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Chapter 629 Like 007!

"In a while, I will end my relationship with Bai Yuze and go to the hospital for a check-up. At that time, the Bai family will probably mention you and ask you to go to the hospital for a check-up. In order to avoid accidents, I will hide you temporarily.

, but I will declare to the outside world that you have disappeared. As for the safety of your family, I will send someone to protect you!" On the bed in the lounge, Wu Tian hugged Li Ting and said to her.

When the Bai family suddenly proposed to examine him, Wu Tian was already very surprised. Fortunately, he did not go to the hospital for examination immediately, which gave him a chance to breathe. However, in order to prevent the Bai family's dog from jumping over the wall, they proposed to let Li Ting

When asked to go for an inspection together, Wu Tian decided to hide Li Ting first in a place where no one could find her. Of course, this place must not be a company. If she was found out by then, he would be very embarrassed.

Wu Tian knew very well that even if he was found to be infected with AIDS, the Bai family would not be convinced and would continue to struggle, and Li Ting was the last straw for their struggle. In fact, the key person in the whole incident was neither Wu

God, it's not Bai Yuze, but Li Ting. Whether she is an HIV carrier is the key to the matter. If she is an HIV carrier, then Wu Tian's test results will be confirmed. But if she is not

If Wu Tian is an HIV carrier, even if Wu Tian is found to be infected with AIDS, the Bai family will say that Wu Tian's own disorderly life has nothing to do with the Bai family. This is why the Bai family attacks the Wu family.

A reason!

Although Wu Tian has found the manufacturer of AIDS testing equipment through a friend of Tina and successfully implemented remote control of these testing equipment in Beijing, Li Ting is different from him. He is thick-skinned, courageous, etc.

I have seen the scene before, even if Bai Yuze's father Bai Zhenghui is standing in front of him, he will still not be frightened. But it is different if it is Li Ting. Although she works in an agency, the level of people she comes into contact with is limited, and she can only say a few words

He might be frightened. So for the sake of safety, Wu Tian decided to make Li Ting 'invisible' for a while, wait for the limelight to pass, deal with Bai Yuze, and then let Li Ting come out.

"Okay, I listen to you!" Li Ting said obediently as she lay in Wu Tian's arms. During these days in the company, Li Ting still felt very good, except that the harmonious environment here made her feel very relaxed.

She doesn't have to quarrel all day long like before, because Wu Tian has prescribed several foreign language courses for her, so her life here is more fulfilling, and she can finally learn several languages ​​​​that she wanted to learn before but didn't have time to learn.

Learn some.

What's more, things have developed so far that a little person like her can no longer control it. This is a battle between the upper class and the two largest families. How can a little person like her control it? So, just listen obediently.

Men's words are better.

"I feel sorry for you." Wu Tian said while stroking Li Ting's smooth skin. "As long as Bai Yuze is pulled down, the Bai family will lose its successor from now on. A family without a successor is usually not favored by others.

.In the end, he will only gradually be alienated. Although Bai Zhenghui is still thinking about it, he will be over in a few years. And at his age, there is no possibility of going further. Therefore, as long as the Bai family is

If you are beaten down, the Bai family will never stand up again."

"It doesn't matter, in order to be with you, I won't feel wronged no matter what you ask me to do!" Li Ting said seriously. In fact, she needs the Bai family to fall more quickly than Wu Tian now. In this way, she doesn't have to worry about the Bai family.

In the end, Bai Yuze committed suicide by jumping into the lake out of guilt, so that she would not have to worry about meeting him again in the capital in the future.

As the saying goes: green bamboo snake's mouth, wasp tail needle, both are not poisonous, but the most poisonous to a woman's heart!

If this woman hates someone, she will want him to die quickly! Even if he does not die, she must create an opportunity for the other person to die. Li Ting has this idea now. She created an opportunity for Bai Yuze to fall. At the same time,

Cooperating with Wu Tian, ​​Bai Yuze was completely unable to stand up.

"Everyone outside the company now belongs to the Bai family. Although I have a way to take you out, the power of the Bai family cannot be underestimated. Now is no better than before. There are surveillance everywhere. If the Bai family discovers your traces, then the Bai family will

It is very possible to take this opportunity to turn around." Wu Tian said. Wu Tian was really worried about leaving Li Ting alone outside. He was not worried about Li Ting's safety, but worried that Li Ting would be found by the Bai family. In fact, Bai

Even if the Bai family finds Li Ting, they won't do anything to her. The Bai family wants to turn around and point fingers at her, so it's impossible to kill and silence her. But if Li Ting is found by the Bai family and taken to the hospital for examination, it will be a big trouble.

. So, where is the safest place to hide Li Ting and the most reassuring place for him? This is indeed a distressing matter.

"Where can I hide safely? Otherwise, should I go back to my hometown?" Li Ting asked Wu Tian, ​​"I am very familiar with the environment in my hometown, and I have many relatives and friends wherever they are, and they will help me."

