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Chapter 625 Incredible people!

"Hello, I am a friend of Miss Tina. I would like to ask you some knowledge about AIDS! I wonder if Miss Tina has told you about it?" Wu Tian did not immediately speak after finishing the call with Tina.

Instead of calling this number, wait for a while and give Tina some time to remind her friend in advance and have an explanation, so that it will be much more convenient for him to call again. Otherwise, it will be easy to get a call like this in the middle of the night.

Treat people as mentally ill.

"Hello, Miss Tina has just informed me and asked me to fully assist you. Is there anything I can do to help you?" the person on the other end of the phone asked politely. Tina is his boss.

The person making this call is a friend of the boss, so his attitude is naturally better. As a spy, under normal circumstances, even the boss will keep secrets for him, but now the boss will give his number to another person and ask him to assist

, it means that this person has an extraordinary relationship with the boss and is someone the boss can trust.

"I believe Miss Tina has asked you before, and my question is the same question she asked you before." Wu Tian repeated again, "How can a person who is not infected with AIDS be tested for AIDS? Just now Tina

It has been told to me, I want to know more details, preferably with specific implementation steps!"

"Okay. Testing for AIDS is a very complicated process. The simplest method now is to use test strips, and test strips are divided into two types, one is blood test strips, and the other is saliva test strips... If it is a

A complete set of formal examinations requires testing human blood, other body fluids, tissues and organs, blood derivatives, etc. for HIV, HIV, antibodies and related immune indicators, and finally drawing conclusions...!"

Although Wu Tian didn't know who the other party was, he listened very carefully to the other party's explanation of the AIDS test. After listening to the other party's words, Wu Tian found that there was a big discrepancy between what the other party and Tina had told him before, and he didn't know

Was it that the other party was hiding something from Tina, or that Tina simply didn't understand what the other party said, so she forgot too much important information in the process of transmitting the message. In addition, Wu Tian also found that what he had imagined before was too simple.

He thought that by changing the blood, he would be able to hide the truth, but now it seems that he was too naive. Even if he took the risk of changing the blood, it would be of no use.

He was originally full of hope for the future because of Tina's words. Now after hearing the explanation of the person on the other side of the phone, his heart began to beat again. The Bai family will definitely ask for a comprehensive examination of him.

Yes, and if there is any abnormality in so many examinations, the Bai family will never let go of this opportunity. They will definitely seize this opportunity to fight back. I'm afraid it will be the Wu family who will suffer by then.


Fortunately, he asked for this number from Tina and called the other party to find out more carefully. Otherwise, if he only listened to what Tina said, he would not know what the problem was if something went wrong.

"The most common HIV testing methods now include antibody testing, antigen testing, nucleic acid testing, and virus isolation. In fact, as long as you understand these testing methods, it is not impossible to change the results...!"

"I want to know. How can I manipulate the examination results to change the examination results?" Wu Tian asked. Although it was rude to interrupt the other party, he really didn't want to hear the other party explain various principles to him again. Because he

If you don’t understand it at all, it will be in vain if you listen, so you have to devote your limited time to key issues.

"If the inspection is very detailed, I think it is unlikely to change all the inspection results, but it is not absolute. It depends on the situation! If it is only for one of them, there are still ways to deal with it."

"So what is the method of changing the test results of the instrument that Tina said before?" Wu Tian asked again. He is more interested in this kind of high-tech stuff, because there are a lot of high-tech things in his R&D department.

The instrument is also very easy to use. The most important thing is that this method is the safest for him and has no side effects!

"There are only a few companies in the world that can produce HIV testing machines, and the testing principle is not a secret. If we can determine which testing machine to use, we can develop a reagent based on the characteristics of this company's machine.

, it is possible to interfere with the final results, or even find the company and ask the company to issue corresponding instructions to a certain numbered machine to produce wrong results."

Holy shit, remote control? So powerful?

In fact, Wu Tian knew about this kind of thing, but he didn't expect it to be used in medical equipment. But think about it, with the development of medical technology, all medical equipment now are automatic and connected to the computer.

With a chip, it is indeed possible to be remotely controlled.

Just like some elevator manufacturers, after sending out the goods, if the other party does not pay, they can directly control the elevator and stop it until payment is made. This method is still very useful in dealing with arrears. After all, it is impossible for a building builder to pay again.

If the elevator is dismantled, you must know that the cost of dismantling the elevator is much higher than the cost of buying the elevator.

Medical equipment and elevators should have the same principle.

This method is good. It requires no injections or medicine. As long as someone else controls the device, all his problems will be solved. There is no need to worry about being discovered. It is both convenient and safe.

However, Wu Tian doesn't even know which hospital he went to for examination, so how can he possibly know what type of instrument is used during the examination? There are so many big hospitals in Beijing, and each one can test for AIDS. Is it possible that he should be asked to draw lots?

