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Chapter 615 Silly cute!

Seeing Wu Tian smiling, Liu Renai also smiled, but it was a forced smile, and she was a little embarrassed because her face also turned red. ●⌒ She knew that the reason why Wu Tian smiled was not because he was moved by her words.

Yes, it was because of her funny appearance that her Chicken Soup for the Soul had no effect, which was why she was embarrassed. However, the other party finally laughed, which was considered to have achieved her goal.

For her, the process is not important, what is important is the result. If there is no good result, no matter how beautiful the whole process is, it will not help. Just like drug research, no matter how many breakthroughs are made in the middle links, as long as the research

In the end, there was no success, and no matter how many breakthroughs were made, it was useless.

"You finally smiled." Liu Renai looked at Wu Tian and said, then took off the hands on the corners of her mouth. The muscles on both sides of her mouth were a little sore from the pressure, but she feels much better now. She has never comforted others.

, and she never made anyone laugh. She gave Wu Tian another first time in her life.

"Why are you doing this?" Wu Tian asked Liu Renai curiously. This was not the Liu Renai he knew. She was very good at doing things. She made faces, but it felt strange no matter how she looked at them.

"I just don't want to see you continue to sink." Liu Renai said, "I hope you can know that not only will you not die, but you can also live well, even better than most people. You are doing this not only for yourself.

, but also for those who care about you. What you lack now is the courage to continue living. Why don’t you give yourself a chance? The Mr. Wu I know is not such a weak person. He is bold, brave, and committed to his work.

He is full of fighting spirit and full of love for life. He should never give up on himself because of such a trivial matter. If this is the case, it can only be said that I have misjudged the person. I have overestimated Mr. Wu."

A method of provoking generals?

After listening to this, Wu Tian looked at the woman opposite with a smile. He used encouraging provocations. He had seen this kind of trick a lot. It was usually used by teachers on students and bosses on employees. Unexpectedly, Liu Renai actually used it on his students.

This method was used on him. It seems that she really has no talent in comforting people. At least in Wu Tian's opinion, the other party's words are not as comfortable as pressing his shoulders. But Wu Tian is

After listening to this, I still feel warm in my heart. From the perspective of a person infected with AIDS, what Liu Renai is doing now is undoubtedly the best encouragement. Few people can face being infected with AIDS.

When looking at someone, she could still remain calm, treat him as a friend, and give him such encouragement. Wu Tian could see that everything Liu Renai did was sincere. Otherwise, she would not be as good as she was just now.

Unusual behavior.

This woman is so stupid! But she is so cute!

In fact, although Liu Renai is very beautiful, Wu Tian used to dislike him because he always looked expressionless. But now, no matter how he looks at her, he feels that his zombie face is a bit cute.

Has he changed, or has the other person changed?

Wu Tian doesn't know.

"Just now I taught you how to get along with men. Now I want you to teach me how to live. Haha, we are even now." Wu Tian smiled at Liu Renai. Then he picked up the chopsticks and said while eating, "

Don’t worry, I know I’ll still have a long life ahead of me, so I won’t be so obsessed with it.”

Liu Renai looked at Wu Tian carefully. Seeing that the other person didn't seem to say anything casually, he breathed a sigh of relief. He patted his chest gently with his hand and whispered, "This puts me at ease." Although the two of them said

They have not known each other for a long time and have no deep friendship, but she just doesn't want to see anything happen to the other person. Calculating, the two of them should be competitors, but they have such thoughts. Liu Renai herself seems to be unwilling to do so.

Didn't realize it.

Wu Tian glanced at Liu Renai, suddenly thought of a question, and asked Liu Renai, "Have you ever eaten alone with another man before?"

"No!" Liu Renai shook his head.

"No way? Have you ever been alone with a man?"

"No!" Liu Renyao shook his head again and said, "When I was in school, I was picked up and dropped off in the car at home, and I didn't have the opportunity to interact with male classmates. After working, I spent most of the time in the laboratory, although my colleagues

There are many men among them, but they are too old for me."

"Then aren't you very pitiful? At your best age, you didn't experience the happiest things?" Wu Tian said. What is youth? Youth is the process of transition from child to adult, and it is also the time when human nature first develops. In this kind of

When you are at your purest, it is really contrary to your physiology and psychology not to fall in love with someone of the opposite sex. That kind of simple beauty is definitely not something you can experience when you get older. That kind of happiness is definitely not something you can experience when you are older.

It's not like what you can get through friends when you get older. The reason why Wu Tian thinks this way is because he fully enjoyed this happiness during that period. He was able to compare the happiness at that time with the happiness now.

So in this matter, he has the most say, and because of this, he feels that Liu Renai is very pitiful. "Don't you regret it now?" Wu Tian asked Liu Renai. Wu Tian now

I regret very much. I regret not being able to pick up a few more seniors or junior girls. People like him are usually attracted by both young and old.

