[Black Hole Literature Society] Wujiang Avenue sacrifices to the Lingtai, reincarnation kills yin and yang mourning. If the true self is detached, the practice will be disaster and decline. Where am I? Is it dead? Love, hate, love, and hatred do not exist
Yuwen Zhouyuan looked at the strange starry sky and thought... Who said that the Dao is ruthless? My love can move the sky! Who said that there is no love in practice? My love can be defended! Who said that gods have no desires?
Dao! If you say I am crazy, I will be crazy. Who dares to block the long road to immortality! Laughing makes me crazy, hating me makes me crazy, destroying immortals and killing gods, I am the heaven! Immortal madness and gods are so free, my fate is up to me!