Resign yourself to fate?

"Although this method is very good, it is a bit difficult to operate because I don't know which hospital the examination will be carried out, let alone what type of equipment they have in the hospital." Wu Tian said in a dilemma.

"When will the inspection be carried out? Is it urgent?" the other party asked.

"There's no rush, I guess it will take a while." Wu Tian replied.

"It doesn't matter. It's still too late to notify the instrument company when you enter the hospital."

"Then how do I know what type of machine is in the hospital? I don't know much about the machines used for AIDS testing, and I don't have the opportunity to enter the laboratory to check the machines," Wu Tian said.

"This is easy to handle. Our institute has close cooperative relationships with major AIDS testing machine manufacturers in the world. You only need to report your country and city. I can get customer information from these manufacturers, including

Purchase the purchase order to know the machine model purchased by each hospital in your city! By the way, sir, which country are you in?"


"China? As far as I know, China does not have the professional equipment to produce HIV testing. So as long as it is a hospital capable of testing HIV, all equipment should be imported from abroad."

"Okay!" After hearing the other party's words, Wu Tian's whole person became ignited again, and he became more confident. However, he had some doubts. The other party seemed to be very good at doing this kind of thing. Is he a researcher or a spy?

If they were just specialized researchers, they probably wouldn't have the brains to do bad things like this. Wu Tian wanted to ask, but in the end he didn't ask. Since the other person was Tina's and was helping him wholeheartedly, he had no reason to get to the bottom of it.

Otherwise, wouldn't he be just like Tina? "Then I'll ask you to contact the major manufacturers in the world. I'll pay all the fees."

"Give me a day and I will give you an answer in one day!"

"Okay." Wu Tian said, "But to be on the safe side, is there any other way besides remote control equipment?" Now that I have met an expert, I naturally have to ask all the questions, make sure the plan is watertight, and don't give the Bai family any chance.


"Yes. But it is extremely dangerous and has strong side effects. You are Miss Tina's friend, so I don't recommend you to use it. Sir, I can give you a suggestion!"

"Please speak!" Wu Tian said quickly. From the conversation just now, he felt that the other party was definitely not as simple as a researcher. If the other party could help him come up with a solution, that would be great.

"Sir, you just said that there is still some time before the test, so now you can send people to check whether they are infected with HIV and go to major hospitals to understand the situation. Find out clearly the test methods and procedures of each major hospital, especially those who

You can send a few more people to the hospitals you think are possible, and then conduct targeted research based on what these people know about the situation to find out effective methods!"

Wu Tian's eyes lit up after hearing this. After hearing his mother's words, he was a little panicked and even forgot about this trick. As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will win every battle. Only by understanding the examination procedures of major hospitals,

Only then can we find flaws and exploit them to change the inspection results without anyone noticing.

"I understand. After I find out the situation, I will tell you the situation. We will contact you at any time."


After talking to the other party, Wu Tian breathed a sigh of relief. Although the matter has not been resolved, at least he has several implementable plans in his mind. No one can tell what the outcome will be, but at least it has given him hope.

, let him know that there is still a way to deal with the test. Having a way will give him a sense of confidence, and the whole person will not be so panicked and afraid.

This is called, you have a good plan and I have a wall ladder!

Let's see who can defeat whom!

Wu Tian glanced at the time. It was two-thirty in the afternoon. It was still early. The doctors in the hospital would not get off work so soon. Next, they would send people to major hospitals for HIV testing.

There are still many large hospitals in the capital, and there are also many hospitals capable of testing for HIV. It is not easy to guess which hospital the notary will choose. First of all, this hospital must be

The top hospital in the capital, so that it can be recognized by the notary. Furthermore, there must be no personnel from both parties in this hospital, so that both parties will accept it and ensure the fairness of the examination. With these two items, a lot of things have been eliminated.

hospital. Since the notary is an old leader, he will definitely choose a hospital he is familiar with. There are only a few top hospitals in Beijing that can provide physical examinations for old leaders and cadres, excluding those who have relatives and friends.

, the remaining hospitals can be counted on the palm of a hand.

After using the elimination method, another question posed in front of Wu Tian. That was who to send! Among those hospitals, many ordinary people could not get in. Even if they could get in, they did not know where they would be arranged.

In the year of the monkey and the month of the horse. Among them, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are excluded.

Furthermore, the person sent must know something about AIDS, be thoughtful, and be good at observation. Only in this way can he write down the entire process of HIV testing in the hospital and be clear about what the doctor did to them during the testing.


If you need people who know about cancer research, there are a lot of them here, but if you want people who know about AIDS, they really don’t have them here.

Where to look for it? Who to look for? This is a question!

Wu Tian rubbed his temples with his hands. He started to have a headache again.