After hearing this, Liu Renai frowned and thought for a while, but didn't know how to answer. Because she had never experienced it, she didn't know how much happiness the happiest thing Wu Tian said could bring her, even if

She can't feel it now. Since she can't feel it, how can she say whether she regrets it or not?

As soon as Wu Tian saw Liu Renai's expression, he knew what he was thinking, so he changed his way and said to Liu Renai, "Let me tell you this, if there is a very beautiful thing, you can obviously do it, but you can't

Do you regret that you missed such an opportunity and will never have such an opportunity again?"

"No!" Liu Renai said.

"How is that possible?"

"I won't regret my decision!"

"I know you are very sensible and will not regret your decision, but what I want to say now is not your subjective decision, but that you missed something that you have never thought about at all...!"

"Since I haven't thought about it, what's there to regret?"

"Didn't I tell you now?"

"I-I'm not sure!"


Wu Tian opened his mouth after hearing this, but in the end he didn't say anything and continued to eat with his head down. The reason why he didn't say anything was because he knew it was not Liu Renai's fault, but his own fault. He knew that the other party was a lover

Isn't it just asking for trouble for an insensitive person to talk about love issues with the other person? Isn't the previous lesson enough?

Seeing Wu Tian's speechless expression, Liu Renai felt a little sorry, but she didn't mean it. These were all her truths, unless the other party wanted to hear her lies, but she was not a good liar, so...


After finishing dinner quietly, Wu Tian took Liu Renai out of the restaurant and came to the screening room. In addition to having high requirements for professional instruments in the laboratory, Wu Tian also valued fitness facilities and entertainment facilities. Because

Research itself is a very boring, mentally and physically demanding task. If employees are not given an environment where they can fully relax, they will easily suffer from depression. What’s more, Tianzheng Building has so many floors, and the current utilization rate is still low.

Less than half, idle time is idle, why not make good use of it? This was Wu Tian's idea inspired by Fang Hua. For this reason, he deliberately handed over this matter to Fang Hua, and the result made Wu Tian quite happy

Satisfied and welcomed by researchers. Wu Tian could see that when everyone was working, they were obviously more energetic and more engaged than before. However, Wu Tian rarely came here. For him.

It would be better to exercise and entertain here with Fang Hua and Jingyun in bed, which would be more effective.

"What type of movie do you want to watch?" Wu Tian asked Liu Renai.

"Mr. Wu, you make your choice." Liu Renai said. Her purpose today was to accompany Wu Tian, ​​comfort him, and let him regain confidence in life. How could she be so embarrassed to be the guest?

"My choice? Then it's a romance movie!" Wu Tian found a very hot romance movie recently, and it was about youth movies during the student period. This is the most suitable one for Liu Renai to watch. Wu Tian wanted to make Liu Renai blank.

Make up for the relationship.

After choosing the movie, Wu Tian turned off the lights in the screening room, then sat down with Liu Renai and started watching the big screen. With a piece of melodious music, the story slowly unfolded, and the male and female protagonists appeared one after another...!

Although it is a Chinese movie, Liu Renai speaks Chinese well, and the film also has English subtitles in addition to Chinese subtitles, so Wu Tian is not worried that Liu Renai cannot understand it. There are only certain cultural differences between China and South Korea.

, Wu Tian was worried that Liu Renai could understand the subtitles, but could not understand the deeper meaning. Then the impact of the film on Liu Renai would be greatly reduced, which Wu Tian did not want to see. In the end, he could only

Hope is pinned on Liu Renai's understanding of Chinese culture. Didn't the other party say that she is half China expert? She also studied in China, and now it is time to test the results of her study abroad.

The content of the story is very simple. It is nothing more than a pure first love between male and female students. Of course, the appearance of a third party is naturally inevitable. In short, the male and female protagonists are beautiful at the beginning, but there is a rift in the middle, and they will die in the second half.

To live, although they did not come together in the end, they left a very good memory for each of them, which made the hero and heroine understand some things and some truths, and deeply affected the hero and heroine's future life...


The film is not long, only one and a half hours. Although the director of the film is not a famous director, the continuity of the story is still very good. In addition, the film is based on the original work, and it already has a very clear main line.

, so the whole movie looks pretty good, with both urination and tears. In an environment where there are so many bad movies, it can be considered a good fresh movie.

Wu Tian's hand was put on Liu Ren'ai's shoulder at some point, but Liu Ren'ai still maintained the original posture, sitting upright and not leaning on Wu Tian's body. It was considered that during this hour and a half

The most flawless part.

As a man who has been in love for a long time, Wu Tian will not shed tears when watching such a fresh and refreshing film. It is not that he is hard-hearted, but that he feels that this kind of film is simply not worth mentioning in his experience.