After Wu Tian heard this, he shook his head and said, "Don't look for friends, because the people who betray you are often your friends, so you must not let them know where you are, let alone ask them to help you.

.There are many things in history about sellers seeking glory or betraying their friends, so I don’t need to tell you about it, right?”

"How about I go abroad to escape?" Li Ting asked again.

"You need to register for entry and exit. Before you land, the Bai family has already arrived and is waiting for you outside the airport."

"So powerful?" Li Ting asked in surprise.

"Do you think the Bai family is easy to mess with?" Wu Tian said, "Even if I have to fight with the Bai family this time, I have to pay a price. I can only pull Bai Yuze away while minimizing losses as much as possible.

Come down. If you want to completely eradicate the Bai family, it is basically impossible!"

To be honest, if Tina hadn't found someone for him this time, it would be hard for him to pass the AIDS test. So in this matter, Tina can be considered a contributor. Although Tina tried her best to say that she

It was to vent his anger on Guyu, but Wu Tian remembered Tina's favor.

Just when Wu Tian was thinking about where to hide Li Ting safely, his cell phone suddenly rang. Wu Tian reached out and took the phone from the bedside table, looked at it, and quickly made a hissing gesture towards Li Ting.

Then he answered the phone. The caller was none other than his mother.

Wu Tian suddenly had a premonition in his heart that the inspection was about to begin!

"Mom, why did you remember to call your son?" Wu Tian asked with a smile. His tone was relaxed, and there was no hint of nervousness.

"Where are you now?" Zhou Lan asked softly.

"Where else can I be? Of course I'm at the company! What's the matter?" Wu Tian had already heard something from his mother's tone.

"Get ready. A car will pick you up at the company at nine o'clock tomorrow morning!" Zhou Lan said.


"Go to the hospital for a checkup!"

"So fast? When I called last time, didn't I say that it would take ten days and a half? I also asked you to buy a little more time for me. Why didn't the time come back and instead it was shortened?" Wu Tian didn't feel that way.

Surprised, just a little curious. Less than a week has passed since the last time he contacted his mother. Fortunately, he finished the matter in advance. If it had been delayed until the end, he would have been in big trouble.

"Your father has tried his best to buy time for you at the meeting. However, several old leaders all want to do it as quickly as possible and don't want to delay the matter for too long...!"

Wu Tian understands the meaning of those old leaders. The longer the matter drags on, the more chaos will occur, which is what they don't want to see. Isn't the reason why they came forward just to settle this matter as soon as possible?

"Okay, I will appear outside the company on time at nine o'clock tomorrow morning." Wu Tian replied, "By the way, mom. Who is the notary? Has it been decided?" Although the inspection has been prepared, but

He is particularly concerned about the identity of the notary, because the notary will also directly affect the results of the inspection. If the notary has a good impression of the Wu family, then Wu Tian will be less stressed. If the notary has a good impression of the Wu family,

Not good. Then Wu Tian’s pressure will also increase. And the other party may invalidate the inspection results with just a few words. Therefore, the relationship between the notary and the Wu family and the Bai family is very important to the result. Neutral

?How many people can truly be neutral? You must know that there are more or less relationships between various families in the capital, and sometimes they are so complicated that it makes people confused.

"Several old leaders are still discussing the candidate for the notary public, and your father doesn't know who it will be. If I find out, I will call you as soon as possible. Don't turn off your phone tonight!" Zhou Lan instructed.


"Okay!" It seems that the old leaders are very cautious in choosing notaries. Otherwise, things will only become more and more chaotic!

"By the way, how are you preparing? Are you sure?" After talking about the business, Zhou Lan began to care about the examination. Although her son sounded confident on the phone, she was still worried. No.

The reason for her peace of mind is also very simple. If AIDS is not detected, the Bai family will not let the Wu family go, and the old leaders will also be dissatisfied with the Wu family's previous actions. But if AIDS is detected, it will be hers.

Son, how could she want to see her son infected with AIDS? So no matter what the result of the test was, she was very worried, and she had been struggling with this issue these days.

"As long as no one deliberately makes things difficult for me, I'm sure there will be no problem." In order not to make his mother and father anxious, Wu Tian said with a smile, "Mom, look at the way I talk now, does it sound like I'm in trouble? Besides,

Don’t you understand me? When has your son ever done something that I was not sure about? Just wait and see the result!"


"Of course it's true!"

"No one knows who the notary is yet, and no one knows which hospital to choose, let alone what method they will use to examine you. How can you guarantee that the result will be what you want?" Zhou

Lan thought, unless AIDS really exists, who would be so sure?

"Of course! If I don't even have this confidence, how can I play with Bai Yuze? Now that the game has begun, I will play him to death!"

After hearing his son's harsh words, Zhou Lan not only did not relax, but felt even more unsure. Carelessness is often the beginning of failure.

"Son, tell me the truth, what method did you use to change the test results?" Zhou Lan asked with concern, "Son, it's not that mom doesn't believe you, but I heard that the notary will follow you throughout the process.

