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Chapter 613 Accept the man!

Wu Tian took the opportunity to teach Liu Renai not only to act as the other party's boyfriend, but also as an uncle. He lay comfortably on the sofa and indirectly asked Liu Renai to massage him through some body language. △¢Although

It can't be compared with a professional masseur, but it's better than nothing. What's more, the body fragrance on the beauty's body has fully made up for the unprofessional massage, which makes Wu Tian feel very comfortable.

Although Liu Renai is a mentally ill person and a love idiot, he is still a diligent child. He pressed Wu Tian for a long time without any complaints. He served Wu Tian diligently, for fear of making Wu Tian angry again. Everyone said

Diligence can make up for laziness! If Liu Renai can persist in this diligent spirit, I believe she will not be far away from learning. What she fears most is laziness, and lazy women are hopeless.

"What was the first thing I said just now?" Wu Tian asked while enjoying Liu Renai's massage. He really wanted to enjoy it for a while longer, but he always felt that using the opportunity of teaching to treat Liu Renai like this was a little bit.

It means bullying. Generally speaking, Wu Tian is a very soft-hearted man!

"Pay!" Liu Renai said, "The first thing you said is to know how to give and be good to your boyfriend."

"Well, let me tell you the second one now. By the way, what do you think the second one should be?" Wu Tian asked Liu Renai. As before, Wu Tian didn't expect Liu Renai to answer correctly.

I saw Liu Renai tilting his head and thinking seriously for a long time, and then tentatively asked Wu Tian, ​​"Is it a tacit understanding?"

"As I told you just now, tacit understanding requires long-term cultivation of the relationship between men and women. It is not a way for men and women to get along."

"What should it be?" Perhaps because he felt that what Wu Tian said before made sense, Liu Renai couldn't help but curiously asked Wu Tian.

"The second rule is actually very simple, that is trust!" Wu Tian said to Liu Renai.

"Trust?" After Liu Renai heard this, he began to ponder the meaning of the word trust.

"Do you know what trust means?"

"Knowing means having high confidence in things and trusting others!"

"What you are talking about is its literal translation: trust. It means believing and daring to entrust. It is a living feeling, a noble emotion, and a bond between people. The relationship between people

The most important thing in a relationship is trust. Its meaning is to make both parties relaxed, honest and happy! For example, one day, you see your boyfriend walking with a beautiful woman on the street, what will be your first reaction?

?" Wu Tian opened his eyes at this time and looked at Liu Renai. He wanted to know what expression would appear on the other person's face.

Liu Renai thought for a moment and said to Wu Tian, ​​"Go over and say hello to him?"

Wu Tian was defeated by Liu Renai's answer. Is this how difficult it is to treat a boyfriend? Is this a good attitude towards ordinary friends? But this is not the first time. Wu Tian has been prepared in his heart. He can accept it now.

Any outrageous answer from Liu Renai, even if it means saying nothing.

"I'm asking what you think in your heart, not what you would do." Wu Tian rolled his eyes at Liu Renai. It seems that he is very right to conduct actual combat while teaching Liu Renai. It's just that the trust issue seems to be unavailable for the time being.

Let the other party understand through actual combat. After all, they are not really boyfriend and girlfriend. Liu Renai does not care about him in her heart and has no feelings for him. In this case, tell Liu Renai. With Liu Renai's character, her reaction will be

It's because she doesn't know what to do, because she doesn't give her feelings, so she doesn't care at all.

It was just as Wu Tian thought. Liu Renai thought for a long time, and finally shook his head at Wu Tian and asked, "What should I think in my heart?"

"That man is your boyfriend. You care about him very much. You are not indifferent. Do you understand?" Wu Tian said in a very serious tone. Seeing Liu Renai's seemingly confused look, Wu Tian suddenly felt that this was not the same as Liu Renai.

Ren'ai said that Liu Ren'ai must still not understand. He thought for a while, changed his approach, looked at Liu Ren'ai and said, "You are engaged in drug research, so you should know the importance of experimental records, right? Let me tell you this,

One day in the future, you suddenly see the experimental records of an experimental project you hosted in the hands of your company's competitors, what will you think?"

This time, Liu Renai didn't even think about it and said directly, "Why are the experimental records in his hands? Did the competitors steal it themselves, or did the experimental team collude with the competitors inside and outside...!" Liu Renai said in

He was very excited when he said it, as if it really happened. It seems that Wu Tian chose this method to explain to Liu Renai, which was very correct.

"By the way, that's the mood." Wu Tian said to Liu Renai, and then slowly guided the other party to make the switch, "Now replace the experimental records with your boyfriend. They are all things you care about very much, and no one can change them.

They take it away. Replace your competitors with women standing next to your boyfriend. Theoretically, all women in the world are your competitors. Maybe they are thinking about how to seduce your boyfriend.