So during this hour and a half, he was mostly observing Yoo Ren Ai around him, especially at the beginning, middle, and last of the film, three times when he could express different feelings.

I looked at Liu Renai and wanted to see if the other person would be moved or show some kind of longing and envy after seeing the content in the film.

It's a pity that the room was too dark, and due to the angle, Wu Tian could not observe the other person's eyes. Eyes are the windows to the soul, and inner thoughts are usually revealed through the eyes. People's facial expressions can lie, but eyes do not.

He can lie. Just because a person laughs does not mean that he is happy. When a person cries, it does not mean that he is sad. So in this hour and a half, Wu Tian was not able to see Liu Renai's truest thoughts, but

Seeing the other person's calm expression from the beginning to the end of the video, Wu Tian felt as if the person next to him was not a living person, but an inflatable doll.

So after the movie ended, Wu Tian quickly turned on the light and stared at Liu Renai with sharp eyes, full of aggression. It seemed as if nothing could escape from his eyes.

Liu Renai was very calm, unlike the female fans who often appear in the news with their eyes red and wiping their tears with tissues when being interviewed by reporters. However, Wu Tian still saw a trace of confusion and confusion in the other person's eyes. This is exactly what Wu Tian saw.

What God wants to see is not to be afraid that the other party will have problems, but to be afraid that nothing will go wrong.

"What do you think of the film?" Wu Tian quickly asked Liu Renai.

Liu Renai shook his head gently.

"Is it bad?" Wu Tian asked. He could have chosen a movie with relatively high online ratings and positive reviews, and he has always been a very picky person. Even he thought the movie was okay, but why did it change in Liu Renai's eyes?

What's wrong? Could it be that this woman didn't understand?

"No!" Liu Renai explained, "Because I haven't seen this kind of film in Korea, so I don't know how to describe it."

Oh! Wu Tian breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. He thought the other party didn’t understand it. As long as he understood it, that’s fine!

"Since you have never seen this kind of film, tell me what you think about this film!"

"I would like to ask, are all the contents mentioned in the video true? Will it happen in reality?" Liu Renai looked at Wu Tian curiously and asked. She is now very eager to know this question.

"This film is based on the original work, and the author of the original work has said that most of the content he wrote actually happened. Of course, we cannot rule out that the content in the original work and the film will be influenced by readers and viewers.

It needs to be exaggerated through artistic means, but I can tell you responsibly that what you see is nothing compared to my experience at that time." Wu Tian said to Liu Renai seriously. This

One thing, he didn't brag about Liu Renai. The distance he played was definitely much more exciting than what was shown in the movie, because there were not only the first female lead, the second female lead, but also the third female lead, and the fourth female lead.

Female number five, etc. And he has a different experience with every woman. If it is made into a movie, it is estimated that more than a dozen movies will be made, and it will definitely be restricted.

After hearing Wu Tian's answer, Liu Renai fell silent, his eyes fell on the screen in front of him, staring at a point in a daze.

However, Liu Renai's reaction is very good in Wu Tian's opinion. Because only those who have learned something from the movie will show such temporary daze. On the other hand, it is those who are not serious.

, they were already laughing and laughing and couldn’t wait to comment on the video, or they just raised their butts and left.

Therefore, Wu Tian sat quietly next to Liu Renai, watching the other person silently, without interrupting the other person's thinking. He knew that Liu Renai must be thinking about something at this time, and he was probably inspired by the story told in the film.

She was moved. Because she didn’t know whether the content in the video was real or fictional, she had doubts in her eyes. When she learned through questioning that the content in the video was real, all her thoughts came to mind.

came out.

After a few minutes, Liu Renai came back to her senses. When she turned to look at Wu Tian, ​​Wu Tian found that the other person's eyes were particularly bright, like clear lake water, sparkling under the sunlight.

It's still shining.

For a moment, Wu Tian seemed to understand something from Liu Renai's eyes. At this moment, Liu Renai had changed from an emotionally numb person to an emotional person. Her eyes said everything! Gathering

All the emotions in her heart were released at this moment.

"Do you still regret it now?" Wu Tian looked at Liu Renai and asked.

Liu Renai nodded, then shook her head and said, "I'm not sure, but I'm very envious of what happened in the film...!" She didn't know why she felt like this.

A very wonderful expectation, I even hope that time can go back!

"Your envy is actually yearning." Wu Tian interrupted Liu Renai and said, "Meet the most beautiful people at the most beautiful time, no matter what the outcome is, when you recall that time, you

If you can laugh and cry, that is the most beautiful result. Everyone wants to have such an unforgettable memory. Are you regretting not having such an experience now? "

Liu Renai thought for a while, pursed her lips, and nodded.

"If all this is true, then I admit that I regret it!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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