It seems that you will videotape the entire process and show the entire process to others to check whether you have any signs of cheating during the entire process. Therefore, your every move is not only under the surveillance of the notary, but also under the surveillance of the notary.

It may be seen by other people. If you want to tamper with the inspection process, I think it is impossible!"

Not only will there be a notary, but there will also be video recording?

Depend on!

Wu Tian really didn't expect this. Fortunately, he used high technology and remote control. If he only relied on applying something to the skin, or doing something with his mobile phone while the notary was not paying attention, then he would be waiting to make a fool of himself.


"Don't worry, your son won't do anything outrageous to embarrass you. I promise that during the inspection, he will be very well-behaved and cooperate with the notary very well...!"

"I'm not asking you to cooperate, I want to know what method you want to use!"

"Hey, secret!"

"!" Zhou Lan was so angry after hearing this that she didn't want to tell anyone else. She didn't even tell her as a mother, but she even said it was a secret. It was really annoying. If it was the past, Zhou Lan would definitely

She would not let this brat go, but today, she really was not in the mood to argue with her son. Zhou Lan calmed down and thought about it, then suddenly changed her tone and said to Wu Tian gently, "Son, no matter what the outcome is, you

Don’t worry, your father and I will never allow anyone to hurt you!"

Wu Tian was slightly startled, and his heart felt warm.

"Mom, thank you!"

After talking to his mother on the phone, Wu Tian got up and started getting dressed. It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and he would go for a checkup at this time tomorrow morning. Before that, he still had a lot of things to do.

Li Ting heard Wu Tian's words and knew that she would have to check tomorrow. It was also the day when the war with the Bai family officially started, so she quickly got up from the bed and carefully dressed Wu Tian.

While Wu Tian was wearing it, he said to Li Ting, "Don't leave the company. You will stay here during this period. I will notify you when someone comes to search. Liu Min will arrange for you to go to the sewer pipe at that time."

I hid inside for a while, but no one would find me there, even if there were police dogs.

Li Ting knew the seriousness of the matter, so she nodded quickly. For her, it didn't matter where to hide, what mattered was safety. As long as it was safe, not to mention sewer pipes, but also in smelly ditches.

Wu Tian came out of the room and went straight to the Intelligence Department. After pushing the door in, he clapped his hands. After attracting everyone's attention, he said to everyone, "I just got the news that the inspection will be carried out tomorrow morning.

, are you all ready here?"

Liu Min walked up to Wu Tian, ​​showed a watch in front of him, and said, "The monitor is hidden in this watch. No matter where you go, the sound will be clearly transmitted to me. And there is resistance

Interference function, ordinary electronic interference is useless to it."

Wu Tian took it and looked at it. The watch was exactly the same as a normal watch. There was nothing abnormal about its appearance.

Liu Min handed an earphone to Wu Tian and motioned for Wu Tian to put it on. Then he walked to a corner of the room with his watch, stretched the watch to a distance of about half a meter, and whispered to the watch, "Boss, can you hear me?"


Wu Tian, ​​who was only wearing one earphone, was slightly stunned. Liu Min's voice was very clear, but his ear without the earphone could not hear what Liu Min was saying, even though he was only a few meters away!

Can you hear such a small sound?

"I heard it." Wu Tian said to Liu Min, feeling extremely excited. This shows that the eavesdropping device is very effective. Even very quiet sounds can be heard. Wu Tian was worried about whether the watch would be on his wrist before.

It was too far away from the mouth, causing the sound to be unclear. Now it seems that he was overthinking it.

Liu Min walked back from the corner, handed the watch to Wu Tian, ​​and then picked up a pair of black-framed color-changing glasses from the table.

"What is this again?"

"On the surface, these are color-changing glasses, but they are actually earphones. Just put on these glasses and you can hear the sounds here!"

"Won't others hear you?" Wu Tian asked with a frown. Could it be that he honked two horns on his glasses? If so, if someone talks to him, wouldn't it mean that even the people around him can hear it?


"Don't worry, boss, the glasses have been specially modified. Unless the other person is close to your ear, no matter how close you are, you won't hear any sound."

Damn it, is technology so advanced now? It turns out that these people in my intelligence department are not only special forces, but also technical experts!

Wu Tian couldn't wait to take off his watch and put the watch Liu Min gave him on his wrist, as well as his glasses. Wu Tian played with it for a while and felt very good, like 007.

At this time, Wu Tian took out his mobile phone and dialed a mobile number. It was time to get down to business!

"Boss, what's the matter?" came a voice from the other end of the phone.

"That's right, the examination will be carried out tomorrow morning. If I call you again then, it may arouse others' suspicion. Therefore, I will contact you through an intermediary and give you the information you need, such as which hospital,

Any signal equipment will be relayed to you through an intermediary. If you have any questions, you can also ask the intermediary. The inspection will start at nine o'clock in the morning. It is not clear how long the inspection will take. But in this process, I need you and your

People are always online and can follow my orders at any time, do you understand?"

"Don't worry, boss!"

"Okay, I wish us a happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" (To be continued...)


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