agree.

You." I only promised to help you get information, but I didn't say I must get it. If you can't get it, don't blame me!

"That's good." Wu Tian smiled, and then said slowly, "Of course, you can promise me here on the surface, but actually you don't have to do anything after returning to Korea. In Korea, I am just a foreigner.

What can a foreigner do to you? Right?"

"...!" Wu Zhengxun froze, with a guilty and embarrassed expression on his face. Wu Tian's words hit his mark. Only now did he truly realize that the young man in front of him was more cunning and cunning than he thought.

Duo. Thinking that he had been poured with several basins of hot water outside just now, Wu Zhengxun did not dare to despise the other party again.

"If you think so, then you are totally wrong. There is a kind of person in the world who is awesome no matter where he goes. Unfortunately, I am this kind of person." Wu Tian looked at the old man with a smile,

Then he reached out and patted the other person on the shoulder, "If you don't do what I say, then I don't mind making Hallasan Mountain barren of grass. Believe me, I have the ability!"

Wu Tian said these words not to scare the other party, but he told the truth. For people like him who engage in medicinal chemistry, in fact, everyone is a mobile biochemical weapon. You must know that he is dealing with bacteria all day long.

If you are exposed to the virus, it will be easy to do something painful.

As soon as Wu Tian finished speaking, Liu Renai walked in from the outside. She saw Wu Tian patting Wu Zhengxun on the shoulder and asked in confusion, "What were you talking about just now?"

"Nothing! Mr. Psychic said that I am talented and smart, and that I am a once-in-a-millennium genius. He wanted me to go to Halla Mountain to practice with him, and maybe I could become a better psychic than him. But I didn't agree. After all, I still have

There is research to be done. When the research is completed, I will definitely go to South Korea." At this point, Wu Tian turned to look at the old man next to him and asked, "Am I right? Mr. Psychic?"

The hands on the old man's shoulders began to exert force, gripping the opponent's shoulder blades with such force that it seemed as if they were going to tear the old man's entire shoulder off.

The old man was in so much pain that he wanted to scream, but due to Liu Renai's presence, he was worried about damaging his image in the other person's mind, so he held it back. He suppressed his blush and gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, yes, Boss Wu."

That’s right.”

"So, Mr. Psychic, do you agree?"

"Agreed, agreed." The old man said quickly. He was already so old and his skin was thin and his bones were brittle. He didn't want to suffer this kind of torture.

"That's good." Wu Tian smiled slightly and took off the hand on the other person's shoulder. At the same time, the old man breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and the expression on his face became much more relaxed.

Liu Renai looked between Wu Tian and Wu Zhengxun. She did not suspect anyone else. After all, one of them was an 'old friend' she had known for many years and was also her new 'mentor' and would not lie to her.

"Mr. Wu Zhengxun, I just went outside and took a look. There seems to be some ghost energy directly above the building." Liu Renai said to the old man. "It has been lingering on the top of the building for a long time. There should be ghosts inside the building."

.Mr. Wu Zhengxun, how about you go out and take a closer look?"

The old man glanced at Wu Tian, ​​then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go out and take a look again." After that, he pushed the door open and walked out. This time, he was no longer worried about hot water pouring down from the sky, because

He has already cooperated with the young people in the room. Since it is cooperation, the other party has no reason to tease him anymore.

The fact was just as he thought. When he stood in front of the altar and looked at the sky again, there was indeed no hot water pouring down from the sky anymore. He could continue to pretend to be a ghost without any worries.

Wu Tian stood in the house, looking at the old man and Liu Renai outside, smiling and saying nothing. In fact, he had no intention of rescuing Liu Renai from the beginning to the end. People with terminal mental illness like Liu Renai are basically hopeless.

The other party didn't see what was going on with those basins of hot water before. It could only be said that Liu Renai was stubborn. He didn't want to help others to eliminate disasters but make them feel embarrassed. He's not that good!

"Well, it seems that there is indeed a ghost spirit." The old man said to Liu Renai, and then smoothed his goatee with his hand, "There is a more powerful ghost hidden in this building. It seems that I only

I can use my unique skills now.”

"Mr. Wu Zhengxun, what are you going to do?" Liu Renai asked with wide eyes.

"Do it again! This time, I want to teach this ghost a lesson! Miss Liu Renai, please come into the house. I'm worried that it will affect you when you fight with the ghost."


Liu Renai obediently entered the house, closed the door, and stood behind the door, staring at the old man outside without blinking, as if a fan had witnessed a long-awaited celebrity performance, nervous and excited at the same time.

The old man played another trick in front of work. Compared with before, he played harder. Even the voice when shouting became extremely loud, and the frequency of "playing cotton" was also very fast. He is a quick shooter.

He is a fast archer!

After playing for about ten minutes, the old man touched the sweat on his forehead with his hand, and then raised his bow.

"Miss Liu, Boss Wu, I have driven away the evil spirits."

When Wu Tian saw the old man sweating, he smiled to himself. He raised his head and glanced at Tian, ​​then pretended to say, "Well, the ghostly energy before is indeed gone. Mr. Psychic, you are really good."

After hearing this, the old man breathed a sigh of relief and finally didn't have to dance anymore. He was worried that if the other party said there was more time, he would have to dance until noon.

Liu Renai looked up for a long time without saying a word. He didn't know what he saw in the sky. But the old man over there had already started to pack his things and was ready to leave.

"Miss Liu, thank you for finding a psychic to help me exorcise ghosts here!" Wu Tian looked at Liu Renai and said. In fact, Wu Tian was not happy because the success of exorcising ghosts indicated that Liu Renai might come here again in the future.

"You're welcome." Liu Renai said, "Actually, I should thank Mr. Wu, because if it weren't for Mr. Wu, I might have encountered something unexpected last night."

Wu Tian smiled, unexpected? Damn! He was already used to the other person's paranoia.

Because he wanted to see the old man off, Liu Renai followed him. Wu Tian didn't take it seriously. After moving the table back to its original position, he went to the cafeteria to eat.

But today's ghost exorcism ceremony looks like something else to outsiders.

Because not long after, a piece of news began to circulate in the circle: Mr. Wu was infected with AIDS. In desperation, he turned a dead horse into a living horse doctor and invited a mage to perform rituals for him, hoping that he would get better.

First the lover ran away, and then the mage took action. It was confirmed that Wu Tian was infected with AIDS!

...(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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