Your boyfriend was taken away from you. Now, tell me how you feel!"

"The feelings in my heart...doubts, doubts, anger...and some unspeakable feelings." Liu Renai said to Wu Tian while thinking about it.

"By the way, that's how it feels. You will be very angry when you see your boyfriend with other women. Coupled with the gossip you usually hear, you will be suspicious of your boyfriend at this time. This kind of

Suspicion will make you very angry and lose your cool. You will walk over to question your boyfriend with a cold face, or maybe rush up and beat up the woman. These are all signs of distrust, and the trust I put forward is

Contrary to that!"

"But why did the experimental records of my project appear in the hands of my competitors? Isn't this questionable?" Liu Renai asked Wu Tian doubtfully, "If your experimental records of project A appeared in my hands, wouldn't you

Don’t you doubt me?”

"I won't!" Wu Tian smiled and shook his head.

"I don't believe it!" Liu Renai also shook his head.

"Because it is impossible for this situation to happen. Even if it does happen, there must be a reason."

"What reason?"

"What's the reason...!" Wu Tian was thinking about it and suddenly realized that Liu Renai had actually got him involved. Is he giving a lecture to him now? And this metaphor is a bit bad. After all, experimental records are dead things.

, and the boyfriend is a living creature. Wu Tian thought for a moment and said, "Maybe the boss of the company made some kind of deal with a competitor. The experimental records appeared in the hands of the competitor. Or maybe your boss wants to use this

You can create experimental records to impress your competitors and invite your competitors to join. These are all possible."

"My father will not do that. If he really does that, he will definitely inform me in advance." Liu Renai said seriously.

"If you are so serious with me, then I won't be able to teach you." Wu Tian spread his hands and looked at Liu Renai who was very serious and said, "Let's change the analogy. For example, you are on the street. Look.

When your father walks with a beautiful woman and behaves very intimately, what do you think?"

"My dad is not that kind of person." Liu Renai said.

"Aren't you arguing? Are you arguing? Didn't I tell you all the analogies?"

"Then please change the analogy. I respect my father very much, and please respect my father too!"

Wu Tian looked at Liu Renai. This woman stood in front of him and stopped massaging him. Her serious expression seemed as if Wu Tian had said something treacherous to her father. Wu Tian shook his head helplessly.

. Suddenly laughed again and said to Liu Renai, "Your reaction now is because you have enough trust in your father. Even if you see your father walking closely with a beautiful woman, you will not believe them.

There is some kind of special care between the two, right?"

Liu Renai was slightly startled after hearing this. It seemed that this was indeed the case. Because she believed that her father would not do such a thing. That is why she resolutely did not allow others to slander her father. However, there was another thought in her heart.


"Can a boyfriend be the same as a father?"

"Then do you think you will spend more time with your father or your future husband?"

Liu Renai thought for a while, it was really hard to say. This question mainly depends on the life span of the two, and when she will have a boyfriend. This is a mathematical question, not an emotional question.

Seeing that Liu Renai didn't speak anymore, Wu Tian continued, "Of course, the trust I am talking about is not blind trust, and there is no doubt at all. There is a limit to the trust between people. Beyond this limit, there is no doubt.

It's very legitimate. If you see your boyfriend walking with a beautiful woman on the street, you don't have to be suspicious. But if you see your boyfriend kissing a beautiful woman, then you have to be suspicious. Come here.

, let me play a little game with you." As he said that, Wu Tian pointed to the sofa next to him.

Liu Renai sat next to Wu Tian curiously, wondering what kind of game Wu Tian would play with her.

"I just said that there is a boundary between trust between people. What this boundary is, I will let you understand through a small game. Now, let's sit face to face, and then I will slowly approach you and see

What distance can you bear?" As he said that, Wu Tian began to approach Liu Ren'ai, and the distance from the original forty centimeters facing each other began to gradually shorten.

As soon as Liu Renai saw Wu Tian slowly approaching her, it was okay at first. But as the other person got closer and closer to her, she began to feel nervous, especially when she thought about the fact that she had been robbed of her first kiss by him. This kind of

The tension became more and more serious, because the other person was not approaching her anywhere else, but her face. If she continued, their lips would touch each other.

Forty centimeters, thirty-nine, thirty-eight... When the distance shortened to about thirty centimeters, Wu Tian could clearly feel that Liu Renai's body was tense, the expression on his face became stiff, and his eyes were still staring.

Kissing his lips. Wu Tian knew that Liu Renai must have thought of the scene when they kissed before, so he was so nervous. However, Wu Tian did not stop. He risked being slapped in the mouth and continued to approach Liu Renai,

Shorten the distance between two people.

"Don't worry, I won't kiss you!" Wu Tian said to Liu Renai, but the look on his face looked like a smile but not a smile, so I felt that he was lying.

