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Chapter 370

Lu Qingying was very tired. Before he had wiped out all the bandits, he was full of energy every day.

But when I really relaxed, I lost all energy.

The rest of the matter had nothing to do with her. She went to the inn and asked for a room, closed the door, entered the space, and fell asleep.

Imperial City.

Wanyan Tiancheng "finally" arrived.

He looked at a very beautiful woman in the carriage and said, "You are the princess of the Northern Liang Kingdom. You are here to get married. I don't want you to mess up what Wanyanlie messed up again."

This woman is Wanyan Lie's biological sister, Wanyan Zhaoqin, the thirteenth princess of Beiliang Kingdom.

Wanyan Zhaoqin's body trembled slightly and said, "I understand."

She was very afraid of Wanyan Tiancheng.

Especially after knowing that her imperial brother was no match for Wanyan Tiancheng, she was even more afraid.

So although she was not willing to kiss him this time, she had no choice but to agree.

I heard that she was to be married to the eighth prince.

Wanyan Tiancheng was very serious, without a trace of smile on his face.

The carriage stopped and stopped outside the post house where Beiliang Kingdom lived.

The last time Wan Yanlie came here, he made a lot of jokes and lost the face of Beiliang Kingdom.

This time Wanyan Tiancheng came in person to re-establish the prestige of the Northern Liang Kingdom.

Wanyan Zhaoqin was admitted to the hospital.

Ming He waited on the side and said: "My master said that before getting married, he hopes that the thirteenth princess can stay well in the post house and not go out to cause trouble like the second prince did and lose the reputation of the Northern Liang Kingdom."

Wanyan Zhaoqin was already timid, but when Minghe reminded her, she was even more frightened and did not dare to go out.

Originally, she wanted to go out and experience the folk customs of Tianyuan Kingdom.

The great disaster Wanyan Lie caused must be acknowledged by someone, and she is the one who will bear the consequences.

Before Wanyan Tiancheng returned to the Northern Liang Kingdom, her imperial brother was extremely famous, and while other princesses were looking for ministers' sons to marry in the court, she was carefree.

She thought she could choose her favorite husband, but she didn't expect Wanyan Tiancheng to come back.

Of course I was dissatisfied with Wanyan Tiancheng in my heart, but I had no choice but to dare not show it in front of Wanyan Tiancheng.

Everyone knows that Wanyan Tiancheng is decisive in killing, and the ministers also hope that Wanyan Tiancheng will become the new emperor of Beiliang Kingdom.

Her backer was Wanyan Lie. Now that Wanyan Lie couldn't even control himself, how could he care about her life or death.

She figured this out on the way here, she just needs to wait patiently to get married.

As soon as Wanyan Tiancheng arrived in the imperial city, he took the initiative to visit the emperor.

Soon the emperor summoned Wanyan Tiancheng.

As soon as the queen heard that Wanyan Tiancheng had arrived, her whole face turned dark.

Her people sent news from Qingchuan, saying that they had discovered Wanyan Tiancheng's figure.

And she suspected that Wanyan Tiancheng was going to find Gu Qingying.

Aunt Jin, who was beside the Queen, served the Queen carefully and said, "Do you suspect that Wanyan Tiancheng and Gu Qingying are having an affair?"

The queen had always been dissatisfied with Gu Qingying's attitude towards Li Cangjue. She originally wanted to teach Gu Qingying a lesson and obstructed General Gu to suppress the bandits, but she did not expect that General Gu and Gu Qingying could deal with it calmly and with ease.

What made her most angry was that Li Cangjue actually rushed to help, leaving her unable to do anything later.

The Queen stared at Aunt Jin with cold eyes: "A man can do this for a woman. Do you think their relationship is still pure? Gu Qingying despises Jue'er. I'm afraid it's for this reason. With Gao Zhi,

If you want to climb a high tree, you don’t care about your status. As a woman whom you have divorced, you really think that Wanyan Tiancheng will treat her sincerely."

Aunt Jin didn't dare to say more. She was a slave and couldn't say much about such things.

The queen stood up and said unconvinced: "I want to see how Wanyan Tiancheng compares to my Jue'er."

In the imperial study room.

Wanyan Tiancheng dealt with it calmly and got along well with the emperor, chatting and laughing.

Wanyan Tiancheng said respectfully: "The emperor said before that the emperor's sister and the eighth prince are suitable. This time I brought the emperor's sister to come and get married. Wanyan Lie has been under house arrest since he returned to Beiliang Kingdom. Tiancheng sincerely apologizes again."

Wanyan Lie had a hard time after returning to Beiliang Kingdom. He got into such a big trouble and was naturally placed under house arrest.

The spies had already informed this matter.

The emperor asked the father-in-law in the house to go out.

They were the only two people left in the room.

Wanyan Tiancheng was a little confused by the emperor's behavior and said: "Your Majesty, what is this?"

The emperor sighed. In fact, he also knew that Wanyan Tiancheng went to Qingchuan County and said, "Before coming to the imperial city, you went to see Gu Qingying, right?"

Wanyan Tiancheng frowned slightly, feeling unhappy in his heart, but then he thought about it. Since the emperor had asked, it meant that he had known his whereabouts for a long time. There was no need to hide it at this time. He admitted frankly: "I did go to Qingchuan County to meet him.

Gu Qingying."

He likes Gu Qingying, which is not a shameful thing.

I was just worried that the emperor would interfere with it.

The emperor saw Wanyan Tiancheng's expression and knew that Wanyan Tiancheng had misunderstood him, so he explained: "I'm not here to question you. I know that you and Qingying have known each other for a long time."

Wanyan Tiancheng smiled faintly and did not answer.

He wanted to see what the emperor was going to do.

It's best not to say anything at this time and wait and see the emperor's reaction.

The emperor continued: "Qingying is a good child. To be honest, I have always felt sorry for her. Especially this time, for her own selfish desires, the queen, together with some officials in the court, forced me to let General Gu go to suppress the bandits."

These words should not have been said to Wanyan Tiancheng.

But he felt guilty towards Gu Qingying and General Gu.

Wanyan Tiancheng didn't know that there was such a layer, and asked in confusion: "Since the Emperor knows that the Queen is behind it, why did he agree?"

It was obvious that the emperor felt guilty about this matter.

As the king of a country, it is wrong to let the harem interfere in the government affairs.

The emperor said with a heavy heart: "Except General Gu, no one in the court is qualified."

This was what made him feel the most guilty.

Wanyan Tiancheng was a little dissatisfied: "Just because no one is qualified, the emperor knew that suppressing bandits was dangerous, but still let General Gu go? Has the emperor ever thought that if General Gu knew the inside story about this matter, there would be trouble between you?


If it were him, he would never be able to do such a thing.

Why doesn't the emperor understand this?

After taking a sip of tea, he suppressed the guilt in his heart and continued: "You like Qingying, right? When you were called Murong Tiancheng before, you went to Lizhou City to stay for a long time just for her."

Wanyan Tiancheng did not deny it and said seriously: "I like Qingying."

The emperor actually felt relieved: "You are very brave. If Qingying also likes you, you two will be a good match."

As for getting together once and for all, he didn't think it was a problem.

It's not like Wanyan Tiancheng didn't know about Gu Qingying's past, and he fell in love with Gu Qingying after knowing it, which means that his heart for Gu Qingying is true.

Wanyan Tiancheng smiled and said happily in his heart: "Does the Emperor also think that Qingying and I are a good match? I also think that Qingying and I are a good match."

This chapter has been completed!
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