Problems came one after another, one was solved, and another appeared. It was really overwhelming!

Wu Tian left the house and began to wander around the company aimlessly. He was thinking as he walked. When he stopped, he found that he was not going to the R&D department, but stopped at the Intelligence Department. Apart from Fang Hua and Jingyun,

, that is, Liu Min and those people under her. These people are not engaged in AIDS research, so they are useless.

Just when Wu Tian was about to turn around and leave to try his luck in the R&D Department, the door of the Intelligence Department opened from the inside, and it was Jingyun who opened the door.

"Have you encountered a problem?" Jingyun asked, looking at Wu Tian with a faint smile on his face.

"Yes!" Wu Tian nodded and sighed again. What he encountered this time was no ordinary problem!

"Come in and talk to us. Even if I can't solve it for you, I can at least share your worries and think of a solution!"

Wu Tian walked in after hearing this. Perhaps this is why he walked here unconsciously, because the Intelligence Department is the brains of the entire company. In the past, no matter what was done, plans were made and implemented here. Although

No one here understands AIDS, but they are his think tank!

Wu Tian entered the room and sat down, because there were no outsiders in the room. So he told the whole thing, the causes and consequences. Because Li Ting was in this building now, Wu Tian had nothing to hide.

.Things are getting a bit big now. He really needs someone to share the burden for him, even if it is just to listen quietly, so that he can speak out and no longer hold it in his heart, it can also make him feel more comfortable.

Jingyun and others only knew about Wu Tian being plotted by Bai Yuze, but they didn't know about Wu Tian's revenge on Bai Yuze. Now after listening to Wu Tian's story, they also realized the seriousness of the matter. No wonder they just watched it on the surveillance camera

When Wu Tian frowned and walked around in the building like a headless fly, he finally understood.

Jingyun and Fang Hua already worked at Shengtian Pharmaceutical Company, and Shengtian Pharmaceutical itself did not research AIDS. In addition, Jingyun was also a latecomer to the pharmaceutical company. Although Fang Hua had stayed at the pharmaceutical company for a long time, he

They have always been engaged in business work, so the two women were at a loss after listening to it, and were anxious that they could not help their lovers.

Wu Tian smiled slightly after seeing it, but he didn't think anything. This was all within his expectation. Jingyun and Fang Hua are not gods, how can they understand everything? Wu Tian suddenly saw Liu Min's face looking thoughtful.

His expression seemed to be thinking about something, so he asked, "What do you think?"

After Liu Min heard this, she did not answer Wu Tian's words. Instead, she looked at the beautiful snake sitting in the room, and the beautiful snake was also looking at her. The two looked at each other. The beautiful snake seemed to understand something and turned towards Liu Min.

Min nodded, and Liu Min said to the beautiful snake, "You should tell the boss!"

"Yes!" The beautiful snake turned around at this time, stood up from the chair, looked at Wu Tian and said, "Boss, I have been engaged in military medicine, studied at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and worked at XX Hospital in Beijing.

, have been in contact with AIDS patients, and have gone through the entire examination process...!"

"Really?" Wu Tian stood up all of a sudden, his face full of surprise. It really took no effort to get through the iron shoes and find no place. Although there is only one person, it is better than nothing. And the hospital where the other person studied and worked

, are all members of his predicted candidate list, and the other party can definitely enter these two hospitals and figure out the conditions of these two places for him.

"Really!" After hearing Wu Tian's question, the beautiful snake nodded very solemnly.

"When Hao Jun introduced you, he said what kind of information force you belong to. How can you be a military doctor?" Wu Tian asked doubtfully. Liu Min and these people were introduced by Hao Jun's girlfriend at the Military Region Combat Command Center.

Wu Tian always thought that these people were engaged in information. He never expected that there would be military doctors among them. Aren't military doctors all in the medical class?

"Although we serve in the information force, we are a combat team. Everyone has his or her own responsibilities. We also need to go to the battlefield at critical moments. Naturally, we must arrange it according to the configuration of a regular combat team. We not only have medical staff here, but also

There are assaulters, snipers, blasters, communicators...!" Liu Min held her head high and said loudly to Wu Tian, ​​as if she was dissatisfied that Wu Tian had been looking down on them.

Wu Tian was startled by Liu Min's answer. According to the configuration mentioned by the other party, the other party was not an information force at all, but a special forces force. Wasn't this configuration arranged according to the configuration of a regular special forces force?

Looking at these people in front of him, Wu Tian swallowed unconsciously. He used to think that these people were just ordinary information personnel, that is, people who did not do their job properly and were engaged in IT in the army. Now I know that these people all have backgrounds.

, the intelligence work they are currently engaged in is just one of their many identities.

I’m grateful that I have recruited a group of incredible people!

…(To be continued)


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