It was okay if Wu Tian didn't say anything, but when he did, Liu Renai became even more nervous. Not kissing? It would be weird to believe you! Didn't you say that you couldn't do anything before? Didn't you take away his first kiss in the end?

As the man continued to approach, Liu Renai could even feel the other man's breathing. When the distance between the two was still twenty centimeters, Liu Renai turned his head and stopped playing this game.

After Wu Tian saw it, he slowly backed away, and the distance between the two began to widen again. The nervous feeling in Liu Ren's heart gradually disappeared, and he felt much more comfortable.

"I was just testing your trust in me. I said I wouldn't kiss you, but you still avoided it when we were about ten centimeters away. This shows that the limit of your trust in me is two.

Ten centimeters. If you exceed these twenty centimeters, you will feel uncomfortable and will no longer trust me. If I continue to get close to you, you might give me a slap in the face without hesitation."


"You don't have to be embarrassed. This is normal. When I am far away from you, you will trust me, but when I start to be close to you, you will trust me less and less, even when I

After I said I wouldn't kiss you, you doubted me and didn't believe me, right?"

"Well...!" Liu Renai did feel this way at the time, which is why she agreed with what Wu Tian said to her! She admitted that she was a love idiot. But this does not mean that she is a blind person

.She still has basic rationality and judgment skills!

"So, trust is not absolute, but relative. You need to grasp the scale of trust yourself. But, as your boyfriend, when I am twenty centimeters away from you, you should avoid me.

Very unhappy!" Wu Tian crossed his arms and looked at Liu Renai with a straight face, looking very angry.

Liu Renai was slightly startled. She probably didn't expect Wu Tian to suddenly change his face. She was a little overwhelmed at first, but soon thought of a solution. She came behind Wu Tian and put her hands on

He put it on Wu Tian's shoulders and started massaging Wu Tian again.


He has made great progress! Wu Tian thought to himself after seeing it. It seems that he is quite good as a teacher. He actually taught a love idiot like Liu Renai to care about others and make corresponding responses based on other people's emotions.

Action, it seems that this woman is not hopeless.

"We have finished talking about trust. Now, let's start talking about the third item. This third item is respect! People should respect each other, and men and women should also respect each other. Don't do it just because you are the other person's

Girlfriends will point fingers at men, let alone restrict their behavior just because they are their boyfriends. They must respect other people's habits and life, and cannot impose interference. Not only must they respect each other in thought, but also in action.

Respect each other. Do you understand?" Wu Tian said while enjoying Liu Renai's massage.


"What do you understand? How can you understand so quickly? Are you a liar?" Wu Tian snorted coldly, and then continued, "Some women, thinking they are a man's girlfriend, interfere with him in everything and change them according to their own preferences.

Other people’s preferences. For example, if you don’t like someone around a man, you won’t let him have contact with that person. For example, if a man likes some landscape photos, he puts landscape photos in the house, but the woman throws away all these photos.

, this is also wrong if you change it to a photo of yourself. For example, I want to drink cold water, but you have to pour me a cup of hot water. This is also a sign of disrespect for me."

"...!" After Liu Renai heard this, he thought of what he had done before, and his face turned red unconsciously.

"However, care is concern, and respect is respect. Some women often confuse care with respect, thinking that some of their actions are concern, but in fact, they have affected men, which turns into disrespect, so women often mean well.

Doing bad things mainly stems from possessiveness. Men are possessive of women, and women are possessive of men. A man's possessiveness of a woman usually refers to the body. And a woman's possessiveness of a man usually refers to everything, that is,

This strong possessiveness often turns into disrespect and eventually leads to separation. Therefore, giving each other some respect and giving each other some space is also the key point for men and women to get along."

"I understand." Liu Renai nodded seriously. This time she really understood.

"In addition to the above three points, there is also the most important fourth point. If you can't do the fourth point, then it will be in vain if you do the first three points." Wu Tian said, showing an enigmatic look.

"The fourth point? What is it?" Liu Renai asked. She didn't understand why such an important point was not mentioned first, but the fourth one. Under normal circumstances, the most important thing should be mentioned first.

Only one person is right!

"The fourth point is acceptance! Try to accept the pursuit of others, give yourself a chance, and give others a chance. If you always refuse, then you are destined to be alone in your life."

"So simple?" Liu Renai didn't expect that the fourth most important point mentioned by Wu Tian could be accomplished so easily. Isn't it just accepting the pursuit of others? What's so difficult about this?

"It's that simple, but this is what you lack the most. Otherwise, you wouldn't be single until now!" Wu Tian said seriously to Liu Renai, "And I think this is also the most difficult thing for you to do.

Although what you say now seems easy, it is not easy to break your own habits for so many years. Are you ready to accept men and get along with men? "

"...!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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